Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1963, p. 16

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py DAUREEN ANDERSON Sunday visitors wllhMr and Mrs Lemmon were Mrs bemmon Miss Grace Lemmon Mr and Mrs Jack erman and daughter or Cree more and Mr and Mrs Elll bemmon nnd Nancy at Pene ung Saturday Vlsllnrl win Mrs Leadley were Mr and Mrs Mill Trace at Elmvnla and Mr and Mrs John Leadley and daughter of Rexdale latter fiéfcnls Ben Armstrong Mrs Bert Harman and iamily oi Guoksville visited during lhe weekend with their parents Mrs Miller and Mr and Mn Bert Harman Mr and rs Eiward Spindioo and Mary Lou oi Toronto visited during lhe veckcnd with tho former mother Mrs William Spindioe Wm and Mrs Glen Pendleton and family or Mnnu Milla vis fllnd on the wcelggnrl wllhutha Mr and Mrs Alvin of Grav enhurst spun Saturday with the lemon father In Rulledge Mlu Violet Graham of Toronto spent the weekend with her mo lher Mrs Bernlco Grnhnm Vlsllnrs on the weekend with Mr and Mrs Norman Baker were Mrs Vlolc Hutchinson Mr and Mrs Rennle Wagg and Renal Mr and Mrs Jack OConnor Mr and Mrs Ar Trudcll Mrsr Mel Mnrllng and daughterr Hortense all of Lm onto and Mr and Mrs Allan Green Sherry and Shelly of F815 iVsior on tha weekend with Mrs Henry Davis were ML and Mrs Joe Davis and inmily ni Toronto Miss Helen Davis oi Hamilton and Miss Ruby Davis oi Barrio Mr and Mrs Jack Slnnlulr Willawdnle visited on the week end with he lullcr slsler and brothermlaw Mr and Mrs Art Ilnmn Mr and Mrs Brian Bantlng Tornnm spent the wackcnd with um lalnra parents Mr ade Mrs Wilsonjvdghl Mr and Mrs Pnui Juan and amily Toronto spent Saturday with the Iaitcrs pnrcnis Mr John lioughlon Sr Mr and MrL Herman Hradcn and Elwin oi Corbeltnn visited recenin with Mr and Mrs nob Lennard Mrs Raymund Mikel and Allan of Tumult spent the week ml wilh Randolph Harris Mr and Mrs Bob Lennard and lnmlly spent tha weekend in Hamilton with lhu 1mm ulster and hmlhcrlnlnw Mr and Mrs VllIlam Lexxiu Mr and Mrs Jim Pcrku nnd Inmily chdalc spent lhu wcck end wIIh Ihe lnucrs parents Mr and Mrs Wilfred Fildey Mr and Mrs Jones Mldlnnd spcnl ha weekend with lhclr daughter and sonAInlaw Mr and Mrs Rabm Rllcy WOMENS INSTITWE llltulo held Ila regular matting In 01c town hall 5ch pg will 19 mcmb pm wilh 19 members present The rnll call was Name your favorite vcgclnhle and tell how you prcpm ll wing was mnvencd by Ina Convener ngrlcullurc and Cnnndiun Industries Mls Irrnu McMnscr or program an ax rlculmm was Muhllnhled by lalk and dcmonslmllon on hund llng plants Igrnl nrmnxcmcnu nnd corsnxu mnklng hy Mn Tnylnr or nrndlord who Ihtn xnvo awny lho nrrnngcmcnls and mnlcrlnls she Imd used In Invcrnl membm present am on Iho mouo Orixln Fowcrs was given by Mn Pnrknr mm mm mm COOKSTOWN SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS npprcclnllnn was uracubrlduc WI ME hm An Invitation lo attend WI meelnz atBeelnn an Septem ber was agcapled AHMED menls wera dhcussed or mum beljl wishing lu attend lho area convention at Cdenter Sept 2314 The treasurerl part was read The nawly purchased drapfla for tha bnsamenl were onghand It was dccldcd In buy new stack chair or the basemanL new Needsmulr hook and xundw supplies for It warn pur chased Mrs Smllh and Mrs TImn will allcnd lha training school on dessert lnlcr lhls all FAIR EUCIIRE On Sept 13 I0 Coakslown Agrlcullural Soulcly held ll anA nual euchm In the amnion Curling Rink TwentyIva table wan In play The prize winners for ha ladle wen Mrs Ethel Swen Bradford Mm Jlm Allken Beelon and Mrs Hutchinson Prizu winners for the men were Hany Hortun Enrl gagr 9nd BlllxDrnper Roberts who has been patient in the Stevenson Mem orial Hospital Alllston has re turned home town for Fair Day were Mr and Mrs Jack Din woody oi Shoihurne Mr and Mrs Hartford Fisher of Mean Beach Mr and Mrs Joe Siev enson of Aumra Mr and Mrs Art Thompson Taiionhnm Mr nnri Mrs Wniicr Wright Onk Ridges Mr and Mrs Cameron Inbinw Mr and Mrs Cole Aurora Mr and Mrs Aiion Beech Mr and Mrs Hurry Mayes Bonkc Barrie Mr and Mrs Ross Bnniinr Mr and Mrs Russel Allison ML and Mrs Tum Bassinrue Fred Anderson Mr and Mrs Cniwcil Prince Mr nnd Mrs Henry of Toronto Rev Vniinoe Dawner MLA Bradiord and Hebnr Smith MP Barrie and Norman and Aiirn Reed of Toronto Mn and Mrs Henry Reed 01 Shawvllle Que spent cw days during the past week with Mr and Mrs Russell Reed By MM CAMMELL Congrulumlon Mn Llnyd Sampson who received the phy as being Tap Cook 0m Falr Gulhrlo Schonl to be congratulmed Inc on winnlng first prize ar lhelr banner and first for hair Hlslary cl Oro lrom I900 lo 196 or lhlrd place In the school display and win ning third prim nr nghwny SaltIv sulfa The school chlldrcn also made an excellcnl showing In In spe clnl evenls Davld McIIthur grade pupll I1 your 01 age camo Ilrs In Ihn current ev enls contest wlIh Jan Cummlng In lhird place Gerd llnns won IIrst prlze or each pencll and water colour drawInxs Sam Ila Ilu placed IIrsI In Ihc wand numan contest wllh Wendell Illgllrlhur comlng Iillh Larry Hastings Joanne Gilles plo mu Barbara Mum nll plu ccd high In lhclr vnrlaus cnn lcsls Sandra Kscnych proved her hnklnz sklll by winning lirst prize for her nulmcul coukins and or Mr hrnn mumm and Durham Munro rccuhcd 3rd prize for chngolnlo lnyprfinlge Those who plan uh prlm or beef nnd dairy cnlve and shnwmnnship were Suz nnno Cummlmz Sum Rnlllc Curl Cummlng Ilnhm Crawlord nnd 5mm Crnwluyd Sum mule nlso won two first prim and one mnnd or lnmhn Morris hlcmhur hnmn 1mm Dnrrlo hospital nflcr three wank lhcrn nnd also Mm Vernon Haw klns nflcr an npprndlx opcrnllalh Mr nnd Mri nncrlrnm and Cam vlnllnd friends In TorA unlo Ins Sunglay Mn Vlirh Jnrnlcson was with GUTHRIE Wllh the last out threo les son on Genuh 3750 we con centrnto on Jacobs movu to Egy and his and Josephs clas nl day there chaplm cs Hisinricully his mlioh mn ehldc the third Inge period in Guda redemptive purpore The first my bu said to extend irom tho creation the lull ol mun the sopnnd Irom he ml Abraham and this third one from rho call of Abraham Jncoha Inmlly descent into Egypi This hlrd period in oilen referred to the Patriarchal period llmo palm the nanakin become mum and mere 16 chd so that lho nextlour books of tho Blhle will cover only period of 150 years cam prlslng chlatly the me 01 MM Notice that lile cniire family ni Jacob including his 12 suns went down to Egypt Durinx this period ni time this chosen iamin grows into what my be called nation The mum in mi riurlnu this crucial period if Ihny imd remained in Cu nuun iim would have become wqddcd in its vices Exym loo hud ll vlcu but the Hebrews them because they were immigrants ended stick more to themselves all lmmlgrnmx do nnd so rulnlarca thblr own moral values Mrfnndiurs 0y Jahnslon Mr and Mn Emla Brawn Mr and Mrs Ar Jamleson 01 Elm vule visited Mrs lelck on Supfiay By MR5 FRALICK Members or he Couples Club and their fumllic xpent Sun day tho Presbytery camn at Mldlnnd Hugh Johnston Weslmounl Quebec visited at Inc home of hshrotherllun gohpslgn rs cnrson spent last weekend In Ollnwa are glad lo know lhnl Mrs Mun Improving in qunl Victoria 10th Klri limes Crawford spent cnuph 01 weeks In Toronto vlgIllnx hegfinugbtery Mr and Mrs Corbell Adams nnd Mr and Mrs EH Gran motored to Potsdam New York lust week Carbon and bride nro muklng lhclr home there where Coxbelt will mnllnua his sluqlu nl Collagen Miss Vnndn Mulr has enlcr ed Rycrson Pnlylechnlc Insul ulo Toronto for the coming school year her son and Pull WI and ln Inn dnughlcr Mr and Mrs Pat Jnmlcson or Egnnvllle Inr scv cral dnys Bert Jamlcson and ML and Mrs CllIImd gem went In Eunnvlllu on Sunday and Mn Jnmlcsnn rclumud homo with lhem JacobAthVHié Family01 70 Depaft Canaan For Goshen Tho scpnrntldn was height SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYS BODY SHOP Em day there ciuplm cs By SPEED JONES new ALI mus II Tlflln PA um MINESING BODYWORK ened by the act that they were shepherds profeulnn looked down uponhy the Egyptians and by the lac that they set lled In Goshun 5an barl denland was and mum of the lslhrmu of Sun this time lncldcnlaily the capllll of Egypt whua Joseph lived was Znun on tha emem pm of the Nile della The tom number In thla um llyawhén acob went to By was 10 Including Joseph and two sons and Jacobs so grind children and our matgrand sons Joseph ndmlnhlrntlnn dur Ing lhu Inner pm the mine has caused great deal of dis cusslon amonz schulan First all Jnscpll brings about van emnomlc change brglvlng lha coplo food only exchange or their land which hen ba cnmc dlrecIly Pharaoha Fun Ihermme he has lha people agree to glvo Phuranh onHlflh lhelr praducu from um lmn Nullce ho great honor Jose sham hl lather duplla lac that threw were 11 splsed in Egypt semially even Pharaohout hl mm or Joseph sends hlm mg and be glovgunihlm some the best Although Joseph apparently dld not pmlll personally by these new condlllons he Im pnsed ll has seemed to many that he draw hard bargain wllh ho pooplcl Yet lhrse very people are quoted sayan gratefully lhn Joseph saved lhelr llvr Genesls 1725 The lax ol onellflh moreover was no excesslve according to an clan slnndnrdhor or that mgllierdo our own Note that once Jami has ar rived an the scene attention in lhe narrative reverts in him rnlhur than Joseph Jacobs biussing on Joseph Jon min Iorm his own experience in which the tccund son was he lnvorcd God here displays an nhhnrrcnce oi the traditional natural privilege oi the eldest He does so oitrn oi any auto mniicnlly wealthy or paweriui once pr figure In anba dying prophecy It lsglenrhalgl he 12 tribes timing rnnrlvhii flinch51 SARJEANT C0 MD PA 82461 llllli SUNDGU Gum ron IHE Lona nun munbumSunocomHnwil pvollclu ymu luulpmmt mun Ilx mmuy Mum Inlely lnr tumlnmbh mumI noij puma lo Sunaco laday HEATING OIL Jnduhs which yum balhu ac knawledudzhuu and viclnri mg lion David requenlly referred to lion was oi lhkgiriba and Christ Himself caiied the lion oi the tribe Judah iRevainun 55 All through lmeip hamy Judnh wra the largest tribe and all ll ionr cutie In n33 arrival if rim bluua phonl whim DIin rovinr uni99 THERE IS NO CHARGE THlysfiERVlCE DRIVEYOURSELFCARS AND TRUCKS 259 lnnlsfll Si See Them Now SIMCOE DISTRICT CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI at an unbelieVable Low Price PA 82433 You Will Never Receive Better VulueAnywhere nllhevldnga ol hrunlem war at this tribe Golden Text And wa knowthat all Chums work together or Ioodv tn them that Java God to them who Para thy callud accordlng to h19purpa Roman An Mr Fm Puklng BARBIE EXAMINER IDA KEPTEMBER 10 156 100 TENTS zsomksios 9x9 and 9x12 USED TENT ANDEGUIPMENT AUCTION SILVER SLEEVE PARK ANOTHER aie EVENT AT 100 pan SAIL SEPT Severh Bridge First Annual I4 MleCampleglhml TERMSLCASH PA 6653

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