AUTOMOTIVE rEssoNALs aq WITWm MOTOR CARS FOR SALE money Try the Beauty Cours selor way Positions In mane sIriei cspselty open to rowed wide bol completely reconditioned end rrrrIy tor the road area with mu ess deer Telephone rA Itllll wrnow would like is Inlet older ied or widow tar sue roNsIAc sour door ml my surname erreminim III any ï¬le 46 lOnIll III WRIII with mesehlhr interior don res per month PA ems Ill CHEVROLET our danr sedan In npperlflnl and hllll with II Gladys cClulkil mllcth interior laud Latroy ICOLIIEI cllll IO Whltcwll line custom dlo ll down 173 per month PA All CHEVROLET Rllcl or Illnle mnlmls On alx der fnul door radio and snow Private LIIM In color IIlevhone PA NIH CLAIIID MODEL ISO Im maculate In will Drith red with match interior Guer II LEGAL NorIcEs NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND SHAREHOLDERS IN THE MATTER OF 0R0 TELEPHONE COMPANY LIMITED TAKE NOTICE that all credi tors or persons having claims against Ora Telephone Comp any Limited are on or beiora the 100i day at October 1961 to send by post prepaid to Greer CA the Treasurer ol oro Telephone Company Limo Red 71 Coidwater Street East Oriltis their Christian name and sinnames addresses and descriptions the lull particulars at their claims statement at their securities and the nature oi securities It any held by FARMERS MARKETI rrsrs Basins esAIIInan siiiuas SEPTEMBER seesIs LIVESTOCK PIGS I0 Health Chunk PI ter Illa Tlllphhll HR IDYHBII nlassnnln Foiled Heralord Bull petInmlncl tested Dell Sin ELI Carla 11 Also one Ragiatlrcd Cow Tellphoul Wlllulr PA Sell nsorasaasn arrlord aun tar ate in year old Apply Satur dry attIrriooa oaI to Duncan Campbell ouiartr ntsrto On HOISBI lIltchln Pull lllil In Club Horus rented herded bought Ind lol polssllnlnt Ind Inforqu PA wait or cause to at Strul and Sunnidele senses harm due October so In tar Millstone auu sire linens ton neecoa carom hard accre led and blood tested stein lirnth use Cookslcwn Telephone Isutle nr cards ARTICLES for SALE ST PAULS SECONDHAND CENTRE miles south ot Barrie nh Highway ll Furniture Repairing Stripping Relinishing Free estimates WE auv AND sails FINE QUALITY USED FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Call Stroud 106 mas Phl CALL PA 83178 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Modern Equipment ARTICLES FOR SALE DOGS PETS EAan IsotrNos lor relr nine months old one mere two small Apply arrhem Webb DiueweIer Garage Wyevlle nr ulrpnone suavrIe mw soars MOTORS MERCURY Worlds NO Outboard SALES AND SERVICE GREAVETIE BOATS EARRIE AND DISTRICT AUTHORIZED DEALER iUsed motors OWinter storage tor hosts and motors SANDY COVE MARINA iith Com lnnislii Township IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST roa ARCHITECTURAL OFFICE This itlon requires women at nest appearance who can responslby discharge all phases ol otilce routine with minimum at supervision Applicant must be rest Iceurste typist Shorb hand and previous experience In the construction industry Ire da llnliI assets although not necessity Age and marital status will not be actors in the tinai decision Firm oltars permanent em loymeni with usual Irtnga benefits Salary commensurate with shitty and previous experience APPLY TO BOX BARRIE EXAMINER AVON ll LEGAL NOTICES NEEN EXTRA MONEYFDR an erpied WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Govemmenl Chartered School Thorough training in all brenv uses of boauw culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING ROBERTSON Angus PHONE 4405505 USED REFRIGERATORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $50 MCFADDEN FURNITURE APPLIANCE PARK HIGHWAY 21 NORTH RANGE or sale electric heavy duty Beach with wood or en annex in excelicnt condition ephena PA 911 alarm or sale Gurney tour huh her range with warmth and cool lnr ovens 32 wide Telephone PA Moro crrnohrs am 1piece tar rele irble and chairs also leoyr winter clr coal brown Ilsa l5 Telephone PA lllll mr quALm am by the ouIr in It laweu possible price Cut Ind wra pod end delivered cusse Inteed satisly Dychs Food Market telephone PA last by the week or month repair master on any met or win mschinI Singer Sewtng Centre Bernl PA IIsao riaAvY nlmr stove lnur humer 35 21 It Frecscl Eelwood Con iinentel new price sets ms lioth in excellent condition PhonI PA ADS mu Mn nuwstrrana boule cold seat ed repaired student rental sites Ask about our Rent Try thee Buy Plan star Typewriter Co Disnlop at West PA was osr rsnsn rIoor nunre Cale nun snoop am used season excellent candlllcn hereon tor eelunr switched to natural see Telephona PA eoair ANNOliNCIlltIZNT srnur In nounces they will stow displey trig and reilins Sunbeam April Inces er the local Slnger saw as Centre Darrle rA moo hznnooil amass Ava pie callent lprinl end mattress car Top Carrier Crr cheire Vlnlirs Telephan PA 3746 IIler pen rIAsII IIIOWER ss snuere yuh relate on steel including sieu ntilnss Used short ILI sun on Trade less rord Inshobiie and it TV tloar mn LVrnI my ndA rIrIins hear saddles rlliu Ilenroclt Ranch nzur Ontario rinnanssa II you In toiling or ii earms isy derler who rim lar rru selection but drrl most ser vice arr SportI IIIshwsy TA sci one evenlnls In lioys Iuniar rlra nley slightly used small General Electrohorns Iiumidllier three ed control Vllimsl linieh Telephone rA asset noanl nunNest ml sterner or sale In very good rendition Tan and accessories included with soy Irate controlled burners Teltptinhe ISRII Simud ms ercn ltrr colemen with wer canisnll almost new nne Inoselion oil Tens end one CnII Kitchen IlIrsgl in erreilrnt rnnditlnn lA mils dr rA lanes etchings uahn oil Spsra lies Coleman snooo IITUI cnmrle with rrrn Irnls ten and pipes in new un dIIion Iieahien tnr reIlinr swlirh In gas heating Telrphnne IA arses sense rANrta pumped by the amt modern equipment any where only us New equipped srllh Loco selloa disperrl tens Lnrrs Ken Winter telephone lA mes sIIillhm AM and Numberinl Meehlnc Depends delivery cl srnrlnrr Carnmrrerrl Irlntinl Service is heyneld Street usrrir PA Loan RTUILSI INDDWI Ill llll II Ila llm IRIPI llll ll is il in peelrt rari rlltihh Telephone ra Binl iis Illlcsy Nlrlrl vn Il sirnarrd IIII MRI booth ISO Odds and kridr wane ILAtrl lrir rrle sour let shallner dee iumnr II IM Hlnll Nu Winter rA Your iocsl purity Ill llllIIrlC rnndlliorl lhlrll IIIOA DIIIIIIII Wlll healre All ll tiled mumm nmr Wanttdi 10ml Illlll Propane or II fuel sinne Appl Normn limin Ha ml Iiitrsstilril rnd Illi will Hill PA CHIS HOME IMPROVEMENT DONT MOVE lMPROVEI GARAGIZS IiECliHAiiON ROOMS ALUMINUM STOIIMS SHE HILL HALL 0n Lake Slmcde CALL STROUD 25R ornate lerfltie erter hnidlss um 10 auraelr Truckioe rls érti Letter we ARTI CL E5 WANTED garden small size soon running order dIIIll alter Nu In eaeh elder Electric Orrn iae Nile APPLE BARN GRANGE HALL BRING OWN CONTAINERS Melba Duchess Wealthy Early Macs Strawberry plants Viking IndLI gulrantled Telephone Ora IIIM LAWRENCE lee his era Gill lidldhllrst Isle Apply Van Deskoo Sons Turnip rarrn Iiisnwe corner or no Concession stroud COMPLETE plentlnsr ornamental or rA um SWAPS shy Iutomnblin peynreni Teleph PA Mm TRY EAXMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 02411 DEAD STOCK or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For last servtce PHONE DARRIE PA S1281 Collecit or ask tor NICKS DEAD STOCK se hours dsy7 dsys met till anmead Ontario License No tub52 Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL NEW HOLLAND AND DION New and Used HARVESTERS and boxes DION SALES AND SERVICE FRANCIS MOREAU ANTEN MILLS PHONE ELMVALE 752R0 CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies III Service Case New Holland stl Brown Iiasiiy Fhrm Equipment CASII TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN DE LAan SALES AND SERVICE De Laval 100 Series Mliltcrl Barrio Holly Hwy 27 PA eons Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE IIIONE 2H MINESHIG MES Ill Highway At 00 lonkhinwn 50 11 MchlH IIAIIVIJSTI srunlnnliing lange Imam NiiiV IIIIZA CIHIN IICKHIIH mowers conditioners relics GARDEN SUPPLIES TAILDI PIAI Hurdul for Mt flowers tewns gardens Approved DIDmerit nI Amouituro limoTILle wsntea tor hon alust be in Illphnhl PA rIANo wANnsD enieIl else in soon condition Must be reason would also con Telephoni FRUIT 8r VEGETABLES IN PAINSWICK AT THE MOUNT szltaat and Premier them Hamburg canes Plants In sleet also Show App es than Pick yourult in own anllnerl Telm phone PA More and salt Ior Hew ooon TABLESlack Potatoes Inr races AND statue tree mil till 31mlI Perms one eou erre on I1 isishwsy south PA Nu sum taken in trade on as lull or ran FARMERS MARKET Highest prlch paid lor dead ZENITH Mill NO CHARGE all uippcd for corn and hay ood running cone dilinn so forage blowers i7h BURTON AVH PA MN Iutrr milking with new MINESING MOTORS EQUIPMENT CO POULTRY SI CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosig DIuKLB PULLEfS Started ready to lay and day old chick Order now tor early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM Um STROUD PHONE 71 FEED SEED GRAIN WHEAT llllAW or II Iwrux imately square cases or wheel streer Telephone PA arm AUTOMOTIVE CARS URGENTLY NEEDED Highat cash paid tor clean automobiles ideas paid 011 Trade up or down ORV HARDY MOTORS no BRADFORD sr SEE Us NOW MOTOR cans FOR SALE YOU GET GOOD DEAL No sundry Isles Telephone rsns AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA D5071 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy it now with lowcost life Insured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK or NOVA SCOTIA HERES BARGAIN 1960 tdoor hleieor two tone coral and white Dandy shape all new time Full price ONLY $895 PHONE 90R STROUD Isis PONTIAC tar mechrnleei condition we Moss isse MODEL reed In good run ninr eendlllon tor Isle eor ms or beet otter Telephone PA uses illl clslvrtoui tar sets in red eondliinn to me over rnentr Telephone Mm Arllus alter gun sale nod Telulhone im BUICK rebuilt ureter end trenuntsrlan two tone dark line rguwhiie also Telephone PA isss slUnzIrAlter tour door iilhmltic transmission backup Tldia Windshldd snow tires Metallic grey Only 100 miles Telei pliers PA delilfl PA CIlfl WATSON and ocoilomical unit Wllh bucket seats is in pertcct condition and beige mechanical condition in ill white tinlsh Ind red Irlm our stock litth Oilire 7M and 7M WIIIgA lie CENTRAL Inteed low mllllll Telephone PA I4 ll DODGE Hardin In It or best otter In runnl Inn Apply to Dunlap Slre Elli Inmenl Barrie or talk phone 60W chltCl MODILI use PonUIa Laurentlan hardtop two door elite nmlllt IL cylinder loss Inllullr Besutllul condlllfln Apply 10 Hull caster Street Harrie less CfllvnoLlT Coach cylin der new flint brown Ind WEI Isl mechlls cell Al condition tor 1150 Must he laid by Saturday night Telephone PA IISII NEED CAR INIURANCIV III II III for prlfemd driver WI any dds nglsdiul clreurnsle as full Coven It BILilk Co Ii Collie at PA out ma voaszAoaN Deluxe car for sail with radio res Al reap sass IIin Vollsw Deluxe radio etch rtnr Sisltun IIIrlrwey on phone PA oasri use CHEVROLET station Wagon in and condition tor sale No nemnsbll offer rllused Must be seen to he Ipprecleted By ep vtï¬nlmsnt only Tellphnnu PA 7s XIII ITATIDN wagon Studebaker Lark cyunder overdrivs white wall tires and radio Will take older or compact clr II Part ply Issenl Telephnne PA lid lllIr sass Manon four door sedan in gleaming back with ya motor automatic transmission cu torn radio whltaweil unsutln wn esoupar month Telephone PA IT Ieel Donal hegent lsctary rm built anoint Custom IIdln wht$ wall tiles in bllitllhil sandsheil beige IIIIII matchlnl interior down and till hvlr Dlvmlnll SM plr month PA Hill CARS WANTED TO BUY CAIH FOR your car Llano all all We trad or do All dIIO Ilotflfl XI Road Harris PA All not on tree annth Wrraa wanted Chevrolet ar rauiirc Iut emetic transmission lust or In Ix ceiient condition PrIVIII deal Mlle All Write Wllh dIIIIll In Box EIFIII Examiner TRUCKS Er TRAILERS lets FORD isva Pickup Irucs like new with tires including spare Must sell Immediately It all or the bell otter Telephone PA More PERSONALS MEET ME AT THE FAIR would like to extend Cor dial invitation to my many friends and customers to drop ii and see our Premier Display of I964 loitD Products at the Barrie Fair CHUCK BYRON HAY CITY MOWHS UNWANTED HAIR Venlrhrd rwry with SAGArle aACAPeso ir dillerenl It does not dissolve or remove hair Irons the surface but emirates and rat dr main UNWANrrn ItAln LnrIieer Leo Ltd sis In Grenville at Vancouver RC MOTORS STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE 1001 VOLKSWAGEN HALFTON PICKUP Verylow mileage and appearance like new very serviceable 1061 lilAGNEIIE SEDAN This little beauty smartly linlahtd In blue 1000 FORD TAUNUS STATION WAGON Exceptionally low mileage an economical vehicle liuishcd In coral I000 VAUXHALL SEDAN With cylinder motor clean both inside and out and in excellent I050 CHEVROLET REL Allt COACH With cylinder motor new whiteweli llru ExNIlcnt appearance Three are nnly law oi the many excellent uacrt run you will Iian at our Shire last You are cordially invited to drop in And inspect TELEPI ON ES Erisi End 51ch int III II Fullerton 1M FOR THE FIIIENDLIEST DEAL IN ONTARIO see VIAU Ior RAMBLER MAKING SPACE FOR SCHOOL WORSLEY ST PA NW HIT Kill Elihu your area heather hospital sen vice Berni TA BIT LOST 8r FOUND hon Loannun Coon Hound Dog with ieiieo an ear arrle wessfli am in red cells at emun Iiin Concession or has not run nesr Telephone IMIII lO HELP WANTED SALES HELP AGENTS SALESMAN We have an immediate op ening in Simcoe County to service existing business as well as look alter new business OUR BUSINESS IS insurance Memberships Farm products Farm equipment leasing WE OFFER YOU Salary plus Commissions Complete sales trainin Yearly renewal bus 855 For the selected erson the position otters mmediate earnings and an excellent future Please write givln full review of past sales story THE ALLIED FARM SERVICES OF CANADA Box 150 Terminal 13 London Ontario Eh TEACHERS WANTED BARRIE DISTRICT COLLEGIATE BOARD OF EDUCATION UNDER PROGRAMME ol the FEDERAL PROVINCIAL AGREEMENT invites applications from per sons Interested in teaching the allowan courses ENGINEERING DRAWING must be Iamiiiar with mcch anicai architectural and civil engineering drawing with sev eral years experience in the related ï¬elds MACHINE SIIOP must be tnmillar with all types of ma chine shop equipment as well as completed apprenticeship in the trade WELDING must be inmiliar with all types at welding completed apprenticedin with pronl ol passing trade tests in the various tlelds at weidr TIE HOMEMAKERS ING SERVICE must be experien ced in home nursing preicr ahly registered nurse WAITERS AND WAITRESS COURSE tuiiy experienced as wIiter or waitress with several years in manager must capacity QUALIFIED TL CH R5 ot English Mathematics and Sciatica on fuiiiime or part tima basis Closscs operate nights pcr week lrom pm to 10 pm Duties to commence during Oc inber Apply in writing stating quali iicatihns and experience to MARCELLUS Coordinator at Frolirnmme liarrie District Central Collegiate llnrric Ontario MALE FEMALE roasmjlcitsns wanted tall or erreLime wire Apply Van Der WY end lions Turnl llllhws it liroud nova ANn nrhr Turn on IIivplons 1M Iirsri tn the winner rule at mu Velirr this he run in It rrAvI still am the would use to sell nr There someone rIiIdr Mlvl earend to no Ill We tinqueued In the II III are than Mr ltsrold heater or Mrs Ilnria Nuiiyrhmhe rA eeias his woman Telrph can win errii lllil time ml Ind Innllhl Ill Mt TIIIVIIIIM FA Diltribulorlr CHRISTMAS our Represen tatives earn $500 to H000 during the Christmas selling season now In lull swing We can help you earn this kind at money with AVON Write Mrs Walker 3t Thomson St Barrie or phone PA 66551 sacanhnr Wnted Bhorlhand and typing us list rtrrre in our reerence Write arx It re rIr Luminer IARRII BLIIIILIII Colllll rldulru In Iddlllonll Ilcni II Should gnnd ll Ind Pli mln Ihdrlhsnd woman IntIrIIII would be will commence November Pl tag resume at quellncsilans Ir fesln expected hourly rlle roe District irrI gallellatli aredlard Inert an MALE HELP YOUNG MAN To train as advertising re resentative for The Barrie Examiner This is an inter esting and creative sales position with plenty of op portuniiy for advancement Apply in writing in Advertising Manager THE BARRIE EXAMINER ENJOY HIGH PAY LEARN ELECTRONICS lisprt insiruetian You can come TIcIIIIulollfl or In trill eelins Technician Day Night Home Study nu Terms Sen tar Pm Ruckllt Csrletl In lisp Lronics today RADIO couldnng CANADA IL King Street Welt Tornrlto ll Ont HANDY MAN wanted lnr pelsillleg lIrm house outside OI hourly Cali Toronto meets DRIVERSALEIMAN tor Illlhllelle rd franchise snack Inods route Permanent position Must be sale In malt tbs Duhllt have inLlnl erlenes neat dresser Iggrut Ind Elv ar soliciting new accounts so can or III bendeeie rur intent ew lsleï¬holie Is Food In Lowell ll LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate at CLARA MAUI COPELAND late at the Township ot innistii in the County at Slmcoe Widow who died on the Izth day of August 106 must torward some to the undersigned on or belore the ioih day at October Hm alter whim date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the execu trix will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this zlth day at September AD 1W3 BOYS SEAGRilil AND ROWE ls Owen Street Barrie Ontario CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE rr ot Llaslltled uipiry advrilemeals which must be re ey rm neon preceding dry II WORD MINIMUM CI Anilrllu AIIV nTIlINO leuunl Filth vply ll DIM l0 dlyb weird Mr Inllllllm lor all IIlne runakuil wort In All onurullvl IIIIII want all insertion Iblll I01 additional charge It not paid out III In Ill Oauhlrrl la renrellatlnn when llllllldui telulls ULIIIIIM nuwn LITfll MIX run Inlssrmlllhn Irrardiaa admit to usln rllind IAlIer nos Numbsre trr eplies is held eirlrily runlld enIIrI letter is Ielier hnrre he hed little to days eller auailrrilnh using eres Number Issued Irlrlat mmcsl Coming leeatr or word irntn lrnurn sh II hill and Death No It lot It will all written Inllnllnns llv Ll SALE OF LAND COUNTY OF SIMCOE FOR ARREARS OF ti is AhXEls ce ere gven that the list at lands liable to be sold for arrears ot taxes in the Coun ty of Slmcoe has been prepared and was published in an adver ement August tiled in the Ontario GIsctie Copies said list at lands or advertisement can be seen in my otllce or will be mailed upon making appli cation tor same in delIult at payment oi Iaitcs ill shown on said list on or before hresday Nov im at the hour at two oclock ST in the attarnoon shall at that time in the Council Chamber new County Building Barrie 0nt proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears to gather with chargns thereon ll land not all sold on Tuesday November lots an adjourn sale will he held on Tuesday November is 196 at two oclock ST COLEMAN Treasurer County of Slmcoe Treasurers Ottlce County Building Barrie Ont DATED July lo 106 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT STRANAGHAN also known as Sheri Strsnsghant deceas All persons having claims against the Estate at Robert Stranaghan also known as Ro bert Strnhaghani late at the City at Barrie Retired Gentle men who died on or about the llth day of August ml are notified to turnish prnol thereof to the undersigned before Octo ber it im atier which date the Executor will distribute the estate having regard only to claims at which he shall then tha notice JOHN REID QC oi Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitor tor the Executor TRY EAXMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Mlle LEGAL WM HINTON BA Banister Sclcitor Ind Notary Public IA S1333 SS Owen St Corner Collier and Owen BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE lollclinfl llmvall Dillrei ll Olsen SI PA Mill at Mill QC CONDER susc lsAMttltllln IoLIcrrorIs Norhnirs runuc CONDIR IA IUOO IA issirr ounleo It cert PA Mm COWAN 8s COWAN nAllltllTlIll Roll COWANI COLLIER IT PA IJIIAIILES WILSON Charles Wilson NA tamer nrrrir fleiiclthrl eie own ra um LIVINGSTON was COCKBURN hAthIerrrIe smlttlrnha II Collier Si PA 00400 leinlston oc Myers Corsburn illA Ia WILSON MOORE RAHIIISTITH dc SOLICITOH l7 OWEN ST 60130 SMITH CLEAN AND OWEN nrmrim snilellarr are shut lrsrllh on Arthur Melee llruee Oven alerlee hrhlle cosyvenues III II OWEN IT TONI VA Ni IDS Mllhlll Drive them or in detault thereol the assets oi the said Oro Telephone Company Limited will be distri buted amongst the persons en titled thereto without regard to claims at which the Company has no notice And turther taita notice that all shareholders oi the above Company are required to for ward to thaabovc hi Greer CA 71 Goldwater Street East Oriliia their certllicates for stock in the said Company owned by them in order to obtain their share at the assets ot the said Company in be distributed in due course it the said shares have not been transferred in the parties entitled to hold the same at this time such iranslers must he made before the persons cn titled to raid shares may share in the distribution and it such tranatere are not made distribu iioh will be made to The Public Trustee oi Ontario DATED at Barrie this lZih day at September AD 1w ROWE Solicitor tor Oro Telephone Company Limited 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario l2 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF ESSA TENDERS will be received until 12 Noon Saturday October 5th ION tor supplying one 1961 or 1964 litodei door car tor use on Police Work Quote and cylinder separ Italy Quota standard and heavy duty equipment standard shill aepIrstely Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted BELL ClerkTreasurer lips to Angus Oht PAGE Rcevs l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday October at oclock sharp tar WILLIAM NOON at lot Iv concession It lies pra Township mile north ot Highway 90 It Essa Station SALE ot cattle pigs machlrh ery hay grain straw and some household elfecLs Terms Call No reserve as the lIrm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM ls WRIGHT carrierd Aeeauslrnts Toronto rnd uerri lerrte Otrlra Wilson aids has hurt street PHONE PA Mm 01 NrrdhemCA UnderhiliCA herrdent reriaere ROSE HARRISON chartered Accounienle Tru In rurtey DA re CnIiIr IL Phone IA Melt MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher run linglhg Throw lfiend tor essnilhstionl orei Clinton or stone rarerio All end IIan Modern melhn lIodIaI s1 Bradlord It PA um THE DAVIES OF CANADA volca rIANO DhAuA sir NArlrcii It flARlill ANGUS hi Ross in Music raerher Inrinio no Theorri rneehlns II It Issaeieee college and IMllrei Tharer PA Hill lypntnlmlnl OPTOMETRY Noel SlophcHsRln ItO OFTUMITIIRT Dunlap It lees hassle one PA IATZ HAHN CLEANERS sllo unioellers trolling ayer terns VlIILSATIIJi til Swhlhrr romlilirrhrrs Nights llmrle Harrie iA 0M0 GLADSTONE CURRLE Oc IAIIIITKI IDLIle Le mum at Mill FM flrlll lino Ilrm Onilrle Telephone IAIaey um FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL Telephone iA em HOME WIIAON oaTEOEATlua LLlNlo JUNIOR IVth IIIDIIATI met mvwm Pnottl Maria eordr lover II error war In Msmhrisrn Net ill mu erred do per ear lxInII nl wuscnnnll All Insertion mn are ennvahlenee Our Hollie liliprnvcmrni Marla grr who will help you with all you lillnnlnlnn MIIIEDIIDH nl rniirac We will emit hand In girlie with you It you do it imrrrrli hr wr illl Iiri live littl Wrlo lrll hr IlIIAVIZIl IiIllttIlI AVAILAII BEAVER LUMBER liradlmllldlm IA mu Elenihss IAIIItll ms ssAIIINEh wANr ADS i964 RAMBLERS ll olllt STOCK or 1mm IIAhilllHIiS lltlsr an 57 tr Till1 illIlIr Alli 0N TILEIII WAY ANI eu lum unmi WI hills MAKE SPACE you lliElii LOW now Ill rs ON ALL Ila MODELS tom AND SIZE AND iilSl llltlvr llliI SiAiiKlJNtl Nrv llAliiIillit Al VIAU MOTORS LTD Central Ontarios Lorgoat Rambler Doctor 17 OOWAN 5T IlAiilttn lil liltADFOllD 51 PA 00100 PA 771 Wilson hit htrrtorsn Carpenter rim unis AddlIIrnr lenlr ilh age reellnn shame lilies lne Latte eerpente rin In Ion email ilm IA eelee FEMALE HELP Issnllrvnar tee perleil do peliniani Iniueeline she lied Vhr noneeernlnr repute last May erre senten Ia maulrel MrsAlt Mill irlnl lull flttirtilln to In Ith anther OSTlOPAIHS IDWIN wild rt MA no MAIIIIII II is iitithrri no DOCTORS DP ORTEOPATIIY Fred Grove Street nerm Ontario rrmnI NIIIIIII Iindry terriers volumeAI lshllrdlllliy Irr ItsI triesrlioel IA elder ihei ey meet emleeiunr soar be um More are re arer in me may or reeiiliee ter the den IMirslloei The emitter tarponrlbleter only as lneormil printed Ineee Ito er ltlAIMtIN sinroe rinuh Iml were me at In rnrum luv IIA ll 1er hone yrI Inner Iris eimisr re tlrwl sheer In lurl Irrie llrtll srui III limitd ss urn hunt or rA slim to win et haunt er at he resettlement are nights or umrihu so Inc Gillsan II I4 lltrlt VIII II line on It ruin elo rheae rA sent or are CO eerie ROLAND user