53 DIM Anm um me Amal Oln COW rum Album Amuhl Altnml ll Mumlnlum Album mm luau an Mr Inlu luu Man um cl NI mu AA on he won ran lmv an InnIr rn or film Chnmlul Ill run Caullnh Cum Dom ma The Blbhopl Fund In lund derlved Item the nln of un crllcd palanu mm by Yl Mcnl clubl throughout lhl world ll locally dlrcclrd by an nlnnkcn Pmldml Evan uld lhll lund ll uud lo halp delrny uprnun nl ovmul doleunlu nllcndlng lnlrmnllon cm Mn II III II Ill chk ha been appointed club historian and mrctary Frank Krillafl wnl nppclnlrd club dlmlor DOWJDNII Ill Iflll AV IMIII lululllllll up ï¬ll Ill turn JI Illllll up mm non ml mu Milk II 03 It Mn bill Al the clubl cnlnu mcellnl lhll week Prch cut Evan an nounccd the yarn commlllcel chk Chlluncr and Mike Hoe hner arc cochnlrmcn of pro jcch Emle an II chnlrmnn yaulh work mtmbcrlhlp chnlrmnn In John Nulbccm John Warden II chairman or ronrnmlz Dr Max 0pr tndl he hmm commlllee and publlclly II handled by Nell le Mcmbcrahlp In the Barri YI Mtnl Club Ll rnwlnl Mld prexldcnl Dr Wilhm EVAHI Bul there are null lama clau Illcaucnl open and member ahuuld luck young men whn would welcomn the npparlunlly gender mvlca thmugh EXGIITYBAE OLD Cull French Elmvala lonka cnn cerntd he lead hh cll belore th Judm at the Elm Ys Mens Club Can Use Members mm mm Direclon con mm with mu judn TODAYS STOCK PRICES compiled by It Hm ll Dunlap El E4 nmlu IINI Mall Am nncn mm Nut 31 Cum 14 In Ilv In llom You hem mm mm ELMVALE mm IS ASUCCESS¢ llnml an llud In mlflnl III Imv Tohun limit 91 lrn on In mm lullnfl N0 lull Irhl Inlr Ullllll Millan rm lo 14qu KNIIUITIXALI MINING Shell am Clark Iald Dunn nnrbcr Jrl 11 Snlmn ll churned wllh mmluct In tended to lncllu rlal Negro wan charged with nunult nnd bngery lnlha Inmu Incidan Clark Barber punhmlJ non poilnnaus Innka lnln ht Incas or our Nurou who um Ilnndlnl oullldn Church SELMA All ANA whllo mln ha been lulled In lhll ru cInlly lruubltd clU nIler ho al lemfly Puxhrd 1m Innku lnlo ï¬rm moulh club cxecul vn comma Dr Wllllnm EVBHI pmldnnl Dull Nublll Ural vicepm denl Nell Taylor mond vice pmldcnl All DIck uranium and Bob Wnlaon lrcnsurer Projccll or your nclude an aucllnn used housnhnld 11ch and he ulo cl Chrhlmnn trees The ofllce wlll amp dnnallom cl arllclu or 1h nucllan Tho anlclcu will be ml lcclcd yYl mop an Sngurda Mnnl convention held annutajly1nNnrgh Amerlq White Put Snake In Negros MOuth Vlle Fair yenerday OchlAll and judges nld the livestock wn well presented at Ihll yearl fair Examiner Photo the Elmvnle Fair yulerday mm the Ian DDyer momm mi 1m AI vm mm um Mum RIM um Tllln mm an gnua an my rm Ian mm rm Tor Dom Ill Tnnl Fun anu Ml Ina nu Unlnn nu in um lull 1mm 41 mm CANADA Tunn 0N nrposnsg MooMl Northm Whllo Mm Cod rune Confldmblc doudlnm and cool lodny and Frldny Shower Fxhily nllarnoon Ind Ivcnlnl Wlndl becomlnl lanth erly Friday ulcrnoon Mum Foruull Lulu Hnmm Georllnn my Wlnd north to northenl in Imoh hrcamlnl ml II knoll Friday morninl Cloudy wllh Ihovrm endInl lhln Inornoon Famul irmpnlinfll ml lunllhl llllh llldny Windmr Miomn Timnnml mulhurn While fllver North Bay Sud bury Snull Sle hum Vlrin blo clnudlnm Ind cooltr Innlxhl and Friday Wlndl um lanlght In Friday Enucm Lnke Ontario Hall hurlan nanhcm Lnko Humn Georgian Ilny Cloudy with Ihawm nnd unllcrcd lhundcr dorm and lurnlng cooler loduy Vnrhbh claufllnm and cooler Friday Vlndl nonhmt 10 Ml nnrr 1125 um an Frldny Luke Clair Lake Erlr qulhcrn Lnko Hurnn Nlnxnm western Lake Ontnrla Wlndxar London Toronlo Hnmlllon Cloudy wlh thon and unl ercd lhundmlnrms lhll mer noan ending duran lhu evanlng Vnrlnhln claudlnus and cooler Frlduy Vlnd becomlnl north eafl IE mnlnhlv Synanlhx Plenxanl weather lhnl ha favored Ioulhern Onu xln wlll and adly shower and lhundcmanm lprud loulhward Much coolar nlr cov northern Auction and will Ipmd lnlo Ioulhern Ontario lo day Cuoler wealhcr wlll con lInua Friday with Ihowm In nnï¬hern mlnqsi bum lMonnaunn on the New Democratic Mediuma plan given on both Ildu of the wheel Fortcam Issued by the Tar any weqlher oUlce mm There are four queatlnn on the Medicare wheel and by ur nlng the wheel one get the un lwer that each party has to IE qugllan 01 Medium Tha oppnxllu alda of the Med can wheel glvu ha NDP planl weekly medicare cost or ul BrIEI ram €1000 In 011000 Than range from cenll week or £3000 Inlary to 8251 eckly or III Lowweu ul Derrick Manson New Denn craiic Pam Candidate inrlsim eon Centre in the forthcoming provincial ulmion said today the when warn lime lulu in arriving but they will lull be distributed Ind most ni ihem wig be put out ovar the week en The Medicare wheels were dis tributed to worker at an or an lmtlon meeting at camp Kn arugqulrml Ross In The New Democratic Party has brought the various aiili cal pariiu mm on Me icm into low with medium wheel In which you turn ii wheel to thy aplwen NDP Spoofs Medicare Plans Other Parties and Howard Ritchie both Elmvale check pointers with judza Del Jamey ol Barrie DI Mu MM uuunvvA Mon Thur 05 lrlJlemnwn WEATHER Ila noted bl Lunu SKI De mlllo hnl Mind and Ilm on from hyutrlcnl nmncnln HI nuounl will ha ha mm lalo becnun or he Halo II mcmnry hu noted Thu delence wlll conlcnd lhnl he Iccultd did no lnlcnd ta came hnrm In any pcrmn In little barber Ihop on the aller noon May ll wu rm MI lnlcnuan lo nun denlh In He told he allmale jury III In ha lnll min lhe Su premu Court of Onlnrln that he would Ibo bring In In nltcn Hun evldcnco cunmnlnl lhn Iccundl memory 01 cvcnlu on May 23 In Ml opening remarks the Jury defence counsel John Hool ihan laid ymurdny nmrnoon Ihnl ha would Introduce evldcnco conumlnl the cnpnclly ol the named to deliberate It tho pnrllmlurly cruclnl limo when he II charged wllh the cnpllnl murder of 5m Hubert When In Camp Bordtn mm on May 11 Wlth comhlnlng and potato harvesting Iml underway in the Iumundlnl amlnndm WI hard to get mnsmuenn nut to meet lnu ha contended because they IIIEDUCIEII Jpnn1th rpm He wnl Introduced by Harvey Stewart Shelbume ledcral le ml cmdldnta or DunertnSIm coo In the April election Mr Stewart attacked Premier John Robert tor cafltnz September election hlmlnz his llra on Ellwood Mndlll Orangevlllc PC ledml number or the rldlns Mr Cooke nld hen Ellwood Mldlll has been aolng around mangevllle lalr lelllng people Im ll bad way because km no one to hdp me out In lew months hall be lucky In lily th klnd of lrlendz huve Mr Cooke spoke to an and enm of awa Lhnn In the Iran hall here In program which Included musical num be by Mel Levlgna and the Elna Wlterï¬oyl mm Honey Harbour bazplpa selection by Plpa Mnhr Frank Dunn Angnl And Impersonations by an 0r anuvlllo entertainer Bud John on 11 man or Capt Downer lo claim hll lnfluencu led to the building of new high uhoals In Alllnon Ormxevllle and Stay ner uld Mr Cooka who In llsted uchools Ire built where 319 Iludent population demands 11 ms Canndn we at Mr Ind Ill ogu resources wm dir ected to flu war wort Mr Cooke lmhtcd No government wnl going all out on road build In It um Mme Mr Cooke denied Capt Dow ner hld Iny Influenee over gen Ing development mad consign ed to all the lownshlpx In the rIdIng They would have got them anyway ha saidL luv 4mm Mr Cooke diluted to tabla or ï¬gure on ma road mmtu allotted by tho Inst pmvlndal LibelII governmentunmele were quoted by Capt Downer In bl namina Ipeeqh 51m IgoWNEn mom Defence Intends To Show Demille Had Memory Lapse ALLISTON sum Bulletin Slmwa Liberal candidate Jamel Cooke Oranlevllle hlnmd Into the oppoultlon at Liberal rally al the arena hall hm 318 the Orangavllla air this afternoon they were passing out Vote Downer balloons he laid 01th PC apponent Rev Downgr prelent HP or JUMP znw mug mum mum HEP Mr C63 gave hll audience funeral cookey Réfutes Claims 0i Capt Downer culled by lhe dilenca lo ulnhlhh that whlla Ihe Iccund mu Illllonld In mm mm October ml to Sepumbcr 1961 NI wife had been MMde wllI lho dtcuud man An Attachment between ha two had been Idmllled by Crawn prosecutor Thamp l0 durlnl hi openlnl remnm lolho lau Wedncgdgy Mn Hoollhan caullonad lha Jury um he did not produce evldence leudlng lo hm can clmlonl lhcy were In completely digenrd bl remnrh The defence will contend thal una Illa shall ï¬nd In he RCS ol Serxennll Men My well lmva been red Icldenm by he grand lha mm hall of I11 Royll Can adlnn School Inlnntry Nor was hll Intent to auto bodlly hnrm that would clue death Mr 110911th conunued Malaysia Cuts Relations With Indonesia Philippines Referring to the cord cl Ont Arlo Premier John Rohuu gov ernment Mr Cooks lnslmd The people of Onuflo not stupid enough or blind enough or guluhla though to Willow all the promlm mad by the PC In Illa past Hva monlhl Weva heard more pmmlm from them ln that me thin the PC have naked up ln IC campfllhmenu In the put flvo yam To give rural school Areal break in the compltltlon with urban centre In hiring tencherl tho chrnh plln let unru rnent Against real exhale II no roar the province Thu aunt structure to rchool would pm vlde run Ichoal bond with enough money to match teacher Inlary often now restricted to urban centres 115 um Another Liberal Ilm II to ft mova the gal tax on fuel mid lo Intrmm or use in Inn equip men Alp mm scnoou The run rate of Interest on every loan will hnva be mad once the Liberal pm llwn In this died he promised The P0 hava talented Human when up 37 per cent In umst could be chum on onn The Liberal are going to supply second mortgage money or oldertype homes Mr Cooke continued Amendment we ylan or the Assessment Act will encourage home lmprovo menu by postponln menu In assessmean Provlslan and txpuulon of low cost loam tn Axmm Ind lmfl businessmen In aid Imme whera the mm mall to mm and pan the bullnm on lo Centennial celebrallom In 1987 pmvlnclal cash lid to munici palities to help them ultbrala the centennlll lilllntly Prepald madlcnl cm with no charge to those over 05 and without mm to tho lldarly the unemployed and than on wellare nu copperatlon wlu he ed era Canada Pension Plan mum of III ubernl my New Ituaz am no An OnlIrIB lo boost Industry cheaper hydro me to encourage Industry In locate in oommunluel lormerb bypnled km MBump mm from tho Gmt mm to farmland In Ethan and western Ontario irlil tonllnuel odd rgifér wnlgrwqm grid marcth ml he lndunulln Em and 2m mud Into lhu unh Iy rmmdl Duty In to an hulldlnu Immhm wln down and lumflum or up Elclun nl Indonulun Iwddcnl nannu and denounced Mm ll He mld There in 31100 000 payroll for the hospital at Penetanlulahene Bu am lnluestcd 11 K2 llng full employmml or every one in Onllflo The addllinn In lha bu bean through have been accused of not having any Ideas of my own Well luv been salesman all my life and know that you cant sell unleu you have product to sell In three yam since you elected me lo repre sent you Queeno Park You chose me um hope havent you down and dont think have knowoI he respon nlhlmles your municipal coun CH here FUEL E91PLOYMEN1 SHOWN AT LAST nlzhtl Prolrusm Conurvnllvn nlly Knlxhll cl Cnlumbul Speaking at PC rally be dxew Allentinn to several ac mmpiishmenis of tha Prom xiva Conservative overnmenl in iila am He mentioned Georgian Manor home or the Ind and nid wu throulh the iodny Ind was very im PWEW Arthur Evans Prnxrmlvc Conservative candidate or Sim coe Centm told about 50 people In the Knit Calumqu HIH In Penetnnx last night am only her became you pcoplo thought would be liner to present you LIBERAL CANDIDATE or Wlfllnvslmcoe June Cooks Orlnzevllle me mm hl Ammn mpporlm Evans Tells Of Action In Area By PC Govt Tunku Abdul Ilnhnum Mnlny Ilnl prim mlnlmr mld In In Ilnltmcnl hln lovcrnmcnl look ll dlplomuflc Icllon bccnuno lndnmln th broken lomnllc relnllnm wllh Mnlnyufl without my Ipunnnl renwn Brllllhlpnnsnred Federnunn MlllyllnI unlon Malaya Slnluparc Sarawak and North norm launched ll mldnlxhl Sunday night All an uvmcr Urflllh colonlu No one wna Injund In lhu mlnulo dcmomlrnllun hm in mu 11mm gav emmenl has set up tommlllee lo nudy all hm mm CovenIns Igaln some of what he covered Tuesday night Perklmfleld Mr Evans said We are trylng find out berm melhod mum equitabl method of raising money For instance mumum taxes on schools are oneslxlh am Yaur Eavernment wanted to ï¬nd out why and they did ï¬nd out WANTS SUPPORT He naked for the volen my in Penning no from left Euunp Mllllgux my Mom Ion Arthur Emu One thing v3 can do make sure that people buy more Can adgqn groducu Mr Evans said dont be lieve In making pmmlm have worked or $6 week and boarded myaeu Io serve my apprenklccshlp know what la to be unemployed Ind know what It la In em plaza But Ihe ï¬rst lune LI mu em ployment At present we have owr rgtgAthgn the United in or Eaï¬famla arm oth er pllce In CanndA We should mAmypn our hum He reviewed the tourist In duatry and nld L1 our third largest Indusiry Every time rlck up paper no when ha been tremendous xuc Imlo We hnvc Ill om II lur lma nu ma moan floor dimHy uvrr Ihu mep Mum Monlrqulynlnl Include Intermission um duxlnz rally Wedneodny night at tha Alllghm Irena hall Here Mr Cookonizhmham binds SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERAIIVE SERVICES WEEKLY JANITOR SERVICE HOT WATER HEATING LIGHTING USE OF MEETING ROOM SPACIOUS PAVID PARKING OFFICE FOR EASE Comm Gum Con lnnllfll Im In Jnknnn Indnnnlnn unv unmml nnd mllllnry unlu nllllmcd lhelr lull luppon nl lmldrnl Sukarno In culled wllry cl canlmxlnllan mid 1h Im blue had asked that lhu lhllpnno Em muy Im minced to consulllo Ilnlul Rnhmnn culled Ihv re quell unncccrlnlnr and mnllcd hll nmlmumnr 1mm Mnnlln We hnvt nu cholce but lo da lurcwlw mm to recall our nm bnglsndor and ha ombnny Alnl Bonn Marc an president of Tiny Township PC Associa tion nullined Mr Evam achievements zinc he has been In Queens Park and nlkcd the audience tn xuppon hlm at Ihl poll next Wednesday dldnle or Slmcoo Ccnlre Ind Ellcnnc Mflrchlldon Exnmhr er Xholn He review some case in palnl and described several de velopmenl throughout Slmcoo County that have been brought about due In Mr Evanrrel tarts He rald the paved Mila wayr make it possible for easy use to his rrrgq from Melm Mr Garner said asked 1m ll could handle the publicity lor hlm in thls campaign He didnt ask me ll you have been reading the ï¬ner you will hnvl seen Ihnt ta Robnm govem men when it say lhlng ll rely in be dam it due ll lo Ven mer deputy reeve lhanked Mr Evans and said Mr Evans has dune everything he possibly could do or Penelang He asked Iha people In support Mr Evan the polls Jack Garner Barfle Mr Evans publicity manager spoka standIn for his father W11 1an Garner port on Sept 25 and promised in continua to do his best for the people of Ontario In genus and or the people of Shncoa Cenlrg innpagdculgr with Rumven Al listen whflu William Hunter Allhwn centre look on Examiner Pth PA 53 mama