vm anle im mm mm In rm ii Inlhmlmdlnl um Illnll m1 1mm mu mm AUIOMOTIVE morontTns ran 511E mum TunInn Ilu rm mm mm rum um Ind ml Tuna m1 mm Linn4 an Muy Ium mm NEW IDLA CONN IICKEHS mm mndmonrrn man PATZ MIN IIID unlundrn km VIZIHATIHI wnlhrr rmuliHnnrrI NIEMI lmnn nmm IA 4mm MES MENT C0 no Highway Cookslnwn ï¬ll11 MCKIZIZ IIMIVESTIZRS mun larnzo ham all ClllppCll for com and ha and running con dllon so forage blowers and boxes Fovd Traclor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESING Farm Supplies Service Case Now Holland Dlvlu Brown Bully Firm Equipmcnl 178 BURTON AVE PA 82373 CASH TRADE TERMS DION SALES AND SERVICE FRANCIS MOREAU ANIEN MILLS PHONE ELMVALE 752M an llonm lmrhln Im mn lnl Club llnnu mm halmld houlm um um For IDPulnlmenl um Inlnmulon tulepnanc PA nm or mm In mhlu Am nu nd Sunnld Fold own rnn Mm van51 nd mnnml our pk Smlm nn Ulnpll Ivy am Ynunl ll unnd len mnnlhl Duly xn TIHDHDDI lu umnonn ANn Shnnharn lellnn mm youndl uu Mm lanl at our om Namm tomr cl Iho am Can Ian nfl 1n 51d Rand xmmnl Tllwhonn sum um caskMu bulll 21 valve NHIHVI lot brvcnllnlll mulxent heal um cu IL rnmer PA um um lull PA NEIL Ij now MINESING MOTORS Hal lOll Illl ll you LI cumhl Sowl lament an In llrmw Alw on ynunl van Bolt Illhllnd Talephnnl PA NIH Ilflllllflln Ymhhhn Enwl Gui to lmnw Snplemhu ma oclnh Blrvl All anklhln Bu cumpheu um 5mm smud mummy ml 11 Impan nu lrml IlrM hay ledny ML 21 uounm mm or Onl cnmlnl In mm 1wa um um bx hat Tellpnunt Dru or ley Imml Dro micxsn or llle mun lenn 6M 7W lbl Cllh mm PA um nunnnn siucxmfu lnr 100 In 00 lhl Wllllm MEG an Elephant Elmull rndpuun 1M 31an Ilmransrlar qui my llm Apply Hm Henry Thom Ion pham Ivy mm Apply Ta we in sunny Telephone AIWDANT Ell Produfllnn ydInn Sptcllllyl Get pllnLV nunInd lhrmy ma comer1on nhu llVlhlllty Ind mum wlvu llke Ina Order LL ehlch nr llerlms rrldymlly pul llll GI Inn Ill Proflll Older Iron Arnold nelnko Cum VIIM ML Albert IIWl OLITEIN STBEII nr nll mumu upmnmmxy we nu 11mm ma mm mm NO CHARGE nuns Wlnled ol mun cluhx mm humane In and loll wanted 1n and can mm Dhnnv PA um DEAD STOCK Elihu price paid or dead at crippled came and horns Small nnimll removed tree For servic my Iulomnb mu or nn menL mumn PA um ï¬NTEDI Elfin Tallvlllnn Tow If our Mull bl III Ionlbl mwllanl PA um ARTICLES for SALE CHARLES CHURCH NICKS DEAD STOCK II hmm dlyI day mek RR Faxmud Ontario Manse No 24A Nick Mnnmue Prop New and Used HARVESTERS PHONE BARRIE PA 84251 Collect or ask or FARM MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL NEW HOLLAND AND DION P6ULTIRV CHICKS ARTICLES WANTED FARMERS MARKET DOGS PETS LIVESTOCK swmas tom nl cum 435151 lqr mum II hay In an Hmllnl um mi ma nlm nu m4 mm mm In my Vllll In limit Huxva rlumrn Iml nu railway Inlmum mm blahan um xrvmnginjlunnr rrm mrTurï¬mxrv LEARN IIJIJHIUNHI lylll lllllfl full an 1mm mum mm mum Im Mm um um hm m4 mm In nu MI Mum cn mi AMM ll Iumw Tmm ll 0M T41 lrnln mlvorllslng rc IIEWHHIHVG Iur llm llnrrlo ixmnlnnr lhls Is an lnlnr csllnf and crcnllvu xnlnl pmdl on wilh plcnly of 0p pnrtunlly or mlvnncomcnl Appiy In writing 1n Advcrllslng Manager THE Alum EXAMINER wncu Lnn Iny Tlmn nm vuhh ml ml mmlrn min my ulurn rum Jr Im luuud mm LonLady drum mm In th vklnlly rm ram on Tu mnlnl uphmhvr wanna PA Iml mum Iunr Celduv by mum hllmrmu your on mm or hnIpHII un vlï¬h amm PA nm 4051 FOUND IO HELP WANTED nunon Lohui Nunlnl ilnm luflan My Bum mama umuéh vmm nquln an only 0mm mumm LOIUTIIII vumnmx Ill win In um In Tornnlu mum ma Unlmum In my Ilondl Ihrmuh hidy Tlllphnm ould like In extend cor dlal Invimion to my many lrlondsnnd cuslomm drop In Ind see our Prcmltr Dlsplay 96 FORD Product the Dmriu Inlr flux man Dnmlnzn um TRAILI praym mp Ind 1le eh ulllll wnl Ilelp our nr th maple ALI number Im cr lunll la Phom PA lunlppld wllh In on urnnos Wm mm nvrnm of mu omll lnnlmlulon Mun in uuun condmun rm 91 ylth wnu qu dumb to PERSONALS 1m oLnsMole Shrfln Con vmlhle wlm In sum enllna Irlnlmlulnn drlvzn 29009 mllu Power hm llurhll um wln dam Inllnnl cunlnm Ille Ind Inn whuowulx lull am now rel 00 PA 51 IMIION Wllcn Shldlhlku Llrk cyllndu nvlrdxlvc wmu Will Ilru Ind ndlu Will older nr romp II DI ply lnlnl Tillphoni PA Mll lllu MIL m1 nonus hunt our dour In In dihell he wlm chm lnllflun TM or hu nry bum mum Ill Mu hhlltwlll tlru cunlam rldln 15 dawn um pu momh PA um hlrdlup mamu mmmlmnn ma nu Fannie 5mm ml ltlnxnurllflfln an M10 wnckln 1m Pnnllu slam rumon Hm CARS WANTED TO BUY ll PLYMOUTH VI our dear mmuc ms was Fun In dour lulumlflc mu Meleur our dnm mud m1 rm door mudn1 1mm PA um m9 CHEVROLII nlmynu mm Ird lrlnnnluiun tyllndlr lull door will Ind mow nu Prlvm mm run In colon Tillphom PA HIS Wunn common In wflh an bhn Imhu lnleh Hr Loul on wine down 77 pl mflnth PA lIill p55 nulcy Nun on mammm llll unv lnn or Imlcmd advn uuun In mm mural at chummen ml with If IL Benllly Co ll Call PA uuo par mnmfn 55m ml MAY HR man We door hm an VI mulch Pthbullnn lulellullu lnnlmlulan cullnm udlu Ill nw wmlmu um no down um per munlh PA mu ivwxmu ylunr D5 ll HANDLER nur dour ï¬ll am DWI CIT II CW ondnan us down um mum of will menu who mun Cullumllnn door lumuuh In color mum in Inner cunam mln whllelelA 33 YOUNG MAN mu roxmc mumnu um um ouellem um um mw an unun Ind nu pun Cuh am mnne buy rmpmn PA um mar plm ll METROPOLITAN Clnll an In lxulllnt runnlnl cundfllnn Fn lunhur lnlormllnn tllphunl PA 0H Anyllmu AUTOMOTIVE TOR CARS FOR SALE YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND 6001 DEALMOILEE AT FRENCH MOTORS 15 Bradford SLPA E5971 CHEVROLET Cnnvulihh VI lldlm WWI hrlku Im condlllon Bell nlllh llphonl PA H5 01 Brock SI woMEï¬s comm MEET ME AT THE FAIR MOBILE HOMES MALE HELF CHUCK BYRON BAY CITY MOIVJS ml lhg um prrmlm lhnl hry IhAII In Ml In rleau rnmlillvn T1 Tum wlll nnl hr Mile gm nmumnry TIM Hum Wulmml mun In mnnml on Am rlnxlnl hkh Ihl no Illrr than Urlnlw MN 111 Tnulu rrmvrl Hwy mm In nlvrt any nr all Irmth Iubmlllod nolwlIhlnmunl flu In mnulmd lhmln and up lhor Tnnlu mm lhp mm In plum In mmplm mm In hand llqulllllnr and mum Nu Tnulr Irwva ma mm In 11 Im nmls min rnmfln lmnlm Al ml lry Onlurlm and II Hu mmhlnny Ihml III II ltnnfll In Onluln mun lnr immilnn MINA ml Munday Malmum 10 my Mum Hu lmm an ml mo xv inmuwl Hm IA Tvmlw Nan and unison Lolliu sumnun Dnulla Utlllem rnnvtIUon nulllty or In any mnnnor Whnlmvrn Tnmlrrn mml bu or In rnlhn pnrrcl AthIIlnItnln Inr 1mm And stunt wtll ha truth It the nnpltrnhln rnln nn thn mm at mtnlnr nrtm In mpecl to Farrel only dem nunjrd tn nppmu nnrl nrrmlnrc at In lmmtnrm Trnvlm durum muted being lnr Ill Mull Ivy 5m and Gnntn umpnny leiled Tmtlnn mmt cnnlnln Alutnnrnl tn hr rllrct lllal lhe pur rhurr wlll Iy In nddtllnn In llw rnvlrml ulna In Fnlunl ml mvlntlll nlu Tu mvltrnhln nn tllo NIH vlluhmwl The Iurruxlul londrrrr nr lrndrrnl IM hold llvrmlrhrl Irqmnnthln for my damu nrrntnnnl tn the nrruplml pmnhu mnlllnl mm ti mrupntton nntInr lrmornl nl muImmnt mm the erl pmnku nml nhnll lmthrr Inulrllnku that In Mnl In lhg uld mml that thry nhAII In Intt In rltan tnmlilltm Trmlnls will hr nrrrmrd on hank Um ï¬lm humml ho mm And lllln Humln And my wnn Inn In Dxplulrd or cm In Inmllrd dumln net1m Mm melanin crrullml rhmun fqunl In ha mmnnl uncured wlll ha received hy Hm undmlnml InnIrv mull 1100 oclnck In ha announ murndnyz Ilw Jxd xlny Otlnhcr ms for he purcluuo null IN PARCELS n1 lnHuwl Puma MIII Equipmonl and mum lnvrnlnrlul 17mm Inrrrl 0mm liqulpmrnl lnvenlorled 1100 Farm HarkInlmdn and ï¬twllu luvenlnrlrtl nl mls ï¬enlod trndm enclgnlnxl Amnngl updqred wlll ha mm mm wluln In mm um do am wru slumx Gm Cum mm cmv unur Au Mnnlrul Mull wlll up In ISM var mur IECIIETAIIML Tmhur mulnd lnr mm In Collul snnum loud Iyph ma rumn mun mna wrller mm Ichaol olllu PA Nun zxm Mo supply mum and Cumnu In your ndmhnrhoed run or vuMlml 5mm um un Am mum in um bulwcn pm vvaN Fm un um l2 TENDER cage classified adverllsinz rule wnman la communes Immedi ately This position alters ex tremely Inlemsung duties and rewarding future Applicant should preferably have pruvlou nle experiencc strong ln cm In wurklnz with pcopfe We want In InlelllgLnt mamre womanwho Ilka to seIL Good mulling ahlllly Is necessity and typan is an lager Usurl company benefit and plcuanli working made Pleas apply by latter to Vllson Ad vertising Manager Thu Barrie Exnmlner Barrie Ontnrlo Thu BanIa Examiner requle hm any cnnccnluom and marl must ha phoned In bclwcn no And TL DRIVER IALIBMAN nqulnd ID your 01 In Prefer driver to oplrlll own imck on cummlulon Dalian lo Nu Suvch llllh Suul mhnur week marinas holiday and vncallon pay Company pald rings beneï¬ts Emllent warklnu condltlm APPLY TO DEVILBISS CANADA UMITED BARRIE ONTARIO INTERESTING SALES POSITION AVON Cosmetic offers or ccllcm canning opportunin or you working In your own community wrlla Mrs Walker Thomson Emle or phone PA Experience desirable in some of the following Building materials hardware or paint saies Construction new or remodelling Estimatingpurciuéing We offer comfiete benefits and modem working con diuons with an my dependent on experience and ability Apply in writing giving education work and personal history to RODGERS BALL PLANING MILL Box 248 Barrie Ontario AVON RQEAL HOUSEWIVES For Building Supplies and Home Improvemanfs We hive openings coming upfor inside and outside salesmen to HELP WANTED THE BANKRUPTCY ACT SALE nv mvnau IVY SEED AND GRAIN COMPANY LIMITED va ONTARIO FEMALE HELP SHEET METALfWORKERS MACHINIST LATHE SALESMEN on mu lhnl um pmhmrhm lllln Humln And my wnrmniy nr rmnIIr In Impllrd In duulpurm rnmIIHon The lowesl or any tndrr no necrunrlly ho nuwplcd W4 BECKETI Vine SL Dnrrle Prnpcrly Chairman Central Unllnd Church Ln TUESDAY WORK 901 or um umnvnl or demolmnn at three Ilorey mum at 54 mm nnrrlc Onlnrlo WWW Spcclllmllnru or the may bu obulncd 1mm Ihl deglxmd rtcclvcd hy he undzralxncd until 500 pm Dont let that ouslnzs nan yaw by bectuu yaur Idvertuu dhcanflnum becausa you know that con msnccu mum be trying to gm In much with you hung those Mrlods when your ammo mm In discontinued ha um wllh yuur adv dxlnm People no huvln awry day I2 TENDETS TENDER FOR REMOVAL 911 nggupunow Ilovuannx wnua Hummer um own damn immune mum womln mamu PA good nlergncu th nimlwild Box 1mm slimmer on or Mum mm ml me nmm require venonnel to mm 1th Hill Iver Ilplndlnl hullmn hpefllnca no net Wu will tnln numb Ip For lnluvlew pleu wrltl Bax Burt lnmlnuz EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK Mon Fri Sam day clnreflntinm Ind error must be phoned in between 350 Ind mm PHONE PA Ml nomwm BECHARBE GILFORD WANTED dgy nér wok APPLE PICKERS MALE FEMALE MALE HELP nny tndrr wlll mm pm they work narrlo Sympathy la extruded Wll llam Davidson and rclallvas In ma death of his brother Rnhm in Hamilton Sept 13 Mr and Mrs llcclor Nrnbull Ulopln Mr and Mrs Vlclor Prldhnm and Wllllnm Davidson nllcndcd she tuners Hamlllon on Mon ny Cungralulalims lo Marnie Col umhua Undn Brown Ind Ann Boyd on wlnnlng fink second and lhlrd prlze lor spelling It the school In nwrnlon Sept 17 Thu hm Elm am in Grads also to am Olga Norvak who won first In Grade HIM upglllng fhe Angus Horllcullural Su cicly will hnld matting In Mr and Mn Genm Gist Brnckvilla spent few hours with John Duckworkh Ind her Inlhcr John Crafl before leav lug fur rig to Syrygusc ussell Adams patient In the Royal Victoria llnspltal Bar rim HI friend hope In no him home agaln goon Mr and Mrs George Dexter relumcd homa lasday imm rip Road island Harrisburg and Lake P1813 visiting their daughter Ind mnininw Mr and airs Haber Howlld Ii Monis urg Mr and Mm Archie Simpson Kirkland Lake spent hmduy evening and Wednesday after1 noon wllh lheIr parents Mr and Mrs WallerrMcMncknn Mr and Mrs Edwin Emu Whitby and John Comba Tor unlo Mr and Mrs Donald Breen and baby son Whilby Mr and Mn Murray Rosa and family Newmarkci ailended the AshcroitScase wedding nn Sai urday and visited Mr and Mn Leslie Rose and Mr and Mrs Ray Lalimer Sympathy extended to Mrs Edythe Sham and lamin Mualard formerly alAngus and Roger Plants In the sudden of Mn Roger Plant nee Ann Short whn died In Toronto General Hospital Monday The funeral wu Sept $0 at Menlord Mr and Mrs levey Robin am and family spent Sept 15 with Mr and Mn Cllflom Rnb lnggn at Klnlafl Opt number mixinns alien ed he Grenfel United Church anglyungyjn Sgpl l5 ConqulalIan lo John Ash qu1 and Mlu Jean 5cm who were munled Sept 14 In Anzul United Church by we pastor Rev El Willis Also cunmlulnmms to Hen ry Brltnell Ind Mn Cory Rawn Wlllfll Beach who were mar ried Sent 14 lion Presby lerinn urch by the palm Rev Summm of Bnrrle By MRS DUCKWORIH IMCOE COUNTYNEW ANGUS mun uvylln HM mk will no 11 umlor mm uhlzh lho norodn mg 11 mmmud Inan In In do In Job um ltnlly wk is mm lllwrul lnvemmcnl uecnn Inln Funk will punh lnr mumlnflon I7 vital overn nwnl flflplllmeflll the mm Aulcultun or mmw vhlch In um mod my any ll II to 40 III Hunk IHI lee In that Clly Hum Hcrhu lhu mmhlullllm ll Irlrnu Uul llmln In Im lull rr nvrrlmlnl in II dhpoulliou nullnhle wuvlnclul undl Amnng 1h dlsllngulshed gutsls were Warden Albert De Conkey lllnnlcalm Maurlce mvc Tlny Tawnshlpl Th guest speaker was Wllllnm Corlslon Mr John slnns sonlnlaw Archle Ilr buckle prcsldcnlnl llnyal 0n larlu Academy received me nln quc an behall In lnmlly Mrs John Scholleld wldow nl lhc lnle Franz Johnston unveil ed the plaque Allendin lur Ihls area were Mr and Mn Davls ol Essa lllr and Mn Campbell lnnlllll The Slmcue Counly Vl area On Wednesday lernoon Hur nnin Historic Sites and Tourist Aunciniinn unveiled plaque to iormer resident of Wyehrldgu and Simon County Franz John lian Septemï¬Ã©r 22 13 Rally dny 6r Sunday mm the Presby terian Church here at 030 am PLAQUE UNVEILED evening house were couples party was hcid at the hum of Mr and Mrs Mei Marlin with Mr and iiirs Ar nold Banting oi ivy displaying the product Mr Banting had arranged pronram oi game and stunt The avening closed win 0mm Mr and Mrs Melville Ayrest and lamlly were recent guests at lhe hume 01 Mr and Mrs Robert llachngld Crcemnre Tamnla guest at the home Mr and Mrs Mel Marlin were Mr and Mrs Harold Nos and Imlly Mr and Mn Gnnrge Colhurn and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Manln By MRS CAMPBELL ML and Mrs Albert Campben and Mr and Mrs Fred McCor Washaga were guests Sunday afternoon of Mr and Mrs Dnvil Treehnlm Cedu Har our Mr Ind Mrs Brown at Welland spent the weekend with ME andMrl William McDonald Mr and Mn Anhurflohefl son Scarbnm and Mlss Kale McKeven Torontn spent Wed nesday evening with Mr and Mrs Willer McMuckon Mls McKevcr stayed for visl with her two listen Mn McMaclmn and Mrs Duckwonh Anzul United Church Hall at mm Peter Vangaalan will Ive lnlk on all planunz of bulbs Ind planls zveryana welcome The All United Chum an nivemry services will be held Sept 19 ll Am and pm Tho Ipoclul weaker will be Dr Crosaley Hunter Toronto Kennnlh Bruncll vlsltnd Jan lco Zingernl Toranln General Hospital on Wednesday night also 51 1nd Mn Len Zlngerz STROUD Here why wn think you might llkn to do your chnpenu lo ankl Plane Crash Kills Men unnaunl vc ms heading or In temannal Falls Minn and llshlng vacation Wm armor Slrcnlor 11 Mayor Albert Diclman Eugene Newman 57 and Eugene McMiIllnn Jr 25 HILLSBORO WIS AP Three Hllnals mm were Idlch when lholr Ilnglaenglnu plane hmko apart and Hum crushed In rum and on In haylleld llva mllp soulh Ihls western Wiscon mmunlly Thursday The vessel owner Upper Lake shipping Limllcd Tot onto said he Shaw had born kept Idle In Chlcagn an out olrnocke cost In excess of $300 000 and despite repealed al lcmpls ta load it The Moat ship steamed out the Calumet Riven under lice guard and wllhaul bmcllt nl tugs and headed for Fort Wllllnm CHICAGO CFAP The Howard Shaw Canadian vessel which arrived empty In Chicago 151 days ago ILn Frl day after unlun workmen defied court order and again relused ogour grain lnlo he Ireluhlers ma Mr and Mrs James Leonard Ire halideyin In tha western provinces ganvenuan in la be held In Cold warcr Monday and Tuesday September 23 24 member are asked to mind Some of the program hlghllzhu are an address on Wamena rlghls by Mrs Campbell Torontn dem onxrrmlon by Mrs Magulre Mlnnsing and gleanlnis rem lhn dlslrlct annual by Mrs Vic tor OBrien and Ipcclal music SALZBURG Austria Rem erai nternallanll alrllnc were near agreement vn gen eral reduction 01 about 20 par can In Narlh Atlantic air are mmAer next year when lhe lnlernnllanul Alr Transpan Association adjourned It can fcrcnne here Fridayï¬ln IATA xpokesmln uld Near Agreement On Air Fare Drop Dynamited Ship Leaves Empty Funk will In rl all plnnl far In cmml llnInt II lulmnrc to 19 Imlnl Iladenu Iddfllmul edu uhmul lullllkn Inrludln rllnrlu hm Unlvmlly um Mm In Bum WWIIImmin tflmwm Member at Local 415 the Grain Elevator Vnrkcrl Union Icllng as individuals and In Iympalhy wllh Ihc SIU reluud consistently to load znin aboard the Shaw 1mm Ike 919 valnrs of he Conllntnlll Grain Corp The Shaw was en Idle by dlspule belwctn lwo unlnnl Up per Lake Shipping one dmr crcw ram he Seafarer Inm nallonnl Union but lelched last year to lh Canadian Hula flme Union CLO 1an Itch Up per Lakes prcsldenl said such llmc as the Canadian and the Unlch Smes governments have Iakcn such ncllon as may be necessary to enable Hm Shaw lo be loaded at Chicano ellher Ihat shlp or another ship at ha Upper Lake Inc will return In that part An unsolved bombing hat knnckcd halo In Ihc Shaws slda Sept nm 13 under inm Ugnllon by Ihu FBI The continued cost of keep lnz the Shaw idle and mare Importanlly the risk sexIqu and even fatal Injury to mem bers ha crew and damage to the vessel make it Imper ative that he Shaw be returned In Canada lha cumpany anld In atnlement WLL AWMI ACTION 11 BAN EXAMINER1 SATURDAY SEPT 11 Ken 5mm of Toronto abovo was reflected pres dcnl he Cnnadlon section of the International Unon Mine mm and Smelter Work ers ï¬nd at he unlnns nn nuol convention In Sndhury Friday CP erepholo IiiELECTED