SIMPLE AND EASY mllng line of Culdlln Ill Mann Intended in we cannot with eleunca 1111 the Iemnl popular looks mm By PATRICIA RUEAK CAnldlnn Pun stall Wrmr The new lanhlom are nlmed II ml in Canadian women look sop lsllcaled and comtom bk pr all nd winger Such ward lporuvefl Maud and cunnlly elo Ian are employed by depart ment aim buyers queslloned In CrossCanada Survey by The Canadian Pg All are talking about he th dress which was he hll oi the xprlng and Iummer fashion and now has been ldnpked for the all and w£nler Mao in tha picture are weed nulls Allna Mm and Jumpers com with killer Illhuuelm and Inwnheeled than Fashions For Fall Winter Are Relaxed And Elegant The blunt clung II ave nlng wear mlrked by return to oldlnnhloncd formality Lll llan Bmznn Montreal lnhlon consultant nyl evening clolhel will hive nle nllnemznl and wlll be nmlnlacenl oi nylzl In palnllng by Gnlnshomuxh Ind Wnltcnn Ehe ion 3er Hm of the Em pire look will daminnle lormll ayenh 1qu 11nd go ail 11 mm or which will be floor1mm Some turn or avenlni wear will also be long EHIFTB Wflll BIIIAPE For even nun me Ilmply gathered or pleaud floorllcnlth hasten skirts mohnlr and heavy wool Iweedl an expected Ionbg popplyr LL rvr Shlm ol luxurloul wool ab flu wlll havn lllllo more Ihlpe than their lummer predv canon Many wlll have rolled er shirt collm Ind musl wlll Ion Ileovu FOR TOMORROW Saturday should pmvo lo be In excrpllonnlly Illmulnlln am When hullmu in com mnrd upccll pullcnlnrly II vor tux propm and pulm IMp money Ind In your pmnnnl Illa you can look lor urd lo ulnmely hnpp locil lnlemln Illa ll Ilnxc ntw mmanca rnn THE nmnumr lumnrrnw ll our hlrlhdny ynur horolmpo ndlcnlu lhu oven though your Aleu prov port In Job and arm mnllm wlll he ucellenl In lhu yur nhud ll wnuld bl lmlllh In ln dulao ln utrnvlurm under pperulnllon belvmn now and hue Navunher Im for your bell Hum hblween now md lhm scum Inrl do cnncrn Into an Innnun pllnl ho mm you will hrnln In no In mu your Ham urly In bmmlwn 01h lmdn In llmmrlnl AL lulu an Imlknlrd or February and In mIdlm prrlml In tupnllmnl Inlunll Murtll Ind unln In midIBM lnrldenlnlly Imlh Ummher ol lhll your uni lho mm mm mar For Film Develuflnu IMIIII am It WHAT THE STARS SAY Commerclal Or Induxlrlnl llloion Pmpon Iorlnlln CALL ï¬lm 120mm By BBTRELLIIA Simpson Bra lmm loll the all look of Ilrelch pants with while poodle cloth over blouse and hooded jacket Cmadlun wudcal the layered The general sltuuUan is re Hunted in the mumnan Re glna buyers who antlcipala the shift will he lhelr biggestselling llem because it Is the mummy ol the average working girls wnrdrohe In 1qu varlallon of lha averpopular knll II the com blnauon of ml 3th with media leather and chlured wool to achieve layzred loqlg of ï¬brin £an fabylc Many null wlll hava longer shapely jacket and lung gelkl lleevesl Fur trims Wpullr nn com or the last him or three masons will be trmslmed lg nulls The coslumu look ol ll lwm plnca lull and mulchlnx coal ll bolus tenured by mm In Win lpcx and Montreal while wnnlemull comblnnllon ls ex peclnd to be popular in Edmun lonl FUR VARIED In nddlllon lo lesncllnglnl nilhouellc coal will hava hulk lu Ihnuldm and mumlnf col 1m and scarvex hit um Illln belnu amyhaslzod Many coal will In or lmlln Hon lur fabric almulatlng ha leopard zebra unborn calf and alher Iklns belng used by de xlgnm ol lnlemallonnl hllh luhlon In Jusl about every main city there wlll be cw mail en nguln lrylnz la Imam women in the flamboyanl cape can ï¬nd with llllle luccm Ins year llaols the blunt Ilury In lactwcnr Same jusl mm ho ankles nlhm rcnch Ia belnw the knte nll come In many col ally not11ml cyclu or all Vlr mum Perom mnllan will nlsa ho wnl dad for mml of H10 yur and you Ihould dulva frul happlnrn rum your ro nllnnahln wllh olhm 1hr muma will In under upcrlnlly unemul Influence ln Illcem btr Hull year In Mny Jun llld July um Dnmullc cnnmm wlll ha lnvtmfll by Irlcndly Iniluencu lor man at he nul 11 mcnlhl hul dn ha II no la cnule lrlcflan In mIdNovcmber Ind In March 1mm nml rnullva wnrhu murmur will have good year ml lhtr very ml cyclu or Inlernllmnnd pmllrwlll oc tur In Drcemher nml Junc thlltl barn on thin dny wlll be commML mnllculmu nnd unlnwed wllh Ilfllfll an at nmulrluu hnuwwno Ekiaï¬ï¬isi Mum mom PA um Momtm School In TM nvulnm Eduuluu Auoelullon Cum BBBBIE BUSINESS COLLEGE lor In Inlomlvn le Clmu wIII lu lvpldï¬nMopghyg Int Thu month toum hnglnnlnu Mondny 595 JO lhorflnnd Typtwrlllna Bookknplnn All Ivblom hvghl by pvolmlonnl hmlnm mph lxnmlnulonl will hold lor urtlllulu DAY CLASSES BEGAN SEPT NEW DAY STUDENTS MAY REGISTER ANY MONDAY NIGHT SCHOOL REGISTRATION THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 pm4 or and textures leather and fur or lmllauon Tilers will even be Ireclnl boots of luxur oua abrcs hmcudcs and lame Iar ormal evening Wear look with Jumper of hand mohair over allk nhlrt the shift dress hailed or lease in wool or luxurious lnbflu or dayllme and ovenan CF Photo For Iportxwur the Ill look or tight Ilretch pants with loose bulky sweater hal hem translemd rem the dope to city streets And to give dayllmuclolhc sporty or Sportive Bl lha huym Ily look heavy lex lured xlncklnga in many pal lern are being natured 1n Tor onto and Montreal REGIONAL PREEflEWES wm the need ndu cun cenlrated In lew clllea Ihera In certalnunllormlly of ash lans ram maul 1o coast But there Ire mm regional prefer mm Vlnmuvu chlnlne lnr hau rather lhnn the bowlcrl duhlel and edema expected to bejopullnr In tha Edmonlnn Hem inea no drappln In much an In many cilch are they now Ins cover he knu lulu Sweater Ind douhh knlt enemb1u Innlpel Cam Ind will lrimmed with longhnlred Iun Bunny on woll Tamale sunï¬mnm Ind ml em bin or the lay MonmlIluvy lwte lulu wllh hlplennh mm or look generally annululcd wllh mltlnmtlc Enxlllh country women sl Johnl NHLShan mal Ikln Jnckah clpeclnlly or Iporhwtnr Ilml PIrr Slmcno Onl In pmidrnt H10 Fulcrnllun cl Women Trnrhrn Alwclrh Ilwn of Onlnrlo Shown IMI yhum luy AIM and rinvrm van lkcl recently HEADS FWTAO CANBERRA CF AIII lrnllnl new Munflue Act whch has Jun come Into oxcc ralnesvlhe mlnlmum an or manloza throughout Australia and prohibit manaxes be tween non who havo ba ï¬omu coaply reload by loop 011 The main rumn or the new act wu lha dealre or single manlane coda to replace widely dllfcrlng sell of condition lmA posed by lha Ieghlallon ol the 1b Magnumtam And the maln aim ol Iho unl Hnl federal act In to reduce din number divorces runlta In rm kmly The minimum am or mar rlaia have been ï¬lled tom 12 In 10 year or ï¬lth and from lailn lg year or hoysl NéwiMqrriagéAct LiftsAge Minimum Pn may run walva hay mlnlmum axe re ulrement all hymnt may so In ox ccpuonal cam 11 one of he an In Above mlnlmum no ut pregnancy is no Icceptabla reason at varlnuan mman mustfang Even when holii purflu are nbova 1h minimum but on or balh are under 21 yum Health And Welfare Minister Urges Women To Enter Politi MONTREAL CPIJudy Ln Mmh Mara hullh and wel fare mlnlster plused In her campalxn or the ederal pen sIan plan and spoke on women lnflpolll Sha told members at nerv lcc club that is neither easier nar more difï¬cult or woman than man to be politician nu leper Eula ulhï¬sslyiaflrmwinld It well known lhlt womln wauld ralhzr vote for Eur they wumnn even mu zlgen very mien prnml Ina In raven leaner vote or man will warnnl ex pmnu flu LaMath uld aha wan dates having wnman running agalml her In an elecllun be cause all Yollllcul quarrels would be nurpreled as male Wm Touching on the Iuhlecl 5PM um know nolhlnl the rule women in pallLch sometimes not won the role the woman In polkch who ll peaking you because know very well that cash woman In thls room he dlllenn opinion on the quulhm Mlu LBersh uld she felt Enflkularly It use In Ihe callh and wallm Held hecluu iï¬e II woman Stop Downgrading Indian Children WINNIPEG CPDThu wom anl Auxlllnry Ihe Annllcnn Church at Clnndn was told Wed ncsdny to flop Ircalinl Indlanl Mfume 91d gum Mn Frank Dmln ol WInnl pet laid damn pine dLIcul Ilnn at the nnnunl media flu ornnlmuon hare most An gllcln wamm cansldcr the In dian not very Inulllzenl child naluroIII llmu lo Ilop lrenllnn them In ulher Iluyld chlldrc Mn mun WA repmcnlm 1v Io lhu Indian and Mull con ference Inld durlnz the alien lien on lhe churchl minker in lndlnn people that Ihe deplorcd reflrlcllonl in tho work the WA whlch hll ennuilad lam1y provldlng old cluuwl Far tldcrly and coman enl pantnll Excr nl ncllllm or prlv or mnlprlulu Ilol Ind cold wnlcr In room lumen ed Nnm ln Illendnnco mmen NURSING HOME STAYNEni ONT Eludb IIINI llobwn ll llalllln ll MARSHALL Rog PHONE 114 DANCE BALLET TAP AllANDAlE SCHOOL OF PA IDul wrlllen pirenlal consent must be In he hand the celehnnt 13393 marriage ynllg Children born out wedlock are leglllmlzed by the Iuhxa quenl valld marriage at the menu rnvlllon In the not which wnl arely mentioned In publlc or parliamenan dkcusgion the cxkemlon for punpom marrlnga the auction relat lnu to consanzulnlly lo adapted pegmm Ll WW mart may not marry hi adopted niece unleu Ipecially fermilied by Supreme Cuurt mine to meetexneptional cih cumstnncu excluding mez Iian but lite court clnnot live pemiuion in my circum Itnncel to marriage when tho relationship through adap tian 1m become that oi parent orbroiher or sister government okclmnn nld the whole Idea the law was lhal an Idopled nhlld In absorbed Into lamlly el acllvely burn Into It For example an adapted boy re Iarded by glrl the um amlly as her brother Hence any marital relatiomhlp ba lwean the two II pmhlhltcd We women have tendency to think In ngqlulpltlms Any to 1x very high Idem whIEï¬ we try to ntlnln as they were Holy Gram Women lend to In amallnnul men Ind led oumlvu permnllly commuted In every ï¬ling we underlakn MP JUDY LAMABSII 7I WED AT TORONTO Hart House Chapel Toronto was the settan or the mar riszo at Miss Mary Asta Hoim to mid George Armstrong Archdeacon Johnston oiflciat eds The bride is the daughter of Mr snd Mrs aim at North Bay The bridegroom pnr ents are Mr and MrIFrsnk Armstrong oiNorth Bay The newiywcds seiied aboard the 55 Brazil to Rio de Janolro where thoy will reside or the next three years The bride groom is associated with clerkson and Gordon Chartor ed Accountants BEVERLY HILLS Calif AP ormer Toronto women now Detroit hnuse wlfz won lancy 515000 In hnklnl contest hmsday 3wilh thh lam are hamburg and bean casserole Wins $25000 For Recipe Mn Roman Wnlllkn wile on In angineer and molhur at livu between use ulna and 10 mad her concocklnn Io tasty haw evu that she won out aver 99 other contestant Sh calls her prlzewlnnlnx dlah Hungry Boyl Casserole She serve II or bullet or plc nlcs because ls simple and qulck Io make mnnmlcnl and ultratflve to look at Bulde ground bed It com bine garbanzn beam with cel cry onion green pepper garlic tomato me pork and beam and ch pm Its topped with ulmundaflva biscuits SHOWS HIDDEN LIFE mm tunnel at Pills burghl we allow vlsilm to the underground lit rahla don and hibernating can For Ilylu quallvy wovkmlmhlp Ind nbovo PIICO look DUNLOP ST ANN LANDEBS Delr Ann Linden Them In certain couple In our crowd who hora everyona to duth with cndleu repom of what lhelr children are saying and doing They have two kid who are bright and attractive but the rest have kldl of whom waure pretty proud loo Tho mulhur came the ulrlx themes in her um and reads lhem at bridge luncheon The lnthur alwayl Jun ha pens to have mm in pocket mm the bay which wal written when he was away at camp They bnh carry plctum dozens of ham and have seen lhe lame hutch pic lure thm llmu They large who has inch and heard wha and or one am mighty tired of the whole roullna These parents are no stupld yet they are not even remoldy aware that they are boring their friends to death Any lug ucsglonnCnululower Em Dur El Ilnl it awlul when penplewnnl twp hrlx am about their km long enough to give chum to brag ahnul our know ha lype andlhcy are lnsulllerahlg Th pmud pnruuu You may well lry to turn on the sun you Just happen have couple or hundred picture 01 your own kids handy It could break up the mummy APPLY ma BRAKES Deu Aun Im 15 yearsold and lralnlnx to he nurse eel that know my way around pretty well became Ive bun dating Inc Wu and have nlwayl been consld md mature jar myggle Threa months no hem to lake stock myull counted 17 leilowx have Ictunlly lone slcady with and there have been least 20 other whom dated two or three times All have to Ihaw or my popularlly II tow beatup my name cheap bracelet dozen picture hand may MIA six week Ago me III In tern who is ml doll Ha ha bean dallnz other nurm but think he like but Th wob lem cant Re any kind cammilment out at him He wont an ilendy Ind relum to discuss nnylhlnu pumnncnl Ha say he along broke Ind cant Bragging Parents Bore Their Listeners BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBm 201 BARRIE lhlnk aarloualy about my girl 1M me How can us himEgg Dur Eve wouldnt say Hearold zlrl exactly ca didale or the Old Folks Home Why should you want to mall may mum Just because youve dated Imall battalion Buy doesnt mean ynure mature only Megan youve been my You have chosen an excellent llold or urvlcu and for meat lol people luggul you out on the brakes and one Ibou mnrrlaz for couple olyem CUHLY LOCKS Deu Ann Linden Had your View on giving boy permanent wave and do not agree that bum Idea Listen In my nary and youll unï¬graland why when my son was 11 yelrl at age decided hllr would lnnk much nicer curly inslud straight as nick So uva hlm permanent From then on hl hnlr was wavy and beau lhIL All it needed we 1le cogxlnlh ll day eight yam laler my son has ha pruliesl wavy hllr person could wish or Now arent you awry ynu told lhlt young allow In kavl his hair aloneTDHy Bud Dur Dnlly Na am no lorry and the advice uden or your 1011 Mr remaln Ing permanently curly Ifler the permanent you gm hlm 1th years ago than in nu Idenmlc reason or Half grows out the scalp tithe curly or stralzhl If your ho ary added up an permnnent would be all Anyone would PERMANENTS deabgï¬ï¬ié Joan arrlck main Qfuoisï¬ ll Mlpll Avenu OPEN EVENING Ali For 11 BUDGET SALON PHONE PA Hall PA 84868