Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1963, p. 2

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Genrigs command Pastbaflf Unklerwagy Rt Army CampBOrden mm mm EXAMINER wanfimsmnsmw 1m CAMP BORDEN The Cn ravaammaniOIymplc Armx laslball tournament gm under way Camp Burden yesterday wllh Eastern Onlarla Area gownan Vestcm Ontnrlu Area Vida or lastblll compelluon among the but Camdlnn Army ball pmers 1n 0mm Four team represented Wesmn Onurlo Aron Landau Eqslem Ontario Area Pldon Camp Pel nwiwn and pump Burdcnx The second um wounii up last mm with Cum Penwpw topping Boxdang This was mm guard should be plac ed on St Vincent street nut Lay strut protect school children cmssln hll busy thor oughfare Allan Hnrrlnmn 239 St Vlncent SL saidlluday iiir Huntingtons son Crnig was taken io Royal Victoria Hupilli ygsierdny morning alter being muck by car while on his way lo school The boy who suiiered bruises was to isued from hospital later in the IV Amma mum Mloml sud Axumalum MW PM 4me Mr Harrington said the In to Ml um served un der no the growing danzer to Alllnlln Sum BL Mom mu NJ mu mumn in oil at Puwar Cdn my Can Cdn 5mm cm Cm canon ma mmlul cunn Power can Ilka in can Puur Com an mm and Anm Hum Am Axudll hm emu gm can my can up on can mum gm no Child Hit By Car Father WantSTraflic Guards In Area Em Dunkan hlconbfldll coco aunt v1 mum novumin NI In AVIMOII xmmnu up 139 mu up 01 uuuun In 14 mnom Imcl xxcnlmul Rm haunt up 11 Gold up Jl Moll dawn Olll down Olllclnl forecast issued by lha Tamnh wulherolflco at am Eynnplln Exlemlvo cloudi nu movld Into Northern 0n lnrlo haldinu nmpemurc through the night Hound so flm cloud ll nswclnlldwlml dls Iurbnnoe mole Ilawly em wud whlch ll npcded mu southern Ontario tonight Lnkn 5L Clnlr Luke Erin Luke llumn Nlnnmu wuicrn Lake Ontario Windsor London Ilamlllm Toma Increasing clnudlnw lhu Inclanon Mnlnly cloudy with few Kal lmd Ihnwm onlam charm murlduy Windl becoming welt lllhundn Emcm Lake Ontario Hull burton Cloudy wllh low show orl Innlm and Thundy mam lnl during Thundly noon Wind wm ll Thun acnrulnn luy 11mmml North Bay Incmnllnn cloud nm Ind winner today lullawcd mowm lonlxht numdny Jmldy with Bunny Tm and not much ampera Wlndl lung 15 mil 15 Thnndny SIqu Blo mm Mum Sudhury Cbudy Ind milder with mumd IMWII lady durum nnlxhl mundny runny wllh cloudy Inlemll Ind not much hum In ltmponl hm Wind vat lb nmrldly Whllo Tum 006mm clwdy wlIh nhowm today during Jo nlxM nmrIdI HIM tloudi neu not mu him In low pernlun Wlndl llpl lnnlml Ind rut ll mumy KINSMEN HILP KIN nv Mort Acnvl INCH Mumlnlum II Pawn Chlmo Now lloxo ODD FELLOWS HAlI Thurs Spl 198 pm TODAYS STOCK PRICES curipued by Hm Dunlap St IL Imlu WEATHER FORECAST 10 GAMES WAR THE WEALTH GAMES ii mt mu cue Dom rouna non Blbfll mum Mmu mm hltonbflau GL um Pm an mm mm um Glade Ham on mm any Mln an indnu Rollin gag1 JACKPOT 0000 am hi Dnllull Llnlll nun Am huaun undo Mufllmll Mldnn Nut Huun le Sandor Nornuuh EM 911 mi mm mm 140 Rm uuulu1 mm DI cm musnun Thurday ngM II Klnlmon lingo nght me first game or Borden In which Illflhfl players wen kaquttasgsher Borden copred Dim mushEa came up wth the base load In jhejevenm Borden puma lent llchm in the Cpl Rubens School and Cpl IL aons ng RCASC This Inanoon Western 0n tarlo Am play Camp Patawa Wu and tonighk Ml Borden phlan mtg OnlyKy Meg Taorupeumn wind up ib mumw children who walk to school on St Vincent There are no Ildm wnlka and lb boys and girl mug use the Ihouldeu of the fol eel there nhnnld be de xlznnled cmxslni possibly at Lay street with guard In char no to stop traffic and shepherd Lhu children across St Vlncent he aid Wu dont do no 1191 gmedllld willb9 kl Mr Hanlam said mm on St Vincent wu lncreulux rap ldly here would be more child ren on the street too when the new school was completed near Lav street Mlllnl PomAux Lake Huron Georgina Buy Southerly Whidl About 10 km shllUnz to wed Thursday morn lnz Variable cloudlnm with few which mllmd Ihowerl Kllchmer Mount Forest Wlnuhnm llnmlllun 5L CuminInc Tmnnla rumm Temperlure hwl lankhl In 111anle wham 70 Edégbbmuzh hllllloo Mullmlm North Run Sudbury Elrllon flan Ste Mark Klpulknllnl Whllo Rlvu Moownu Tlmnim Mime up sixth Imamx 0pm human nmm Pam mo Alum sum mm smml mm mum on Unllld KI Im 1m MANAGE IIY APPOINTMENT PA 871 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS HILP KIDDIII Mu Phi NV uuny nu Nonndl Nor ant N0 Moon Corp Mela Pam Paella Flu non am sma rem Shannan Shall and Cm rowan BL mm Cu Wlllu DLW Walton Zlnllh mo Alma lvu ugm mm mum on umua mo wmm wunq Prlvall II 1370 15 No lender for renovations to in old reglslry office was received this month County Clerk Fred Hunter luld county caundl Tuesday Both were bove the estimate engraved by council Be on choice can in mode lire proposed ulierailom will have in he curlllled enough in ilk within ihe price llmlL Thu architects are doing his now Mr Hunter ruld The renova tions arn being recommended or inclusion in the winter work program PUDWING MATCH Since Simeon Comly will play hall to ha lnlernnllonnl Plowing Match in 1967 counly council lane Iiarted mllecllnzl ideas to make it he bigger end lhn best Council agreed to charter bus one trip this lull lo ihe 196 match at Conn Smylhal inrm near Cnledan ln Peal County Agricultural Com mllice chairman Lloyd Prldhnm agreed in churlcr the bus or me lrlp FILE REQUEST Council led re ucst mm John Pcamn of the ommunlly Plannlng Brunch lbs Depart ment of Municipnl AHnlmhlIr PealIon wanted ultend the November counch muelhll to WEST GERMAN university Iludem Kllul Wehendoerler wu guts speaker mt nlzht It the Kinsmen Club supper meetlnlyll the Cuntlnental lnn Tuequ summon Klaus sign Bvdihh vlslhu book City The Bunlo Fire Depnllmcnl was called nut to Erclu SI Ihurlly helm mldnlxhl 41m nlxbl Firs Chld Rally Irwln uld wnl only an nverhcnltd splce holler Ind no dlmue was cnuud Space Heater Overheats County Making Plans For 1967 Plow Match Bnglils cul vm It In Im mu WI don ml vhymM ll min lulu um WQUHEL CACAD mlm Wm Wmll II Ide helm wlnu Hll or IlpplnI whldn Mllhulun mmflum IMImlllmvylmllnln Ma II Illa my mum Wunlmlaw fol mtlmmnm Mydommmmndm dun WQVHIL CACADI gauéilxewlv mum CHCHO Wfius It pm or Muslim nf county planninl board Slmcoe Cann in noi urbanized enough to need cnuniy planning board yet on councillor insisted NEW COUNCILLOR New councillor from Orillin Reeve Peta Mcflurvey was introduced to counciL He replaces former move Mn in hei Pun who became Mayor of Oriiiin lhil summer upon the death oi Mayor McDonald Councillor Dick McQueen mve oi Nofluwnuga Township brought in motion authorizing the mixing committee to name county councillor lo the inane commutes and the home for tho axed commliiee vncancie Igranted by the departure Mn oil Pollen Chit EdTuhirhari wauld like ho two boys whu relurned yum which wul in Monday at UM Five Poinil io Idenliiy ihemselvel the miles Iiglion OHFOUIFIIIIEIPI Hall and received memento tho honklnt Elnory Hur onln from Mnyor Demonic When bl Canadian wanking tour end In IIX week Klaus wjil rejprn to the flniverglgy Accordlnx to pollen clerk John Luv Mu Ar Dyer 60 own 81 rled her puma WM loll mun the PM Polnll and shortly helm aha nlumcd home her hulblnd had been handed Iho pum by No unldcnlllled Ill Goutunm near maswlck Mr Law Inld Mr Dyer alter ed reward and ho bay de cllned Wed Ilka them to come to ha muon Io Chm TICMF hm cln thank them or their honuly luld Mr Law Barrie Polite Want To Thank Youngsters 600111141151 JIBRIGGI Willmlmnlllll blllnmlpwmo Elgnflnlrw MY II HIM Ill pm of who IML Bngfirs Duh Ill maulm pun lull Mb MUN mm Anllcmlm limit if hmllmu WM Mmmlduulumub nuynuy Ihl my ipplu Ild Iklm In In um mmnmunflmuuMI manme uy MINWI Wms Prospectl oi zeiiinl revised edition the Simcna County map drawn up weru outlined to council Tuesday marnin by Graham retired enlineer nnw living in MidlAnd Mr Graham will necking the job from coun cil And Also lama direction on what revisions council wanted main to 91° my would and know about new roads new davelupmenu Inch annexadonl Ind new Ichools he uld Mn would mud aulhnrlly to gel thus no cassary lnlnrmatlon from lawn and lawnahlp clerks pm lha assunnco um the Inlunnallan they wm zivlnz me eorrect West Germany Ha will be In Barrie until Saturday wm him tn the photo from MB From world coun cll chairman Kinsmen Club of Barrie Lorna Caner Kins men Club president Ind Mny or Cooks Exumlner Photo Mrs Allan Kalsey anan meet method word Iadny of tho dam of he ulster Mrs Elizabflh Beuy Tidd of Nor 13 Enxlend ORILLlA CplDon Oliver Lou Limited nngInecrln walk was evacuated mesday lollowing report that bomb had been planted and set to ¢x plge pm Besldes her Immediate lam ily In England Mrs Tldd ll anrvlved by Na ulster and we broghm living In 1mm Col Tho 136m 500 cm Iayru dawned och Immcdlnley and unt homo Politifllnld Vlhe cull wan hon Receives Word Of Sisterfs Death Bomb Threat Empties Plant lnmlvd IN mm Al WQUUIL CUISE will IMum In may Apvllllflmmnmhuothlu MI fly WI Ilnl CODUUIL whm vIIMM dumt Mk modal In MIMI round dunluln ma nmmmlmmnlmu NMWMMIIHWDL MyMlIychl5lennln WQUIIILMISI my mum anfifl bee1m WWI hm $01M Very Chem eoqumL GERISE stemsBaa Gemgnv Préfended Democrctdvrr fius hid Kinsman meeting It the Continenm Inn last nllhl at life Ind pollch In dlvlded Ger my The speaker was mu Web endoeflu mom war nuden of econoqu at Goemngen Unl venliy who II in Clash tho lnvlmlon ol the Nation Association Kinsmen He 11va in Cunadlm home while In Canada and In present naylng with Lorna Carter madam ho Burris Kimmy Cluh He told iha club um the Iron Curtain which only so mliu from his home In Brunlwick And which he has craued lev ernl illnu in corridor oi bunbed wire machine gun Ind mines punposn or cupmm The yum the cumln In IIld toying Emit Gym on In the Soviet Zone the pro unded Demonnun newline Germnny call It ptelended he laid because then no dom In no Ruulan Zone Em Ellmpenn government In by on My w1Lh no opposlllon flle economy oIEm Germ nny ha continued Ll decided by Russia Ind hlva teen or mmlf tho dilfemnce between um Eu Ind the West In the Eastern me It sometimes Impossible to buy as entlal goods In the hwns he explained In West Germany economic recovery was mic alter the war by hard work and tha help the West In such programs economlc aid the Manta Plan yggnz Wu German sludent PEAS 2==33c MWIShOAVI WSWPEACHES anagram SPECIAL BLIND AP TEA BAGS M453 WHITE BREAD JAN PAIIKI JAM PAflKlfl OLD FAUHONIO ELUEBERRY Emmi49¢ MP Sell only Meat Punllmd Inn Federally bspoml Packing Hum CANADAS FINESY GUAM RE BRAND WEIR BEEF PRIME RIB ROAST SHOUlDR DR DUN PORK CHOPS CHOKE SHOUDER C015 GROUND CHUCK =59 ONYARIO GROWN UIWTOIH FANCY CHADI IXCILLINT POI IAYINQ COOKING PORK ROASTS Ho bog 29c 33c SHOULDER APPLES FRESH SHANKLESS East German Mr Warm dnerrvr uld luck random con Iqmd basic In the mat They cannoHrnvel freely no 1d Iddlnz um In mm or me to no to Cand1 Lha United sum or Japan than to ELI Gemgm 6411 mm They Illo luva no random to follow the profeslion or mine of their chalca nor have my protection Lulu the lovem menl he laid Thu Runqu excuse or building the Berlin Wall wan In it vuu protection mum western up and termini laid Mr Wehendoarler But he laid It was mlly dullned to prevent Em German mm cnplnz lo the West LAME EXCUSE immuwumn Ml men It mm rnupvsnmnss macaw mm munay Eelura the wall In uld om 100000 people wen unaplnz to we West and yur mull Lhmuxh Berlln Naw only genlh 01 gm gamer age cup and mm coifio though olhar border polnu Mr Webendaerlar II mem ber 01 the Round Table Intern llonal service club Inundad In Britain in mm ROUND TABLE He nld that it was mm can um the Round Table London had onnded an um Gelmun Round lele at Ham burn 1951 only ab year alter ha end of the war die that It was friendly by larmer enemy 1n the Inter olpenc The flaund Tabla he uld is member 01 the World Council of Young Mens Service Hubs an organization 01 11x urvlca WMV LUV WAINIO VIIMMIII NO HIADI 233L29c 43c BUTTS clubs mcludlnz ma Klmmem armed ma In um Internal promoting lnlerqlpljunal accord Police Report Many Theits mu them In an Inn couple of eveninn ha Bu xle City foflcg om FRESH lEAN Accord to police were locked but entry WII mad anyhow nrfd anything loose In the can includlnl llgenm elm thing and rndlol wantakgn All occurrence wm In flu downtown mm EMOPolice Work At Pair The SimeonBurk Emulencl Mauuureinoaulpnifillon nixnllu mu po iii during the Fair cammunlcalinns nelwnrl will Ibo up or the auxiliary police in assist in loullnl pmnu laxt children pr in any other lype oi tmmenc that arisen flay Atkinson EMD coordin nld they will be Iled In with lhu regular City Police an that the regular police can know wkjgtvl 9an on latuuy glrngl Mr Mklmnn aid this an first time the nuxllury EMU Police hnva been radioequipped at the lair III PM pig MAY About lsluxlllary police will be Involved during the thm day 01 the Mr mMHVIh Pilot IolAVI short Maw

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