Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1963, p. 10

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Home nukrc Mnlrn IIIZnInlrrrnnmhl IIICI ll TIE AISOCMTED IRKM Mllml Inch VimUnit hum Inn Arrcnllnn bub mm nwr Will lnlrnnu Muml Flt mum Dnvh LA rm l7 1mm HM IMIH Clvmtnl li 5m 74 ml 310 rmdn 5310 170 320 llnmu Cln 117 Allrnrl MIL Mb 117 HuntM Mum Mllwnuhrr IIC nun lllflld IIIn Anxun Mllwnukrv I27 NIIOIlnlfl lndnnml Dollhlr Urual vl Mull 12 Trlpln llnwn lncinnnll ll 117 lolfn MillIDflrldll Hnlll mare an lllchlnl Fun New oxk 117 757 filrlkraull Ilunnlnu Dr lmil and fillgmnn Mlnumu IM Imuhlrl Inn Trlplrl min 11 mm Yulrlkl Rn 550 Pearson LA 535 911 Klllnc Del SI 1101 Hulllns Minn MI 75111 Mnlzone Hnl 561 II numbAllimn Mlnncxnl nun nund lnSlunrl Inn 111 Im Ynxtmxmki By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FIGHT RESULTS Thu Minn nf NFL Commis xloncr Me nozclle anld their lap lmuliuulor Jim Hnmlllnn Innklnn lnln the dual but One 01 chums or $1500 wax dnlcd Nnv 25 mm about month More Cnncrlyx rcllre mm mar 11 yam wllh Ihe Glunu The Mcmphl PrassScimllar copyright nary by James Whilm revulcd Friday lhal Iva charms cudnrscd by Con erly Malling 39575 were pro ducrd Lewis mm hank ruplcy hearing DATED IN 61 mm Cunerlyn cu me nu were made from his farm In Clarks dale Miss In the Memphls CommercialAppeal in the wk he NFLI disclosure In New York hat the leagun amm bllng all the Iacls an cheque written by Lewis and cashed by Cgerly The nncllme star or the New York Glanls he Nalionnl Football League also said he was unaware my allexcd ambllng dealings by Lewis real estate developer who was Indlckcd ln Shelby County Ton name Ian on football lam hlllm chums MEMPHIS 10an APlCllnr ley Conorly former Slal pro lanthallquarlcrhack snld luday hls llnanclal records will prove cheque made out In hlm by ab cuscd gambler MamIce Lewls ol Memphls were far repayment of loans BALL LEADERS Jack Nicklaus may look to be dolng cuddys work here pulllnz he pln for hlmscll on the 1mh green ln he Fenland Open at the Calumbla Edge waler County Clubl But he was golfing llke man alter Conerly Says Cheques Were For Repayment JACK NICKLAUS DOES CHDDQS IOB llnnll Vlmunu luauWIIII 1m RumN Anun MIIA Runwfihmrh lhnlan Vrunllu Minnm Yuslmmskl Huh nflrmmki Dmlnn Vflolv llnylng much Jlm Manlly Culhlrlnn dllclnlmnl Illa VrIrm nlllclml WI Mu mung lhnu Ihnl In our Imm lnm hl mmmanlnd WI So It cnuld Hml dtcldul In pul Ullrk II Vnnmuvrr ltnrlur lulu lhn llnrup In mm mm hrll In Hm Vancnuvrr lntk nmmnlly an nthnu llml drprndl an mud lurk wan unable away or Hm llnl luo umu brrnuu ul lonchlnl rommllmrnll MILKay um um mum pruhnhly wm culllmz mu he wny lhry uuunlly dlul Hut lluy In hr on much Iluhlnl And crouvchrrkinl by unno llccd he added Vnnwuvnr ranch Mu Muc hay nnnnunud lho mow Ft dny II lnnk an added lenlrl cunLe vimw hll llnltmmll nbnul Ihe Onlnrlo cluhl mu lurk nnd he allltlnllnl In llll Hnl lwa xnmrl Polar Black mspnund un ln In In movn lnla lhu erd rm he Vulcrn champiunx who an Itndinl lhn Enslcrncrl go In lht balllv fur lhu Mann up CORNWALL Onl CPIVall cauvcr Carllnzl who hnvo clalmtd 5L Calhnrlnu Alhltt lcl lma been out In rough Ihrm up In the Canndlnn unlor ln cram chnmnlflmhlp hm wlll have mm but In Itlr llncup when Ule lnlo Illa lhlrd Knmn ol lhclr bulrol mun mlu lnnlzhl The CommercialAppeal also said It had photographed cnplcs of Wu ml of cheques has held by Canarly and lhosc pra duccd by Lewis at his bank mplcy hearing Four 01 H1 five from Lewis lo Conerly he pa per mid ware made out to cash and endorsed by either Concrly or his wife The llflh the 83500 cheque of Nov 26 ml was made nut In Candy and en darsnd by hlm Ie Friday night CumHy produced two cancelled chaqunl made out to cash and endorsed by Lewix and told reporter for he CommercialAppeal he was mu hunting or scribbled IOU noln rum the Memphis man Canerly said he would show the cheque lo Hamlllnn when he mlvcd 1n Clarksdala Inday HA PHOTOS Until ulflhe act are eslnb llshcd wont he known full so lnvcsllgallon war Mann Cup Final Resumes Tonight called Ian Inquiry rather lth M010 LTD Hm prlze He shot liveunder par 671w hallway total of 139 He was 311 strokes be Mud leader Mason Rudolph who had 61 but In men uun Nicklaus was lining up REPAIR NOW PAY lATER DANGERFIELD will numbII BUDGET PLAN III Ono xruu had no umplnlnll Cnnmhan Muan AnndnUnn nfllcluh IffiHthl near Irll nul tut 1mm lmlny mul Hun dny Fewer Hum 00 mm ware nvnllnhln Flldny In lhc 2050 Imt mun nml lhry pnl 1000 Ilnnrflnl mun mm up or unlu llkcly In remnln ho mm Jan Juhmlnn Dundm Onl cnnunlnu lho wllh lrlluw lnwmmnn Wnllnro Cnllrll Inhl Frldny daunl plan my Ilnnirla lln Ind ho lercn had drum and Jab nuld hu lhnt lhryll hnvu la llahlcn up Jml lllllo hul Hm um um gnmu have been Helptbwell In hnnd MtNull ha tenlra wfih 5L Cnlhnrlnu Teu pm when lhry wnn lho Cunn dlnn Junlnr chnmplonshlp In mo and Wnlly Thom lur wnrd ready to go nullnm commllmcnu kept Ihem nwny mm lho Hul Iwn mlth It wnx upctled they would Jnln Doug Xnvtll lorm Ihn Mid lln HI filmlrrncu Du ho nm nd lwa mldillonl In hln lineup an Ihe Alhkllcl nimcd nl uvcnglnu 11m mmrllnl 1114 and laml Ihry lul In lhg nl lwn Vclnlhu certainly arent going In chnnge our IIer to null Vnnrouvcr REDS 1W0 MEN Cancrly added that chuqucs for $475 also written June 20 1962 and $600 written 02 1961 were parllnl paymcnl $3000 lann he made Lewis In lhe summer 1961 Lewls he snld needed he money Mr hls asphalt company now dclunct lle snld me la balance of 19 unpaid on Ilse loan Cancriy sald bolh on May 23 and June 20 1962he wroie cheques to Lewis ha first 1m 52000 and the sound or $3000 ivr shorivierm loans In both cast ml iha same day Conerly amid mi ncccnlcd repayment cheques from Lewis which ha agreed hold or icvcral days before cashing Conerly said the $3500 chequa was from Iho sale of 1960 Cadillac Lew sold for hlm to lhe Lllu Molar Co In New phls The car lhu omAer Nsslppl passing gren uld was given hlm In In 1039 Charley Concrly Dny cuiebrallnn at Yan koe Stadium Commcr Barney Lllc canIIrmed he bnuzht car from Cannrly through Lewis ynu local béalnmmn ynu will um mnvm lmra ol lhe huml ll Ihe erllnnlnn llnlel Good nod mm In lhc mlenlnl Ilmmpherl ha Anclmr um DUNLOP IT blrdle pult In his shot but didnt drop Paul Hnmay lem of Sunset CAM was having pulling troubles and look 74 144 mm Associa ch Press erephnlo Monday Soptimbar 23 WELLINGTON HOTEL l2 Noon To 130 pm IN THE ANQHOR ROOM BUSINESSMENS BUFFET flu Wllllnqlon RainI Boglnnlng II Toronlo wnl Urd lnr venlh with men olhm Al Jnhnlllm Moul nnl Ihnml elkhlh Incl wllh ll olhm Knm nan MI nhol 57 In tho Iwo mumll Dnldlnl 6573 um Jnhmlun 7170 Elan IIAEHVIVMV VHmuwr wllh H0 lnllNl la uurvlvo the In cum Gary lloun Mm hurl In lrnd lho pnk Thundny nddtd Frldnr Ind mu dcndlnrkrd lar third In wilh nulm Cupll lu PORTLAND Ore AWMn Ion Rudolph look lhn land In the lnnlnnd own onI lnurnlmfnl Friday III um In Itc ondmund play or lulnl of 7mm Knudmn annnlo Mm lwnrnund lolll mu 1ch fm mum pxuu wllh To nndflnvv lllll lhllndclnhln Gmn Hunslnn Farrell MIL Milwaukee Spnhn 207 Chknxm Jncluan N461 Only xnmn Icheduled Ruullx Frldny Piltshuruh Lo Angelo Laull Clnclnnau Milwaukee Chlcun New York San Frnnclm Phllndclphln Mansion Tadnyn ProbMu mun lillsburxh Veal at Anuclcs Koulax 1M New York Jackson 1111 51 mn Ago Bolln Ml Lox Angels 51 Loul Sun Frunclxco Clnclmm Phllndelphln Mllwaukce Chlcaxu Piusburxh linuslnn New York Knudsen Tied For Second Chlbafiéaien or Ack lcy at Dclroll Lary 49 or MCClnln fin Annclcs Lee MD or Leo at Cleveland Glflljt ll13 Minnesota Slangn IMF and Sichler Ml at Boston Conley 21 And Mnnbauquelle 1M Washlnglon Jenkinsmfl Balllmore Robert 13 13 nlghL Results Frlday Kansas Clly 44 New York WAshInzlon Bllumnre Chicago Dclmll Mlnnesola at Buslon ppd rain has Angeles at Cleveland ppd rnln Todays Probbl Pltchen Kansas Clty Drnhowsky at New York Terry 1710 By IE ASSOCIATED PRESS Amlrlcln Lenuua NLOBL xNcw York 1m 652 Chicago 65 573 11 Mlnnuoln a1 58 561 Baltimore 32 73 529 20 Dctmlr 75 79 25 Cleveland 73 El 474 27 Boston 73 471 28 Kansas Clly 70 155 80 Los Angela 59 as MS 32 Washlnmn 53 100 518 41 xCllnched pennant The big lure II radio Ind televlslun nelwnrk deal Involv lng 52 tales that would pro vide the club with ruvcnuo 0500000 Innually for tha Um V3 vs mun ha been nude In the lanla delmuan only cum plats change of ham which ll very unlikely the moment wlll keep the Brave mm mnv lnznto Atlnnll or nut Ifln dont no how the Bram can turn dawp lhnt olfer lha uulill 1Milwaukee clvlc And lovum mnnt omclals annranlu new radio 1nd lelevlslnn contract that would lean dnuhlo Iha currcn 3600000 annual revenue to the club the nncMnbuloux Bram lnnchlse virtual certainly 10 ha transferred to Allan herora the run of II 1901 haseball remnr Asourée close um Braves Inner sanctum lold Dlo Ann Press Fr film Snndny Chlcngo at Detroit Lo Angelo at Cleveland Washington at Bnlllmore Knmnl City It New York Minnesota Boslnn Glma Mondly Only gums nchedulcd Ema mmumg am 21 BraveSHeaded 12mm UnleSs New PactGuaranteed INCNNAT up Unleu anlnnll BASEBALL SCORES PA MN Icl GDL 95 53 617 91 65 TD ll 82 74 526 14 01 73 528 ll El 521 ll 73 71 503 I75 72 82 J63 21 60 390 55 49105 4d CATCH mn MUNKIE HIINFHEW Onl CWTM rlduly hralhm mm IIeHovlllI rmporlrd Friday Hull lhe mum Iolipound muxkla In lhu 0an Illvcr Fm AlkInI Ind Ml hmqu Frank Inld Hu CIHKM lhu Inrhlonn lhh wll Innlnl no Ind mmklo Imun plum TIED FOR LEAD DALMAHDY Stalld MN DIVI nnxnn US Ryder Cup lcnm mcmhrr rmn Oxlnndm lln MK ha pulllnn monk Friday and jolncd IIunlnndl Peter Mllu llld Scnllamll Erlc Brown In many Ha liter he In lhe Dnlmnhuy npcn no lournnmrnl Minn Hm llvoundcrpnr or hnllwy mm Allin ha Inl mund lender hnd 6670 And Brown 6H1 SCISSOBED SPORT Willcy sIU Claw l1 Ind Cannlunm Halley Ill NYllun Slnncy McCovcy HM Cumin Card Sc wu 62 Haddix 1a and Pngllnronl Bums Dmdulo IMP and Ronhum Nu York oooooolms ll El In In 002 011 mm Dulrymple Johnson 1M7 and Bulcmnn HR nu Warwick 77 Fllllburlh 000000000 11 Lo Ayn olomooxz Tuiloum lla Sndcckl and MchrVe and Edwards Mllwnukn 0M DOB 0W Chlula 000 000 0Ix ll Lemnstnr 11121 and Torre Ellsworth 11110 and Schallcr HR Chlvnodgcr PM IMMUIO Hnnllan 000 nox ll Second Clly 010001000 181 York oflllWolDl 70 Penn 1220 and Len Bath on 2M McIcal and 1an um um KCLau NYKuA Mk Ln Angelo at Cleveland ppd rnln Mlnncsola at Boshm ppd raln National lguue Lollll W0 000 000 l0 Clgclpnnl mom coxl 50 Enlll The Brim whom attendance aplnllcd to 221540 when they won thelr first pennant In 1351 draw nnly 769021 In Hmplace finish In year This year um not expected to lop llvwln ml In min ml and mu Ormlstons WHITI nos 0pm mm lo pm Dnlly They have anlned Ihum mm mk that wnuld lncluda the advance 5315 at lent 9000 mm ticket and tho dob In radlwlelovlslan rights puckluathnt would ha worth 1250000 to the Bram Wiscorisln Governor John Reynoldn haswnmcd ha wilHn mm action to block Iny movn byhs Braves and press for revlawrol addsa legislation nov emlnx the business conduct or he sport Civic Olllcma alarmed by the prosppct olloalnz the Braves Ira nltnmpllnl to um cumpnlm to keep the club in MHwnukeo mm huw Mllwaum Ian mulch lhlt Id gm doncm Tnnm Can ll Amnnld On All RepIn mam Wm um pry nmpe Ihul out hclr opposann hm llmel In row and In 1m flounhrldm hlnnkml lhclr op pancnll In an nlluwcd Ilnll point In next and small IDUWIKM he lhlnl In hair union nlrhewnn nllowrd only polnll mm In lhn league 1w wllh polnu In HR mu wan nul 11m llnuxhlu In lhe lemma In pm lnltrcrpllum plrkhu 11 and The In Hm dnlcnilva club held all lauchdown drivu wllh Inch comlnlcncy wm Int 1955 when Edmnnlon Esklmol mm KM In lhm Bum Olher lumu 0qu the going Just as tough Fom the lust quarter lhclr lillh game In the end lhcir nInIhn llo flouKhrldcrl delence didnt ll luw tinxla louchdnwn The mm TD by Winnipeg mu numb In Um llxlh mo WA on an lnlmcpled pm um uch Llonq hlghubscorlng club In lhn country managed only an IM In Um gums and neared In their points on klckl because my couldnl cloxa anoufih or Iouchdawn When Hue club plnyld Drillsh Columbla Lions hm Sept nalsy Handingroam crowd mm than 15000 charred lhe Saskatchewan delmslva playm lngrln lhuflrgl play Weslem on crunccr payal spa largely through In prod Kinus mm lha hes drlcncc In the loam one that hm nl lnwcd an average of 1M polnu game Rnughrldcra who have had an onnznln allvuxaln nlfmcu thlsusAenson age gr onlnnnqn or REGINA CmAround lhe Canadian Football Leaguu In usually lhe offensive aquad hat draws mas the hometown then But In Illulna ha delcnslve unit Saskatchewan flauthrldm um geta he Ip plansc Other marksman were Elmer Try andAJlm Richardson Victorias scorers were Ran Jot Dlllon with two and Ell Rnblnsun Bill Munroe and Dick Crampluq W5 dnmlnaled them cnm plelcly In In game aald ha uhlllnpt Blshopn th cloth anrliedvlrmrn an lmpEmplu dlp In the showers Manager Fred IIIVII They were hallrhawked They scwpzd up malarily of louse halll In lhe series held an overwhelming edge in accofls and outshol the West in every Ame Applying Ihe Una touches Fridlymlgm were John Mc Auley with lhrea goals and JnhnDnvls Tom Conlin and KenThompsun with two aglccc The Gaels who finished only mm In their eightteam lcaxun lhlerscasan ween Ionashut un derdog going claim the mnre experienced Wesl But they won the first lwolamns 1M and 114 then came back with 1M vIclory In lhe mm same alter drgpplnx 109 N7 declslons It plfled two running teams again one another and they stucklo lacrosse There were law penalllei wglm pranDons Wu lure In le 11 or lrm an lhn mnnd flmr dlmlly om Iho nup uluru Mommyolflnrlul ms he bul Mlnlo Cup mlu Ever from llnnnclal atandpalnl and one lb great est mllnnnl mlu ever played lnrtha East Bishop Italled the team 17 yean nun Indhu line had Green Glclclubx In Tornntn luburhhn Mlmico Newmnrkat ow iunlrvlllsyflnt Includes Their lbs 611 over Ihe de fendlnl Vlclurln Shamrock 1m them lha bestc oIuvvn Eerie 44 and sent crowd 1550 In In 12mm Whllby Arenalntn hyalerlu WHITBY Ont CPJfl oak Jim Bishopl Green Gun 11 yearn In reach Canadlnnv cross lullbut lhey made law mistakes once Ihey not there he hungry youni Gaels this yen playlnavout ol Oshawa Friday nlnhl won Iha Canadian fnnlnr title and he Mlnlo Cup that Ixs try Defensive Unit Gets Spotlight addsCapture FiISt Canadian Crown WEEKLY JANITOR SERVICE HOT WATER HEATING LIGHTING USE OF MEETING ROOM SPACIOU FAVED PARKING SIMCOE DISIRICT COOPERATIVE SERVICES OFFICE FOR EASE Conud Gnu Cu 25V lnnlllll Mm So In Ihu emu II Ialld lhu llauumldrrl Irenl pullcw lnrly lmnrmlvn on num whm llmlr palnu Iver1a nut to 105 lamfl tlxure ml mnkrl lho lhlm pncn finding and mud Ill lhn morn Humflu Conch shw hu and wllh he Ich pulling llmk back ll quarterback ll vnrlnul Hmu Ulll mum bul uppmmly Ill umi hm muldnl he mm mm hll dtlmlva rule Dcknslva Ml Larry Dumello Ind linebacker lenu Shaw mnnnxo raver molt of Ihe Held ram melr doll Nell Import In his lelh year and nah lllcek an nllmr Ilnrbackcr 1m who plnyrd quarterback lul year and returned la lha drlrnca his your pick good Ihan lhu inlerqcpllans In lhe Jan Gnluv clknslvcly an end Dale Wm snsknloon product who plnyl hallbnck on oMcnu Gene Wlnsluk mnbuck pcclllln bollle up opponlnl pm receiv Amcrican Garner Ekslran and Clnndlun Ron Muadmore bolh recon ndditlons plny out of the dcfcndva end Ilou Import Alex Dcncclck Ind Canadian Len began both about Alchlsnnl welzhl make carnma palr delnnslvv lackle Cnnadlan mlddle mi on Mchlson an 11year veleran who weigh 135 la nnlnd or his ability In balm through the Icnslve line and opposl llon quanerlgackt Personnel on lhe dnlenslve squad are largaly hardnosed re lurnm ram last year Ind roach Bob Shaw doesnt care lo lnmper wllh he powerful group dcrcndm wtlded byhn pre dcccssor 5ch Owen whm ge nVu or puulni logclher Inugh defence was recognized In hls ycnu with New York Glanll running an back or lauch down Shiloqu Cardinal Invada Phlladelphln to play lhe Eagle and the Cleveland Indians lruvel New York no their early season road schedula at Plllsburlh against lhe Steel rn Ind Chlcaxo Bun fresh from In upset at Green Bay move Into Minnesota to play he sulpflglngly glrynx ijlngs Baltimore Colts an Snniran ciscn 4921 both upenlng day 13mg may 81 Sgn Frgqclscp The DetmltGmen Bay game tops the Us pro ncllon this weekend with men names schcdnled lnlhe National Foal hall League All games will he played Sunday except the Wash mum at an Angela anllht allhe as 3111351 Coliseum Unlled Slates pro football fans who haw been wallan for the answer slnce last fall should get an Inkling Sunday when the Na clubs clash lor the nut llme Ill II It Mllwaukeel Couply lfldlqu NEW YORK AHla Detrolt really better football club than Green Bay 01 was In Thinks glvlnu Day nee lg Tum Druce gehlnl coach Ihe Shammcka wlrnnd every ona that nutan could be taken away from the Oshawa lenm Several of tho Shamrocks how ever werent lullnz up pn or this one Thai you hustled us and outran us all the way said Bryce Vklorja Hremgn 1ng ms mossy Its on bad the eastern sell 101 cluhs and nfllcllln couldnt have wen this mica nald Victoria mannw Doug Flat cher ml was lacrosse Vhalley tanner baakelbnll exceullve in his um yenrln In crnm aha was soaked but didnft aeem lo care DetroitGreen BayGontéSt Top Weekend Tilt In NH Bééi Er the Eu lntha Ie PA Hill BLUES WIN OTTAWA CPJUnlversily of annnlu Blues overwhelmed Un lvmlty 0an GeeGm 10 Friday night In an cxhleInn oolhall game at Lansdownl Plrk was Grcgnrlna 12nd c0n tecullva Vlclory in linhls as urnrcsslonal HL lnsl his llrsk outing in mo and ought ma draw along the way umlu 5mm mmul Rm PHONE IA Ml lllrd It was nonrlille light and Pernlld was well In front In It ollha 10 mde on all score cards He llnlshcd stranger than he started and the end Pns Iran 173 pounds was har nushly hasten There were no knackdnwm Parana mad his flrs Norlh American appearance Friday night and gave Wlllln Paslrsno light heavyweight champion hqxlng lcssnn MIAMI BEACH Flé MP Enxlng fans were buzzing tnday than the latest Import from the Argenlinc hard rock man llghlnlngllke llsls HesGregorio Parana who Aland 31x lenl weigh 152W pounds and take punch like leather bag llllnlll lulnll IINIM The game at Oakland the key contest on schedule that also Include Houston Olleri at New York and Kansas Clty Chlcls Bullala Danlcls cam up lame Thursday alter com plalnlng at pulled lug muscle sullered In last Sundayn victory over Bullnlo Bllls YIIINT II CAI lNunrlerl Yin be ou oi neup when surprising Oakland Raiders meet Boston Patriots Sunday in the headline I0 American Foolhaii Leagues three game pramam1 Mn mm mm mn In Dallas to play the Cawboyl Clem Daniels the leslual 15999 mm galler vmbablv The 16yearold nelmlndcr who never had really bad moment wasmamed winner of the Jlm McConaughy Memorial Medal presented hl year lur Ihe Vllrsl llme liqunaughy was Inrmcr president and lilo member nl til British Calum i7il and Canadian Lacrosse As Iaciatlam who died several years agai Thu medai goes In the most outstanding player ihgrmica The Gaels gave gnéllcnder Norm Ncslman troulh night They let 31 alter the Hm pe riod hallInn and 1M nulng hm the unrlh period wnn uth wlnhr Mn mnalllnn Inmlnl nun ya on unlqun nu hum foul Tull rlml Inf Hul An Mlum mm 10 AND mum Ilnl Duluth Ian um lp mm um um Imum rles was goaltender Merv Mur nhnll consistent player In min that calmed hrllllant logtending on 1qu sldcs vmm rA um um um Newcomer Is Impressive Russ STRANAGHAN WINTER PEOPL DO READ SMALL ADS YOU ARE

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