In IIIuntil umpr yml will lulu Ibo wrnll anlulr HII ltahlu nlllvl It 1th mlirlu lllle mmllnnu ml Ingmar II nmh strip ml nl runny dmnmllr rykmla lvmn nnmlnA Wham Hw mu lmlnb mic mn be rplIuIy In Fumh Iulnlinn Mp1 an Hw Ilnuin lilmniwr ulll In Hrliml ml ummm null rmlm mrlhml nl mwxmlm ynur lumlrdzv llm Flrmh Immun 10 rmmllufln hlnllllllaliun In lmwln Ilw llmmlnu MI Mnll puhHmllnn nl lafly quh Innkllnle Hmy mlp da nlzvml In My Inzllulvumnhnl Cam4m Inurarr lhrir meh vmrlnnmy Pilot Frank Gmcn Tor onto and Mary lcrlncr 13 of London 0nL the only passen ger In his Plpcr Cub survived whon Mn Greco rcgalncd can ml his nircrufl nner ll wing was clipped by nnalhcr plume WMHIINGION 1M thlcnl Kumrdy wmmunvd Mc Numu and GM well Tnylnr or inn Immuunns lndny bclum hm hm lnuc ml slxLiul musiun lo leviuw mmmry mm In Snulh Vul Nam TIIOIS 1w Iollrn mnlmml II lmzr um mmuul lw Inun dump today in nu nllmlpl ln myluw Ina mm nuurd MUI mlnnmhmn guns Mm curlwr Mnuul 5hle hunk tummy HOST lAlr impunï¬t vunn um mmlnl lwlny In cm nullmu will Ihc mount of lum lun nxm 11m mg rlnl mk mn lmur Saturday mum lullvo mm In mun Nrnm luId nu YIIWKIIYH mli Ivy Inrnm Innxrrmn ucnmn ll Irnlml ml rounrcunn wilh ma Ihoullll pome Inld BOUHNIIMDUTH England Mullen Rug Connclly 67 who helped ulflc he hit mm Show Mcllvo Vny in Hume Ilmd My home near Ilrm today Connolly how sung hrnughl him lnmc maughum lhc Englishspeak uurld hm been ill Iur wmc mmIHu The collision smk the other piano Chipmunk spiralling lo lhu cruund 1n wasnlnnd ma killing the pilot Jack Mndo nlk and his nnly pusscngcr Bruce Cnldwnl mm mm were lrom Toronto Tho cullislnn occurred 000 he In the air am Georgina Tuwnshin all he suulh share 01 Lnko Slmmc Jun mm hare PEFFBRLMV Onl CPI Two pcople who narrowly es caped dcalh in midrair olll xian of gm plnncs uhlch Llilimcd we mos Sunday said llmar lhcy may never Hy again Songwriter Reg Connelly Dies Police Hunt Armed Bank Robbexs IFKs Advisers Leave For Saigon STARTS NEXT MONDAY Police Hold Man In Shooting LElilia Tcw wearing the number of her school bus on tag giggles as classmate In the Prince Edward Free mi Year No Planes Collide At Pefferlaw Comic Strip Is Bicultural Aid For Exanunu Vam AdsTelo phonu PA mu Thu lnlcphnna number to call or the Business or Edkorm Dept II PA 537 NEWS BRIEFS Out Telephones SHARE THE SECRET Wm ImUur dmm lo ho nnwmud mun me who lnllnw In an MIIHII will ml Mr Frrnrh rutnhuluy IMllly nlrmlnl Mil me Minn uflm hrtlw mum In Innmlln Nu Inly Inn mm mm and mul 0w linqlllh lvnmlnlum lmuulhnl Ivru lnvll JIM nl Ivy lomlmn lmwlmn nlmn llnn llllhurilm an an Mlllllflll In rwkcl hhlrh will vruvhh sultlnmn In hlxh Irknol llfl km Ilullymz Fnmh mlulu nllrmllfll Frrmn mum rlnu nml mhnu Ill cull lluIr quh Itunnn my high Moi In ixmumm we will wrkly mulmlnry mmlo nl kry mm lhlrd plane cnrrylnx Mm Horlncr sisler Rally Tar amo and nllolcd by Murray Ed mond Toronto was accom panyin theolnnr two on plan sure gm ho Muskokn area They witnessed Ihv nccldcnt but were not involved and landnd salcly in nearby Hald Mr Green said alter the In cldcnl lhnl he had been lyan since about law but doubted he would cvrr Hy ngnin My plane wan over on hark nlmnsL and saw he pm pcllcr disiMLgmlc he suld The molar cnnkcd out and llmuzm um Hm vns lIlhe world had tome lo 1m cndf Mm Ilcrlncr ms nu only he spcmldnllxlghl And my la an nidedi Mr inm landed hls plane safely near the crash scone School whispm story 0th or clnssmutcs Ixy In so In on the secret Thom um MI mm vlnlenl llwlslmz mul ml nhe MIMIIIth rlmpllfll MI tllpnlwllmu In ml hhnl Int wrukcr cull lbw InI 1mm unlnlt Ihn Inlvtl Ill lvalwlumvl hr urnmu llwihlcr Hm IMIIIIM nu lam demamluuan Tmlny all mm Ilumn Ihn Mrlm nun uhlrh mnny nlmrv comm hum ha ha key In vltlvvry nml In political uursllnn mnrkl linrn rcdillmvw Nun mldrvl Null In ulvn Mrlm nl lho Ion In the null lrxlnlnlurn Onlnrlos nnrly lcmlcu slop pcd In culch ler brcnlh Sun llny lhcn zcmtrl In on Mdrnpn llluu Tumnlu mm In the 1m push baton Vrdntsdnyl am an clrdlnn llmnunulu mnulml mm MIII unynl mun llltl Uniml 5mm Sunday in Inrlumlnl mum lvr Nrum 101mm nlnln In lllnulnnham Mn rlul dlauulrrl The New ncmnrrnflc Parlyl Dunnld MacDonald nnly mn jur nnrly lrndnr lo muke Apmth Sunday mrcunz lhclr puny wnn dzvcluplnn nxenlrr alrtnx lhun we em n1 hope lltmlcr Juhn llnlmll nnll Llhcrnl erltr lnhn Vlnlm mryrr hnlrxl up wllll lhrlr Mn mum llm pnnflrr MI Grand mm Iummrr lmmn And Mr VLnlfrmty Toronlo mm pmml hinmmu mm charity Dover xpokesm said lha plane was 20 mlles mm 01 Cape May NJ when lhe com mnndcr Capt Dudley Con nnlly Jr 33 at Jackson Heights rndlocd that he wns at 11000 Incl and climhlnz lo 14 000 Incl He lnvo no Indication of guy trouble Ercclm currylmz auppliu or United Slum mm In Eu ropa The Dover spokesman sald lhc carna Included cmy lhlnu from loollockcr Io nlr crnfl angina DOVER Del AP Mr force navy and coast nunrd plane searched lho Atlantic hr day Ior an Azores bound air force curgo plnnu presumed dawn wllh crrw members award The laurcnzincd 013 turbo Erap Cnmumnslcr was card mm at 253 nm EDT Sunday 15 mlnulcs In It In Dover Alr Force Base The Curuumnslnr was on moomun High Luju Mr Slnulm op lhe Pnrllmum lxlgnd My guess that In lhn neighborhood BInr 86 scn um wIIl vote In lavor muf Icallon Sonne Republlcnn Lender Evcrcu DIrkscn snId In an Interview WASHINGTON AP The Senate democratic and Repub llcan leaders Ioday mcdlcl de lm for proposed amondmenl Io Ihe llmllcd nuclear lestbun lrcnly They bollch lhe pact banning nll but underground nuclear test will wln nvcrwhelmlng ap proval in ï¬lmsdays vole on ra lllicnllon It all 100 scnnlurs vole 67 lnvamblc voles would ho needed or approval Party Chiefs In Toronto Hunt Plane In Atlantic Nation Mourns Negro Children Predict Support For Ban SEPARATIST BOMB SET 10 CHILDREN NEARBY Fnur nl life M11 chllmm died In Ibn bomhm cut noun mumimnl Amul rnnu minded nunum Edmund lull rd Ifllllnmln Iml Clllrlu Tull nl Cluclnnnll Mumd humHM nl Amvrlcnl Innclona Fund In mqu 1M lmmlmi ilrrll HIMIII Church In nillmljmlmmd Ila singed IIIch Ilnymul dhplny Hw manual rm lmuy flllll lho lmlunrxinnl mum lo hlrtlcmnnd or rmlndllmvclock Anglo minno mm mm nu lho ntmnumm In Fllrnrmrl Ln pullcfl Immdl mu mmmlml nlwrml Ilumlln lnulu up In ntlrmm Ivy Lnoo Numl lo hnhl 1mm MIII pludl 11ml mu lalluwwl by hrlrl Inlh Mlan No Imunml pollen uulnhll rlmrrll mo hrhl In New ka City and Wluhmlllm JAKARTA Ilwlm Ill lxh lllhmuulnr Andrew 1111 clulxl lmluy hll lnuk with nppnrcnhnuccmnl nlkncd In luucxlnn nllrmpll lo hunk lnlu Mn emhuuy Ilrnnxruom cnn tnpflnl Inmuylnnt glqumclxlu Gamnmcnl Inmmshln over all in maritime uniunx In Cnn Ada ha only way lo gel rid of Hnl Dnnkl and hl Mxh prlml goons In tho Scnlnrcrl lnlemnllonnl Unlnn of Canada and lo mstoro peace on this luku lho unian MIL In 16 non Maltmam OTTAWA CPIOutrighl 0p pasiuon In any dual or union sponsarcd tmslmhlp over mur lllmo unlons on um Grcnl Luke was voiced Sunday by tho Cn nndlnn Brmhcrhood or Hallway Transport nnd General Vnrk ll Tho brnlhcrhwd Mnlnmenl Inmd by lruldtm Wllllum Smim Vlcc Imhlcnl Kilroy Holmm nml Sccmnry Trcns um Sunni throw cold water on nuw cflom Ialvn melé Oniirlo Canida Monday Slpnmlur 23 British Ambassador Foils Embassy Theft By Indonesians POLICE omens who hnlped dcmnme an cumsuck dynamlln Ilmeborqb at the Rail Union Asks Govt To Get Rid Of Banks In IMlmlelphll mm al In Conn 01 llclll noted memmlnl NH 34ml Ha or ml in mm drum mu Nu Yolk cm in Mng Vl In unilva lullId Them IhMlM mall In nuyunvl hurl lonnl um um mlvl Nem mlnlflu llw II II lunwrnl flu hm glvtfll and lb In If an mm ï¬lnulny Tun Nun lmyl um klml lo dunIll In mum Inuhlrnu ml xluy Funeral umlm lnr mu My wm held Sunday lullto lrlbd In Imp Hm daunhly luauml ll lomnl nul of HM wrrtknd bull in but tumled In nuchlul mu nmlllnur umnnmom Gllchrlll Inslmi thumb up Ilunnl In nruylo outIda lnvllmllnx Io Itrunumom hm nnl yet been ruckNL In II purl In Gllrhrlsll nan chrn diplnmnll In clunllnfl Cunmllnn Amunundur Jnhn Slnvnldnmn lumul ml 15 qpflmgydprlnn 19 Inch Thu hmlhuhoud mitmcnl suld lhn only way to bunk up the SIU cmpirc under Hnl flunk to nmmlnl lruslccb with full nulhnmy lo rid of This proposal will be diy cuswd 1n Wnshlnulon his week at lopvlmcl mcdlng Labor Mlnlchr MncEnchcn US La hor Secretary Wllllnrd eru President Clnuda Jndoln Cnnudlnn Labor Commas and AFL C10 President Geomo Mmmy private union lpnnsorld lruslccshlp has been uronlly ndvncnltd by Mr eru as an nllcmnllvo in lhl Canadian nov ernmcnla plan In lnlmducu lex lnlnllan far nuvcmmcn trus loeshlp nllcr lnrflnmml nnlu qul he problem by prlvaln unlon nrgnngcmcnt MannEll Catholic School Cour mlsslan bundmg look ma cnrlon hax Iho bomb was In The SIU would chEl ulhml vulunmrfly lo any nnHy em llro hamclcnnlng Al or the AberIOI nxccullvo offlcm llrir nlllludn lhu nr hm horn lunlumounl lo rundonlnz lho SIUI bullnvlm This ncvgcssnry lmalccshlp mwvrn could only ho urnmul Ihmugh xmtmmonl lellnanun flanks police cxmlnz labor nirccmcnu amend lhu unlon constitution and bylaws and In lmduro basic democratic mclh ads so that member can con trol Iha union Can nnynnn seriously maln laln Um base can nm wilhin lhu power lnbor lo nlluln unA nldcd by gnvcrnmem merely by holding talk bclwctn lho 23 01 ha CM and he AFL min 191 COMM Real anl Robert Pnul Crolcau III n1 thoyjave losL nll tnn right hey are Elnnchurd nnd and watchman CF Wimphnlol PrImu Mlnlslcr Pcnrsun and President Kennedy mny lnko personal hnnd In mhnrllnx ho mum nu your allowing Joint enhlnnt commillcu 1m tlslnn Snlurdny ln make In her nuuh ovummcnl study of Imw lhu nlm and nmhltlons at UM Hwo neiuhhan can but he 1mm Inmhcr la avoid human col Hlalun ny aluins the teaching 01 Eng sh in Frenchlanguage schools wa lulluwcd Sunday by dis covuy or limehumh the rear ho Manlreal Rumnn Catholic ncilool commissinn building Another demonalrnIIDnIn fa vat of gnvcrnmenl takeover of Mnntrenls Plnco do Arts was broke up by mounted Mon nul policemen and 19 wen ur resled aker three constable were slightly Injured by stones hmwn during the concen halls amtcring opunlnz nhnw limebomb descrlhcd by po llce II well made was found In canon Sunday about no net mm an area In which no young children were playing at tho back the school commisslun bulldln on rastcnd sherhronka Street The mechanism was timed to It all the elzht sllcks dyna mlla It 11 oclnck but pnllco We dont know was or pm The pollce mohflo emergency Aquad up to combat L0 Front do Libmuon Quebecois tenarm bombings ins spring look upon the devlco after an anonymous telephono womlog mm Frenchspeoklnl caller WASHINGTON CPLA MW suns principles rcchnrllnz mu caursa Canada US cc0 namlc cuopcrallnn man may be In the maklnn flu lhln wont dnlcr lha Canadan nav ernmcnl mm pursuing policy rcduclna lmparl U5 au4 Iomoblles and parts thereby pmduclng more Jobs and re llldlnllll man dollar In Can He of FLQ bumblngl ended May 20 Mler um month cl blasts In whlch ona mnn wu klllcd and unomcr In ch CPR llIl hrldï¬u all tho southqu comer of Montreal Pursue Reduction Of Auto Imports MONTEEQL PQn9 syp 200 Demonstrate At Opening Montreals Place Des Arts Nome Than Par Copyl8Pgu row65 sdmmxry on pain two lncreuing cloudiness and web mar Chance at scuuered shaw nnlghl 35 High tomor Local Weather American participants nld my warned Cnnndn um hm urlou unem loymcnl In the Dctroll nulommflo ccnlrc xilunllnn which he US unvtrn mrnl could mt Ignore Can nda tmhnrkcd on cnIIrn whkh would hurt lhn 25000 ommymr US nmamnllvn ex pom Cnnadn lhcn Ihu 75 would have lo leek menu at ItIIprulccllon Island was damaged by bnmb Aus 22 On Saturday 200 persons dam unshared against commisslun prngram In try Engllsh Ian guage instruction in Grade on amgxpcrlmcqlal lmslsa lssinn seeking to gut Frenchspeaking chlldren used to the sound ol Engllsh Io mnku ll enslcr or hem to learn the language In Inter grades there has been some crlllcism thls would leave them uncultured ln ellher French or lingllsh The prospncl Increasing cmss harder riclion bccnmo evident as Canadian yurdcl pants In Joint cabinet commit co cnnlcrcnco emphmlud CA nndlnn dclcrmlnallnn In pro coed with plan to reduce an lomouvc Imporl by as much $200000000 or mom year provldlng as mnny 60000 new Canndlan jobl Tha demonstration Saturday night outside the Place dos Am and at an Interaction at the nnr lbs concert hall About 200 scpnmlms bearing pla cards were ï¬rst dlspersed by police on horseback but the demonstrators gathered again uppoxika the mm entrance of the hall ey cheered speeches by Marcel Chapuk president ha Quebec Republican Party and Guy Pnullol head another xeparnllsl mnvemcnl Lu Ras scmblcmcnt pour llndcpend elm Nnflnmln mare or were members of three Quebec scpnralls movements Police said Lhelr demonstration was urdcrly Youths waving separallsl and PDQ flag from nearby upm ment window Jecrad about 300 policemen on hand and some he dtmunslmlon lhrcw stones hlulpg he comlnMcx 011311 x9 rested all but one Inund wflh rapier In pus iDSslolI nra mo on bull