Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1963, p. 12

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Immcl nau wxIL hm hlml men when nml plum In kcop lirmll on Ill he nlqu Slnco IH horn herb IM mum diltrrenl outlook on lhlan hr snyA Thny dont lrtnl ynu like mnvlcl They dont hold ll over you 11 Jusl like hurl came all lhu mm and anllrnn uh En dlnppcd out high school in the nrndc mur rkd curly begun Inmily and run mo Hnmlcinl Imubln Thnl make him lyplcnl hencflcL II the program Work rclcnm is he shuwcaso Hem In Ilnlcwlde prlsnn reform program whlch In less Ith 10 yum hns nhlflcd ha cmphaxil mm punishmnnk la rrhnbllilnflun fluun on mlclwlde has In m7 ll hn aurntlnd llonnl nnd internalionnl allow llon and now 15 being lricd In Maryland and lhu Rbpuhllc Gunlcmnla He holds an outside Job dur Inx working hours and spends his unduly lime contine mnnt Hi earnings pay his way Ihrouxh prison support his wlla Ind lhrcu yuung chlldrm and provide hlm nest egg or us when he trend EWMSIS sman Ennis Is one more Ihan 560 primers enrolled in Norlh Cur ollnaa pl nhnbililallon prygrqmucallcd work release in blue denlm company Inl arm and weslarnslyle black beau hide the lac he convict Iervlng three Io Hva year or breakan and enter lng RALEIGH NC AP on tha job 22yearold Jessa Ennis look like any other menk lervlce xlallm Attendant Ha pumps Rfll checks oil clean windshlelds when Mr Wintermeycr made one of hls hrlel sldcwalk speeches oppm alto lhe Murdoch commluca mums he mulnrcnde encount ered Mr Murdoch dnlng some mnlnAxlreclinx The Conserva llvo candldalc waved smlled bravely and hen made or he lawn Essex ln sound truck to dn some publln addressing helm lhe leeral motorcade horned lnl Windsor crowd of mm thin 300 turned out for Salurdn ghl rally In Cleary filmn nlmm In Nmh Cur mplcce Lcaminglon rum pel band preceded Ihe molar cad by bus and led the car on not through six ho dozen communities vislled Little girl aplllul out car In each town and banned out In hand flowers and picture of candidate Pat rgon nu shoppprs LED BY HAND Party organ zcra hlt Essex Soulh where lhe Speaker of the legislature Vllllam Mur doch Is the only Conservative lncumhcnl In the Vindsnr Iran loocar matnrcado hunkcd its way lhmugh 90 miles of the rid in In support or Loamlnglon dry goods merchant Don Palat son North Coraline Pioneers Work Release Program Sn porters In the ant WIndA mrurea riding put on show or hair visiting leader Salut day Iha was mod the biggest he qqmpilgn The Liberal chici showing no sin strain ailcr 28 days and 12000 miles of hard campaign ing had nothing on his public agenda until rally in Massey Hail here Ionlghi Bul he said he might decide to visit some hi the 29 Meiro riding during IE day TORONTO CP Ontario Liberal Lcader John Wlnler meycr New here Sunday from rousing sorllo Into the Wlnd snr area and ma podmllcs will Idvisers Dr final shut belurc Wednesdays pruvlnclal elecllan lznm 3mm Exnllym MONDAY SEPTfiJhmER 1m Liberal Leader Visits Toronto HOUSEHOLD FINANGI III Mnmm JulADI at law gImp uh Need backtoschool cash IAIIII Irv Shop now to the but clnlhlnu vnluu Pay bnokl lulllon nupplm Danaw coulldanlly mm II company backed by 85 yom oxpovluncn Got an HFc Shoppers Loan RECALL PM MAPLE CREEK Sank CI Grnln lhmhlmz tqqumrnl dnl lug Ilnrk In 1m vuu Included In ml long panda lhnl lnunchrd ulthnuunl In diamond juhllro of Hull Ioulh wcxltrn Snnknlchewnn lown Prlmm dlreclor Come nan dnll say about Hm per cm ma wurk rtlnnso prlaanm Imn bun drawcd lrom tho vm xum mainly at drlnkln ur dipping nfl lha jnh lo vim lhelr wlm One min car and lumped 50le MAKE ma Prlsonm haw worked inlhI rndns store clerks nulo salesmen labarm and in many olher nccupnuuns Salnrlc range hlzh mo walk Tho average It between $50 and $60 olnl ud drochd lo 10668 June 18 In ytnr Th has enabled lhe mu prism deparlmcnl custodian All men mvlng any or more and allwomen serving rdx mnnlh or more lo all In hud nr he IBM65 period by $0000 Elcvnn prison unfl havc bccn cluscd In mn snlldullun program From high 01 um cnn lnQcccmbpr 1961 he Under SMIlord flake pulley ls prbdluud on lhe calculnllnn hat cash In tlme much to leap man behind bars It does lo supervise lllm on parole or prnhullnn Norm camnm Is he only ml with declining prison populnllnn oiinn began in earnest in the middle 1550 under Governor Luiher Hndxes new US secretary oi commercei Gover nor Teny Sanford has given it continued impetus meyer was buoycd by Windsorx wlndup to his campaign mm which criss crossed the provlnce by chur ered plane and bus in lash lon lha lnuchcd each malnr re gion of the pmvlnce at least unca In eath the four weeks IA 60 Mr Wlnlmneyer planned Liberai government would en oourau Datroit workers to main their hum in the Calla dian border city through such measures exempting irnm succession duties the eslaln at American working in Detroit and living in Windsor Vindsorsuilering the affect at diminished automobilu in dustrywould be among unm munitica that would receive will help from the icderal xav emmenta new municipal loan iund ii Liberal vadminisiratlnn is elected in Ontario Mr win iermcyar said Ottawa and the municipalities would be given the mahcad without interven tion by the provincial govern ment he sairl Only 65 per Lands Ind Foresls Minister Kelso Ruben was aid he so nept that he was promoled mm attorney lenzral tn min Isle of trees Duiending Welfare Minister Judy Lamarsh and the Canada Pension Plan from crit icism by Fumier John Ro barls Mr Reamno laid the federal minister isa lady oi whnm lhe premier oi Onlnrio not worthy to shine her shou Mr Renume had the Audi ence roaringand Mr Wlnlerv meyer wiping learn 01 humor mm his eyeswith nsxorlcd attacks on tha Conservallva gnvernment Inside iha Audion co was warmed up for the Liberal leader by sinzsonx and hit andwli speech by Arthur Re mmo inn aligned candida or rreleclion in Egex North Audllorlum to he gieeled an doorstep by mplue Dixie land hand cent Wle lar 14 335 000 cxpanslnn for eventual nmdilnllon lib eral an college have been an nounccd by the London Collage or mm and Missions The balance of his earnlng split with some mumy enr markcd fur family luppnrt and mdresllor he prlsoncra lrust II The prisoner also assessed the cos lrnnsparlallan lo and lrum work pravldcd by he slam lle resolves low duller la take care personal expenses Takehomo pay Inn at tach prlson units ofllce Th 5m rclalns 3225 day In defray he cast housing and coding lhe convict So In Hill aldne han resulted in savlnl more Khan 8317000 lo Norlh Carolina laxpuyers 7th law after gaining rccdum rclcnsa convic have run Norlhern Onlaria is dolled with pockets of depression which linger on because the Rm banls government refuses to shape nollpius which will rescue these communities from the stain of ghost lawns Mr MacDonald laid same 150 sup porlm at Saapiaic dinner here Salyrdgy nigbh SUDBUIW CF Frcmler Jnhn flown5 governmnnt Iusc la pul Into effect policies that will save many Northern Onlarlo communities mm be coming ghost towns NDP 0n tarln leader Donald MacDonald say The SARJEANT EXPAND COLLEGE LON 1CP Plan GoVernmenI Hinders Growth Of North Mchonuld WW He charged That the lime had Marcel Chapul Quebec sep shoulder of supporterun 011 Place des Am arallsl leaderlslllled onlulhe demonstration outside Mun Wch openlnl DON WIN Mary Sm Ianlc SEPARATISTS DEMONSTRRTE HT Phon PA BZIGI SARJEANTFS BUDGET PLAN 5mm your lutl nll payment evenly over mlny month wilhcm lnltml Avoid huvy mldwlnur pnymcnu whrn lurl runsumpnnn ll ll pcnk Dellvrrlu mndu uulnmnllcallv Mum nu run law You Mm hum lo all or Sllnhclll Hm Mcndul hul lnz all With la 5mm cnmlon nawl Tllll IierlWlCF IN Fun llunm Scnlm Ind Contllllonlnu luluur Emrmnry fimlw hmlullyv You my only lnr nplmmcnl Null Coalcl lulunl or Full llrllll SUNHEAT PAYMENTS 954 gm smwc Maul lhelr Hloilng spirlls after cnlhuslusllc men an lrum he heninnlng uI hls dayIon tour hat begun in North Bay and ended in Sud hury nnld thorn nrc xnlnn ha snme aurnrlsu In slnro this Wrdncsday when Onlnrlo vol in la lhc polls Mr Macmnnld charged that neither the government nor the corporaunns hnvo strumd re search prnlrums In develop civillan market lnr urnnlum ch posiu was dam alter Inc First War with nickel He xald Ihnl In nearby Elllo Lake whlch ho described as the mndel ghost own at Nnrth America he wurkm hnvo mn lhclr 1m snvlnxs no down the drnlrj urnnium markets dccllngu Méanwhllé Inwsx than six years lhc carparalluns involvrd havu withdrawn all lhclr nrigl 1m Invcslmcn 3350000300 and couple of Mg cumpanics have monopnllzcd th xllua llnn Why should mining campa nie In ulvcn Ihcse contusion when other businesses are nali ha asked Mr MacDonald alsn Iizshtd what 10 Invcrnmcnl for no dolmz away wllh highly dis crlmInnlory privileges nrgnlud the mining Industry whtreby they an reed from munlcipal taxallon Lmlo awn ave seen their populallon dwindlo because his government has refused to re assess and reallocate vast llm ber llmlls whlch have hcen handed ovcr amonlca ll cencces hereby keeping out secondary lnduslrlcsr wh ch might be developed to provide Jobs and new prosperity yrs TAX fflEEDflM lam since passed when the gov emmcnl of the prnvlnce 0m larlo should be teases and ro nllocnte Northern Ontnrln llm4 her llmlls which ho said were conzrulled by timber baron who werenolwyrklnx them Ho lnnk swipes at Llhcrnl Leadnr John Vlntcrmeyer who he anld had dlslnrlcd lhe whale campaign and was nu only rendan his speeches poorly but rcudlnx them wllh Kennedy accenL am confident we no nolng tn have Nurlhcrn Onlnrln back In the léglslalure Vilhthnl vnIceha nld hl cheering lly lenm Dont om when you much the moon Guru hnrd WI and or run Cheno SALLYS SALLIES Ircals Place de Am at In new cultural cmlmSniurdAy Wch opening the night WIrcpholo MacDonald nccompnnlcd Through lhc rnra lhc chnmrcd bunks hnvc mmlo It incmuingly my for people borrow nl rrnwn Iblc rules or almost any worthwhile purpuscx ho Many lfouuchold purchase like his mm with bank loan Icoplt find that me simplmlnlurnl lhing in do to burrow when they mm the Iocnl bank In fact he Imrlcxcd lvnnk arc the Inrgcst mingle mum nf rmuumcr cmhl Mun bolh In numlmr ml vnlur 1m We needed it now the bank said yes so THE CHARIEREI BANKS SE lhrauglx nilmug banking rumu During the campaign Mn Vinlcrmcycr has moron hnynnd any shadow of doubt run he unwnnhy My 10 rlnu cunslderntlon prcmler this province MacDonald said that mm lho nulsct lho puhllc had no confidence ln lecml pall clcv hecauae they hnvn changed so ollen In repre sent no firm commitment to he vnlers The or he cnmpnlgn has one on the mar the Com scrvnllve propngundu nude new Ind vigorous rcglmn ms alien away lo rcvenllhc sum old 518 SGrcnlcr slronglh lhnn we had ever dared lo hope for is emerging ur tho New Demo crnllc Pnrly In he humcslrclch lh campaign he told the ND workers Mr MacDonald returned to Torunlu Sunday and spoke At elccllnn wnrkcrs ralllc In Tur onlu St Andrew whm NDP caucus scnrélnry Ellen Adam candldnlo and in awn rldln York Snulh SE qREAlj STRENGTH was the best cnvalcnd ever In nu pnllllcal career he NDP leader said at the eve nlng banquet byhlu wile began his day with hrcnklnsl moulan Nnrh Buy allowed by brief visit lnsturgcon Falls He was me at nearby Vah napltan III by mulorcudn more than 50 cm and Inured udhury and Nickel Bell rid mtg banking mmmlvt la granlug chunglugmtd RVING YOUR COMMUNITY vuunuun lhrrc out our hunk Innnl individunls fnr lhrir personal cmlil nccds And ihc Iolul nlnounl of Mich lnnln Inn nhnusl Inllbltd In the pm five rnrsfurlhtr cvidrncc the my lmnk cmlnmrrn nu Irlylng mnrc null mum nn llmr Incnl brunchu fnr burrowing nu cll far all olhtr linnnclnl amlm purrhnsc of cnrn ncw home hrnling nymm Inns nr dnughlrra cducnlion fnmil vncnlinn lL The anlnnl Unlon of Public Service Employees slnrtod among Ontarlo llydm em ployee In 1845 xrowlng from about 1800 numbers In It pru cnt strcnzlh of some 32000 members The National Un lnnul Puhllc Employee was formed in 1955 when varlou TLC unions unlwd Into one body wIlhl1500 membm Slnco lhcnNUPEs membmhip has expanded lo about 56000 RAHFY AGREEMENT In their separate session lo day lhe we unlnns wlll mmy lhc merger unrncmcnl nexu umcd by Ihclr respective nul ccr and adopted last March 30 The merger ha in major hookup unlons In Canada since the old Cunadlln Cou mu ol Labor and tho Trude and Labor Courts Jolncd In 195 form the Canadian La bo Coggrquu The new union wiil hnvu anon 38000 members in Iho public suninn fluid lastgrowing hour of workers ihai inciufie mun 1le and hospital um inyccs workers in provincial dm commluions well some other pmvincinl em pigeu Then lho 550 delegates mm ho lwo unlonsabnul 550 mm NUPE and about zoo Irom NUPSE will Joln togclher nxesdny or the oundlng can venllon ol the Canadian Unlon olPuth Emplqugs Unions To Merge Convene Tuesday PEOPLE DO RIAD SMALL ADS YOUAREI Resolullon under study In cludu call or more merger of union In Canada and or greater nulonomy or Canadlm workers In International unlonu The resolution submitted hy various local Ira Hm con aldered by an eightman mqlu Mun mmrnlllce then iuhmmtd to the convention with slump approval or relecllon by he mmmille Same mnlnr policy declflonl wlll bu hammered out dunml NUPE fluteday loundlnz can venlion 1258 Thu new unlon will be lhu bl flut allCnnndlnn union and the sccnnd largest all Interna llonnl and national union in Cannda ranking behind lhl 100000 member the Unlled Slcelworkcrq AmenInn Slnnlcy Lillie NUPSE pmhlcnl wlll he nullonal nrexl den the new unlnn with Rlnloul NUPE nullonul dl ruclor filling the secretary lrensurer post The rclallanshlp he lwo un lon In In new merged My was worked on in snrlcs meetings Hm began shortly lcr Iha CLO was created In They will nlau chnnsc the na llnnul executive board 01 lbs new unlun wllh NUPE nomi nnllnu three general vlccpruh dams and six rcninnnl vlce pruldcnls and NUPSE noml nlllng two nencrnl ctmusl dcnls and three regional Vch presldcnu MANSON Dcrrlck Reprclenuuve For The New Democratic Slory See Page

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