Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1963, p. 5

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MIUIIIMV DUMMY MINI ll FREE LIRT IUMENDEII 70 Till BNHMIEMENT Hy prurnllnl ynur cnnl you will rtdum lho hwnlnwn anlrcI II mu mile In dun tr Hy huylnn yum Illa fly now man of hi senlor uudcnll Iwm RM Impar Innce hnva nmlmhl purchntd their Iludrnll Iclfllly uni hut Int lhoxa ol yuu who unlnmlllnr wllh Hmu IN mu Hulr Immmmrr 1N my rcusnnnhln Iskinl prim will help lex cam Ilnnnco Iheir lrnnsportnllon nnd upcnxu Incurred while maro nrnllnu nur nhonl In Intercol lrnlnln nlhlcllu Plum nupporl 0151 lhlJI warn idle tllml Green plunllc Iotahug or gym cqulfmrnl Ire hrlnl mid by lrll Alhltllc Anacln tlon Tile IllY iii Ind buyinu Int usld back 111 Hm contcheck In lhu mnln hall in lho morninll And Iron 110 oclock Any horficul hnalu Tnny be nhlc lo nnd what my med thre II the In lwn week nc llvlllc an my kudlcnllon of Iho ycnr lo term It wlll he very busy sch your None us rany Icemcd In rcallxe Ihc holidays wm over wall the nlnu oclock boll rang Wednesday mqming North Cellulite Dy DIANE IIUXIABLE Acllvillu Harrie North Klar lcd of In full swinn lhl your Althauzh lho first day WA dark and dreary he splri he re lugging sgudnnls was noL On Sept 11 at pm Slayner Collegian Institute held 115 new and annual mmmuncemcnt The gymnasium was Killed to capacity by students parcnu Ind friends Mr Mamy then brought xrecl lng from the CDC Board which was followed by he presents Hon Intermcdlale Ccrllficalu pby Mr Locprhzh to he allow Ing students Addison Donna Allen Ruberl Mklnson David Bell Erlc Bullmy Crnl Bes Icy Judy Cookzey Cue Marie Dllcykcy George Dobson hhurke Ga way Malcolm Glllis Ju Glass Drcnda Grant Garry Gram Wayne Cruse Way 1Iawkins Rnbcrl Heslip Susa liood Mar Hopper Alla IQBVantmg Girl Rleceives séOnrtario Scholarship wan amuum tutu un Joyahle event Friends parents and relatives at the students re Icelving award and diplomas tilled the girls gymnasium tn iuli capaelty In his opening remarks lilr Owens the principal slated that he was pleased with the large tnumber oi students who were receiving diplomas this year He also pointed out that the success attained by these students was the result at close Itooperation between the parent and the stu dent Mr principal Slay ner Chile in Insiilnle wal chairman and the commence men started with prayer of invocaiian by Rev Danaid French The hand consisting of stu denls irom bath calluialcs and under the direction of Mr Knighls played hymn which was inliowcd by the chairman Icmnrks North Activities In Full Swing By LAYNE SIOLK Hindu Memorial The 1961 Commencement held Se 13 BHMS craved In 30 dlgnflled sugcessful and en Margaret Leonard presented IE Velcjjcgory speech McQulgge prcsented lh Fecondlry School Graduation DI An outstanding evenl lhe evening was Ihe presentation at an Ontario Scholarship Io Denys Symon by Mr Owens Hanna prcsenlcd ha Sco ondary School Honnr Gradua lion Diplomas lo 41 successlul graduate and the Marrow huh 19 Award in Margaret Leonnrd Ind Bruce Halhcn SCOLLEGIATE FCAPERS 2nd Commencement At Stayner Collegiate NILDHEN MUHENTI mm Dont lorm llrll your InA mull lun In lhnl dlredlnn Mr Cown Mod um la Joln lhu mm um The namlnnnons huvo been lnbulnltd Ind lb bllllal ML Numlnm Bob Klnxle Ind Dan Smith wlll pmcnl lhelr Ell nrml II tlccllan Imm ly and flu vnlinl wlll Ilka place Friday Vela or II un dldnln ol yang Atholce Nnnh In Illll In lhl Im nor IL lnl Illrr lhn lummer holldny muldtr lhm urrlulLv Drnml Club lcc Club Cam ru Cluh ry Club ISCF and II begu umd hccllcnl nInnlnu much hlrd vmrk Ind good publiclly made lhl dance roullnu IIICCLII Barry Palmer president mu Dnmn Club whth In lhnnk all Ihoso who helmd mule lhll dn lhu grep Inpcegn ll wu wll on ma Iccund lull wtck th hl hurry Ind bustle of nudch councll clcrtlona in lull lenz homnmada Ill with good old mountain dew and limel painted In glowing flunmcenl paint highlighted lilo theme oi the first dance nl lhe your the Hill Dilly Hop sponmcd by HM Drum Club They are lVllIlble from your homeroom lufllcn Iupporl ynur nudcnl Cuuncil who us Ih muney or your huncflt Show your pride And school Iplril II ynu In one of lhe hum buy your curd now Thepmhclgncy Iwanis warn then prescnled The was weaker Ron Bum wax Inlmduccd by Mr Manuel Mr Hem told the student win he considered to be the our mnsl important value at edu cation 11 our value Included the lollnwlnz ease of communi cation ahllily in adapt to chang lng conditions Ability to us lalsure hour prnmably and lnxlly he chance be accepted by society Robert Hawkins ex pressed the reflux 01 he slu dents by exclnlming but he thought they Ill had blllu understanding he Impam met or slaying In school rnnncmnqv AWARDS Jahnslun Pluline Jones Lot nu Lawrence Vic McNIbb Slum McCartney Sandra Malhers Alan Milchtll Mar ny Munow Pntrlcia Ncwell Julianne Nuhes Linda ONeil Valerie Fallen Elulnn Pu mk Carolyn Potlaze Lois Rllchle David Robinson Kcu ncth Spears Gloria Van dcr boos Ann Wlllan Andy DEORIANT VALUES Tho Grade 12 Subject awards which an awarded tuthe stu dent whn has ohtAlncd he high est academic standing In that sublccl were awarded to the llollawlng Edward Gould Enz llsh and one language Donald Parsons Mathematlcs and Scl enca Elizabeth Scull History The ioliowinz received Genet ai Proticicncy Award which Ire awarded to the student with the highest academic standing in their grades Grade Das mar Weber Grade 10 Steiil Dcminnuk Grid 11 Clark Phr sonr Grade 12 Binnche mee Deny Symnns the Grade 13 student with the hizhest sund inz received three proilciency awards donated by the Alliston District High School Board the Alliston Rotary Club and Adnmson Jana Heiiord receiv ed the Konvey Award or Eng iish and History And Margaret Leonard he Konvcy Award ior Lrlln and Virenchr ADMISSION jfllftl plomns lo 81 general mum alu denls Fitzgerald who ls hi head tbs Commercial Depart ment Secondnry School Graduallan Diploma to 20 commerclul graduates 150119ch Amman Dill Eu nun nomm Own mm nm Minorth um munnmmun ToBABYJmE The Itll vlued lwnrd Hm Punley Tm hy wu pmrnlcd by Mr My on In by ublcncu Um douur Purlloy nm turd In prmnlcd Io UII lo uudtnll In luduullnx The In In wu JoAnn round Awards were prnscnlcd by mrmbm yurl cxrcullvo under he rccllon of lhll yenrl pruldrnt Chnl Conn Junior Iwrd were rrmnlcd by Bob Slmpmn Sen or Iwnrd by John Dem Mljor Aerdl by Doug minar no Acndtmlc mm by Ben Cnrrulbm Chll Conn compch Id lhu lludcnl council prenu lnllom by llvlnx nouvenir rlb bon lo uch member flu lrndunllnl yur V4911 AWARDS Sauau Mnnlnl GEORGE MONTGOMERY opllon Anderson Paul Car rulhm nan Dnlnrnn Dunn anlewood Wayne Morrlmn Cnarln lcncock Pllrlclu Sigpwn Bob snpllon Bellamy Lok Ewe JaAnn Brnllhwnn llule Ann Dunlap Jung Gllrhrlsl Marlon Glllll Tam McEuch trn erznrcl McIntosh Terry Mchbh Donna Miller RomKI Sinclair Snudn Walton Bev erlcy Mr Murch exprcsed llls lay ll belng Asked Io make lhlx prescnlallan and he also thanked the mafia ol lhe school dlslrlcl lar tlur plendld mpcnllon while he wns prlnclpnl Speclal Hunks was given lu lha editors at he Slayner Sun or lhelr excellent cavern ol sCl lunc llonL Those melvlnz lhelr dlp lomu wm follow School Grldu Illon Dlplnmu were pruenled la the urlduullnu year by Mr armlnr prlnclpll smum an GliADllAflqN DIPLOMA vuml human Grade IX prize $25 In Paula Miller Grade prize at $25 to Mnrny Mitchell and Susan Heshp Grade XI Gm erII priza $25 to Valerie Lemmon Grlde XI 100mm cInl prize 25 In Connie Hellman Grnde XII prize $100 to Jun Dunlap The above Awards were then allowed by the presentation 01 prizes donated by the Lndlu Auxiliary or Royal Canadian La glon Slnyner Brunch Mn Dalxama presented the follow Inn on behafl the healon ner Varlely Sure presented lo Eric lMcCarl by Mr Oehm Grnde donated by Geo Thompson presented lo Mamy Mllchell by MrsMillsap Grade XI donned by Blackburn presenlcd lo Ron Murch by Mr Blackburn Grade XII donned by wheeler And Sons present ed Io Sandrn Sluclnlr hy lllr Wheeler Sendra also received lhe Cavlller McIntosh end WIrd Prize 25 presented by Mr LaleuhyZ Alter the Cnmmencement mlm III In school dance was Ileld In the boy gym 300 atudem IIIIed tho nlly decorat ed gym and danced to ma pul salInz rhythms of the EulerIds The dance which wu sponsored by the sludem enuncil was well organized and successlul evenl CongraIuIaIIons an In urder or the member of the student councII and Ihelr presl dnnl Sue Irwin Coullcr Introduced Dale EA DDS he lies maker or the evenlnl In his much Dr Dale stated that hard work the key Io success in any Held He Ilsa polnted out that success He not In mmm wealth as is lhe present con ception but 1n the lndeuall contributlon to mankind Harvey resented lhl Instrumental Mun Award to Palrlch Collins rude hun or gradunle Delaney and Clayton presented the Intermedlale Cer mm In aludant who have successfully compleled Grade and 10 Ind Gcoulhhy Karen Benton Bookkeeping and Ham Econ 0mm 77 munnmmu Am mam lle Davlquoan Crawford To BABYJANE TONIGHT and smunnfi 2nd IIO HIT Tho dick Norlh Amcrlrnnl Ibnul to par an whilo that Mrlunl In only Iboul 10 per ml III Illdv 11W EXAMINEII WANT AI IHONE PA um EDMONTON 1CPlA Unllcd State pulholaxlsl nId nmn duy lhnl Norlh American Ale mm blnnnnl they likely would have lewcr hem allncks Dr Foster Scull nuuclnlu Emlcuar nl pnlhology MA Any NY medltnl callue uld Ihe diet of Hall Aman con Illll nlmosl lolnlly banana And may do not develop hard mlnz lbs mules candi llon lhnl cuum heart ulllckl fly tnnlrul Norlh Amerl um have modmlu or Id vnnccd lhlckcnln nl the man In Dr Scull In In paper on cammry marll Idemsll dcllv cred lo lhn nnnull meullnz In Mum dlvlnion Cnnldlln Mtdlul Auoclnllon Tho dick Non Amulmn The mm of Iho gymnasium wu decorated by Howcrn mm worn donated by Ihe Slaynnr Horticultural Society lcesslnnulv parents teacher and men atlcnded In In the Home Economics mm The girls 01 Grade XI under Ihe direction Mrs ca ly dld an excellcnl Job at ur rnnzlnx table selling and Ilsa prcparinz rofleshmtnls mu Th program concluded with the valedlciury address by San dra Sinclair Sandra recaiird for he audiencei many humour ous incident from her in year ll SCL and Impressed til gratitude of her classmate or lhe guidance thy received from lhqir leathers Says To Eat More Bananas Besse Ind lhu lap boy Ben Cn rulhcu Bolhkstudenls received replica nu trophy in olher department the new teachers are Miss Bailey at Allislon Girls and HE Grndweil from SultanMalli ematics Mrs Howllt oi Ill lislon English and French Hubbard returning in Bani inn ailer two years Head ni and HE Mr Kay of Farm Buys Occuplilon Kenn inm St James High Schooll Coigan Gengrnphy History and and HE hinrchiidon mm Pcneiangnish ene French Miss Robinson oi Smith Fail Homn Econ omic and Girl and HE Mrs Williams iormer principal oi Alllslan High School and int the past number oi year sup ly teacher Latin and is hiya Wilson oi Al luv Glrls occupations ownm In lha commerclul Depart ment the new teachers are Mn AndamanY Alllslon Mn Campbell Kirkland Lake Mm Hny Don Mills return lng Hunting after on year away unsnV Toronto The IoHnwlng new stair mum bm were welcomed they Joined the team at lmlruclorn lar lheJchaol your 1963M II Banting Memorial High School Wright vlce rlncl lngrn Qltnwa Bgnling Welcomes New Instructors With Sept 25 drawing um bolh candidate and riding ex ecullvc are cauxht up In the rush lustvmlnute clecllon reparations For lhoDuflep Simeon Provincial Liberal Asanclallon ahnwn here there LIBERALS PREPARE FOB SEPT 25 Mmln PA 33391 Thu Orlulnll Drlvoln BARRIE Soth Wllh 1h Choke Oh Fltlurn LIHII Rand In lht CIOy bllwun Hwyl 400 Ind ll Mmlnlon 75c CMldnn ll yn or uner FR DRINK HONORS QUINN ABERDEEN 80 MlAn Aberdeen Invcrn In knlurlnl new drink in hannr Ihu quln lu ltll born hem Snlurdny Tho drnk named qulnHlnl In mounlnan um mm mud boy born In Mr and Mn Andruw mum II double mnrtlnl with our nllvu llld In onion In lale um law member 01 he Sludcnls Cnuncll and teaching Ill lram Barrla DI lrlcl Ccnlrll Cnllellnle Incl ll lhn home at Mr and Mn ll Cackbum to honour Mlss Kelau Mls Kelm had rellrtd lllcr Ipendlng mlny your II Central leaching malhcmnllca and phyrlcnl cducnllon 0n be hull nl lhu Iludcnl body lhn Councll pmldcnl Gary lllnw prmnlcd Ml Kello wllh chair and binocular and upm xcd apprcclnllon lor tho many hour mm In exlrncurrlculnr work and lurhcr tnnccrn about her fuplla bolh In and am nssrmm We all wlnh Mlsl Ktlra lhe vary hul and every Inccm In In yum lo come W0 havirun Important Mom mm In your which took place my una exarplnnllom Truck and Hold practices mama hi week or the hut hapeflmmnsan Track Mccl In the all Thu field wIll be In me every day lhu them sull able wcnlhur cal grades 10 la voted Dr um years Sludent Cuuncil executive Each ludenl chase one name from each he lhrco Hm names Acad nflc Commercial and Techni The Key Club has been In chum In exchange for used school books Books or ail grad can avaIJable Club are now larmlng or Ihls year wllh the nrldlllun of Mill school bowlan league at the Hullday Bowl Glee Club prac Hm started Ihls week Ind all boy are welcame to allend Glrls 1mm grade to 13 wfil be accepted The club has plan ned several nclivllles ths all Ind has also scheduled lame produclly hilly gprlng By ROSEMARY ASQUHII Bun1e Cenml Welcome back evaryone to Another gruelling year to Now hat lha first week has passed Grade Nina are in into wrong room with con slderably less mzularlly Ihouah must confess Illa add Iuon dld fool senior well Junior sludonu or Illa Int Iew dayl Start Workouts For Track Meet HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE is Iho gab Ilnlnz up scrut lneera or election day Exec ullvu members above an mm Ian Bowelman Alllslou accremry Imam Hugh Phillips Colllngwond president Ind wflllm TROY DONAHUE AND WARREN BEATTY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO SHOWING SPlENDOR IN THE GRASS HORRORS or THE BLACK MUSEUM MISS KELIO Coming Sunniy plumb SUSAN SLADE lAST TIMES TONIGHT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT an shm In erlly Special llvn all pulnlinu lundunpe nowm shah1 lo he uhlhllor wlIh the man enlriu In Section 15 won by Mn mm Coon awn In mnl Mu Riley Cookstnwn DH palnl Inn domes nnimnl nr hlrd Cookslown UCW Mr Rlley Cookxlown Oil pnlnunx flown Mn Mbcl McNull Mn Iey Cookatown Oil palnllnk wln In Item Mn Riley Cooki lown Mn Mabel McNuu Mu Wlllh Carrlgnn Rama pair Inn Autumn scone Cookslnwn UCW Mrs May Coolsluwn Number puimlnz dummic or Inlmul Mn flay Dawnzy Allls um Nawlon Roblmon UCW Numbcr pnlnllnz blrd no cnlry Number palnllnx Howe Mn Mumy Coll Port Perry Mn Moon Purl Ptrry Cook lawn UCW 0m nrllcle mm wnod Nowlon nohlnmn UCW Mn WIIHI Smllh Thornton Copper Ioollnu nny Irllcle Mn Dcrnlco Graham Cookuown Cochlan UCW Nancy nohln nlfirnve Jnck Frnm speclnl collec tion seven mlclm previously rhnwn or Iwo your or more Mn Murray Corner Part Per ry Nuwon Robinson UCW ON ARTStRAFIS Spec Mary Maxim spam sweater Cookmwn UCW him my anmnn Crcemnre Mm Qadgon Cookslpvyn Spocinl ladlcn stale Mn Murray Graham Mm May ngmgng Crgcmore Spechl to he orgnnlzalion with he most entries In Section 12 Us hewcen the UCW Cookslawn and Newlon RnhlnA nan Special lo Ihe exhlbitur with he most entries In section II won by Mn Murray Coatu Purl Perry Mens work rocks wool Mrs Murray Comes Port Perry Mrs Moore Port Perry Menn fancy socks Mrs Castes Mrs Moore Newton Robinson UCW Boys Vneckcd sleeveless sweater Murny Castes Port Perry Bert Schaly Thornton Mrs May Bowman Creemon cardigan Mrs Bernice Graham Cooks own Mrs Murray bales Port Perry Mrs May Bowmsn Crw more Ladles pullover Mrs Bernch Graham kastown Mrs Moore Port Perry Mrs Murray Coalcs Port Perry Babys sol lmlllcd Mrs Ber nlce Graham Cookrlown Mrs May Bowman Creemore New ton Robinson UCW Childs knit lad dress Bert Soho 11rorn Ion Mrs Moore rt Ferry Mrs May Bowman Croomore Two pleco knlllzd boys sulr Mrs May Bowman Crcemora Babys shawl Mrs Bemko Gra ham Cookslown Childs cap and mflls Mrs Murray Cantos Port Perry Mrs May Bowman Cree more Cookalown UCW Whole bed jacket knll or crochet Mrs Murray Has Port Perry Mrs Bernch Grsham Cookl own km 111 remalndur rain from Ithe Womens Dlvlslon II he Cookslawn Fair are as follnwa 35991le KNITTING Church Orangevllle vIce presldcnt Liberal candldalc or Duflerln Slmcue Jlmes Cooke Orangevulc will speak at rally In Slayner Arena Hall Salurday night pm Examiner Photo tnnlliilnfi xlomnllc collecllnn The Rendezvous loungec WA JUMBO SIZE LONDON CHA tailor but received an order mm In Inonymoun cflcnt who may ured 671mm round Um waist Ih check tho hull lhe Jacket 11 had Lo be bummed around three mlmm TM We Home makers Knock Home mlkers Coakslown Explurm one group All howm Ivy Girl Guldos only puny kaxlown Tyro Group WI display nrliclu sulluhiu lar urnndmolhcra bedroom or bridal thWEI thWeGwll WI bollsan WI Thornton WL JILNIOR ORGANIZATIONS Simpson Sears Special to the lady winning he most points in seclion to 18 won by Mrs Murrly Conley Part Parry Specials ior organizaiians Womens compcliiion Klichcn ensemble won by Coaksinwn UCW New Canadian special won by Mrs Quin Coaksiown Cnokslawn UCW Bert Schaiy ngarnlnnn Special to Ihe exhibitor with he most winks In Secllnns 15 Ind 18 won by Mm Riley Cookxlown Allis 2y on iowo Collection oi snapshots of historical all or buildings Cooksiown UCW Mrs Roy Dow oey Allison Colicclion oi snap shot oi my family and home Newton Robinson How Mn iioy Downe Allislon Mrs RileyI Cooksiown Special Io lhe nrganizallon wilh Ihe most painls In muons ls Ind 16 won by Coakslown Farm mic and while Newton Robinson UCW Mrs Murray Cunles Port Perry Marilyn Glass Coakskuwn Land scape study local scene Mrs Roy Downey Alllslon Childs sludyucglorcd snapshots Conn anlmnl or bird Mrs Rllcy Cookstuwn Cookslown UCW SECTION ll AlgmumA Pnorpcmruy Flm plan for marching was taken by Lefroy No The Strand school which won In the put two year did not panlcl Bl ol Luau And Mm Luxuriouu Fully Llunud Luungo Wlnnlnz cheerleader war raven year old lad who at tends Ichool In steel leg brace He was Terry Durkee Grade St Paull School whlch won the Webrlcr trophy Second prlle DI Strnud IGA trophy wont to Schgal 13 Palqswldr 1108 rflned Innlsnls schanl lair lhuredny but Ihl dld no dampen enlhuslasm There was hIz attendance bath chll dren and melanin Pupils marched across the park and formed up in the open grounds of the ball field They marched by schools wilh Ihe senior and Junior pupils separated They 51 so demonstrated school yells and the Imnller pupils dld no lack for volume VINNISFIL NOTES BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL Many School Pair Despite Wét Weather mum EXAMINER mun 52me 6H lho My HAMMOND ORGAN CAME FROM AFAR Some 300 dclnxalcs from countries nllcndcd tho Internr llonnl Union Saclalln Y1th mngmu In Oslo August 61 Prosonls Nightly Entertainment with GORD HATCH on Monday 1mm 130 to nnd In 810 pm lrinlly Church llnlL Then need 01 valunlccn to rcpluca mm of those who have reached lho In llmll or daunting la vote when opposlllon wu vnlced hy Deputy Reeve Campbell who wanted to know ll Ith would allow hunter on lILs properlyl The matter was len over lnr another mecling whlch wlll likely he held Oct 1901 DONORS COLORZVISMSCOPE Gwllllm bury township was winner but Innlsril and three olhar ownshlps loin In arrangan an open deer season other lawn ship would be chumsclh Ad aI Wes Gwivlllmlbnry HnweQerIi motion by 160ml cillor Todd to give lnnlsnl an I11 yearmdid gel Two members at the camping community who spent their sum mer in innlslll Park have writ ten Council commending serv ices available to campers in cluding trailer residents Hi Thompson praised the camp for good services and asked that the water line be extended up his street so he could mova his trailer lo lhe end oi the hydro line The water which passes through threeinch min is in nmple supply for piping to any part oi the perk Jones oi liamiilbn wrolc lo expreu his appreciation of the camp lie slated that he and his lamliy had vlslled in most oi Ihe public and provincial parks in Ontario and he found lnnislll Park lhe best main tained He suggested that more space be allocated campsitu so that additional privacy might be obtained even if renters paid higher lees OleN FEE SEASON mm um We could not poulny glve lhI wlnneru of all the classes here and wlll leave lhl or publl calan when the llsl has been received lrom Ahe Department nl Agricullura ollice Alllston Pgusa mm The smck classes were well ltd with entries Judges span samu mm In placing canlcsl unis both or quality at lhe animals displayed and or show manshlp Ihe boys and air handling stock The pet class ea had many entries especinl ly rabhlls and cats Dogs dld not seem to be as plentiful an other years but sumclcnz 10 make very and class Sev eral ponies made good shaw lng One lltllo alrl rode her pony from Lenny lo the park In didnot ham shch on display school work In th pavlllon was splendid sample or hnndlwork and deserved the praises of all who saw Coun ty Weed Inspector Peacock who judged this class said that some of Ike weeds stumped him with lhelr oddlty pate his year Chlel Brown and Provincial Police Constabla Newg yrelhq Juggcan KEHPENFEM DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY

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