Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1963, p. 14

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AROUND SIMCCE COUNTY ML and Mn Ilny Lawml ml lumfly lrll rrrmnu lm wrrk lnr vawuver than Mr Lnnnn rm wallnl wlm ncm 51L ml Mn Mad anI mm uclnun Ml vll flnx their um and dmhmIn Mr and Mn Olen MM and lrlt nzntmm dlnl Iha um unmul unlon ol lhp Hum Chum ul Onluln Order lhc am held mxl xrnrrnl mman Maple Elml MyInryl VIII Im Drnlnhrr II In El Jnhnl III Ma inr mu Mr nun11mm lmlerlc Ian NJI Mul Mnmxrl Mu Mum Ind rhllllrrn ul Tunmtn Im vllflm In on mm In umk lnllnwin nupmr Im an InnInn awn pom busy nummrr Ilnm were made lnr he Annual luvkry mm In be held NW hnlo II In hl rnrlml and Iuppllcl In In by Ulla 040m urnup lnrclInI Thu llnnlinnnl Wm rumlutlcd by Mm Hqu the mm lnm And he Cnmlmln lllm han wnl enllllnl The parade whlrh lmd up at the Orange llnl was headed by ho Colllngwood Juvenllo Ornnxu band Also Jnlnlng In lhu pnrndc were several lndlu mm lhu Cryml Chapter Alllslnn ynrrlp nndpwcn Sound Two Grand Lodge oulccrl Willinm Munmo or Cookuuwn and Harry Duwntr lho Crce more Prcccplnry were among those nurmnnx Also present worn counly olllcm lmm Dul lcrln nnd Ihu Guy and Bruno mnxblnrlu slmcno rnmlslnrlu men lcd were Orlllln Huxlnr lnrrle Tnflcnhnm Cluunhrr Colllnz wand Mldlnnd Cookltawn and Crerlnure nlm vmlun 1mm lnlxrnra and licnvmnn mi QUAHTFZIIM MEETING The qunrluly mmlnn of El Jnlml UnIud Church ancn wnl IuId In the Church Hnll erII II Tho ermnon unII ru Irrlnlnrd lllo Indie In Me llh lnckllxlpprr An impressive parade and church snrvico took pincc Sun day nlicrnoun Seni when bout 100 mnmbm lha Royal Black Prcccplnrics of Simon Cuunly and olhvr leiion ns Icmblcd ni ihc Ornngu iinli Cmmorn or their annual Church pnrndv and mvlce ii was hold ul Luknl Anglican Church anncr ndrilroun and the nev Mr Gijllx Anglu rx were recmnre boy scouts whn wen lhrillnd when Mr Alexander treated ham lo haul ride and allcrwnrds wlrnor renal Accompanying the boys were scnut lender Harald Crawford Cars were provided by Rev Glll Hnrnld Crnwlurd and Mrs Blll Gordon The Rector Rev Douxlns Glll preached he xcrmon Asllsllnu pt he amicu was the Rev Mrs Edllh Gawnn returned to her home Ihl week alter belng hospllnllzcd at the Cnlllngwood hniplkgl 31m vlfus pnpumonla Mr and Mrs James Cook of Orangeville are holdan publlc reception at lhu Town Hall Cree more Schzlt Winner for Ihls weeks com munlly draw wcra Mrs Ilene Kirkpatrick Crrcmore $25 merchandise ccfllflcnlc at Pcm grewa Gnrnzu Mrs We Fer nusnn ol Croemare won $10 vnuchrr and Mrs Llnyd Sle wm the $5 voucher Bath thus ware 1mm annnn Grandma Mr and Mn Ivan Alexander were the hut happy Enth erlug held lhclr lukeslde cal aie pl Cralglnilh 16 nnr PARADE By MILE HEAT Nine year dd Hubby Cur Ian convulellng at Ia Calling wond hospital lollawlnl an ap pendectomy openanon Bobby is the son Mr and Mn Dnltan Curran GrailGown reported to be doing wail allowing major or 21an at tha Colllngwood hos Congraluiatlons to Mr and Mn Andrew Chlpchm on the birth of lhelr dnughler at the qulingv hosplm Slept 4I Cecil Hayward Wesley Fer gusun Clarence McCulcheon Creemore and Gibson Maple Valley attended the 157th and 177m Ballalinn reunion in Mlqland 195 Salurdny Mr Cook is the Liberal can didnle in the provincial election or DuiierlnSimcoe all are wel com Fairs The Promise The history Israel written In Genes wan later ravlewcd by Ihe auumr Psalm 105 wrillng probably or the small band of exile who finally returned to Judea CREEMORE Dy MRS DUNSMORE mm Elln Drury taking the mrclmlnl county at Shnwa nunlnm Colluo Tormlo llynnrll nl rlllll MP Elmmc HnnL 11m Junior chnlr Ilmlrr Hm dlrrrllnn Mlu ll lhnumnm Inn Iwn numhm with Ch lnrlrhlgo Inlnlll Dr llynnnl dellvrml bulk nn Tnlrnll ma we luv Inmn lulml and ndviml devvlnp lhal lnlenl to II but ul nur nhllfly lbw mm mvlre hII lul vm Wlml nhauld mun vrnm ll Inlnpd the whale lnlld Mud Ian laul WINE mm mm llmk Unlunn Mu lrhnmhul Ind hllhrle Mn ml Mu Mme llamly ml Ilmilr nl Dnlnlrm ma dln nor mm wllh Mr and Mn my Mrldn on Sundry Mr and Mrs ohm Buxlcr and mm L01 nnxler ILN have returned lrom mnlor lrlp lo Wlnnlpox 0n Ihclr mum my men cw day with Mr and Mn Guam Baxter and family at San Sim Marlo Mr and Mn nclve Shanty my and Mr nnd Mn llrlun llclva und Ian Jtflrey Dundnl vlsllrd Mr nnd Mn Howard Caldwnll last week lenlnl In ho rummunlly lhll wrrk Mn Elm Key Sch nmlmrg wm Mr and Mn Eve lyn Gnuzm Mr and Mn Eur Kenny Ilachrslu wllh Mr nnd Mn Gernlvl Kenny nml non lhxnlmnro Ollnwn ll llm pnrlrntnl hem hm lnxl weak lfll Conlrnlumlunl In Mr and Mn llmu Chnppell an lho birth Ian Wmqu II Royl Vltlnrin llnlnllal nnrrla Dr flynnrd Ind mm mm at Orlllln weru dlnnrr 1min Kumlny wllh ML and Mrs Clark and llmlly Annlvmnry mvlm nl Iho Unllrd Church wen wll Mir drd 5mm wm mmlurlul Tlunnua Thé Ilnyfiéfiy Helm nl Ilnnla up uvunl numlwrl letter was received from Miss Jann Hulherfard lhnnklnz Ihe Circle for Ike and parcel lhey had sent her In lndln In May She descrlbcd her work In lhg Slnr of Hope II was announced mm at he Thnnk Waring meeting In 0cl6 her the guest speaker would be Miss Lydln Buncls who work with New Cnnndlnna In Toronto and hill done refugeu cnmp work In Europe VISITORS Mrs Mary McCarthy of Tor nnla ls vlslllnn ntvlhu ham let daughter Mu Harold Car Wu Miss Judy Joyce dunghicr ni Mr nnd Mrs Charles Joyce has enraiiLd at the University oi an onio Vo wixh her every anc $05 Mr and Mn 11 Conn re umd lo Ihelr homn In Collln wood Bl lhc weekend They hm been at tho home of Mrs Conn parenll Mr and Mrs Orr Much canny Iur Ihe pus lwo and hall mnnhs durinx Ihn Him and convulcmnco Mn Mn chtsnry Mr nml Mn Vnnxnnrlooa and lhnlr pnrcnln Mr and Mn IL VnnsnArlnol spent lull mob end nl Nlnunrn FAHI Illmslrlp When he Healer came portrayed the mcglcal work In lhe Ludhiana Medlcul llospltnl This hospitnl and col lege has been recognized by In Indlnn government xlncn 1915 mu week In the Cleary Audl orlnm 1n Wlndsnr Ontario wen Mn We ennnx Mn Blandon Snow Mn Yuslul Day and Mn Charles Foster Mrs my mvlnz on he credenlla cam mince James Patton is reported as progreuinu favorably following major operation at the Col llngwoad hospital Prior to her approaching mnr riage Mrs Malaria ilunt was feted Saturday evening at the homo oi Mrs Angus Rusk by her neighbours She received coifea tabla floral arrangement and dresser act Misses Patricia and Kalhen lne Curknn of Toronto spent me weekend with lhelr grnndmolher and attended double blrlhdny party In Banlo or heir cousins ELEM nngl flexing Dgltpn Mr and Mrs Pa Prime are moving lnla lha Hesllp apart menu his coming week The Senlcifiber maelan oflhu Beacon Mlsslnn Circle was huldl 1n the Baptist Church Hall Sept BEACQN msst cmcu He emphasized the pram God to Abraham about Can nanPsalm 105 Much later about 56 Ike npnsllu Paul wrote hat Abraham had lound lavarwllh God through his faith and through Clulsl CROWN HILL ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON mmuqu Mm mm Mu ll Snunlcr was up pnlnlcd PILO to ill ml cnncy loll by Mn Presser who Is leaving in tho nenr luturc The lmlIlulo upprccinlas ae xcnmus donation of 30 hun huskcu by Mu McClukuu nnd Mrs Walsom Mu John mm and Mn Buldwln rcporled on lho apprccinllon nlnhl hcld outlier In lho lummur or Miss Culley and Mn Fllh Mu Jnhn nlnn woke brlcny on Open llnuxo whlch ho nllrndcd In Guelph In Junu Sorry award Al len la pallenl In Royal Vlc tom llaxpllal and Thomas Mar pallenl In General llos pllal Toronto lhelr friend hope they wlll soon be well enough lo came home MEETING Thu Hrs mccllng for 115 fall the Womenl Institute wns held In Ihe Community 111 Sept Mn wmlnm Johmlnn president was In lha chalr Nlne lcnn member and vlsilm ans wercd the roll call Whnll ynur Mrs Johnston lo be the delegqu to IE Arm Convcnlion lo bu held in Coidwnicr Sep tember and 24 To the Lead arship Training Course on Go lobcr 20 and 30 in Ailislon the dcicgniu urn Mrl Ken Slurgton and Mrs Siewm com miilce in charge of Kim Anni vmnry inn to cried dinner to he had in Le roy communin hnil Oct 30 The northern pro 1m in to bo loll wilh the bud Icicomnlilipc Th2 pmmiinnnkcd all lhuso who hnlpcd and donated ma Mr and Mrs Hurry Slnnn 10 by CPR onlhu weekend for Name visit with Hands In Saskatchewan Slnun Mlxses Lllunn and Mary Sloan Mr and Mrs IL McDonald vhlled Sunday with My Tequfingenqg Begum Keep Saturday November In mind or Pctera Anglican WA hnzunr nnrl hnka nle Fur thgr pnrglcnlanulaleg The Hi Girls Club met at the home oi the lender Mrs Ran Allan September with 11 girl in attendance end with Mrs Jr Kemperl as assistant leader itlrlr Dale Miller home ecnnomist tar South Slmcou was guest speaker and spoke on the meaning oi the motto and Hi Crest Topic oi dlscusslnn tor Ihe meetan We What it mean to us to be Canadian citizen Several items at business were discussed and new executive chosen it consists oi president Juliana Rompers secretary Wendy Kell press secretary lnm Allen The ill project or this tell is The Club girl stand WI RESUME Gentiles ol IaIlh would also lnherlk Gods pmmlse The law he IBM erved may un til all came Galaliam New faith II he lubstnnco lhlnn be ad for thuvl denca thnn nu ma ny MES 71 PROSSER CHURCHILL Cant Beat Natural gwnnmuaat GAS number rum lhll commun lly ullendcd Ebunczer anniver Inry Iervlcex Inst Sundny Mk mum Allnn Jenn Spcncq Llndu nrnwnlnz Caro Grnhnm nnd Bunnlo Conslanc nccum gunled by Mm Manure Camp c114 nulmd wllh the mile at lhu morning Icrvlco We mm lho name of ma our local young men will ommcd ram recent column thank havn rend that Jon Lutns hat enrolled at Lnkuhnm Tcgchcrl Ilene On Sept 13 double christen Ing Innk place in SL Paull An 31mm Church Strand Susan Jenn Infant daughter Mr and Mrs Flmlmmlm Bcllcvlllm and Douglas Frednr lck Infant sun Mr and Mn Fred Fllzslmmlns nf Barrie re ceived bnpllsmnl rllcs Rev Tran ofllclnted About so friend from Scarboro West Illll Wlll owcdnle Bellavllle Demenon and Darrin aflondcd Ihu Christen 1m dlnncr at he home of Mr and Mn Thanml Fllzslmmlns Sr anxrn inns Io John Nngel and Son an heir luccwlul wins wllh lheir cam nt lho CNE Tornnln Ind also Cock lown Fair And lo Mrs Nagel on wlminl Hm In lowing elm Connrnlullllunl to Ml Gull Lucul who rccelvrd word Ih The rnmm was taken by the molul on commmee Mm Ru 512 Stewart and Mrs Chnlmer Pratt Min Margaret Camp bell unz two 5010 ear Hum and Genlla Penn and fThl Land In Ynur Land to her own accompnnlmmt on tha plnno Mrs Jack Constaqu rcporkcd on the Insmula conlercnca held In Glph Mm Donnally nave current avcnts The committee tested the knowledge those present by conducting panel lea hor rowcd Illa Mr lllfl Mrs Presser vlsned Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Kuzyk and family of Slnghumpram and in the alter nnan Mr and Mrs Kuzyk and Mr and Mrs Presser vlslled their mother Mrs Frank mndlo who Is patient In Colllnwood hugpitnlr Several tom here aflcndcd Rho donnery meeting held last week In St Georzul Ansllcan Church nnrrle The Wumcnl Inslltule board or dlreclors meellngwns held in Cookstown on Monday nfler noon Mm wllllnm Jnhnslan and Mn Allan Todd nucndcd lhc mccllng Mrs Todd Inc Im mcdlnlo past president Suulh Slmcae nlslrch Dont om tho Unllcd Church Womenl bazaar and bake an Oclobcr In lhu United Church Sunday Schw room booth at Chum Creek Ichool reunion Ind also nl Fromm 121 The Institute ha manur ed child 11yearold French 111 Susan Guedj wrote Paul to the Habrewa Ha revlawed the great tallh ol the charmer Genesll laying lanh lend us In reveal Id knowledu Hebrews 11 110 Paul wrote the mm Abrnhnm lnac Jacob and By Alfred Bueséher Thu home nursing course stan ed Monday night with small mendmca AI there are 11 lu wns in this course the com mittee hopes for bigger al Fndance at the rest ol the meet mu Wedncsdny vldlorl with he Lcslll Includld Mr and Mrs Macro Bullnla NY and Mr and Mrs Thomas In Ho and Kugnplh georxelown urn Vllun wl Mr Ind Mn Graham wm Mn Ind Mn Cm Mr and Mr anklnne Mount Mbm And Mr and Mn Graham and baby ll Paulq Congrnlulnllonl to Mill Jean mu and Ken Mehnr who wm mmlcd lha evening of Sept Is In hd Presbyterian Church nnxlcr hu luccemully cumplated her lecond year It Queenl Unlvu ally Klnmou Gall lm enrolled Lakeshnra Tuchen Culldke After mdundon she will mum la Quecnu to complete her last we yam Mr and Mn Ray Fleming Moorefleld and Mrs Roy simp son Midland visited Mr mud Mr andMFA Phllllpx are v75 lllng their son and famlly in Pejerboqouzh Snrry to report Miss Ida Smith is confined to Newmarket hus pl large crowd attended the chlcken barbecue Friday night number of lakeout orders were delivered mm little Isle but It seemed Impossible to ho everywhoru at one time Next enr It will be better or filled Harvest Home services were held In lhu Anglican Church on Sunday wllh Rev Downer axgucsupeaker mm at the Wemena Institute here enlnycd meet ing with Benton ladies in Benton United Church basement Tues day night Thornton Caokstnwn and Hand Head branches wera entertained Mrs Bean Noble tnn gave damnnsirutlnn on lower nrrnngemcnu Muslcal 52 lectlnnS papers readings were on tho program and lunch was served afterwards By MM MAY DENNEY number from hm Allend ed the anniversary mvlca Cooksmwn Prexbylarinn Church onSundny A11 and Mrs Denney and boys vllllcd Sundny wllh Cpl any MriC anutlllcn Tmpgn Mr and Mn Delmar Lu unendcd lhu Leluhlun Holmes Wedding at Shelhurnu on Sat Mr and Mrs Bruce Edgar wm iucsls lhe Fellla Me hcr waddlnl Baxter Pmby ltillfln Church Wednesday av ng 77 lpcedy recovery wished for Mn 11 Rather nllcnl it Royal Vlclorla Husplla flur Joseph who did no live lo us God Promised Land be come lheln but who 11rme believed that It would hecoma no aventunllyHehrewx 11 no GOLDEN TEXT Oah UAns 829 BOND HEAD BBXTER Service ls what we are most proud of We take great pains to give our customers the greatest amount of personal attention In all respects Our expert estl mators glve you an extremely close cost estlmate Our packers employ the most modern techntques to protect your possesslons Our drivers and our vehicles are tho safest on the read When we arrive at your new home we place each artlclo where you wish and leave your new home In tlptop shape Let us help you wlth your next move Youll crow about our service tool Yes sir wave really got something to crow about Were not trying to tell you we operate out of chicken coop actually we have lovely new office and warehouse on Anne St What we do mean Is that you have to get up pretty early In the mornlng to top our Service llD ANNE ST WEVE REALLY GOT SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT HARRIS PA 61863

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