Cup dnualed In MI by Froru Currie hm commodnm ol nnnl 5L Laura ml or mm mm lhe mm um MM nmonl Tm nnlu Klnmun ml Mrmju In lhlx mlom rnch mwmmled In Innm lhm lmllnmflllnnnlly lull and Path mm HI ante Ilnlml urh olher lum 17 Ml monnnnmh um will In no nm nm clumplomhlu will lye xle cldml under nyllrm um we cmlully In Inlrrnnllnnnl lvnm rum nmnnl Luwdn Drlluln lhl Unlletl sum Ind Hannle DTMWA CHElam ucht clubs wilhn lnlul ol liter nullnnnl Nlnm dinnhlu will compote on lhe Ollnw llhur Snlurduy and Sundny ar lha turtle Cup tmhlemnllc ul lhI Cmmdlnn lcnm rnclnl chum plunshlpln lhll Inns omclnl at the Cnnldinn Dlnghy marlHun monuan ul llm nvcnl um he Ilrllunnll Yum Cluh Hm haul duh hnvo Innouncul mm mm Mu cluhlylll cumpclo Ilmllavnn vronlu Ilvl Innnh VC unwu Chomunl lJC Ilrllluworlh UnL Donn Mm Deep Ill tr ML lluynl Hnmlflun Y1 Klnnlnn YC PnInII Clnlro Monk Hum Cnnmllnn v0 Tnnmla Royal St Llwnnce Y1 Munb mum Lulu Wt FrnrlnnFnlll om ollawl llnmlllnn Monlrul Tomnlu nC Calgary Snsk Winnipn Edmnnlun Elmo TunaI Culnnry l7 Monlnnl MY SCOUIS tell me Steve has dusted of his old sports crystal ball and ls deep in predictions now Its been lon tlrne since 01 Steele boy has had an opportunity to last away in column Ive been told that whlle he was at thls desk he gave more needles than Ben Casey Well Im prepared ll swing pretty lalr pen myself at times Just to get little jump on Steve Ill say that the Yankees are playing in an inferior league and thats what makes them look so great Theyd have no walkaway they were in the National League believe the serles wlll go the llmlt but the Dodgers will lake It Thats great pllchlng staff manager Walt Alston has and when Sandy Koulax slarts wheeling and dcallngvfrom the left slde look out Yankees Kouiax could duplicate Lew Burdettes feat of few seasons ago Burdette then with Milwaukee Braves pitched three victories in the series and was great in every one Im not going to let out all my secrets now wall untll Steve and open lhls world serlcs column next week Then the fun beglns THIS CORNER wlll be occupied by world series chatter from the day prevlaus to the serles ener untll its over believe youre going to enjoy Steve is more than anxluus Hes controversial 24 ham day and this is right up his alley No holds barred and the knlvas are sharpened it would be interesting to make some sort of wager you know something like mowing lawns But aiter taking closer look at that park in Mincsing believe PM get all the lawn mowin want come next spring Perhaps well come up wth something just to make it more interesting Eleven Yacht Clubs Entered mum EXAMINER WEDNESDAY ll 15 so NOW ITS on to the world series and it shapes up as dandy New York Yankees lack nothln Veteran Players fans and writers are calling years ed tlon of the Yankees one of If not the great est And they haVe dozens of reasons to justify the statement Theres not club in baseball with greaterde th than the Yankees They have power strong pitch ng and brilliant ï¬elding And their bench strength ls enough tn discourage an opposing team im picking the Dodgers and former sports editor now city editor Steve Jonescu is going with the Yankees We plan to run daily column here with each getting an équai amount of space to needle the other fellow Exnmlnlr Sporlo Editor Los Angeles Dodgers ï¬nally made the inevitable occur yesterday when they clinched the National Lea gue championship it was as good as over when the Dodgers knocked off St Louis Cardinalslthree con secutive times last week This was the big series Cards won 19 of 20 to pull within one game of the Dodgers Then came the showdown series and the Dodgers made swgep That gave them foungame margin with ninegames remaining while SLLouis had only seven left It would have taken com lete coila se for the Dodgers not tomake the wor dseries is season But the Dodgers have outstanding pitching and its been said that good pitching will always beat good hitting Well see By THE CANADIAN PflESS ï¬llll noumlu II MI Wutrrn Tnnlcflncl AN 020315514 ry 1116 11m pr ommxo Man am Emma Conlmnu FOOTBALL mllll Ammmm rwuuu 5446 W444 SPORT AT GLANCE Now Its Oh Td The Wofld Series By RICK FRASER The announcement was mad allowan marlin 11 pm pccllve player and lo member ho nnw nrunnlxnllon encu live Aha lencd were Inrmer Snull Ste Marla Greyhound Ilm Jim Lcclnlr Peter Kowul skull nnd gonlhcpcr Dnvo Dry on mm Shaun ThuIon mm WMIE Elena hum GALT CP Ivnn Tnnnnnl member ma 1959 Allan Cup chnmplan Chalham Mnrouns has been appolnlcd player tnnch ha now Gnu cnlry in the lineam Onurla Hockey Mo Ioglnllnn Scnlor clrcull nnma lnr lholcnm pecch la be Innounced lhll weak The nnw opmllon whlch tnmu Into being nllur Ihu nld Terrlcr club loldcd onrllu lhll monlh hm fundrnlxinu cum pnlun under way lhnl mqu communlly plrlitlpullon Mnnlrcnl Aloucllu hnlnmck 1mm DIxnn wan lhn nly vlnyrr In he Emler lebnll Conhrrncol II up umrcrl In ndvnncn nmdn nlahl the MI lldrnlul CI nary Slum prglgu 1M1 Ulmn mm mm lnurhdnvm ulvlnl hlm our lur llm mum and lnnvlnu Mm lnln Im wny III at llllh plncu In Hm Icurlnn mu llo now but mlnll Teanlnwlu Dun Imk wnl hrlvl mnelru nml umnlrml In Icmmlplnm hllh Dllk Malta Tnmnln Argmuuu Huh hm polnu on III Inurh dawn our palm brhlml Mm Nthr Mon Hann Dunn lmlllldfll mm If 011m II ll rlno Dixon Moves Up In Race Ivan Tennant Named Coach Ily THE CANADIAN rum The ludrrl TI Ill 00 lho lama Illurk nut nl Hrll whitInd ncmunu ol Hm lrlnsntllvm rlllmknu Hwy wen nuclnldml and band uxvun mmplrla nlurmnllum 11m uhul Mu mmth waululnl have hnpprnrd lhryd lulu lulu my Ihle ha Alnly ho uyuarvnld nt lnrr Nrw York null lnr HIM In rrlrnnu ln onqu all Frldny ml lm hull mauled rhri lmm Lrwl In Ml und Malling W575 llul hry nllNHI m1 winkd IL Aclunlly ll wnn mm mllundrulnmllnl than nny lhlnx ollevlml WM ml un hmrnulnl lo mo mu my Illp Anynnq mukl have mm In my ml my wolmhly muld have ululuhlennl ll oul wllhnul uny lhlnl am ulllnl 1M0 prlnl nut Hwy wrnl nhaml Illhuul Ihnl lnylnl van Invulnd wlh known Amlnlrn Well Ivlldnt Imuw Mmlrhp In umnhln unl an bun acrusrd lhll Fan wlll hld unwell Sundny In the Natlunal Leagues mal es player butlhey wont or gel hls numeroul rccards hls pecqllnr hlp wlggllng hattlnz llance Ml Ironman perlnrm anch hls faultless behnvl 0M qulr er nc hnrley on urly Inl been clcnrcd by he Nlllnnnl Foolhull mum at my wrongdalnx In Hnlnclnl dullnu wlh nound lumblu Maurine howl nml Npculcd today ha knuw Lewll only mm lnl buIllusnmnn nnd Illll cow Iklmd Mm MI lrlrnd TIWJ WENT MIMD NEW YORK AP Next lemn Stan Muslll becomes vicepresident In chem good will or St Louis Cnglnala Thu shnuld he bum or Stan who has had morelhan 20 ygarn ex peiienca All his manager Billy Saulhwonh Eddie er Marty Maflun Eddle Sta Harry Walker Fred Hutchinson Sally Hemus and Johnny Keane hava paid tribute In hlm have hundreds of athers incl Ingfrgs ntflKennedy Frohnblo Pllchen Tndu Washington Mueller 10 at Detroit Melanin HM Chicago Peters 19 II Balmnum Barter 2012 night Lo Angela Chance 1347 at New York Baumn 207 Karma Oily Pena 1220 Boston Wibon ll18 Only gnmcs scheduled xbos Angela 97 60015 SL loll 91 61573 WI San Francis 65 7351112 Cincinnati 34 74 531 13 Philadelphia an 529 ll Milwaukee 81 76 519 15V Chlcngo no 78 506 Pittsburgh 73 465 21 Houston 51 as 39535 New York 50 1m 1m xclinchcd pmmlnl Result Tummy GliCflKO SL Mn Houston Pittsburgh Clnclnnnll Mllwaukee Lo Angels New York Phlludclphln San Francisco Todayl Pmblble Pitcher St lauls Brogllo Us Cï¬gnin Jackson ll17 Ellsworth IIIO Cincinnati OToole 171 at Milwaukw Spnhn 211 nlzhl Pittsburgh Gibbon at llnuslan Johnson 1M7 night Phlhdclphln 3qu mm or Bound Sun handset Snnlanl NH New York Crnll 52 at In Argelm Koulu night Muslnl the zreatest player nf our Ilme mid Stanly but what remember hest about Stan II the way he used to make It may tar me manager hyalwey being on time not taking ext mines in hattlnx prnctlee not nylnz ahead of the club In other wurda he never sought the ex Ira prlvllezes olten demanded by top star to the detriment learn mnmle Among those who will miss the Zyeamld Muslnl Ihe most will be III long mm Mend and roommate Red Schaendlenst chw York 103 Cleveland Boston Kansas Cily Lo Angelel Vnshlngton xclinohed pennant Runlll mm Wmhhlgnn Dani Minnesota Cleveland Chlcagn 15 Baltimore Lo Anselm New York Kansas Guy Boston By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Amerlcln Charley Conerly Cleared By NFL High Praise For cMnKsnALH Mlu um mum nmdu Cleveland at Kansas City hmu Thundly Plllsburxh llnuilon Nï¬w York nl Im Anlnlu Lhflndelphin at San Frin Nulonnl yang BASEBALL SCORES 91 61580 1m 89 550 83 75 525 20 78 80 494 25 7E 32 481 21 75 El 472 28 71 36 451 3le 7o 89 440 MY 48 GB 97 60 MI 65 7B 511 12 84 74 532 mi Kl 529 ll 81 76 519 15V no 78 506 73 465 21 95 395 35 50 107 313 G7 liircl cm NFL Cnmmlnlonrr Im 01 ollo announced Tuudny nl New York lhll lho luxuol lnmlun ï¬rm at Conrrlyl lmmtllnnl with Lawn delmnlncd um duh Inn lnvulvul Ihuepnymrnt ol Iflnfll nrul hnd Im cannulan wlm lnmhllnl Honllu III M1 Mr Inrnfl nlur Jlm Ilmnlllnn hm lunml wuh npln lquur nml Irronll ml Iu wle lvm nlyn ctmlenllnn Kin MI hm lnannl unmry In Will lvlrml In nml anhlnul been prnvcn bul mdy lhayre cnlllnl him lmuwn gnmhlur Nobody Irmmd hm lmuv Inylhlnl about any mum mm Iucrullul hunlnmmnn mm whnl known tor And hI nun my lrlcnd Durlnl the sum In which we won I9 01 20 herkupl gab llnl key bk hag ellher tied the scare or put us ahead Every my Id gay mysell he aint do mln hut he dldlhrnuzh some super human effort wanted to rest him but didnt dare because knew II Id be hurtlnl the clnbl oclock mum any fHg spoiled me said Hub trainer Bah Bunmann ex pecl everyhady lo he Ilka hlm butnubadycan He never com plains Re In the llenlesl lol erance pain any man ever knew He played time when 1935 mug would hlve 101m Mnlmey 131 Henry and Lemaster llla Schneider Shaw and lhrre Hm DinFinn my Roblmon 21 Plltlbquh 000 110 gusun 100 001 001 BI Mm laslnl the ï¬n lame Comumm hlvo won Ihe 1an three and win lonlzhl will give hem the league champion AM to go with lhnlr Hutplum Illn sh over Ole rezulnr had iHen tha unjust perm ln Iheymrld 01 alnnz with laid the farmer brilliant mud baseman now IBIVIIIKII coach with Ihe Cnrdlnalu Ho the most unll¢0dM°fl Igreeahla and most uquemp We avprmkno In many ways Ihla mason hls 22nd wllh lhe Cardinals has been oneyul Stans best desnlte his comparatively low batting average and nlmus complela lagflnt speed He astounded me during the last so days of the season by the way he responded dcth aches and pain agd ohv wealmess marvelled manager Keane Clnclnnall Muyankee minima mommaz Glbsun 19 Taylor and Hammer llobhle MtDanlel la7 Ind Renew HR Ch Villlam 14 Phfll ooomm 81 in an woman4 70 Eennett Enldachnn 1117 and Dalrymple Mamba Ln scn 77 and Bailey mu PhnCnlllson 24 Dalrymple 1m Herrnsteln SFMayl 38 ch York WHOMl In Allch olDMlflxl ll Slnflnrd 517 Clsw Bear Drysdak 113117 Per ranoski ID and CnmlllL Amerlcnn bun Kama cm 09mm 79 Sexul Wyatt and LII Momma lfl 13 and Nixon Hm BsnManlllll 1o Bmssoud 1m Consumm Gu their hopes hlgh 101 chumphnshlpcllnch In perlarmnnce meet Lnko vlew Dairy Ionlzhc It Quecnn Park In the mm pm 01 lhcir beswuaven Intermcdlnla So bull Lengug Hnal Icrlea Consumers and Junk Ken My expoclcd lo nan Gard Wudgo whlle Boxouws mm Lnkuvlcw will counter with tllher Jaku Jncohwn ur Phll Marshall unlm lhzy com up wï¬lh Aurprim puknzn can ninlng Ed um and Brand Zachary 122 Woode shlck and Batman SL hull MMlWS Chicn mmex £9 Gas Boys Out To Wind Up Final Series qmpn um net of mu qu mumm rm CENIRAL IAXI In lhu anl olhnrmxhlhlllnn lnmo Garda Hows Imrnl lwu on Io lend Dclmlt Md Win la win aver mm blncd 1quth lndlannpalll Inrm ltnm In DclmlL Alex llrlvcrchln Ind Andra Pronnvunl nrllul alum goal lvr lklroll Md nub Dlllnbmxh lcnml or Um loam No armor player with the NIH Boston Bruins Lro Ln MM and Norm Johnson each and lwo call In lead Ihu wlnnm Bmca Carmichael and moho Maurice Oflehro lddcd the olhm Far Toronto Red Kelly Ed dla Lllxtnbcrur John McMil lnn and junior ï¬nd lllka Corv bell each mind on KUIL irnnk Mnhovllch mlmd an IMLACII EXPLORE Len conch Punch lmlnch nx fxlodul earlier In lhe day ll do cnrcmun Bobby mun who mlued pncflco Ieulon bu uule of In only momlnl duck humln expedition By THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronm Maul Lents chem plans the National Hockey League and Sunley Cup wln non Inst year couldnt have won the Wulern Hockey Mayne mle hmdly night The Leaf plum Lo Angela Blade of he WHL In Saska loan and Ilmnz mm by the mum including lhreegnnl burn in one minute and ondl nvs Lo Angela 64 victory 11w noun wal led alter the Hm period Ihu Elude look lead Inner he Iccond and added an Insurance all In the ï¬nal period dont wnnl In In Mm lmluch nld when mun mm with him Inter When Inmmm IIXIICllld lm llth probably would hm Ir pmv¢d at he nmlr kid he bun war of It hp lumped would ML Aklon had me Ian deh 151s chair mutiny when flu new wu broaden in Lo An gele that the Chic Cub hnd delented secondplan St Louis 64 In day game ellmlnadnl lha Cnrdlnall and wrnpplnl up Ihe race or the Dodge for Alstnn he said he lhuuzht the pennandlnchinz was wandertuL bnl ha didnt guru It would and lb way It dld though Illa Cardinal vauld wln odny and wed win led before they evtn re ported to flu ballpark that they were Ihe National Leann champions the Dodaer player reacted as expected Veteran WAlly Moan iaald 11w Dodlm had 1min oppor tunity In nnp during the reason until they moved inlo SL Louis iaslweek with onflam lead swept lhreaxame Ierlel mm he Cardinals and nlurned to La Anxeiu with the pennnni III put qiiiciaiix clinched By MIKE RATHEI Anocllled APreu Spam Writer Lo Angela Dadaen man ner Walt Alston was henna no wwdwa It happened this Way WIWI damn took cure teeth Una Chicago Cubs took one the SIlous Cardinal and the champagne tank ¢m nf uvery lhlng 919 The chainmne he In lshlmz touches on 1963 NI llonal Leanna pennantvchuc some nlne hnnrl alter Al ston Lo Angela Dodger had clinched theInmst In 1ch 1959 without avenuomnch 1mm hat or throwlnz pitch Anybody who uyl we backed Into the pennant missed our Ive game last week laid Dodger pitcher Dan Dryidnia heron taking the mound In night game and holding his own nnanl ceIebrauan by posting 19111 victory In vic tory ever the New York Mela wonnanm Veteml Wan rm happy Moosa Skowmn wondcrtul Blades Post 64 Win Over Leafs DOdgelVS Capturer mun wm mm ï¬ld Abel BUILDING MATERIALS 249 mm 511m BLAKE 39721 Meanwhile the Amenlean LOWEST PRICES FASTEST SERVICE THORNLEA ¢9Mcgrrv Moan uld Tummy Dav great mum called roll CMIIBEHNIILH 0M CI Juno IL Byrd Inurryenrald mm won the lulund 8600 pnro Mohawk newr mudly nlfhl pmlng 11m me for lhu In but of her utter She paid me $100 and I100 In In raw or lhnoyonroldl and Im Albcrl AI and Min lured llnllhnl In dud heal lor mend Mhm Hnl pnld mo Ind mo And lullm Inc re lmnrd 100 and um him In camp or week loll sun 15 lo coulem lulu MI ulum liter Mm emu1 told hlm they could not prom conlrm or ha coman union Four NHL club In acllnn lo nluhl Tumnla mm sun Fum cllco Scull ol the Will Ed monlnn Chico play nullllo nlmm the Amcrlcnn unnua St Catharina Dclmll Ind Imburgh cluh nl Johmlon PAL and Milan meal va dlncl Red lb MIL It Prnv ldcncv Immunced 1h llznlnu has returning lorwnrds Norm UH mln Bruu Macqnzqr 9nd Flnyd Smllh New Yurk flanxm lrnln lug camp in Winnipez ha nan can plan to make their in cuts um am of workout Quay Cough Red ullvnnjnld life are tour or Iva poslllah which hm not been decided Doug Harvey menu do lencamnn whn we Iuppolcd lo upon one wuk Alter hnv In metal perm to report sale In hadnt Inlved nm ny And In lhelr St Catharina 0nl lrnlnlnl camp Chlcnnu Black Hawks announced they mu havent heard my mom Dob mrner Lame chumplnn New York Yankeas Mun llnnl prepara tions or the opening Kama ol the World Series Wednesday Oct by mum out he on the IratalrlnxIar the In time nlnce June 5Ind bombing lho Lo Angela Angel 84 oops 5mm mums Whltey Ford brought hlx ord to M7 ohm seven lhll out Inning More zlvlna my to Ralph Terry Elston Howard threenm triple In um run In lnnlnz against Bo Be Hnsky and flu Ynnkeu rolled MAKE Clfls TODAY Wins Feature Ht Mohawk THIS WAS THE menu In the Dodgers dressing room It Lo Angela yesterday few hours after Louis lasllo the Nb clinched the Nation the 1h wny Mamie and Maxls In and out of the line ï¬x all year each Itroked ans Drysdnle 1917 hnd Ron Parrnmakin relic help In bent lnl the Mel alter nllawlnz our Mu In uven lnnlngl Wally Moon broke Me In Iho seventh wLh single that drove home Marv Breeding Mann had only one hll In prevlanl trip to the plala The actual end 01 he National League chm came in the eighth Innlng Chicago with tho Icon led 33 Ron Sumo Al beam pennant the Dodgers Tha player were drcssinz lo meet the Mela 1m nlzht Left to right San dy Kournx Don Dryldnle Ron Pcrrnnmkl Pete may The SARJEANT lwum crllp he Hunt lub mam lager brand with ukllnz dour mm mm our cop nrtellln walla In Ohm10 hlltorlo Bruce Penlnxull Iha can just mlnln we DUI mo Sundgxon thajnlpol DONT 71 WINTER Mary 50ml 81ml Phone PA 8246 Sprud your up all payment wally om mlmy manth withqu lnltmk Avoid heavy mldwlnlu pnymenll whcn qu mmumpllon II In lpuk Dellvulu made nulnmnlullv bclm you run law You mmr hm In tall or SunkM In blunded heal Ina all Swllrh Io Sunhcnl camlarl SARJEANTS BUDGET PLAN ImW lllll IHIIVICI INCLUDE Fm llumn Iimlru Ind fundlllmlnu 16 our Emmenry ï¬ervlm Imknlly an my anly or nnlnrmlrnl pull Conllrl fllllrlntl In lull Ilr HOME HEAT SERVICE SUNHEAT PAYMENTS HaaNng Oll crnckzd tworun ungle for tho Cubs snapping the deadlock and hundan ha Cardinals lhnlr slxlh urnlgm loss Llndy Mc Danlfl no mo victory Bah 6122 Ian oak the datum FIGHT RESULT OmlhnBrlnn OShel I40 Minneapalll oulpolnled Chlno Dial 139 San Juan Fuem Rica l0 New YorkLuther Murphy 196 Denver nulpolnlzd Hu lï¬crl Hilton 135 Glen Cm 11 Manager Welter Alston Les walk coach Pete Helm and Tommy Davls 0n th lablo II celebration ask and supply of bubble zum AP WIrepholnD ronitm min Wham uummum Mummmmcm FORMOSA WW made nulnmnlrullv nw You mmr hm In blunded heal Io Sunhcnl camlarl 52