Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1963, p. 5

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st NOW THE CALENDAR says its tall yet it hardly scents INNISPIL NOTES any timesinco spring when rivers and streams were on Council Considers Recreation Lands By 365 subdivision owner whose five per cent donation oi lands Ior parks and recreational pun poses is being ottered or re sale has made the council an otter at 8600 tor the tract However before the lands can be sold the township must have two valuations placed on the properties These estimates must accompany request to the minister of planning and devel opment tor the permit tor the township to resell Ii the otter is equal to the value suggested by the valuator than the sale may be allowed In the case oi the owner who made an oi ler his suggested price was $200 below the value which had been placed on the land It Is presumed that roperty owners in the area mght de sire to retain the lands ior rec reatlonai purposes There are numerous properties in the many subdivisions throughout the township and the township council is taking advantage at an act which allows them to be sold and the money retained In special parks account This iund may be used to purchase park lends Zoning and the planning board may help to bring Im provemcats in perks to our township though It would he better it parks commission was looking alter the interests oi the municipality APPEALING AWARD West Gwlllimbury Ir entering an appeal against the ditch award made by Innistils engin eer on the revised plans to clean and straighten the water course through Lots and at the south lnnisltl drainage This ditch which brings water mm the south township across the county road and Into the pro pertlea oi Innisiil owners was torccd on the township tow years back Engineer Ain ley rays lnsutilclcat tail was allowed and that the ditch needs more direct course to the river in making his award he charged the some costs to the West Gwlllimhury owners as had been assessed previously but has laid out route which will give additional tall tor the water whim will prevent the spring runoils trom backing up our properties at the garden cra who depend on the lands tor living The suggestion is that the ap peal mlflrt be talked ovcr with out going to the Municipal Board tor hearing However the dulre to have each party represented by legal counsel mnkrs It likely that decision could not be reached without third arty to give decision ltir nlcy says that daisy until the tall rains would make It im possible to have the work done this year so that the water course would he rcndy to take spring iloodlng tn the mean time suit or damages has been entered by one at the pro rty owners against lnnsill or allowing the condition to ex ist Imsnrtl suggutcd tlwtt the correspondence he continued with the neighboring township in the hope that settlement may he reached so that work on the ditch may he expedited it also desires to have Engineer Weir on hand It there Is an ap peal Mr Weir did the original engineering ior lnnistil The land owners in Innisiil ailected by flooding claim that they are losing their crops each year be cause oi it The water heaps up on us one told the court at enquiry DRAINS COMPLETED Engineer William AinIEy gave Iiaal approval to the Italston ditch and the Kell drain and passed ior payment the ac counts oi the Realty Construc tion Company Mr Ainley says the tiighways department had not made satisfactory dcepen lng oi the culvert which crosses the road near the log on the Neil drain and that he would take the matter up with their engineers lnnisltl is placing new metal culvert where the drain crosses the old highway now returned to lnnistil Roar nErustNa Assmsor Robert Sprouts came beiore Council to ask It to grant up to 60 days extension Irom theend at September to con tinue work on the assessment roll lie said there were many lastminute changes that he might make and that once the roll was placed In the hands ot the clerk it was illegal to make alterations Council iirrt agreed to allowing the eoday exten slonI but later reduced It to so the rampage with the runoti irom melting snows Three Brothers Injured In Crash KITCHENER CPI One at three Brantlord brothers in jured in truck crash Saturday was In critical condition in hos pital today auiiering irom head aturies and severed wrist tendon DEPARTMENT OF HIGH WAYS employee watches washout chew the edges away under the pavement on High way tit last March at Cooks Blaka Morrow To oi Brant lord was injured with his broth ers Paul is and Gregory to when truck drivers by their tether James is leit coun try road near here and crashed into tree Paul and Gregory were in Iair condition suitering irotn multiple bruises and abrasions Mr Morrow was not injured Kennedy Reviews llid To Indonesia WASHINGTON AP The Kennedy administration is re viewing its aid program to in donesla in view at the burning last week oi the British Em bassy at Jakarta Foreign Itld Administrator David Bell said Sunday Weve made it quite plain to the Indonesian govem ment that the United Stath Is able to let other govern ments only when they hchave sensibly In international mat ters Bell said lie added on New Yorkarcs radlotelevision program that al though the embassy burning ob viously will attect the US aid program to lndonesla no doci sions have yet been made OCEANS DOUIOIIS Several species at iisb shrimp and crabs nibble at parasites and bacterial iniecllons on other itsh Premier Holidays on Weekend Returns To Campaigning Today Ity iOliN MELANC TORONTO LIt Premier Robarta put in tight haltday oi general election campaigning Saturday and then knocked oii tor the weekend to work on molar closing speech ior today With Wednesdays voting lust ahead ltir Ilobarta holed up at his Lake lturon summer home at Grand Ilcnd to prepare tor todays luncheon meeting here at which Progressive Conserva tivo olttclnis are expecting 1000 or more llsicncrs it will be one ei halirdorcn mcetlnga schcduicd tor today The others are intnrmal recap tionr to Metropolitan Toronto ridingr hlr ltoharts took It easy on the cchmaklng Saturday though was whisked around to itvonppcarancts In ilrant lord centre at district cna tsinlng lwn rldiags long held by the Liberals GO ON THE Alli lie and Mayor Richard Iirck cit candidate In itrnnliorrl went on the air over radio rta tlnn CKIC in an hnuriona lira program at answering telephone questions trons Honors The rcmlcr announced no policies hut emphasized these pa HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE PA osm With the The Orl tnat Drlvrin oire ot the Pictures BARRIE South thtla Road In the City batwasn Hwya 400 and it Admission 15 Children 13 yrs or under FREE MONDAY and TUESDAY ileum em counts um suamfindo mnmcrmrmma COMING WED The Sins ot Rachel Code Adult Entertainment PIIIIW ITAMTS AT Milli TROY DOINM mummt MullerMama lie has no iatenttorl oi pro posing any increase In the sub fries oi members at tho legisla urc The govcrnmcnta ncw pro gram oi extending Irec text books tn Grades and litand eventually to all high school stu dentswill permit the updating oi texts to keep pace with cdu cattnnal developments without burdcnlng parents with costs The government cannot put unauthorized ircclnnce tobacco growers out oi business until court case testing its authority to allocate growing acreagcr has been decided With Mayor Dcckcli and Brent Conservative cnndhlnie Arthur McNeil the premier closed his last iull week at ac tive campaigning with visit to hospital ladira ausllinryl auction saleI on Itppcutisttte at city hall to present an It ior Ac levrmcnt award to local tlrm that has develorcd to haccnleabtytng mach no and droptltt tor calico with patty workers at committee room tie spoke onlynntt briefly at the award presentation on the FENCE roara AND StlitUitS alike teal tha strain irnm this tloodtawollen ditch inst wast oi Cookstown look ng north Pressures acute steps at city hall where mid morning buyers at tho opm air iarmtrs market outside the building went on bargainhunt ing as he talked In tho atternoon ho oiilciaicd at the nonpolllleal opening at an addition to the lirnniiord Sanitarium Ilnnaccd by private donations litter still day oi votehunt ing In Toronto todaystarting at to em and ending about hours laterha goes home to London tor Tuesdaythe last provotlng dny to see about getting himscli reelcctcd In London North Its also will spend election day at his horns there MOVES HOUSE VATEitWO Que iClt twostorey wooden house built soma too years ago was rnovrd to new location outside Waters loo by owner Wilirid lalir using truck Tho building was torrnorly owned by the Quebec rosits department BEETON FAIR TUES and WED SEPT 2425 BEEF AND DAIRY CATTLE SHOW Featuring the Slmroe County Illark and White Show SPONSORED SCHOOL CHILDRENS PARADE 1H ACHIEVEMENT DAY Special Prim tor New Exhibits In LADIES WORK AND DAKINO firmwar For Further Particulars Phone or Write HARRY CROSS Daeton 7292466 Oord Dralchst Irasldrnt town The only remaining avi dance at this flood violence if patch in the pavement Ex aminer Photos SURGING CURRENTS ltt this creek west at Cookstawn carried everything beiore it Including the wooden trams CI irons APtieutera MEXICO CITY An angry Richard Burton arrived with Elizabeth Taylor in this land oi easy divorces Sundaynight de nying he had said they would ltficd as soon as legally possi Actor Burton will make movie in Mexico and Miss Tay lor will Just watch She hasnt role There was speculation they were going to take advantage oi the trip to get quickie Mex ican divorces This speculation was stirred iuriher when the pair were quoted as saying in Toronto they hoped to clear up legal dlitlcultles and marry as soon as possible made no such statement Burton snapped when reporters asked him about it Its In so mad now you couldnt get him to say any thing an aide to Burton said LOOKED TIIIED Itiiss Taylor would say notb Ing She looked tired and Irrit able alter the itight Irom Lon don via Toronto and Montreal not learn whether she had any enough to whip the water into whirlpoots built up in Iront at this cuivcrt Today the ditch is nearly dry USE OLD TOOLS The crottsmcn oi Greenland working mainly in bonn and leather use centuriesold pro ccsses and torms in make their clothes hunting gear and low ellcry IMPERIAL THEATRE now go More 519 soul at CHNICOLOTL Itsrial BEtTY HUTTON HOWARD KEEL iillti iiitiliiijlittiti ttItiIi itiiIIDttItiIiItilttiltltttt lath this In COLOR hem MO UV lIiE diiltiiliil of III AlliiiilS Knights cool Round We use harassment One Show Iter rental assume as ANNIE Afl PM =9 thing to say about statement attributed to her In Toronto Im even learning to cook Conscqucntly reporters did and Im doing an awtul lot oi knitting she was quoted as saying As thcy drove away irom the airport here Miss Taylors taco looked strained Then she cov ered her lace with her white gloved hands Miss Taylor ls wcd to singer Eddie Fisher Burton to iorrner actress Sybil Williams Reporters who met thcm in Montreal asked them whether they planned to get divorces in Mexico know said Miss Taylor Vho news dont said Burton Nearly too reporters iired questions at the two stars alter they iiew hcro Sunday night wild airport scene saw 1500 screaming jostling tans grcct Cleopatra and her Marc Ita tony Accompanied by Miss Tay lors daughter Lisa child at late showman Mike Todd the wouldnt tell you Iii tell centre Now six months later the willows tiar right have the iieldall to them selves Motorists driving by Liz Burton Visit Mexico Deny Marriage Statements stars arrived in Montreal tra veiling under the names oi Mr and Mrs man and child But bit was recognized anyway was mobbed by dozens oi Caa nadian inns and became separ ated Irom Burton in Mexico City Burton seemed Irritated by newspaper men tiring questions at himseli and as they walked Irom thclr plane to the immigration oilice hitsr Taylor wearing white lopcoat over black dress seemed upset by the crowd and reporters She took pill while In the immigration oiilce Whats this This Is horri ble Miss Taylor said as they tried to get through the crowd Lisa looked irlghtened and clung to her mother Police had to torca the crowd aside to open lane tor the stars and the child to their lim ousine which took them irom he Iairport to their Mexico City ote THREEMONTH STAY Burton planned to be In Mox Ico three months working on the movie version oi the Tennessee Williams play Night oi the Igu ana Burton and Miss Taylor said on Highway as these days would iind It hard to believe this itold was so tall oi flood water earlier this year earlier that re rters who metl them at the pane In Montreal were among the rudest and most ioui mouthed they had ever encountered DONT ass IDIE Unlike Pacltlc salmon lands locked and Atlantic salmon do not always die alter spawning but may return each year to spawn LIVE ON GAME Beaver rabbit and ilsh lorm thevmain winter diet oi Indians on Michlplcotcn Island In Lake Superior lEGtON BINGO wannasoav scar 25 2° REGULAR ROUND SHARE TIIE WEALTH SPECIAL ROUND JACKPOT $260 LEGION HALL 7i COLLIER ST HURRY Only More Days TONIGHT and TUESDAY ill flit PtAttttS MAM ONE EVENING SHOW STARTIN AT PM FREE LIST SUSPENDED FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ADMISSION PRICES ItIat Ere CHILDREN STUDENTS ADULTS NIGHT SCHOOL REGISTRATION THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 pm Classes will be held on Manda months cours SIIIIIITY It ts at Guthrie AUDRIY MUM ACADEMY AWARD filialwctt tttfitltttlttK iunauwnn as oint onesee snort estate at area ANY MONDAY ilm altraltmti yr and Thursdays or an Intensive six bsglnnlng Monday Sept 30 Shorthand Typawriting Bookkeeping All subleeta taught by proteaslonal business poopla Examinations wlii be held tor certlitcates DAY CLASSES BEGAN SEPT NEW DAY STUDENTS MAY REGISTER BIIRRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE 66 TORONTO 5T DARRIE Member School In The Business Educators Association at Canada PHONE PA 847 My vmn HumV lmm rw vimtrnvsrndl Imnr witm Hittll annotations viav

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