Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1963, p. 13

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HHP GROUND MESSINA ltnly AP Thu Brllixh crule Ihlp Andes with coo puunnrl Ibord ml around on and mi ln Ihe Sin oi ilmlnn Sundny nlxhl No Injuries were rnnnrivd iuzhoal pulled lilo 28000 ion And loose alter lhrcc in and the mix cnnilnucd on lo word anie under in own power RELIEF PLANE LEAVE TRENmN Ont CPiA Yur kon anldmn Ilrmii landed will 20 um 01 powdered mllk Ind iour ions of cannrd meat lei Iho RCAF buo he Salut dly bound ior Oxriubl flood dilnllerliricken In Brnlli Conldn donaled iho reliei lup pllel in ihl Brazillln amn menl Ill MLIR DOWN DUNN MM lufln Flunrry imdudn In Nu lnlmdllnd Iuppllu II MI to INN pom dun In unlu mm wvlllnh 1mm UR lulru lot thlrlrn and mm pnaducll ma non Ihmuah he llunlmy Qumxl va anrl fiundly lllllnl Iflur Inlmn Ind Inlmlnl number nhm lmnnl lln lllult 0M In unmrn um 01 In urln Mun uh jumped mm window CARRIERS VINNIPEO CWThu Fad mlod Auzmlnlluu Clrrlcrl reJcclcd two Ill llon mnllunl sulurdny lm dl tldtd In mnnln mnmhm ham Ihe Cnnnrllnn Lulmr Cun um And Slvll Srnitu Fed mullau Jlrk Snoprr nl Edmun an wu eleclcrl pmldunll VIOII RUNIMV TD LONDON MP1 III III muktd mm walkml Inln lhu ul llrn lhn Ixmdnn Hunllly Tlmu Sundny nlnhl whllc per wu Kolnl la preu hmko No uh In Ihe ncmunln dm pmmrnl Ind mnprd wllh Up 000 011com In mh No ruhv Im ml llm murily man on duly mm lhrulrnnl wllh hum mm nml clulu Thu Sunday Timul II aunrd Iry numllnn nawpupor puhluhrr flny Tllmw Inn hm lomd lhalr Way Into lho Panh Roman Culhnllc Unlan Sundly Ind loatcd It VllthlI Jewell Ind workl Includinl dlnmondntudded wnlch Ind ml llnlu ha lnle Polish Nnnll xlnlumnn WW Pndmwnkl The hulldln ll Ihl lulunnllunnl hezllluuuwm llhu warldwldn Polhh cunnin loll TWO GIRLS MISSING PETERBOROUGH CPIPm lice uid Sunday Ihll luv Po lerbamuxh mm Irls mm Iu Ilnca In Frl ny night my hlvn hudld lnr Toronto Knlh lean Wlllwork Is Ind CIIhEh Ina Bell I5 were both Iecn III II mm Frldly whun they In hum of nrlghbor for Ivlmom they Ind been babyIll nl rgrn Hill KIM OWN HEADS ASSOCIATION ViNELAND Ont tcPiMi chad iiirim oi Cornwall wu aimed resident oi the Ontario Associunn oi Prohntion om cera at its annual tonveniion which closed here Sunday Don llacKinnon oi Believiun was elccled vicepraidenc Robert Cracknrii oi Sudhury secretary and John Glliflii at London realmnu HOLDUP NETS COATS HULL Que GP Two hooded men one armed with tubmuchlne gun huld up six employees of he nearby Gal lneau Golf and Country Club early Sunday and escaped with two coats They ordered man ner Joseph sue to remove MI lop can and sult coal and then ran out he door with them Mr Saxc sald lha eunls cnn alned none the weekend re celpu lAJUI FOLISII UNION CllIfIAGQ ilAPlThm rob HAD ll PUPB SI MICHEL DE VEM WORTH Que CWA Gennan Iherherd owned by Richard Bel gave birth here to liner pups by cumIan swlon One was stlflbam Veterinary Rumll McMahon lad the other using In ayedmpper AIRMAN 10 RETIRE OHAWA CF Air Vice Manhll Gordon Kerr ro cenlly éhlel of stuff the 4th Allled acllcal Air Force head quarters In ansmn Germany will retln his mumh after yam RCA xcrvlce He II nlllva Amprlnr Ont ARE DEFEATISI SASKANON CPtDruz ad dicta can voiuntariiy nt away trom their addiction tor ahort Enrico oi time nay Dr aiiidoy aaaociato director of the Narcotic Addiction Founda tion oi British Coinmbia But peopioin general he any have detentiat attitude toward nar colic and tend to teei tho lot oi the addict is boogie LANDS PLANE DIES MADISON indt APtA Day ton Ohio mnn Iater landed his light plane in farm iteld nalr hero Sunday altar he was taken in in tho air then died oi ham attack on route to hoapi tnl Cari Ncwhard 17 wan quoted aa aaylnu he decided to land when ha tell the immin enco oi on attack auch hnd auiiercd about iour yrora no BOOST GROWTH VANCOUVER CPI Riy enler Canaan Llrnlled will spend $2100006 to doubla productlon mum lllpulp mlll as mne northwest or here WORLD NEWS TN BBIEI 64 CHEVROLET THUG NAMED DEAN TORONTO GP Pmlessor Edgar Melmix has been ap palnloddcan ol the Icully uraduale xludlcs at York Unl verslly Dr Mclnnll was or merly head the colleges history department Ha Rhodes Scholar and past pm ldenl n1 lha Canadinn Inslltute lnlcrnnllonal Imam Another illhu reéeni nenlinol twa pemns in Detroit alter eni Inl conflmlnnted tinned iund SHARK 1M5 GOITRE VANCOUVER CF Thu lulu num ahnrk at the local aqunrium being lmated ior xoilra curator Dr Murray Newman Iayl The slmrk receiving iodine applications Chevrolets spacesavlng E80 90 cab model and rug ged U80 TlltCab models are now made In Canada wilh resullant savings for you These new Chevrolet Dlesels have 14 heavy duly clutch and 6V53 GM Dlesel englne 19537055 hp glve you lull englna elllclency at all lead and speeds more mlles per gal lon extra lowspeed torque for power on heavyload starls and long tough grades New or 64x Chovroluls extrahlghIovque 348 Spaclnl V8 wlth uconoml cnl twobanal covbumlor Avnllablo an option on tho Sales 60 Ma powu plant provide mal pulllng power comblnod with the economy um Huck opera tor approclulu 233 BRADFORD sf SPECIAL VB DR CHEVROLET OPTIONAL so SERIES SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORZED CHEVROLET TRUCK DEALER TOMORROW CWEII PRICED MADE IN CANADA DIESEL TRUCKS PANGERFIELD MOTORS llMllED nrnnn DY Bloodhounds brought lnln the search were alvcn Noreenu scent mm sham nay plcked lrall neara bus stop Noreenleufilin alrl frlcndl house In catch bus hnme wu mile away and has not been ugly llpce BOWMANVILLE 01 CF More than lwmrchmplnw Inn through swamp nu ullsh land during the wbekendlaued to locate trace Noreen Greenlcy who vanished eight daylngo Fail T° Find Girl SEE YOUR lOCAI AUTHORIZEO VCHEVROLET TRUCK DEALER TOMORROW WIDERCHOIEE The now 15500 lb and OFAXLE 515 23000 lb um axles for tho IN DHEVRDlEI Series 60nd 80 volpocllvoly 80 80 AM Man and he now 34000 lb Tan SERIES WI INCREASED LOAD Gem Bella or In Swim CAPACHY M80 wldon Chovrolcll range at exlrlhuvyduly power unln options Chevrolet has nddud new 175 wheelbase chassis to broadon lls line T60 Tllt Cab models Thls modern cab design vcly popularwllh Its big CA dlmunslons on short whoolbnsos oulsundlng cnglno accosalblllly mom of clan weight dlslrlbullon De Ium lo use Donna on lho CBCTV nulwovk each Sunday TO GIVE YGIH WIDiR CHOICE 0F WHEELBASES ran nu can Your Chumm Oldmwblln Cullllu may and Chmolol funk Dulcr There thuy 10 II but nicked It up min law hundred feet away and allowed to me edge Highway Ban Bruce the hlnodhoundl nwncr la lure Ihe girl was taken awn by car lhul point Bowmanvl lo elght mllel out Oshawa whére I119 nlrl was In seen and allowed ll to railway tracks THIEF TAKES LIVE WORMS maom cm Thll was that to mm any body squirm Pollce Inld live bnlt llrm reported that MOW live worms wm taken from the shop early Saturday The new18500band 23000 lb tear axles for the Series 60 and 80 respectively end to new 94000 lb Tan lo Indul I1 Commissioner Cutter Construcflanol onestorm 10000 squire loot building nd almdy begun and gas cheduled Jar complellan omml In Guclphbéllove lha switch was made because Brant lord ha been classed as de Smith laid Sund dcclalon by Muneuc Men at Cmda lelled tohufld new factory In Brannon Inmad in Guelph apparently wn In re unite announced tedaral AM or mud um and arm chcd ezovernmznl The firm had laken myur FEM WWW FirmMoves To Brantfhrd Guelph Mayor Hits Gov Combining the sleek iooks of passenger car and the business ability of light truckthe El Ceminoi With its standard 6cyiindev engine and tulieoll suspen sion Ei Cemlno Is ready to go iowork aii dayend silll look as glamorous as passenger cal come evening Chock yaut local lining for chanml Ind Mme THE GBEATESI llNEllP IN FIRST TIME EVER DIESEL POWER IN CHEVROLET TANDEM We lake Ilmnl abjecilon when iha lederni xnvemmeni announces cerinin thin par llallyhe laid it xlmuld bu publicly allied just what de pressed area is and will lho qualifying laclola Are Branflord clly councfl In week apprmd 10 01 notary nllo lo Mirna Mellll for 000 Conumcliun the salary In due to um um waek The mayur crlllnlud Iho ted eml govemmem flying had no made complm 0110th nouneemenl an the qunllflcn Hon or lld mud am Ind qunllllel or cdcral ald for Industrial davel apmenl EL ammo PICKUP Chevrolet offers three new Canadian mede 58 W80 tandem with 6V53 Dleael power and ex trarugged drlve Ilne components feelurv lug nxtmheavyduty 549qu meln hens mlsslon end opllonal 4Ipeed euxlllMy lvemmleelonflmla bevele Iron lul ponelane eve mod up to 11000 baxlo capaclly 1ch HISTORY PHONE PA 66527 MORE TRUBK MORE TBUEKS Punson lnlervlnwcd on In luped ABC lelovlnlon mmmy Inuel And Answ no laid Cnnndlan wouldnt want to aka the politlon that an Inn nl Caslm SI In mm Cuba we must hive nothing whatever lo do with him Canaan Announced lulhninn day the sale ummomo 1th when And flour to tho EXAMINER MONDAY lEPIEnlBIR IS Bl1 NEW YORK AP Prime Mlnlllar Puma nld Sunday he an no rum why Canada wouldnt export when lo the Savlu Unlon the reed to do In weak Pearson Defends Wheatheal Agrees With summit Meeting HUSKY FORWARD CONTROL MODELS WITH MORE OSAOlE lOAD SPAOEIIH Bullbln wllh all those am alnecrlng Improvements cnovrolcll Jobproved vallnblllty natures Includ lng VarlablnRMo Fwnt Susponslon Independent Front Suspension on most llghlav medals tough worklostod enslnes and Munlunged chasm com pononls Those are some of ma vouonl why the 1964 Chuwolot Truck doslgnod ta wovk harder Ian longer and coal Ion DINKML Moll Hull Chevrolet has added new Step Van Klng Models to Its Forward Control line to glve you the widest choice over 11 modal wlth body Ilze ranglng horn to 12 too long With new spaceoplanned terlou workproved englnas transmls slons and uuspaw ulon than now Chavlon are out standing for eco nomlcalprofitmak Ina mulll5lap oper ational GVW rat nan up to 10000 mi The prime mlnlxler um hl dount runny Inylhlnn 1n tomlllenl In Canadas mlklnl whul Ihlpmenll la Cubl Ind American poflcy Irylna to clamp an economic boycott Around the Caribbean Inland will In Ihl ped directly to Cuba Laal mom Canada Iold 60 mm wonh of when to Chlnl Pearson commenlcd Sundny There II no mum Hut know Ihm we lhouldnl uportlod to Communlll counlrlel Food llnl on any prohibited Ill Soviet Union Under lho ID nnlement 8000000 worth ghuzpeg dlrgcuy gq PRDVEN RELIABIlIW cuwnoms mwnm lull

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