Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1963, p. 18

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Indonesian Boss Said Poor Mans H1t1er5 Each year in North Simcaa we are finding out more abnul the problems and opportunities growing Birdsiwi Trcioll and he mnre we iind out about lhls cgmpnrytivgpl legume nr um clovir In we Ilka Wu mu A5 hay crop Blrdalao Tre lull due not normally yield qulla hlgh lounge per aura Alfalla whom the land 11 lull ablo or Allalln but over per lod ol Ilvu or slx years or more ll we have oblalncd good and of Treloll lhe chum are that It wlll nulyleld Ihe Al lalla on many fields as ll lends la lhlcken up whlla our other clover lend toch lhlnner each Event Another advantage ol TH all ls that It In laler In the reason and can help to lengthen the season In maklng lop qual ity hny Flnally hay made 1mm Trelollls usunlly llne lealy and LengthHaitifldgSéamg Hnwcver as Pasturn that Blrdsloot Trying excel nuumu First It Is the any clover that has never been known lo cause blnnt Mayan it Second Treioll tend to thlck an up each year and once good stand has been obtained may last ten to teen years or longer The fee seeding habit Treroll and the tendency to throw the seed some distance from Ihe parent plant when the ripe and pad burst are mainly responslble or the Improvement or malnlcnanco Trcfoll pas tum for goodmully yourz mm third point In Invour Birdslout Trntnll for pasture that it will stand clnsa grazing nullunnl ragucs gallery Pml den Sukarno ol Indonesla rule sectlon all to hlmscll For supnrh vlllalny as mm mm lhc Vcsl Suknnm ll alum In Asan archipelago dis tant demnguzue who cannot luslaln an impoverished cunn lryudcsglle nlq my Hi sh lmniery command in kind oi Iwcd admiration Who can im Igine nnynne clsc extruding handnuls from such an incon grunul trio in President Xen nedy Nikita Khrushchev and China Man fungi Who else can urn lhe 3000 resourcoflch Island palcnuully the golden hlnga of Asla Into let slump about whlch dc pullng diplomats spunk with Ihnddcfi lndonula has pnckcls nl grandlose luxury but laurlsls my ln Jukaflaa palatial hotel an usually more lm msed by tho poverty oulslda doom mnxnlllccnl clover lul overpass upon lulu Ilrt lDfldl IIITLEII nor nnl Iltlcr mm Richard Hughes In The Sunday Times and Paul Johnson wrllcs In the Brilish magazine ann Ihnt Indnncsln the worstunv Irncd country In the world bur ring llnlll nlhhcrinz last lnlo bankruvlcy nnd tnrrupllnn Iddl while olhm meek mnlndmlnlslmllou nnd tnrrupllon panic light of capllul declining moncy vnlucs Ind chronic mglcdnl shugtnxg LONDON cm19 the lulu Ifiuw the the man in lhn black Icz pull ll om By max Mnyn ray nml Linda HurlGcrmm linlnlwd mu In lhu llnal Idmlnlul Imlios rnru II lhe Ynchl Club on Sunday Srmnd vlnce vunl In lrx Sar lcnnl and Man Nnnchrslcr MD the mull Uml lhuu lmull nro nnw Mud Inr lim place Thu rIImlnnllon wlll bu Inilrd nul Sulurllny lhrr Imnll plnc nl Jnnu Fnlr and Jack lnlr Jum mum and lllll lorln Dnun llnrmey nxul Harold llrclL In Snlunluyn me In louxlh WC ml inu ltd limwnu Iml Mnrlmrrn In he not clms In lhl Snipe clam lnflrr luck Ill III lanMd hy IrInr Harlem Hnruuy lnrk Iunh ml Inir Yacht Club Race Sees 2Way Tie MAVA MHOMY LEM lrl Barium 1n Mum11 null harm Ichl Club In thls area butler better then my other eluver or legume OI mum loo elm gru zlnl is not recommended or any pnslnre Ilwaylrred use later production but Tm all will recover lrom very close urnLlnlpwhHo Allalln likely to thin out or kill out complet ny espeelally pmured II he purl lull fourth argument far lens field or two Trntoll or pasture on my arm II that Treloll can be let until the lead pad main and Illuu mnkn good mung Th1 can rovldo guod mervn palluro orAu sun when we may want in cut our second crop Allnlh for May or or Septemhu whan tha Allaltn Held nhnuldba ruled 5p mews or Vilntqr Huh This will usullly do much belle than AUIUI on lnnd whuruvtho dnlnue in put an Finally wiih care and good management Treioll can be ex iobiished in rough land provi ding we have lowplot of iow acres hero and there over the rough land puiuu inrm that can be Iiiied proper need bed prepared fertilized and town in Empiro Birdsiooi li than needed area can he fenced the cattle are kept out oi the ireioii each year until no need is ripe Then when he call Iran on Ihls ripe ireloii the reeds are spread over the am generally Moving ihe location of he nil block in the pasture at lhil lime land increasing the number oi reed plot will help lo get the lreioli seed rpreod to areal needing more legumell nullc pmannl charm on paper report that ha ha mum an or non ankle by Irenzled oralary by IV pealing the nlllonallam Indoncslnl 100000000 imp Ha holds power In Me The burly 61yearold dlctnlor of lha worlds clxlh lama slate resents the Erlush mlllllry lurcxence In Mania It were out the wny Mme Western commnnlalnrs ny Suknmo Four School Fnln were held last week at Thornlnm Everell Inanlll Park and Crumore one the lllra over 1700 en lfkl were judged demonslralinx the lnlcml ha Jnnlorl Lara classes 01 over 50 lrles worn recorded Ind made very nlca display Zena Yorkshlra Sale scheduled to be held at Barrie lair around an October ha good number of bred rnwr altered as well the ham and zllu and raw uhlch lar row ahorlly nfler purchase an good buy usually In flu new breeding Ilock 11 made avail nblo without worrying abou rum rclmd boar nnd he prlu per um cheaper Many Bred Sows Offered At Fair ll county campellllon Io Itl Dally Prlncen la repre ml Slmcoe Cmmly nl thu CNE next ynar will be held Sny ncr Fall Fllr on Oclohtr Harrie Yacht Club Snipe Flu 5M recluled mu Porter llut caplnln nr mxl yur lurdnyl nullnL mmrd rulu alum mm mm In promna lho Snlpe rlnn And Juk FAlr nnd Ilnn Grcmo II muluflnl cummlllce hnlrmnn Doul Mln chulu nnlrd lhl lrowlh In nu Inl Ilncn Ill amnlullnn Ind mndo Inmo mummrndltlom lor lhu mo mmmllln in not He upmml lho hop lhll Uu club wnuld have Haulr commlllu Imnl HI own um um tho Snipe rim min could cur rlnl out under cnmllllnnl hr In lhm In rhnmpinmhlp Jam mum ldylthluMn Jun on In lhe ldlu fun Club Mal Wlh alljhm lenurlhla on we wouldupzct lo Ind lama problem In lmenK Tm loll nndmera Izw difllcul lies The major problem II in geltlnl Trelnll ellahllshed Tn lnXl slow to armlnnta and glow to now In ha mde year and due not like no much compellllnn thl um year tram num crop Irom other men vlzmua ciovm or xrnmm nr from weeds In other wards Tra loll reqmreu babylnz the um gear Following are law hlnlx that Ihould help leld of lreMl establlnhed Prepare the Mud thorauxhly he axavian all or lummer build an In auxm wntarwnyl the llnd ll mice In naodlnm Dnlnpan Ipny could he uxed mum mu grnwlh Pnpgn line firm need hed next sprint at won ma land Llllle culeatIon ahauid be neccuary It hla limo ll flood job hns been done Iho pravloun all Applying Adequate NIL ur preferably nccordlnz Soil my 71m um need with Trcfoll lnuculgnqust bulyrn Igldlg Seed xhnllnw on fine Ilrm leedbed Emplru variety lawn with Climax Timothy II but or pasture to dale Seed lnu wllhau mule crop or wltll om ve thin lpaclnz unule bu multu Ba prepared to Jpn wilh 1441 clip In weqd ldniextm ilenevrral larflllfir ch year or an needed would feel we ev nhlnlly to move lnlo the cmpl space uslrnlln wlll ultimately be wlde open In tho hurde In dnncsln who Its an almost cmply conllnenl nut them wrllen Chlpman Plncher ln Thu Dally Express uddan lhut my clear weapon may he the key la nuler lor 10000000 Auslnl luu menaced by 10 llmu many lndonesllnl 1963 The Coilinxwondstayncr Milk Prnducm Auoclaiion in mniunclion wilh the Slaynnr Fall Fair Board have decided that such competition will ulmunie interest in tha Dairy Princes campeilinn The campeilllon urn hold in olim pan of Onlarlo with notable lucccui it is hoped that inlcr at will lprwd that other centres in ha counly may pro mola his Idea It their air in Ihe lulurel This campcillinn is open to any conteslnni residing in simmw County belwctn lho Ina la and 27 your Appli cnllon arms nnd lniurmailon my be atqulred ram Burlnn Somerville 1m Slnynfi Oni ln Cookllown 4ll compellllnns he lop Inmpln aaln was ahawn by Dauzlu Campbell Slmud Ralph and Ronald Cook llll Strand mm pinned mend nnd Ihlrd Glenn Ind Kellh Shennlnwn Illl Tham lou were plated Hut and ond ln lha Shell Onls cum pellllan and John Rlnyu Slyud nt plnlccdnlhlxd Top winner 171 ha vnrlmn lH llvulock club the nlr were Swinel nonnld Cook Ralph Cook Dough CampbtlL 11m Heifers Drlnn Chlpchnxe SlurpBurl New HI Dllry Jr llnlslcln nnbm Fisher Jr Holslrln mu Lalnsnn Chnunnl Inland Brudkclurgn Shutdown Grand dump on Ihuwmnn mu Lnlnmm fll um rand clumplnn livulock Ihawmln Ken Went MINETS POINT Spccllh Thll II mulnder lur Ibo col umn ownm lo Illtnd IM me Ill mm urrnnud by local cnmmunlly nmnlullnn In ho mnwnrd Al the home nl Mr and Mn um Mlchrll Boulhvlcw limit at 500 pm Sept 76 lo nhnw lhm lupn when mm mm llghh In In mullnl lnnll III TownMp mumII ll Wll ln dlulod lhul Ihu rcqurxl In Mlnel Auoclnllan lnr mur hclu Ind Ildrnllll Hi0 mud mm In puml an at mmld mllon by he 1m ouanL the WMMII llmc llmc mm not wldo enmuh or two munr vrhlrlu In pun mm In mull llml Irnllic mm um he nhnuhlm cnmlu dull plnlvlfln Reminder Goes To Cottagers Ilupllu will mull In rm dlula ruwml 1m puma rly um lppurl In Ma mud Reml mm Ibo mnmml In In lmn my ltvu Ind tom IL rnllnnu ml will of III pol In lrom Ill weed wink In unma In to conMernhlo ulnnl annmlp nnnd my puller John By mm The roll of County Council or 11113 was called yesterday In Tom Simpinn in Ihe wardenu chalr reanacl the first meeting cl muncn over which he vmldcd followan hlu elccllnn the mt 50 year ago The name McConkey wu culled reprcienuuve or Inntsfll Today there In no male McConkeyl In mum The mm Ippelred In lhe re cards ofllclnlpasflonl In this mwnshlr mummy you Ind they he varloul post In tho omclnl 1m an com munlly EIMCDE AREA Women mum executive omcm and standing cammltleu con vaners wera lnlroduced tn del egatu attending tho annual are conference In Goldwater by provincial pmldenl Mrs Lnanard Trims Mnlan INNISFIL NOTES Thu deng oi the mlnum that mulanJKw your Ago Ihowed thll councillor In those dlyl rclIly 21v lme Ind film to letting thingl done One the mmm mum Hound by the III Jud Wh mcr In his nddrm conncll wan lhe hope um lame rotar eslnllon would be mrled In order to prevent flood Inch hnd cos the county con Ildcnhle Amount the previous spring He llw Iuggexledlhn tome during he anuwn nu nlvcr might be mncd la help mm Ihe hlgh Im tho spring floodlnx Thl could have ngcn Lhe flrst ugh Ibout Um large it rclornslcd Ir nu begun when an Drury wu Premier Mr Drury wu not In Illcndlnco to take pm in yesterday pracccdlnu though Ml pru cnrn mlnm hlva mm to the minor thq ogcuion Wu mot lllln In the even Inn Ind ve law of the coun clllorl mud melt homu mlm did not ard good lqrvlco In lama pllm Mr Simpwn nld yer lcrdly blnqucl tor whlth lnvlanann were Iccepcd wu ulven by um mlllury group on In lrldly avenlnl al the wcrk There were no plvcd rand In mun pm nu even In lhe lawn NEW ROM PROJECHLD Iptchl main County Counrll lollowtd dllcnulon bclwwl he Mldl cammlueu York Omnly Ind Slmcoc to adopt luneHon ln build dlvtlnpmcnl rand Imm lho moulh Um llolllnd fllvnr or which lhu valnthl Inh wlyl Department would pm up he Iumll 11 md would one Mummy norm Brndlonl nelr Mount Plenum um um eukrly ll wnuld mm the mmh ml the rlvcr mu ur mm York County Ilnld wh rh wuld In In ullwul Unlllnfl ml the pro vlute which now dudrm Hkxluwny on Ihll Ildc ol lho Mr Simpmn reulved In lrhh grown blueklhom cane lentlllar Downer Thll II Ill us In maqu lo ply lmluln Council Honors Former Warden 1m ml Wll unmlmaux In lhoprqpnll Th nml Il Fennel Iudn wnlrrly ln Klnrmllnn ml 1011mm nw rnmrly Huh would hrlnl lrllllc ln pllrrl now mrhcd vln Qurtnlvlnu Am Orlllll lmry mm lamher lhe munly bulkllnx In In en DIRCUM BITCH MIEAI 131mlth um made In In dlflmul loullonl lul your byrzulllnl 00 mm Md pllthu In mum Hum hurdly my ol then nmu who knnw um word Imlu Illa wnuld in Int In ldcnllly ll In olhm who dont my nvnwnllu In hrlplnl away um Ihl nulunce un lUflI hllmunrr Full null mm lell ll Inll Ill hellcr anvull mll ivy 0w twig milled Ind WI In why In will DH do duvor to Iron out dlllcrencu between tholr muolclpilltlcl regarding the South Slmcou dllch This mlght ellmtmte the tlme lau through In an Iml by the south munlclpeb ty such In mom would prevent work thll tell ol deep onlnz the moth Slmcoe bunch ol the ditch which now allowl wntervto flood propertch The plln altered Is to telm wear on mother course to glve over flve out of tell obleEUom an be lronrd out end the cell levied eased an the retcplym at West Gwll llmhurydcrhlpa the work can be um before the all In prevent MEETING RF SIGNAIS me Dcpertmont at Trenr port wrote Innlelll the It would ldvlsejhe clerk when It could IlllflfiETl meeting look over requlrcmonlx ol omlllc lgnale the rail crosllng on the new develo mrnt road between lnnls ll nd Esn sundlnz Thu naw mavex ecullva elected Mondaycon am of pan presldem Mrs Campbell Strand pm ldcm Mu nuuell McElwnin Phelpsmn um vlcupruld enl My Jimmy Wnflker an Coldwalar iecnnd vlcbpmldent Mu nay Gray Peter Glbbons chroy who nppcmd before Judge Curler 1m weak Wll rcmlndcd week or Icnlence altar being found zullly nl Ilenllnz but Ind uklnl It for Joy ride PLANNING BUDGET lusgullon thlt llle Inle formed pluman um whlch In be known In Centre Slmcoc and wlll Include levelII mun lclplllllu will he Illnwed ln budm one cm Yer porlon ol the Idul Yopulllon wu rend Io lnnslll Council wllhoul lcumment lnnhflbbom clergy ucl In Hm Hum Think xiv Service It 51 Pnull Innlxll nu Sundly Rev John Fnllrk now ran tor Stuborough plrlm wlll be lha Ipeclll proch it um 11 um urvlce IHEI whlrh bum luncheon will bu urvtd to provide an 0pm in fingilyufor lengnl 110er p2 mnlng Imko 130 Rev Wllfllm Wnrnln of Hedonlo will be the pmther In lure lhll nuny Mend Ind lormer neighbors wllHoIn the mngrcullan welcamo than Iwo young men who zmw up In Innlllll EXAMINIB WANT ADI PHONE IA Mm NEW VORKS NEW DRIVEIN MOTOR HOTEL ii TIMES Isqunn hyi moron norm hymn Ihul Will InclI1 VII IA 00 mu Mo In Immune1 Namely Nlmndm mIhylmwhl ll hwnlhlbflln 1VAlrlfllb¢lnmklh unintuth Innm vywdvmw lap MM IVIEIAIDIOW VII ommnm fllnllu mm Daublu mm to wmumn COLDWATER sum Pro vlnclnl president Mn Leonard Trlvera Theuhlon ranged over In wldn nnzo or taplu In key nnla address the Slmcoe Aren Womenl Inslilnle annual con vcnllon held Monday and Tues dny hm in St Johnl United Church Hmkealone Iguanarear um Mn Earl Scan RR Hawkestone um dhectnn Mrs Gentle Bell Dunnown Wes Slmcne And Mn Clap ence Ward Coldwmr North Slmcoe provlucInl board dir eclar Mrs Lina Cold water Alternate Mu Bever Everylhlng from the work of lhe provlndll board the pub llulian ol Edith Cilapmanl writings how tho WI can cele brntu Canndax cenmmlal In 1967 and how rural women can keep abrtasl of event In the modern world was caycred in her talk to tha mumbled delagatu Provincial WI President Attends Area Convention The comlarls we lake for granted today lprang lrom Iha ellorll of early WI members who pul pressure on gnverumcnt of mu day Mn Tflverl Iald In warllme we becamo vlca club nvemlght Ind by the endnl World War II we had 37000 membm MIL Trlvm Iald this success was danger to tha WI By 1960 ha was paylng on 00000 year on scrvlco and charity pmkfll boynnd lhe orl ulpnl money he orlalnlzaflnn We wandere away lrom our orlxlnll aim of cducallnx rural women to mclhuda 1m roving lhnlldr way lile Mn than an Tumlnx to lodayl pmblnms Mrl Trlvarl asked Doc our vole any we aralcnmplelcly lallIHcd wllh Um present tdu calinnal lacIIiHu lar lhe men YOU HAVE UNTIL pm T0 CAST YOUR BALLOT EVANS Arthur FOR TRANSPORTATION All PA 61496 Fuhlhhod by llmcoo Calm Progrmln COMMVIHVO Almlnlon 10y Wilhr Goldwater publlc relations olllceu Mrs John Bell Collinzwuod Agricul ture Ind Cnnndlnn lnduslriu convener Mrs Stall Evans Savern Brldze thImlcal re Iurd and current events Mrs Joseph Lea Hillsdala cluunshlp and mention Mn iniiy retarded Are satisfied with tha eiiortl being mud to retnln the chronically unem piayedi Are we autisiled that then no malnutrition in he provincol or do we have to ad mit we dont kpowltiie iactsi Ann uvu Wl members shou keep clr mlnd alert to everyday emu Mrs Trlverl nld We cant Icava all the work In Ihu ex peru To Illrad morn ynunuer ww men to WI wnrk Mrs Trivm luzgeslcd cnmplclc renova llonklo the branch mcctlnz frame wor we bring mam alertness Inn and chnllengu into WI ment lnxl then the WI wlll stand QUEBEC CWAn Onlafln cdumllonlst Tu urged mum national and pmvinclal come cducalion to break Um stranglehold ol hausands of school boarfls One qucsllnm how much longer Canada can survive naflnn wilhouk more nallonnl cnnlml ll mnomy and it cducntlon MM hxmcr director of cducnllon Soulh PM 0nnlnny of the pro lam facing this munlry today can be traced la the lad um we hnvn 10 provlnm going their separate and Independent lel Need Control In Education FOR Ed Benvenuu Orlllla mol utlm Mu Marshall Mm zles Collinzwood home eco namlcs and health Mn Spencer Thornton cnmor Mrs Robert Kell Churchill audllon Mrs Gunman 1m Hawkeslona and Mn Stan Watson RR Barrie the top of he 11 ncllvllle both younger and 01er women wlsh ta parllclpale in Mn Trlvers said The cunlcnnlal project Heip Make Cunada Lovely 11 Ill derlaklng for Ihn branch an dlslrlcl levels Iha contmued Fur mice Ilka lhla 11 natural to than Camdaa beauty won and scenery bul we want you to lhlnk cl ll lr an inner way That way you can help to make Cunadu lnvely lhrnugh your help In mlnklnd Mn Trlverl explulncd Edith Chapman whasé writ Inzs have appeared or many years In Inch pubIIcaIlonI the Farmers Advocate hav Ing he erIInga published In bank arm Ihls all Mra TrIv saId Cafiic may be ardent by WI branc cs lhraunh tho pm vlncIaI head nIIIca In Toronto Heady company wllh an outdaled nulamomlol Wu havs he answer use us DANGERFIELD MOTORS KEEPING

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