nwmlon dawn In lhnlr but uvvn Houlh almmn nun luzuc llnnl um um Midlnnd will but MM land In In mth um nllhl mm mmmv night oclock MUmt lb ml will am hi plum In Midland Thumb nldll rolnll wink llillhllllu 1133 to rt up palm Auduy Enron Mlde 1n mu but Ilnnln Ilrlng wlm ml whllo lulzh lrplo mat to LII Wall wllh 5M mm devastnllnz wk of loll Jun allowed by hard rlxhl in anmsslully defend hl llxhl wellerwclxhi We In Cnnndlnn amateur boxing chum plomhlpl Snlurdny night Fllrkimz his Inn wim nur perlcct llmlng Re in Army corporal 1mm Taber Allm hm rrvd out vldnry over Johnny Lugnduln Scnrhomuxh Ont Lapndulal hundlau lhrcw In Ynfll man oak Hut plnct In Iha Good Frlcndl Manna Ins wed n1 Kempvlew Bowl by plrklnl up man paint with plnlnll mm Whlppnls dlcukul in wllh li mlnu Iolluuvd by Flimlonu with mu nnd onehall and Al leytnu wllh lwo and nnovhnll lnrlwllh Szeryk said he wasnt sure of the future plans for the team He dldnt give the Impression that he plan ned to continue but he said nothing to the contrary elther He has fine group of Payers with him and if they stay together they shou enjoy much suc THIS SILVER SIX team could go long way and make money every stop But they shoud Include some sldelights with their show They could drop the club to five or even four but while Szeryk Is the main attraction and hes worth the grim of admission to watch few act would make team more ap pealing Thornton To Host Midland The secret with such club is to get the jump on the opposltlou than clown around for the remainder of the gama The players sald they had few stunts but because they havent been practising or playing regularly they didnt pull them off This was the trend of comments from players and tan aliker Larry Wood manager of Stewarts Garage watched from the stands Asked how hed like to have Szer on his club Larry smiled nodded his head and rep ed Wouldnt that be something Championships Decided Rt Canadian Amateur Tourney Yogi Bears In Top Spot BUTCH BOYD who pitched against the team for five innings and batted couple times against Szeryk commented almost broke my wrist once trying to get my bat down to hit that drop of his It was coming in strut ht over the late and swung saw it dropping wh ie was sw nglng and actuaiiy felt my wrists snap when tried to drop the bat down Where does he get all that stuff asked Jack to no one in particular Look at that dro Its not 13h 0129119 guy to havqalllhgt stuff 1511 he could Jack Valr senior pltcher with Barrie Plaza watch ed Szeryk from the press box He shook his head in amazement We havent been playing as much this year as last and were not getting enough action he said Ive been behind that piste on days when Met almost knocks me off my feet He can really throw when he wants to SZERYK SAID he uses rising pitch rising curve fastbreaking curve drop fast hall and change up But he said he could throw harder than he did yesterday Catcher George Smith agreed Szeryk struck out 23 in the nineinning am and gave up only one scratch single Andhe sa follow the ggme he wasnt even throwing hard His players agree The team has Elayed 25 games this season and last only two Szery has been averaging slightly over 10 strikeouts er game and this in sevenainning com petition Las season they played 40 games and the averages were equally as impressive By RICK FRASER Examinlr Spurn Edltor METRO SZERYK broadshouldered pitcher with the sudbury Silvcrjix softball team 1m ressed one and all with his Eertormnnce at Queens ark yester day afternoon en he hurled his touring squad to 51 victory over Smiths Dairy ve half of ii forms VVVBEIdnt have 1H1 ï¬fths E2 or leagua next year lofnamnmn EXAMINER MONDAY SEPTEMBER 35 196i EDHOIYTON CP Hanfey ml cm SPORT AT GLANCE Szeryk Praised By Players ans COHOUHO Onl CWFred Dulmn ormcr nmldrnl Km Onlnrlo nunhy Foolblll Un Inn dlod hm sunduy known In Cobourll grind old mm loomIL Mr Dullon ruched IM ownl alllnpinl almu lo llva Dnmlnlon lnlor medial Ullu The wlnnm al lho nlm olher min In lhc champlnnsmpl were mlly MchndJe Edmon ton Ilywclghl Plo Rny Hen rlnmon Edmonlnn welzhl Tod nllllnguluy Edmon lon leulhuwclxhl Alb Bren Mnnlml wellcrwckhl Hmmu Zlmmmnnnn hmnlo 1th mlddluwtluhl LCpl Law mnu Larry Cardinal Vla lonl mlddlowolkhl Me If lllrlm Edmonton light he vywelxhl Allin Quirk Manl rul heavychm Buddy PAI 09 HI How 115 jlgmwcliï¬L er victory WI lha can In mum career for mu The 26 yearold member the 1nd Ba tnlinn Prlnceu Pntddll Cn nudlan Light Infantry Wu bmnu medallist th 1961 Brillsh Emplm Game in Aur lrnlln Canadian Army cham pion 1n mo ml and 1m Ind Albcm champion from 1855 lhmuzh H158 the 0ch al 235 of lhe third mund as the dam Onlaxlo boxer reeled helplessly under bamgo of blow ExORPU President Fred Dulton Dies BUSINESSMENS BUFFET NOW OPEN FOR YOUR PLIASURE 12 Noon To 130 pm IN THE ANCHOR ROOM Mn Wolllnmon Hohl ll you In locnl Imlmumn wlll Inky mun hnu bullt flu wdunm Mel Gmd 100d umd In menial nlmonphm 04 IM Anchor Room DUNLOP v67 WELLINGTON HOTEL Qua rbnak 00 Raw the Lion toned three touchdown 1mm to lpctdy Wllllu Hemlngona lobynrd with nndmn playAnd one Io Gtrry Janos nook rem Klmpl klckcd lhu Ihm convert ChmIn Plum 0n Onll Ha Junior Iloflbull chnmp Samhlp Saturday at Quocnl Park when my defraud Weal wood In lho mlrd Ind dccld Inn gum p1 llm mm Enulï¬i Held VIA brdmd lnr no lhlrd aun Imd lurk we chm lollowlnn he grunt Hovering mu prmntnl wllh Ihc chum luuhh In by Ithnlln inr hnm locn cunwnrr or ha Onurla Amntmr mum Mm clnllnn llnmlllonl Icorinx act was Inllbnck Bobby Kunu with MN touchdowns Newcomer Jlm Pncu lulu cu 1mm Ncw York Glunu ol the National League was Impress and Icorcd um touchdown Ill did Gurney Hen ley Dnvo Vlll kicked cur con vert and ï¬nd flcld anL Joe Zuzer completed lhl Icar lnl wllh lnglm Jim Dillard Ind ha Calgary xlnughlcr with our touchdowns ha Stamp moved to wllhln une point of the Linn in th WFC alnndlnn Tomnlo with 10 record ï¬rmly embeddtd in the EFC cellar 111 Thus nnw Hhold twopoint edua nvcr mendplace 0mm Rough Rldm in the East TheVuam pï¬ylt Ounwn nlghl and Ike Slump meet tho Magma Montreal Tuesday his In nddlllon Dillards out burst Calgary gut lwo lnuch downs mm lobby Taylor Ind one 1mm Lovell Coleman Larry Robinson Htktd converu nnd Tom Furlong hoolcd twn Ianles The oniy excllamenl In the annnm urns wan hme Fiv plnycu warn ejected from ha musing contest nnd and face In aulomnllc $50 flue The Tlcnla In an lnlcrlucklnl game ha matched the Eastern and Western Conlcrance lend ers struth blow or the East helma howling mub 1956 Hamilton CM Stadium The Lions hnd last only once in eight previous names But the A1101 before booing crowd 31214 an In Tomnlol Exhlbmon Sudlnm watched the Stamp oner lumber me that the WFC has mas thaclmy football players In 11 inerlocklng gnmes this sensan Illa West has wot elghL Clovering Wins Title The glee that allowed Hamil ton TigerCals 3841 Win over British Columbia Lions Satur day night lasted less than 24 hours unlilCalgary Stam peders Sunday anornoon whamped Toronto Argonauu The chest 01 EastemFoot ball Conrmnce follower swel led with pride this weekundu but not long enough to map any xuspundcrl Calgary Stampeders Crush Argonauts 500 ARGO QUARTERBACK Sandy Stephen has that Imm ed look I5 ho tries in valn Ind way thrnuzh the hun derlng herd of Calgary Slam By THE CANADIAN PRESS PA um nrulnn hnllbnrk nny Pur dln ml qumtrbuck Ron Lan mler Ipnrkcd lulu mynnl louchdown march that tumtd he lldu or lhn numd Rnuzh rldmf boron 15000 lam at In all wuuhl lln lwchdown pan lo cum MI Hm dllvo hen mm In Inlrrcrm long IHOII In by Amcdm lecondl Inlcr ill Enklmol luk hope In III or wln um um Ilu Whllo hmm convened lhl touchdown mlll TilerCull whipped lho Lion ml ll Hamilton and Snhlchnwnn edged Edmonton In nmuln Snlurdly CII nry Imunccd Tomnln Arlen aull 500 In Toronto Sundnyu TURN lllP TIDE Brilllh Columbia Lions mm 0mm nauzh Illden at OIUIWI lanluht Uonv Icndm 1n lho WFC wllh 14 Milan hoid ano poinl marlin over Calgary Slnmpcdm and two avur SII knlghewnn Humbert wllh our vldaric In nIno mm lrnll lhlrd place Suknlchewan floughrldcrl by three paxnls Eskimos who have won only Iwn of club mm In lnur paints luck Bomber For year the two team have met In much bllllel tor the league lead But tonight both need vtclory to way In the mm or third And last playott lpo Weslem Fonlbnll Canierenco inn who doubt limel him changed need only look can dilionn Iurrnundinz lonluhil Edmonian Eskimo Winnipeg Blue Bombm in Winnipeg The manta quarterbacks Smdy Stephens and Dan Fuell who look over late In the game spenl most the afternoon on the seat of lhelr pants The nucleus Cnluary defence nednlly mud Emla Danian Statistics best describe the nut Eagle Day directed the at tack or 50 mlnulea then gave way to Jerry Keeling 11w valued 31 Int down compared only 10 by Toronto And they connected on a1 passes to help lea up ml yardage yards216 mama and In in air Torontos Ran Eruwer wen Iner Coleman wllh his fists and bath lunches emptied Players milled wildly lhrowinz punches and blocks deep In he Tumnlo lune Brewer and lwo Camer lans Conud Hilchler dud Ed Buchanan were tossed out Dm Lun of he Stamps and Torontos Butch Lamne were sent to tha sideline by relaxea Seymour Wilson alter trading elbow In thirdquarter skim lsh But ï¬reworks an larger cnla broke on with two mln ule remain 1n ha game II THE Roughriders In 87 WFC Victory Barrio Spam lellod mun um pedals In Canadian Football Lbazun ï¬lms In Toronto yes terday Slephnru couldnt ï¬nd way out Ind neither could ovl INNMA hum nu lulu mun nulnl Inuitle Am HUNT ARAMA OCT TM CANADIAN PRESS peiuihaliywll It 04 mm Wnlzh or II le Car lmw Jun mumvd 1mm dram Abnwllu nl lhr IBM Hulda Puma and mam Im all mudly hnpmwd wkh dealer shawlnd lha um 0M Imam vwldn ner In Thl llme mu prom In mm IUHHI Wwer rlnnl Imvnllom and mummy nlurq youve mm IVHI nulomohilo ulumn slum Io hlnl Ilmt nul you mulch AI UH pmmlnl um mull flown lo UK win cur manu nrlumn In In lwlnllnl lnlo huh In wllh nul ml pro durllnn uni um 1m uni um nhgul florlnlï¬wrm mm In Tho mum gained 144 yard on wmplclcd mm In 25 luempu and Add nnolher 111 yard nuhlnz Rldm had nm down Eskimo gained 11 ï¬rst down on 151 yard th In and nnly our yard paw In Amndm clicked on on nine pull allempll Lsklmol led hmughoul unlll Dalo WHlI touchdown WM mlnule 1m to play They hnld mnrxln at tho cud al the um qunrlcr nlo Iccnnd wax lcnrcleu and Fnhl klckcd hIl alnzle ln lhu llIlrdl hlllcholll Iccond llcld gun mm on tho HrsE plur For the Ilflh cumecutlvo lama Raulhrldcn solid dalm alva unlt lapped thdr opposi uufl Ir torlng Ilouchdawn Esllmm alled to more touchdown All their palm came on two Ilcld goal and 11125119 by quqrd mu Mllchcllu ma Murfln Fabl kicked 119 In template the Sasknlche Wayslmrlnlll Neal Beaumum lumblLd kick recovered by Gene Gen em or the 11mm and It cost touchdown Henley Ihen look EC pun and ramped un molaued 55 yard to the Uans brasyard line Another touch down Fleming hobbled the ball on his own 42 and Hamiltons Angelo Mosca pounced on the ball Touchdown No Dlllard Coleman and Buch anan did Illa most mining dam age Dillard plckcd up 103 yard on 12 carrlu Coleman 55 on 13and Buclggnnn 58 on sevcp Th Liana mm It away early when two costly tumble and atrocious tackling on punk tum play Wu ï¬lmed Into 2M legg 1y 1h Tabblem To make mailer worse Tor onto lost linebacker Jpny WH snn In the first hall wllh Jon Infillgnmcnlrs stampeded every mapped the hall r91 mm mm was going inIo Iha Iourfll quarter and Argos pone ruled the Calgary tune for ha ï¬rst flma an the third play In th llnal qumer Toronto Argonadlx who went down to crumlng 500 delta at tho hands of the slums cr wlnphoto Vlaboul on Io mnl mnny may nl Mym JDIIN FRANK limo Inga DROP BIKE REGISTRY VANCOUVER CF no any will nbullxh Ill mmpulwry hlcycla nxlmnllon lynvm Dec 31 In hvor volunury Ell lrnllon IL was decided he pm 0ch mum com flu my man thin worth Smyk run the Attilaout loin to an by gullnz Ibo next eighl Mum In the elmm Neal popped out Forgot heal an roller down he lhlrd base line look mend when Slave Smith haw wild to Hut and cum pldod tho circle when ï¬rst human Maunm Tau Ind Wild Wm 1th was lho only hl and run all Steryk Ila Minded out NJ Itrlkmul tell The Ewenold righlhander went to work on Smmla mm the sum He struck out tha In three mm he need bu the lhlrd one Run Granger ruched 11m when the Ihlm strike at by catcher Georlo Smith Jay DemIa popped out and the Inning Szery then finned the next nJm before Ar nold Neal bmke hL1 alrlkcoul min by popplnl out FORGET SCORES 11 Silver Six grabbed 30 lead in the ï¬rst inning and that was more Hun enough working margin or Storyk uwnï¬y goes In uhnillih games he had 70 llrikeouk In his and The vlsltora actually played with ï¬ve men as one member or the team couldnt make flux My All Ezeryk needed was catcher and he could hava looked altar Smltha by himself He aald allowing tha game that he wasnt throwing axhard he could He llved up to all ad vance puhllclly and alter seven Inning the dlstapca ttla team Jermey paced Hlllmst n2 tha plat with four hits In ï¬ve Mp5 thalkln had um and Hazel two One nl Jermcya blasts was llama run In lha thlrd lnnlnm Metro Me the Jet Szeryk who wasnt Ihrowlng hard ovzrpowerad Smiths Dnlry at Queen Park yesterday an noon racking up 21 strikeouts and Iasslnu anehltler as he Sudbury Silver Slx pasledd exhibition roltball victory NarwIch Jumped mm 30 land In Iha ï¬rst InnIng of the openInl game Saturday IIlllcren gal ninzIeruna In the ï¬rst and ae cond and explodud Iur seven In he lhIrdI Ihey rounded out belt and wllh two runs In the fourth and am In each ollha IlItII and eIxhlh Iramu NarvaIdLscofed 9er IjnnI Iwo iuncrest ten behladearly ualn In thedeciding game lflllcres lost lhe rigpcnirigv game of the banalthree series In Norwich but showed plen ty determination and ability turday Judy Kennedy was lower stnnglh or me newly crowned champs She hurled lhe ï¬rst game then came on In relief in the ï¬rst Inning the semnd game to pick up her second vic tory of the dny Barrie HIlIcresl Juveniles In nnly their second year of cum petluon captured the Pravln clal Womens Sohball Unlan Juvenlla chnmplanshlp Sn lurday at Queens Park by dc eallnz Narwlch 125 and 119 lnvlu III In munl Imm lllONï¬ IA MI flunk runner WI lull Juanmm mm In An IllII km mm lomplll nu ml or put Mun Allovu mm Ann tinn uiJu Szeryk Fans 23 Hurls OneHitter mm mm mm amtu romfltlom tnmlnl II 11 um our rmlqu ml Irwin mum llnlol uln lyln Hilliivesi Eavenï¬es Cop Bull Crown Russ SIRANAGHAN WINTER an mmwwumm Dunk Mud Wu HS And 11 Anyone can do It hes Hm Indy one of the ï¬nes profeulonal xrapplera In the business has promlsod HIM hell solve the mystery nllhu AInskod Destroyer at Barrio 1N could be ho dny wrest ling mu look It 11 Inca beylnd me mmk wlm one in the eighth and two In the ninth Georgrar Smith was lop batter for 1h vlsilon hanging out double and two singles Ihe series Shirley Hawio stur ted an the mound for iliiicrcst hut was sent mnning inr cover as Norwich scared inur runs Kennedy wns calla in to put out the rim Shn heid the vial tara to am hit over the next cur frame and thrcerun cnnd inning puilcd iiilicrnst to within one run at Norwich Hillcres pulled ahead with wo runs in the mm The land switch ed when Nnrwlch pushed across pair In the lop of the sixth but In the bottom half llillcresl rallied or three mm and an lead Norwich tied tho score with two runs in the top of tins eighth but the determined Hllicrnsi squad bounced back inia the lead again with three runs in their hnli of the inning had EeEtxamplonshlp with an 1M victory also chqcked In wuh lhrec Mu while Jeremy picked up pair and reglslertd her second home mn of the day Hillelest held 124 hlltlng edge In the Inn mama and In the llrsl game Salurda ham mered nut 11 hits While orwlch had nina George MacDonald started for Smllhs gave up three runs and two hlls In two Innlngs Wayne Russell hurled ha next two names and gave up two hlls Butch Boyd llnlshcd and was cllppcd or two runs and nut lIlLs in his liv lnnlngs Thm ol the hlls off Boyd came In lhe sevcnlfl lnnlng Kenncd held Norwich In one ruq Ll ninth and mums Kennedy aided her own cnuse willlghrge Mu VAaaneeuwen Hady Promises To Unmask Destroyer Tonight At Arena Wind Destroyer cat gmmmm BACKTOSCHOOL RAKE SPECIAL Heros wha we do Full all whnuls Inspect brake lining and drum Check grouse souls and wheel oyllndorn for leakage for only Add brake fluid If nrocossury Adjust brakes lo manulncluma spoclllcntlonl and wadton clean Inspect ropack and adjust tron bearings Make sure ygg can stop in ï¬me This bout will have Mg Inn overshadowing the eveningl semllinnl In It Lorenzo Far Hull and Tony PunIsl comb arm to tackle one 01 Ander son and Dr Jam Graham Opening bout pm Auada Fr Mimi against Dob Napier card man which begin at 645 IonlzhL zood or $306 Ki Balding of 7mm mm In threeway tin or mh plat vth gm 0231 which wu urcd the main event of tho card nmm whlrk MM sen51514271 which wm 11 under pan liinrmwiliie the anger Knudsen was picking up iiva birdies HI did not slip nver par an any and iiniahed with 656768 0n Ihe playofl hole ha wu lrylng to chip the ball In clan enough or on put and bir die Then dm pad beleve It Ian the Enurih game thr host at seven oclock at Queens Park arscvcn Intermediate Softball League InaI aerlcs edge In gamu PORTLAND Ore AP Slender Game Knudsen of Ton onto won out In bullle we younz proiesslnnnh for the $10 000 Portland open gull tumna ment chnmplnnahlp Sunday In an exlmhola playoff The wyearold Knudxon wIn nlng his ï¬rst loumamenl lines 1961 sank 4540 chip that on the first player hole or an eagle At lhai his shoi barely won lilo prize The nyeaMId Ma snn Rudolph chipping from ni masi the same ape an Knudsen hit the back ni the cup wiih his shot It bounced few fact be yand and he hnd in settle ior second prize oi $3000 whlia Knudson carried away $4300 Rudolph who represent Le hlgh Acm Fla had Ills worst round of the outday tourna ment He started Sunday 16 skroke under par and our strokes ahead of Knudsen He picked up ourblldlu on his but fluished with Consumers pennant winners lost the opening eame of lhu series but came baek to lake the next two and go lnla 10 nlnhlg nu wllh Iwo Aan Germ Tommi KnudSoh Wins G011 Tourney ANY CAR fl