uxse coon CAREBF vovu ummn ovens AIRWAYS CORPORATION World ww rrml Jun I07 Dvnlop lm Bmln Oppolllo Ouunl Kohl PA 1mm III llnlu III hurl Al Ir purï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©ï¬fï¬ï¬iï¬n FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATION BRNO Czechoslovakia Raul em Pualdcn Antonin cr votny said here Sunday walk end mahr cabinet remume In cludlng the Mm Pmmler Vlllam Slmky was Aimed at glvlmz the country even more vcalm Lenlnm leadermlp woxk don by tho uanlnclor Thu political en en are en nm in lila vaincet Sept no general tiecl on campnign Dr Shmm said the mmivo peace project cauid ha enn ceiied but he could no tmninn Anyan doing it Ha uid time In cinuu in tin cnntrnct with lho builder the 573000000 Purim Moun tain Dam stipulating cash payment 0000000 Ihouid tho canine be cnnceiiad 0n hp at thin there would be an enllfnnitd 6300000 Czechoslovakia Premier Fired Fails To Stress Party Line W4 Dr Shrum whm agency In charge lhn $75000000 pm Jcct was asked the qucxllon In he light of statements by Davis Iton umvlnclal Prugrcsslvc Conservltlvu leader um In would halt lha pmject and comment by Prnvlndal Llhenl Leader my Pennull that he would ml it down BOAO SHOWS YOU THE WAY IIVI 150 Ihm you fly by DOM RomRoget TGA DOa 10 from Cumin to Britain In Eurup 11Day Economy hounm um In you this bu lulu our nzulnr mundmn Jet economy fun You lrlp un In Inn 31 you an Mum Iny Um bclvmn Una lourlunlh nuum dun Ycu un nu dur jnr nun month of 1h rfrom Molar ht lhmulh Amll 3001 FOR THE LOWEST lXDAY ECONOMY EXCUR BION PARES lo Ilrlldn Ind Eumpc fly hy DOM Jcbprop llvlllnnh turtbcr HMO our Jul ucuninn hm nhowu Ibonl your Tnvtl Aan VANCOUVER CPlDr Gor dan Shrum cnchalrmmol the Brllish Columbln Hydra and inar Authority nld Smdny It would coal 5100mm to may lhe Fem River power pmject nzldcqu Hon the party IJne direct mu guvummenl certain mistake In his as pontical lb mm and In vuw bld hallh Novokuy told huge crowd ln Cost $100000000 To Scrap Project autumn An omclal announcement 3a Slmky whn was nplmd by Joxel Lena mlsysed or ahmlcornlngs In his mm zxnmn norm Mao $3951 ii TORONTO T0 Save $150 with BOAC STARTING 0cm Lag 2IDAY EXCURSION FARES T0 BRITAIN AND EUROPE ALL oven THE WORLD native amniond ha had been chapinin Ii Bnrwash lines ma Ha joined iho Snivniion Army in Kammk Sash and trained in armys Winnipeg collate my anumn mm mom mm WRONN CHBrit Allin Mclnnu Salvntlon Army chaplain at the Bumash Indus Mal Farm near Sudbury died here Saturday After brief 111 Ben The cebinei reshuffle retrieved almost all Stalinist influence in the government obeervere laid other cabinet member ai ieclcd were two deputy pra miere Jemmir Dninnsky and Ludmiie Jankovcova wha were relleved 01 their sin aim with Finance Mi sier Juiiul Duels Food and Industry Min islar Jnsci Kmsnnr Transport Minkler mama Wow and Culture and Education Minister Franusek Kehudn Salvation Army Chaplain Dies NOVMny said Ihe change would tmnzlhen he lending ml of tha palK and deepen tho Influence of workers In the administration of the mm any and gho country mm InIormcd sources In East Eer lln were rcponed In the dIsqun of Slmky held In post or 10 year In unques llonlnz support Nnvocrw wan major concession In tho In cmslnl opposItIon Novolny has been IacIng In party during thglnst your an open air lpuech at the in ternuionai Trade Fair here the ushuflio wu aimed at evan more consistent implementation oi the Lenlnlsl rlncipiu ieadershipespeci 1y the prim ieggierphip mmmeh is in mu medical care lnxurlnca coverln specialist and general pracfllionon It price at nu can Alford Basic weekly pmmluma of 30 conla or each Ingle person and 60 cont or families REAL ECONOMIC GROWTH MEDICARE my umuuumfl rany mak es lo the reople oi Ontario in this election is not simply to deal th the unfinished business oi To guvern ment but to move orward We ask tha pcop to join with us in electing government which will enact new policies that can realize the true greatness of this pro Vince with its great wealth in human and natural rc lourcea Onlnrlo ls rich In resources Only by oconnmlc lplan nlng can we mllzo our provlncol lull potent IL JOBS FOR ALL In thls Ago Automnllun planning In Impmllvo to create now job porlunIch and provldu murlly for those now amp oyod BVETTER COMMUNITIES FOR BETTER LIVING In Man uxpnulon our unlvornlllnl vlncod Iralnln nclllllm In In our ynmh II can or Ibollshud nnd nlher Id an menuI Investment ghcr oduclllon must be AN OPEN DOOR TOEDUCATION Major uxpnulon our unlvornlllnl ylncod rainan nclllllm In Mm Thu challen es to he cop to deal th Community plannlnu will Provldo of life More Ichonll honp nls up lnation Incilllm well lnw rm With these and many other ob hrcscntcd during tho campalgn arty presents tho allowing 11poll NEW DEMOCRATIC BlUEPRlNT FOR THE FUTURE Ihi pfovince Weve walled long llmo for some of then lhlngs bu who are we play If youre lycky though to be covered youll gel $80 monlh in plan will degrading moans lost lacked on If you canl ullord it Aboullhe only lhlng the Torles are good at It formlng commlflees lime to and lllll Tory governmentbyeommlfles Weve had or pollcy meringuewilhoullhopla lainfwilhoullhuako Ever walled and walled for bus to come and when ï¬nally came it wasnl quilteall there Probably noL Yer strange an ll seems thats exactly whats 90an on allover Onlarla today Not wllhbusex but with modleare with poflahlo penslon with full employmem oppoh funnies with ducal planning and all the ml Iflgnflggmggmcnnis Will Do It mumd by mmm Ccnln Nu Dumculh rm DOlngl no falldng nannan wm Provldo renter enjoyment More Ichonll honp nls up tranalt Ind rec Incilllm well In low coal and low mnlll In vllll mods tlnl mull bu mat no falldng In the need at New Dumocrals no IV flme you go some tool action at Qvaenn Park and New Demoaak to whlch the Now Do 0mm In on Do halfdbus You want whole bus obLecllvcs that wlll be New Domocmllc lpolnl electlon program Ihlngs bu who are we ï¬nally gehing youll get $80 monih in year 2005 hc run no IV flme you 119 voter and he taxpayer and Newpernoaal are going help you get it ll 10 BASIC OLD AGE PENSION FULL DEVELOPMENT FOR THE NORTH SAVING OUR FARM COMMUNITIES Exploitation by mortgage and loan companies will be ended Tho quality of consumer goods will be tested and results made public LOWER AUTO INSURANCE RATES universal ubllc automobile insurance plnn will reduce rates onethird and provide better cover ago Weve had enough of halfg FULL VALUE FOR THE CONSUMER Government cooperation to develop basic fond structure through all timber 11mm to make mod ern mumremenl program passlblo reassessment of present lmlla to make Umher available or new Secondary lnduslrles mlnlng properties to pay lhelr fnlr share munlclpnl taxes on Me same bnslx olher lmluslrles uvvv unmpurmnnm nnn purllcw Inrly economic policies ensure full cmploymonl COOPERATIVE FEDERALISM Coopmllon with tho lodenl government In joint pmch In tho Hold of pension hoallll lnmrnncc Hm WOVNOPMM tr nm and particu Imlv acnnnmlo mum The lmmudlnto needs Ihn pensioner must be mot now unlvmnl cnnlrlbulory pension plan will In established In mum 50 per conl of mom on llrcmonl in Iuluro Bolstering lam mam through more otlectlvo man kollng and dovelopmcnt of cooperative lo keep vcrllcnl lnlogrnuon In lho control the grnduccru governmentsponsored program to prov modern hcllmus It cost to farm homes govarnmenf half half madlcaro Ital pended S5 womb Wan