Alma llumn Anoc Aludll lmn cm 23 lhlb ran on mv Mn urn mu Illnn nuInn mumm nm rpm VI Mr Todd snld painlan roads natura scuinl avallahllily of water or industry railway ser vices an alrport nearhy Ind pnpulallon With mm assets hl nugcsled urea don mm ln duslry can ho atlmclcd In Ear xIe and must be allraclcd to Barrle If he cllyII not to my In Arr PM Al Inllt In Maul mm NA MI Ttl mm It an rmur run Imp an lluvur Frank Tudd Llheral undi date or Simeon Ccnlre last nlzhl lnld meeting of he Bum Young Liberals Associa on mu he present Conserva tive government has bypassed Barrie with too much of Its lid prolrlms He pointed to mad prngram In which the government plld tha whole cast or Bardford while paying only one lhlrd the cast of similar program in Bmle He said that In such cases he think that Barrie shnuld receive equal lrealmenl with ulhcr mu niclpalll1u AS EVERYTHING But he allczed lhe province Ix nnt dnlnz enough or Barrio In cncnuraginx lndu5ry to sel lle hue AI an example paruy wax tcd pulcnllal Mr Todd Cllfld ngn Bench whlch he uld could stand mnny Imprnvcmcnu to make it more allractivc Mr Todd aald that In the develop ment such industries In Wang lnurlsl Industry the av ernmenl cauld play an lmpnrlanl ruled with mu provinclnl htlp Mr Todd uld we could make Vï¬saxa due of he most lnlkcd About plum in lhu world Tn ruml In Panl Coal um an durum NEED EXPANSION Todd said prngrcssive xnvcmmrnl was nudcd by all Kmuns in our ccnnnmy In rludinx the farmers we do no hnvn more leanllnn ha uld will hue much with AIMIMI Ahllhl MIMI Mul Aluminium Alhtnl Illfl MM Wk GORDON BRETHET Beat on presldenl Eeelon Fair lair ls popular wllhlu cxlrl hllr and also because of lhc showing livestock and lhelr products Ive attended avtry lnlr ln Slmcoa County Ind Hind It place melt many lrlends momma naponTznvnsxs137 WhailsgxtAbbuthhé raurdirmatAppecIsTofibu nvl Mnlr Acnvl Imru mu Im umlll Ilnllld ml Nun nanunu le mu AVIIAOII Mumm up In run up 11 mnluu up mummy on IXFIIANHI lNllll Innmm up ml Mm up on 11 mm MM mu up Accuses VGovernment Of Bypassing Barrie IIOCKlBONDlMUTUAI IND ll IlllNlm IT MIMIIIInm IlANUMILE Maman lo Itn IIMI mm NI Van IAnflM All PA 82412 BARRIE IL Imun wm Mk mm anm RESEARCH ADVICE Innu mmlu TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compllrd by IL Flynn Dunlap El PL lurle NIIBI IIIOMION AND COMPANY llMIIlD HAN MISMUIIIAI MW in inu Iii Dunuu IAVIIII nun Ami hmnull 1mm Iumu 114 Nu rum Nn In um IIIm hm hm Mum Hnlllnm my In nu In Amm lYIIII Inlupmv Plpo mm Club Ivan Luv Lamm1 In llv Hm marly llnm on In Iml Tnhlrw lully INDUIIIIALI MINING nghl 23 who mm and anemic his own am In Essex County near Windsor Mr WIth condemned the Conxervallve Knvcmmcnt or fall urc lo expand Inclllllc In the Ichooll and univeralllu la Ic commodale the huge nxpnnslnn or IM school population since Ihe wnr The present ahnrlaxo space In lhe unlvcrsilles md ML ergm falnl Indict ment of Cnnmvnllve lethargy other Lune Mr Todd Idem ed to lmporlanl In lhls eluc lon wcm crime medicare and punahle pcnslons He said lhnt here prastnt organhed crim In the pmvinu and In lhll ridlng Ind that it would take positive effort lo clean up Ha xald we need medlcare and portable pensions and stand that Ontario did not com thrnuxh with support fur the poxlabia pension scheme the schema wnuld be last for 11 Canada GUEST SPEAKER Guest mum at he meellnx vgm Terry Wright President thy On In Young le Mr Warn owns and Kraduale nl Ihc Weslcrn 0n larin Agricultural School Al llldgnlnwn whm ha olzlalned dlplama In Agriculture allcr whlch nlnyud an lor lwu year dean world markcls and lhi will lend to 105 of huslnesx at Mme The pruul government Trade Crusada will dlscour age ovcrsea lnde Mr Todd xald It cuts consumpuon Imported goods Hera agaln he saw mar progressive gov enlmenk would try to expand our trade lusmd of wilhdnw inn inlolsalnllnnls Mr Wright uld hut the Com nervnllvo Gnvnrnmcnl has ilkcn patchwork ApprDBCh lo ro larms and has lulled to came up WILLIAM BILLY BROOKS Bond Head First oi all its beautiful waaihur and this helps Good roads bring peop pie from neat and grand you get In men lriends Them alwnyl good amount of stock and races lo provide the liniils IN iv in mmy nu Nunndl Nor om ha Moan Law Mrln rm qu ram vou 70M Elmmlml mull ul of Tar am In rn Tum Unlnn Walk Wullm lull Nurlh 0pm rlilflllIUI hm Im In Alum Mum lnlh nu MUTE Ifll nu ma nu ml uï¬ Hi It In nrcessary to establish unilorm curriculum which would be basic la all klnds ol courses malrlcullllun lechnlul or commerclll Ind whlth would lead lo buslc rude uuallll callon or all sludantl xald lllr Wright Mn Wright sald that lechnlcll mlnin must he mardlnalcd ll all lavcln so that course would run smoothly lnln one In nlher elemcnlary lacondnry and unlversily levels Tbe am In secondnry schools ML Wright uld mus be lo provide broadly based v04 allows and lechnlul caunc whlrh would mnke sludcnl ndaplahlc as possible For slu with In elleclivu root Ind branch reform present lyslum lead or lralnlng slld Mr erxhl has lost the conï¬dence 01 ha pub lie and the leachlug profession He suggested new system lntcmshlp lralnlng or unl verslty graduates ln whlch the emphuls would be pllced on prnctlcal experlence Ind nnl In much on the Onllrlo Cullen at Educallan Liberal government Mr Wright taid wouid work with ieachers lederadons to raise prolcsaiunai qualiiicauons and wauld extend assistance to leach to enable them in main man academic iraininz The ruponslhllily or provid In lcxlboaka would also be aumcd by Liberal overn ment Mr Wright said and French would be Introduced Glen nnnhnm In tmpluyel The nnrrh Emmnrr hu wan lwn Uckru la Ochl fmlro hr the flayI Alunndn Theatr In Tornnln The who le In Iudrl lumpotlnllnn and dknnvr lnr two Toronln lllclull lb Ktmprnlrll TnIll Unlou which nwnnlvd lho prltn ultl ll wn Ivrn lo hu IWlh pmnn In oln he minn lullnn Youth Wins Trip Tickets LEONARD ARCHER ll Elmvalu like to see people Ind see what other kids In doing Tharol many Inlmnls nnd like rldlnl on the mmy rides Its also day Away mm school 31001 DONOR CLINIC Murnoon mo in GLEN nflNllMl CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY TRINITY PARISH HAIL MONDAY SEIETEMBER 23rd For Iilrermlllnn Call PA 4156 300 DONOR URGENTLY NIIDID Ivonln IJo pm Al the higher educationalle vels technlcal lnsltlutemmuxt be provlded tn live more and better lrntnlnz In echntcllna Ind ppm 111ml Mr Wright Illd AID flUDENlS Ha lurthar nld lhlt It was he bcltcl Ltherlls that war lhlzh school mdum who had 1hr quallncntlons mould be permit ted to no on ta unlvemly and lhut In an cue Ihauld monay bi actor In prevent this Liberal plans he slid included lysiem oi achnlarslripx bur arlu Ind lonnl so ihat llck oi funds would prevcnl no nna mm going to university Them would hr xepclnl usisiance inr rud unie students working toward ihu MA or PM dnxrcc In order in assure aupply 01 qualiï¬ed university Iuchen Mr Wright also make about housing charlinl may under pre sent condilinnx on third or On larlal people could not rent or buy Idequaln homes TM probably In most Imponnm elucllon lhll hu lak IInce Ute we nun Illord lo hnva we mumman llh Iha one wa have In Ollnwn now He her Smlth MP for Slmcoo North nid In Elmvm Ian nllhl Spelklnl In packed noun 150 peopla In lha Candun xlan all Mr Smllh uld no Accldcnl lhal Ontario has the llnul hlmwnya educqllnn lyn lum Ind lechnkll mlnlnz 1n Canad He recommended lhn pun nlnz hand In eslahllshed plan 1h xrnwth cl unlvmlllu Ind mum place for all tome qual med The nnlversllle them selves would he represenlad on such board Speaklnl In lupnorl OLAflhur Evans PC undidlo or 51mm lere Mr SmHh uld Anyone who Am we Annl urouruslva in our educnllon In Inlkln mm name And dount know what hal um Ihwl mm Jumua ndmlnl lbernl ludtr John Wlnllrmaytr Mr Smllh uld Any mm who would but up and ny um Mr Jlullu llmwh whllewnsmd In Invull nllan II ulklnl namem denln upecllnz to lack employ ment man leg11y poulhla trad Ichools mun be provided Ind cooperaflon Industry Ind labour must be obtained to Ila uld Somzllmu peopl Are kan And when my dnnt lucmd they talk about whom llu and no on um Kpnlkllll 01 Proxrmlvo onmvllln anlmk towmln ptnlinm Mn lelh uld le FRED ARCHER 10 Elm vale like telling menu or the when flnau Our Ichaal Victoria No um nm with 11 float Illn like lhu rldeu unlmalx Ida and people here In tun Ontario Cant Afford Liberal Govt Smith This would ha done he Illd by standardlzlng buldln code In urder lo lower msls ml by pmvldlni such spur hulldlnl wlponlnl Increased lul men on Improvement and vldlnx nvernmtnl morlnu The money come from In And It Ihould mallet of conccrn lul lhl Mllflnl no lo Lha people who need lhem lha must Ha laid under he le ml Ichcmo lho pew Mm med tha perulonl mm will hemit he lull le In vole or lho Pm reule ConmvUvu And know um they will do Ihllr best or lhu monk who need penllovu he most He llld that It was naceuuy to at low rental hauulnz devel opment under way and In an courage pglvlle bulldlnl Im ln him pllll when ynu In um be look lha Pronmslvu Cansurvalive pcrlumunu wllh lewd ln pcmlons nvcr KM yam WC Increased lha old In penalon lmm lo us And then In WI AndJnr wldow Ind than In had It plylbll It In 60 Mr Smlm uld pmslom no Inmmd in In October you hm lm poop In Hunk iohn chlenblkrr and John lrll He uld Guvrrnmenl by In tlllnn wa in mm chlenblker wu beller than the lovemmuul by plnlc WI Id mm Nman ALEX SPENCE Elmvnlo Well you hm exhibits ncea Weather and and place in men lrlands Mnny people who hm nnved Iwuy Mum horn or the hit and onjuy unem Ielvel Ill In Illfl nod tth or lht younnken 1n the 4H Club EIMCOE CENTRE be cmdldua Frank Todd buk ma maker Teriy Wu but an own If or km on lhn wand floor dlmuy our lhl Com M°v $6000 lncludn Imlo WIIKLY JANlTOR IIRVlCI HOT WATIR HIATINO LIGHTING USI 0F MIITINO ROOM SPACIOUS PAVID PARKING SIMCOE DISTRICI COOPERATIVE SERVICES OFFICE FOR EASE Conlut Gum Cm lamm mm Ind know 111 Hon Mllchell Shnrp Min Iller Traderad chmmme was expected to be ha meal Inz but was unahle mm hccnuso ol rcccnl lnd mum Hons Ho sum mm apology In which he expressed nu caulk dance in lha candida Funk Todd Ha nld when lncrmlnx ha dhlhlnd pension mm $65 In An wu dhcuued Judy LI Marh nld WI want much Jam study than lhll RECORD CLEAR Dont worry Iboul Im uuxlvc Comervallvl ovum maul Ind lhll mm um you dont vola Wlnlumeyer you won The record In Mr Smith nId ll uld fcrulnns hlVl nib lofted he mord cl lhn ovem mm In lhll rampnlxn All the thing depend on nd In in ha people lhey lo hnvo Mu Thu la why WI Pmnmlva Conmvulhu Ahould hnv pen to you mapleMenu mu nomlhinl or nu youth llld Inmtlhllll lor marrow 11ml Ihlnk when nahuln government hn made the 1mm Ilrldu Mm Crow pmldcn 01 FIN Prolrmlvn Conservnlvn Mm clulou Hunted Mr Smlth money lo pmspedlve homa buy Gr JACK WIIIIJDN Elmhie lumen Fin niaii the ex hibit mud and time is plenty oi livestock inlr you meet your iriendl and enemies in non oi dll imnt way Also wellher hl iollo do with the Iuccu oi hit Wright Iddmsu Inst nllhIL maelan the Barrie Young Liberals Assoclaliun Exlm lner Phnto 66 lTfll HARM EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 20 ms CAMP EOEDENOne haun und seven hundred and lorly lwq happy teenage children 01 £0er Army RCAF and elv lllnn perannncl endcd lhclr xchnol holidays Au hello educated some physically HI and bromd from outdoor ullv lllu in the sun Most ho youlh In Camp Bordan wore nmlclpalln aummer complratlvn lnacllv lty Intelsperm with boredom Thu wns unul Brlzldler Wills Mmk the Army Comp Com mndcr Inallluled new dual or the holldayen Eastern leo Onurla Hull hurlnn northern Georgian Bay Saull Ste Mule Tlmnuml Al xnml Cothrnne Nnnh Bay Sndbury Mulnly lunny lodly hewmlnx cloudy wllh Ihowerl lnnlxhl Ind Salurduy ml much chann ln lempcralun Wlndl becoman wulhcrly 15 lunlxhl Ind wulcrly lo 13 Salurdny FangII Vhmpmium law loullhl hm Bnlurdly andwr 55 SL Thoma as lonï¬on 30 Ilchcner 30 Mount For Vlnnhnm 45 Ilnmlllon 5L Callurlnc Turnnla 50 ltlulmmunh The moradcmnndlnx the lIvlly he holler pleased ha students named 51ny mm nu on lap qullflled In lha orien Ial sport Judo Sevlrll ma trglnees Ir this yen vgare Irlg My al er an mother warm ed me to learn how lo drive car through pralcsslannl III alrucllon rallies l1yenrold Duvld Coffin 54 Mom Loop happy lo learn re oppnrlunlly In like the lesson wllhout chum thumb the club This course wu mm enjoyable and Im new randy lo ink the gag qr my Hug Nurthern Lake Huron weslem len Onlnrla Toronto wmhem Georglln Bay Vulnhe cloudi ness Ind coal oday hecomlnx cloudy wllh Icnllercd showm lunlght and Sammy momin hen plrflll clurlu wllh llllla Irmpcrllure change Wind be coglnx narhvgesl A15 Sgurq Mcgnom Hole Brlnldler Mka supported by stalwart commluee nnur duly volunlur mllllary worqua nrnnlnd lhu Cnmp Borden Ynulh Recreation Cen uu June 17 ms GREAT INSTRULHON Thla club omnmd or the beneï¬t the Camp teenager ha provided enhylble Imlmo lion and panlclpauon In St John Ambullnca First Aid chess pmhcuonls Irulnlng we drlvlnn feudal an swtm mlgz Judo Ind sq Illnl Al lhe end lb lulu driving cnurse 12 tudenla Wm Incom Inlly passed The nlnu Instruc tors ulMuU Regular Army volunmrll worn lonned car he charm mum the kind nos Earrlel Dmgerneld Mnlan nay Clly Melon and Watson Molar 1n Slayncr Them us now 21 Camp Box denllu whn wlll probably It Is the Junior Firs Alden in their home and elsawhere Thny qualiï¬ed in he SL John Ambulance First Ald Coum ln nrucled hy Lleut III Ind Corporal Forman the Cmadlln Forces Medici Synoprhr Iarga prouurn ma extending rum Nebraska through lower Michlgnn to New York hrcnlen lunher IhnWlll In wulhtrn Dnurln Indly dmurbnncn In norlhweslcrn lano will mnva enslwnrd cnus In Ihnwm In northcrn rellom Indy Ind SnIurdny In enernl cool weather wIlI canlInuu Sul 1110 ï¬roiuni IdMUea opera ltd both nrln and min 1mm thyme hullï¬lnx ms counsas Baden Childrénw Enjoy Learning WEATHER 4le daily vb ymlm or hunk rhcckup uku mum lnowlwln la Ind am what Man and haw In proxwly Ivrlp your body rnjuy helm hullm Your phyllclln in Hull mum nul unlbka KM urnlher an un do Inmuhlnl llmvll IL liun lhnulh he umn body un lake null Imounl n1 alum llwnmlmu clll fur help Whm ll duvrlom minur pnln nr IIcum lmt lhal on my ml reluml II on IUd dcnly Mil In on mm or may dunner IllnlLk In mad mrdklnl Pick up nur pmrrlpuan ll nhnyuln nullyy or MI drum mumpuy ulmnul ulrn mm ml mny plop umml wllh lhelr pmnlplonn my compound you CALDWELLS ray Own Malay In HONE 115 um EVERYBODY TALKS ABOUT POOR HEALTH DRUG STORE In Cnldnll rhm IL IN Cnldull lhln IL gun Mm I1 Serviuo Training Contra Thou hardy lnslrunlon durinIlhdr oiiduly hours anvo lilo aludenll lhe sumo irllninz comum ll given Iho million with anme mullinz quniiiioainnx Fouriecn young poopin luc maiully passed on Mienmin arl coursa laugh by SM W0 Finlay oi the Royal Cana dlnn Armoured Com School on liccï¬mpillhad poinier In his own Nelve member mdumd In chess In prolecllonbu 12 as swimmers Ind lhm 1M ll Department Tnnspon Boner Banllnz Course Nol Ill Lha racmllon wn do voted to study clnuu Human 7001000 mum Illended 011 weekly dnncesl lapelvised by Emma and held In In Budl EM WE 1m discipline man no membership was ouuinndinl and wu nilenforced by lhlir own gm mmmiilea Although $1000 wu appropri Ited mm lhe Comp General Fund or the venlunlhe re plallve youngstera organzed lhn damn Including lwo held outdoors Ind savory blrhecuo covcrlng xpenst lhomselvos They also have money Inn over to deposll lhclr nohool Teen Town Iund In addition to Co Lee the chairman the busy executive included Capt Fiddce Pro secretary Because Ca Fidden had helped organ at smaller acaln almliar orxanlu item at Camp Valcmler Sta Fey PA and Kingston he was much help in the Borden pilot eluh Lt Raid RCAPC acted the keuurer Other volunteer executive mem ber were Mrs Hook and Mrs Yen Mrs Yen In very active in many eommun lty acilvltiea lncludinl organize in visll to the Mtarded child rena achoolx Now minted wlih Ivilnn Aluminum Producll non 5L Darrin Muid ilk hi many irlendl and tunlomm who If inlmnltd in Aluminum dmrl window Ildlng or Awning in all H451 EXECUTIVE The club wu lupervlled con Ilnuously by two hlxhly qunlh fled plld recrlnllonal direc laqs QMSI W0 Ml Ind Sle Hud mn bolh on leave from their Imlnlcllunal duties It In Army Physical Tnlnlnx Canhe QMSI Mum Ind Cpl Gull lha Pro School exchang edplm ll mlduuon Some arm of ullslnncs ml also provided the club by menu her of awry Clmp Army school Ind unll Mllnr Firlolla Olflcer Commmdlnz Ihu APIC Md hl lo lho Ild oi the club nu ma ensurlnl exccllen con tlgny The executive tommlueo tr purl it Is diiiicuil in any appreciated the cum Bor Youth Recreationl Club mosi liu parenix when at rm were to uwiuiiy Ind 83 ably occupied during tho1c holidays or lho chiidlen mum icives Many exteliml com noemnu have been received mm MORGAN IIILL IA Hm