5y iz OILSCENTED DRAWERS For wcelmnted llnzerlc And linens rub the Inside 01 chest nnd drawers with cotton butting sonkcd In all at laven der plnc or lnmon To be effec llve the rubbed surface must be unfinlshcd sanded wood Ra pent the treatment encll all The eélhlï¬ closed wlh Hymn 35F IoIIpwtd by In penedicklon Luncli W5 Zurvcd by the host ess and her commlltw Christian Stewardship conven er Mrs Gary Wiison Intrnduc ed Mrs Strnughan the County Convener tar Christian Steward ship who gave an Interesting talk on Christian Stewardship She stressed the tithing oi time and talents as well as mnney Mrs Straughan told at thu wnrk Mrs Strnchnn told oi the work in Emll where he Lr an riculturnl advisor and his wit Is nurse We listened In two tnpe recordings made by ML and Mrs Lloyd Strachan nhic were Interesting and told some thing at the work they are do In and the conditions under which the Inmpie Itve Reports were given on rent vallnns at the muse during Mr Wan5 vacation and wedding whlch was catered Id We were reminded of our all bazaar The roll call was answered by 23 members The devotional period was un der the leadership oi Mrs Jack Scott Scripiun was read by Mrs Warr is iie satisfied with 235 egioyed byail Falluwlng the ginning hymn and prayer by Mu Peal1 son the minute lbs Inst mgellng were read and approv Thamlan United Church W04 men met SepL in the Sun day School room with Mrs Mooney hostess Member of Holly and Egbert UCW were guests The prealdcnl Mrs Brelhet op cued the meeting with poem entlkled Pence The ï¬rst special event wlll be the all lhankolferlnz meet lng to be held on Sunday aven lng Oct 21 at aclnck in lhe church auditorium ML Jesslu Ramr missionary to India will be ha guest speaker Mrs Ivan Sturleonl lrnup took charge of the 12mm The Penmnra Mlsslun Circle Flrst Buplls Church hem ll all pruzram wllh mmher and daughter banquet III the church hall Mrs Gordan Wood sudden ol the Clrcle exlende welcome to every one Ement and chullenled the mom era to support he activ llle of Penman ln the month la coma lTFE MRME EXAMINER TEURSDAY SEPT ll Work In Brazil Reported To UCW MissiOnaryFrom India To Speak At October ThankOffering ï¬r 394 Rfvltlt Ya MINI luv my Ipcdzl way wllh watch with them IKI wlm lllty man no how duty may it llm mum Childer have way with wordl WM cue can Illlll up 2001 philomphy Ind unite in on dmn mucnrt 01th bum way ofuying that the guiding Ipirit 0M Coopmliyc movtmml 11 I116 Mopr Ind wzumh fill JOOP family Mm Ind woman walking logtdm for full more rewarding life Or for Ilm nulm could nouvcy mom convinc inglylhcuunc mmfmlof COOI Sungloflwing gumnlrc lop quality ucl Ind Med by n11 259 lnnllfll 59 hula Call Comp PA 61553 mum HOME RATING HHRVICH warmout and Cnlklndnl MW 1W bow mummy Setka Van ply mly Im nil and reï¬nement pun following the very enjoybl program hymn Ind benedic flionï¬cloud the meeting Through the medium or color alldex MEL Gurley Grimm abated the ndventum and tha breathtaklng scenery her trip to the Scandinavian coun tries and path Europe with moths and Mr laugh everal members 01 me Circle Ind lnprayer for our mLulon workers iefx which began with devnuanal lamld Wlllher Dur period Mrl Walther nded he members Ihnl ime wasted estlence but urge usqd 13 ll Nomnn bou we IID droning cnmlort blendad Into high Ilyla Ihou We allure nnd nullng Dunloy SI PA numb COMFORTQ SHOES FOR FALL In Phonu PA Hm Eraswol mum mm lqlml NORM SHOES HAIRCUTS smd so winEn Apnnhlfllfll only PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE PA um 550 irom 995 Afllndfll Wllll Thls slender luggagu 51 led beaul will ch ahgo able with big no or ormnnce ole theMovl the ens Megs gldeimountcd controls Icnnyn colours Trun Fldollly Sound upoclllly dollgnld wdlo mOIon wllh nuw Advmud duluu Ipuknr dcnlopod wt for povtublu Paworlul Tnlmdo Tunlr pulll In wnk mllcm Auvomnl Slgnll Sllbllliy pl wont Ind HO danru Alumlnlnd Tuba Plulglm lcr nhly 15 Advl Mm Pltlun Tub Cups Saucers Dunlap $0 Burl PA lSlll LIGHT NEW FLEETWOOD 128 PORTABLE TV um InvquLu wuum an In aircraft aluminum cnso covered In co NOTHING DOWN $1150 MONTH All new advanced 1984 model and we bought the entire prepro ducuon run at $80 saving Made to sell for $25995 this famous Fleetlwood ls yours at this big saving If you will act now SPECIAL PURCHASE OF 64 PRE PRODUCTION RUN $25995 QUALITY uuuuur plelurc All nw dulan chmlu Aclual advanced I964 modal Cl VI Slallnn Salulor all dlal groude ll llu from for OIIY ICCOII All new soundtymm for In onll qullliy 5mm lurnlturl calglnlt In dlcoralor wllnut lull New 23 Alumlnlxad Pldurl Tuba for bimr vlslnn abrlghhr In $19995 NEW 64fI1Enwobi 23 TVNOW35QOFF ACTUAL $25995 QUALITY SINCE 1887 plfluru will ch ango our Ideas of TV viewing pox1 olo thoMov Screen wlth ull console vinwlng controls owcrful toursection bum1n an nso covered In co ourkeyed Vlnyl In your cholto NO MONEY DOWN $1075 MONTH $I 5995 Wnluln only 26 Inn Iho pvlco II Ilghml pm ll Bulllln Clrcul Brookr prolull Ifllln dnmngn Vlnyl count In your cholu Guy 33an or Walnut BumIn Anhnnn Md lnlo bad lhu Alrtrm Alumlnum nblnn llghlwIgM yfl flurdy leh TlldIln Hostess Glft 12 China FREE IMPORTED Family entertainment right In your living room Tinsein one beaulliuiiy designed lumiture cabinet Wall size its iiggtily wili aii the amous Fleeiwood quality features $100 or lfymill actnpwl All NEW FlEETWOOD FAMILY THEATRE 23 TV AMFM RADIO Speaker Stereo HiFi 23 Bonded Aluminized Picture Tube 21 Tube TV chassis with Permatune llandwired Power Transformer Operated 10 Tube MilFM Radio Chassis with Power Transformer Volume and Balance Controls Separate Bass and Treble Tone Conirols Three speakers two tweeters Garrard Auto Sllm Record Changers Sapphire Needle Veneer Cabinet sew wide 31 high NEW Conlolc Plduu Vlowlng NEWI HHIdoIlty Sound warm