Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1963, p. 6

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Tm mum Mu Im Knlnhl wnx Mcomxmnltd hy nmnlul John Whlle lmlh ol llurrlr The bride ll ht dnuahlcr or Mr nnd Mrs Thoma limlloy nl lllnke sum The bnrlclmom In lho Inn at Mr and Mrs Jana Tnlmm len Ecundor Sath Amnlu lrndilionnl bridal gown ol fSpnnish lace mcr mun was worn by Judllh Ann Brnllc or her marrlnxe to Dr Davd Cabcm Toronto Spanish Lace Bridal Gown Designed In South America CABEZASBROLLEY RITES Thl MM Will Ilhmlrrl by Mr cnulln Mn nnlmm amp IN Tumnln mnlrnn nl hnnnr Mm nrnl ficlwn ol Nrwcmllr Mlu Mnnnrlr llnm hldu vl llnrrlu IIIII Mlu Curnlyn Smirk nl mm mm hth NHHNIMNTH Slundnrds nl whllc ulmllol wim Ivy ndmnrd lmennud Ilnpfill Chmch wflh whllc Inca bow and blue mums mnrklnl the guest pom Ilcl William nfllrlulell nl Hm Mlnrnonn mo mnny mm The full Icnglll unwn dcslxnod and mnde hy Illa brldcgroaml Ilecn In Soulh America ca lurcd molded bndlcu cnluunccd wllh boat mckllne mud hly Eolnl deem and lull length nullnnl sklrt ll Inn mil purl nml cryslnl hold lhu wnlsl lcnxlh vell ol lullu lllu Ilflfl ulgcd ullh lace The bridfl cunlcd buuqucl whllu ca mlllln and slcphanolls wile dairy armor Mrs Todd finds her pmviaus buslnm experience an use In her bookkeeping dulch on lire nrmi Prior to her marriage the active wnman manngw her own public xienozrapherr busi ness In Tomlin According in her husband who LI VicePru ldcnl of the Ontario Milk Pro duccu Associailon Mrs Todd lakes kcen lnItrcsl in he arming aspect and am over when am away an business which in oilen lime day The lad we woman um likes he lilo in the clly but only for Lil occasional vlsit Mrs Md any that after weekend In the city she is always randy tn come back to the country Allmoon LN In The couple were married 12 years ago and settled on the mu where lhcy now live which includes 700 acres railing ldrmlnnd on the second concu siun nf lnnislll No sirnnger lo the area Mrs Todd and her lamily have had summer home or many yéan mere slones lhruw from the arm when the couple now reside ENJOYS COUNTRY BLOOD BflNflll CLINIC Mu Frank Tedd wlln the Liberal candldnle or 51mm Cenlm In the provnclnl elec tion exchanged Iha bright lights the city for quiet life in the country Wife 0f Liberal Candidate Enjoys The Quiet Country Life Although minds qulck CANADIAN REDCROSS SOCIETY TRINITY PARISH HAlI MONDAY SEzIEMBER 2er For Inlnrmnlion Call tidi 300 DONOR URGENTLY NIEDID MRS TODD CHECKS RECIPE EXPAND PLANT LIZTIIIIIIIDGH Mll Cl Work Alana on 3me unnmlon rmurlm In Cunn Illnn Sunr Fnclorlu lelled plan ll Tubrr um liclum llullu In wume Alhem Thu prnxum lntludu rqulpmrnl rllunm aml wnrrhoun unnn Ion Dr Illd M1 Paul nnbcrll annnlo Ind mm mm In nuivlnl In no 01 um brlde urmma Innn1 who wm un nhlp to Miami nIoVrcupllnn WM Mld II the Cnnllmnllll hm fircuvlnu the hridcl mother wnl nulnd In Rnwn nl mulberry brands with hka ncrcsmrlu The hrldczroom nrnlhrr Al onlo Cuhcm Qulla Ecuador IL wu Imammun Dr umnrrn nnml and urnl Icy all ul Toronto wens lho ushcrl The allcndnnls uuwns were lnshlnncd ol sllpnnr snlln dx Algncd wllh lillcd bodcu wllh only mundcd nnckllnu and lull iklrls The mnlron hnnnrl dress was Iverlane and lhr blldnsmnlds and flower xrrl won gnwm Ice hlun color Thrlr pill box headdresm ol flipper mlln and lllusoln tulle won In DESI lo mulch lhelr Emmi maids 11w brlden Merl Miss Toby anlnrlh of Crnlghurxt we flower girl In spite of flu that sh lnkes no ncuve part In enm puigning Mn Todd Just as anxious her husbnnd or Sq 25 In roll Imund Her hobbies Include garden ing and cooking mienin lo lhv former Mrs Todd noted that she loves lawns and tries in cultivate plculresque flow er bed on her Iron lawn Thal is providing can keep he cow out of the garden she quippcd As Ior cooking the busy immcmukcr claims sin in no specinily but yusl enjoys trying new recipes we might be referred to hnmnbady love my home and muzzle to keep quila busy in our large oidinrmhouse Forrlrmtllinz um mldo don Since moving in the country hirs Todd has iakan an aciive interest in community Iiiairs She is member oi the Giiiord Uniied Church and is mini convener with In United Church Womens group Sh has aiso assislcd with Lilo Mis sion Band work the thumb HOBBIES particularly enjoy bclnu 111 lb llmellghl she has tried lo help her husband In every passlhla wny durlnz hls pollllcnl cam ralgnl Thls ls my llrnl expeb enm ln campalgnlng and every thing ls new Io me she noted havenc been as busy Frank he seems to be on the Kolevcry mlnule unéssunxlng wogna Jubilant Ellll PM DalifiémalWEE177 Develofis StudéhiéAbility Ghuu mended lromQullo Emldor SA anonlu Parry Soupduprillla Orr Lam Kel DEAF CONFEnflED The hunt Inlcrnllloml Con mu Den brought mm 650 pmicipnh mm Inndl Stockholm In Auxml ma 0n mum mm the honey monn In New York Cily tho couple will rcsld al the DOC Ion Rusldenu EnslGenml llypilnl Toron auunu Irmll urr Lam wirk Newman Ind Ilurrle Md champagne COIDlCd lull enhanced with brown Illlxulur accessorlu and comma of bron mum MllD WANTS HELP REGINA CMDr John Chino director of ha my hullh depmment has Ip pealcd or an shunt mlnl be In rwamped byjdmlnlsm llv duties Ind unable lo carry an ulher duller prop erly He recommended on of the 31x lnspcdur In depm men he made an Idmlnlslrh assistant and unior nnl ary Inspector Ii your child is in he second lhird or higher erdB and can read well mm euyenuuxhIw read books but has no home wnrk It might be well you required him In rend or short period end eveninli In such an lnslance you should be me hr could choose lmm numher book or chll Md finale 5m Wonderful you could use Mm Ihu to mad or pleasure or ha an hour or more ach evenlM You mlxht profitably work out wilh Hm regulu lima lo do um elch evenlnz Once ha ha lelmcd to mod encournn him Iqmd from hlx school books to you and olher members ol the family for hlx and Ihelr enjoyment but not In asslzned lash Indeed all memhzr of the llrnlly should lenm lo enJoy hlx wlsh to show lhem how well he can mud or do other lhhlgs he has lcmcd school When ha lays See how can read thlx how fine the meet on him from your nylon Corna and let me hear you read your lesson he no reodlome ry to find books other lhan his Ichool render and my or mler whose plctum and Ilorle ap peal to him Hope he will choose to tend them alone or pins ure Wu have madn mollwr Ipcclnl purchase and am able to alter you lhls Inc no DINNIRWARE from Johnna when England ll tho rcmlrk ny low lyrico Betomyour child bcxhu In homawork unsigned whom there are some lhlnz you might do Read aloud ma deal to him duly mm mm other thin his Ichool banks you could do this no skill Mly hot your chlld would on Joy sumn It the mulls might be good Bub you might not be who In the kind of mu torlol you ueleclcd for him to lurn Moreover your and hovan dhcovered that hitch mlltu Iranot required to do extra work olthll xort at home ray mw mutant to your er wm To um Suppm hq your child You might bu so um am he mu Iucceed oven excel In work thllynud require him to tend you ell Iome wow you lelm or name number wnrk you win him mm children in mum or three man have no home work Isslzxgd mm mm 1mm cg nivahs nu MANAGE APPOINTMle PA 81 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Cormr Colllor and Blyllold in Prlvnl SEE OUR WEST WINDOW DINNERWARE SETS IIIIIII PA 82395 CANADIAN ARRIVE AMSTERDAM Reuters lraup 7B relnrlves Can dlnn suldlm killed In the Sec and World War and hurled In The Netherlands arrived here Snlurdly Ilr Inr weeklonl vlslt to ma country The ml Jurlly will go to lho Clnndlnn mllllnry Cemetery near Bergen op Zwrn Ioulhern Halllnd The Odd Fellow mcnnwhlle voted nnUonnI mnvmllon here bulld 0000 enlrlncc lo the Inlcrnnllnnal Pun Gm den on lha Canadinnus bor dcr nenr nnlmvnin Mum and Dunsellh ND MUISVILLE Ky ANMrs Helen Pnlcr Kama Elly My wu lmulledflednesdny resident of the Rebchh Assam llcs In alllllllo ha Inde pendent Order Odd Fclluu She Iuctceds Mrs Ev Thur uon Realm head 01 the 700000 Reheklhs Roll call was answered hy naming the Mystery 5km II was decided no lo curry on Myslary Sister his yur Mrs Ynhnslun we pap er on Cluzunshlp followed by ma suggested that Iho sec rclnry write muncll for In lormnuon Ibnn calling plcnlc table up In In Mrlcan church yard and Historical tile ilgn lornme as film are many vlsllon to this spot uvery year MONDAY SEPTEMBER ll lha Edgar Womans lnsulule held Saplember meeting at the home Mn Dnlley with In Iuendanca of eight members and mm vlsllor Mem her were rcmlnded the Ann Convention to be held Cald waler on Sept 1810 Mrs Helen Prater Named Pxésident DONT GET ANGRY When you do help ynur child with mined hnmework he aura yuu discipline youmll well lhul you never let ur voice the or betray tho ll uh est show nl Inger it him Aim to help him eel hopeful Ind em 10y success such yeporl ta quire him lzr read orlt lens hlll an hour mm other thin mgnlqfiooks Hulda with younger child Inch practice would help keep IHVO um lubll of dally mental exercise such evenlna Edgar WISeek Infomation About Local Historical Sité Therel the dulld In lhu ug 2r mm Junior or unlor Ichool who lay on one or may evenings 1mm no homework or tqnllhl Per hun Parhnqqhehn drenl mugtine lnhuullnuh to hlmud my enpugh hr in lomdwgll 11 llllhu I1 Milt 04 GM McFADDEN Pun11m Mullm Ian llllhvly l1 For mm mm por October mull will he held at he ham or Mrs Hnyu an Ocl It pm Tnplc will be Health by Mrs Howell Roll cull cnlorlo conscloua reclpe Ind calorie coan Mono 111m no hatter IX erclso or the hurt Hun mah Inz out to help toluene will befiglyw hyzlflrs Dallgy Each member wax liked to bring and read Imom Mrs mm In mm refmlh menu are born equal In dInIU Ind mm wu mwmd by pap er mm by Mn Bidwell Mu Hayes mm contest but was won by Mrs Howell Meeting closed with lhe Queen allowed by lunch served by the hasten contest which was won by Mg mum Mr Ind Mn Kgn dunner larm IMVI Announced the ennumenk of their dnuxhhr Goldie Gayle to Pnul Munr lco Smlth mu Mrs Ean T0 WED AT EVENING RITES YOU GEN WITH SBDTIH PlHN wanna Iuuano Iunnuo IIOODDD Inuuonu FEW TYPICAL EXAMPLES YOU IDHHOWI low mu um lho sum or models III mnku can loan mad bolou you choon your cgrhugnln th cull loin no Inlurod no mu coll loan Id for Ivlry worlhwhllu PHIPOIII ROYALTY VISIT OAKVILLE CHPrince An drej Yugosllvll Ind Prlncm Zu Lelnhun 01 Germany In vlslllnl here with the prlncess bmmer Prince Kari Lelnlnzen Gummy Thu prince and princess Irrlvtd Frldny by lh 1mm London Prince Karl has been llvlnl onlhe nutsklrl Olkvlllo lnr uveral yam Mn Don Plrimmer axlcnded an lnvllallun In Ihe women to mm at her home or the next mggllngnn 091 Mrs Muir prcsldtnl clnx ed the meellng with pray Lunch was served by Ihe hash es Islslrd by Mrs Roy Mb Lem and Mrs Muir Pllnl wen also made or Iha rummm sale be held In Iho odd Fellows Kali Collier St on Nov and Ilsafur the Christmas canoe party and bu aar an Nov 21 he new It Col11cr SlreeLunlled Church Seplembcr meeting Willnwdale Unlled Church Vom en was held ll the homeul Mn Dukes melcke Court Mn Wlldman Id In In Inspiring devotional chillenglnz members to vlmllu pray thank and work toward our no3 cpurch bulldlngu Flntl Irrnnumem were mud and mmmllleu up to look arm the booth It the Bglfrle Fair Willowddle UCW Plan Fall Events Smllh lnd the Inn Wally Smlth ol Banlo Thu avenan mmluu wlll lake place on 0a 11 oclock ln Canml UnlM mm Emit Por mn by Le Cowper THE BHNK 0F NDVFI SCOTIH II MONTH ll MONTH I4 MDNTHI an MONTH II MONTH VDU RIPAY DVIHI 1m wonled nbouk woman who has so much no time um she can spend an Iflemoon his way Ive never had any lmw ble wlth neighbor and dont wanL my now me her look can lell shu not the lype Id can to hm Anything In do thn our van lumllure pulled up this nclghbor hluled lawn chair our lo the edxo al her pmperly dose In ours sh could gel SM lhero the whole time the van was unloldlnu exnmlnlnz every piece lumflnro In It wu rlgg into our home ms am with him dont like hut plaUnum lmslcd null either NEIGIIBOUM Dnr Ann Luaun We moved Into our new home on few days ago It Inning rim Just wha weve been wklnx tarhut think we may hlye 0an with Ihe mmun next door Im wrlllng lo nxk how to handle the problem be loyp It starts Dur Tlmu dont my evldenca lha he lrying Io push you around The man simply let you know he doesnt 11kg ynur 1311 pansy any slop wealInn the plall num lrosled null your null and hands lovely you say ANY shlde ol polish wLl look well min wlll be flat lmd Ind you wlll have 10 moms Den Ami hndmx remea needed Wlll you um luv been told for long cnn umembor hut have heaumul hmdl My null In 1qu And the typo that do nal bunk II no hnppm um poclauy like platinum mud nail polish keep my all pub fly mlnlculed Ind peopla III Alwm commeman on them 11 hlher avenlur much In mush likedam In Inge WI Do you eel perhaps would do he must just In please Mm or should reluu to be pughed 3mm unsus Th In my Iurprlsa ho mun Ive been lolnz wkh or metal month Bald Why dont you slop man In thll hideous null polish Your nail loak uh In min lilans wu dumbfounded but mldn quick recovery Ind told him would chum Illakind null Wish flkedgnd lor the Um mm LANDERS Frosted Nail Polish Irks Her Boyfriend PIFI MONTH YDIJ RIFAYI IIOJII IIIJB I7IDD IIIl USE AGRICULTURE ol Canadas 11 leading manu fndurln Industries six based on Inlcxdlunl produc lion Deu Blmed TM name on the headstone should read Mrs Alice Smith your Hm hus bands name Jones your and husbands nunul What dn not know how ever which name should he buried under How should the headstone read Slnca will be resting next In my first hus band should be hurled under his nnme Thank youTWICE BLESSED Deu storm know of no parloulllly lhunmmeter which mister teams bu moxl peo ple mom chillyth wkggn theynpeprh your hello about dame Fahrenheit youllhavu no problem NAMES My husband was married first We for 40 yuan Wu married lo my in hus band or 37 yuan We hm all cnsscd mn hurial plans In xen 3lblo and realistic way We both agrée that each ol shouid be hurled bcsldn our Ilrsl mates In nqgnrelspecllye gnaw plug wllhqu can be cool with oul bun cold WARNING Du Ann Linden My hul bund and have boen married yam Va have passt our 70m birthde bu you vmnld nnl lhlnk so It you saw on filthHmong floor Th pmbhm Im wrlllnx about In no urlqus one in fact It In no mlly whim but question which need In mun Beunnl Sample Free Estimate FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phunl PA 61m BARBIE Unhulfllflnl ll Our um um Nan Jim am BRADFORD 5T JAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MQDERN WORK

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