Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1963, p. 15

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Mr and Mrs Joseph Louxhead and uncle Hugh bouuheed Por has La Paris an ewLthe weekend with Dr and Mrs Mur vln Louxhced ran Hugh Lnugheed Dr Lnnzhced ls radiologlst murmurll General Haspual Ind McGlll Unlverrlly Relumlnz home Sunday If vlslted Mr ind Mn Cllfln Allen Ind flmlly Kingston and Mr Ind Mu Richard Mchrl mm or 1H Lnuzhecda Orhnm THUMMV unmnzn 4w mamy Vurrnm an mmy Maul Club lddo nluumv unimaul XI mu Inn In Von um 00 llllhwl Illml um spam in Mn Clnhuol Grlndlt Umuuchlbx TV NI Wufllln 590m NI Sulplclon H9 no Rabies struck In IL com munity recently Joe and Fun Klein Gelblnck Ins gwa vnlu IbIe hellme Mn Barnes is holldlylnl wig hrlqullx In Preston AROUND sIMCOE COUNTY Quailqu nauhlel you tell the lrulh you dnnl MVP lo rem or anything Mnrk Twain Heln Illn common len the modern pharmlcy llghlcd Jars ul colored water called shnwglasm origi mled during the Landau plagun nl 1665 Apalhm caries pluctd them In their helpan blind person Across Ihe street you shnuld alter him your Irm num Ihan hold hll Blind new pic preler allow the lighted rather Khan he yroellrlZ Your hair in luck can dillon shnuld strong nounh lo ur the welght plawharse 11 havent enoulh 1m 111 lmfled toy popdlq DEQGGETS BEACON NEW YORK AHThings columnist might nzver know if he didnt open his mail Vanily they name mini famous London brush lirm make 133 diiiermi kind or brushes for menewer thin 109 ioryomnn THE LIGHT TOUCH Richrd Andean returned may unlu lull Am wn Mail Sack Contains Variety 01 Facts And Cow Wm neuvmc To In mm THERE IS NO CHAIOI FOR THIS IIIVICI imi You hm By MRS ALLEN CROSSLAND IEEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF cu mo mucus CFTO CHANNEl CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE ay HAL BOYLE PA 82433 un MIMI um rrv Mum mm nnmnu woo META lam Mum Hoe mm on mmr Inn WM um lurk Pm Mao Ivdllll 1100 1mm Vlnll ll Hunt Oman llaul nun Hum 10 fowl Ind Mamln III Humankm uqu lIyumu wnh Unetn II annlnl Muulm 1hr rmum wun Uncla II Mnmlnl MunIn In Noon moan xma loon Dlnmb llddl out Ian wry Th 3838 In onlllrl laollnl Van uh run11m mm club MM luaao nnl MI Conluqntl Wumr lipam JanIn Mern nonu mm llumv mm AMMIIIII TM INIHn rnlnl CTV NIHMI Nun Mum lnll Mn wulm Mqu EEEEEE35E=3 HM H111 IUD on um 1100 lLll 1130 Mr Ind Mn Funher and lamlly Whitby Ipent the week nd with Mr and Mrs Cnm emu home Sulurduy Alter VIIIan hll ulster Mm lubell Anderson Emil Mrs Slewrd and sum Franklin Barrie were Sunday vlgiton In £131 community Mr Don Smith Beavenon visited her cousin Mn Sam Allen and num relativu here Mr and Mn Dalton LHllcrap Ind lumlly mum visited CnfnngxJul The lumues Vucnl just for the kiddie II call maled that 50000300 US rdfim rend comic mlpl run Ir Mr Ind Mn 22le Con Were Saturdly vlullon with Andaman Odd hell yam421d while large It malher Volcaan uh he been known him wym In 109 ygnrl nu Henry Fin th ob Rlxhlalanyx Beginning in 1961 mm wlll swing to the right side of lhc mm In Sweden Fur 200 years drlvarl luv used the 1m Brllnin and Ireland will re main lho only lefllider5 1n Eugen Hma the kind Inform Uon Ihll maku bachelor pleased with lhelr Int com American girl 31H year and to keep Lhemsalvea 1n uoddnn Worth remembcrlnn lea mm credit or anylhlnl 10 Ind ha will buy LHma 01 GIasow window beacon or the tick Mr Ind Mn Murray Mainl manual mm Inn mum 11 II bull Wvullln 11m ruln mumy Mm anlo 31 1M my Amwmnl bumln In MRS CAMERON llllu Spam Ninth Nil Mom at 0qu LAqu Ta TM Trulh um nun wlu Trml lurk Pm lvdln CTV Mum Ml mm mm llaul To an am mublmu mm Cunn no Ynur nunum noun um um wm mm mm mouth lndtmnly pc frv up mu Nc mm MM fluan Mandi Munc mm mm lan Falillulleznl Enum lhnnmy cac Tv anl um Spam onoun TORONTO GUTHRIE Mynlln um IlliIII II Mamln mum Hun tluh um um mm Muulm mu run um nanny In rm For exump Inks hand whnre Scum In three nolmmp Wes leads lhn 11x Ipmlu dummy playl lha man Em ha Inn nn Sgulh lhe course my an hluhly unuxun Ilnc mull avaryom would wln hn rick wllh he klnu but it ll ht rlghl play just nmt mm that ll Ens plnya lha klnu Sath nummnllcally mum nut nDlrump The only lrltkl In la lplde hem Ind duh Most mod plnyl you but nboul not really dlulcull lo exccule True may rcqulre Ipcclnl kind Ilcnnen but no much more lhan that annrflIvor DAILY CROSSWORD flamed II mun1a 140w 11 Chllf 19 dim um Io 01pm 3LWAlk mulh mm ow lnlm Owl II mmua ornan uom bbr Imnévbumt non nowa 11011 my 311m midlam I8 Unto whom num lulu Mr and Mrs Gordon Brendon hnlldaycd Inst week in mlern Ontario visiting friends In Peter bnm Kingston Ind Cornwall wnll well as the Seawzy Ind Upper Cnnadl Vlllage number from hm allended the barbeque In Bond Hud Fquy 11m His Brook of Town mum ovar the weekend with hll mm 019 Mrs Franks uni111 Alwnyl mm at number from here nuande the commencement cxmlm 1n Alysqu nn Fljgnylnlght Mr and Mrs Love Mr And Mn Mel Jnmlesan Mr 1nd Mu Gordon Cfldwdl nnd Mr and Mn Duncan Clmeron Illended tho Innlvemry urv Ice at Fares Ham United 619 dX Comtulutlan to Mrs Lloyd Simpson on wlnnlnz the Irophy Chumflon Cook It On Fnlr MRS LIESON ML Ind Mn Caspar And Joan of Toronto vinllad Mrl Connall onjund Divld Connell who mend ing Ryeraon Inslllul in Tnmnla was home on the weekend Ian and family at Queensvllle vulted Mr and Mn Robert gnmphell And family on sun ny Mr and Mn Norman Stod am Mr and Mn Sunder Inn Ind Bob AndreWI Ind Am Ily wm at Cnokmwn Fah on Sayrdng begins tho seasonl bowllnl week Kennelh West who is man the diploma course Guelph was hama nn lh weekend and Illended Cookslown Fllr lama West and Don Toronto visited Mr And Mrs Lloyd 00 bafn on Sungay in Gloria aim or flownm vlllj wu h9me or me wgekend The annivern Iervlca Guthrie thyle In Church will be 52m 22 11 mm HIV Malcom Summer of Banla wlll be the guest Ipuker nu choir wig be Igslgged b1 Ijom qul ACROSS Mom Box ulm nublddlnr louu wm North lNL Pm am Lrilini Openinx hadnix ol IOBII mu South dealer Neither lid vulnerable NORTH OAT 3532 Qlfi KIN Mr and Mn Glenn Chanllcr VLSI NEWTON ROBINSON CONTRACT BRIDGE 111mm 3Lrhrrmuo mind uumlnl 10 11mm munx nulon 5mm on dulr Ith MI Diff 21 WW Dutch m0 Mn HM IJAIP Eli By JAY BECKER Lu lpadcs IV Armplt MDllllnl Ixhlhl IOCulmnny Indllnl Ol coum It Soth II Imm enouuh lo rend lhu niluulam he an counter Ensll plny by duck lnx ha lcn but wnuld In man exlrlordinary plly lar hlm In mlko Second mum Since dummy hand Ind hll awn anther conLIln oinls South muxl hm exud lo palnu MI 16 la polnl nnlrumpl Wm 11 murktd In hawl the Jack made and South In queen The en lhm or htcomu lhl rim why It lrlck one Tomorruwl nemndlnl All lulu uvulnlly There Ira campciilhz mm or Elsi to play iha ten Ha in two impel1am dues la luidl him Flnl he smile the Min oi Eleven which leli him ihn South hu only ona Iplde hluher thin ihe nix which wu ind ilJut subtract the card imm eleven which indlculu ihnl North Em Ind South laudher hue 1m urdl higher than ihe nlx Since Em 5ch our oi lhrm he know lhhi Sauih ha only one Bu nala what havpena when South wins Iho opening lead wlth the queen play club whlch East nku with the ace Eul return lho king spade lowlhu ace Declnr has only eight lrlckl Ivallnbla II III poll no hl must lead hem ellher now or Inter wh¢never he dou Eu grab the Ice return Ipldl an Sath 02 dogn one Mrs FieeinnH French plum In Penelanx Gencnl Hub p155 In In Guelfl Mr and Mrs Lloyd Arm strong and son Blll leer ley Mr and Mn Laurent Lamb of Midland Hurry leb Aurora MIA Clml Arm nmnz andlalll Earle Toranla allended lhl LambDraper wedd lnl In Chlrltcn Sammy Sept Mr Ind Mrs Murray Miller ni Sarnin spent law day wiih Mr and Mrs John Miller Mr and Mrs William Cor bett Mr and Mrs Wiiiinm Wand visited relative in Eugen in9n Sungfl Mr rand Kln Ivan French spent the weekend in Nath Bay viltln1 gleam minilph maid anci ml of El my Point Ipenl Sunday My Mr 911517 Mrg Lewls Cur Mr and Mafimienkmm left an Monday In villlln Sud bury Him In Mn Thoma Dunn Inch on Monday lo valt 1n Ham Ion ay mas cmon numhor from the vmm It ended Ora Mr And broum honnu mm prizes The Ichool chlldnn dId well with their ex hibit Mr Ind Mn Ruben Griavu Are on twmweek lflptn ma wgst coast Mr and Mn Bert Ellamm North my men um weekend with Mr And Mn Ernest Ells mere The sympllhy she villaga 15 extended loGoom Shaflleld and family In uu dealh of Mn Shemud suturdly awning Thu mm was to SL Johnl Church and 5193pr ngesday Mrs Prince Orlllln spent lag weckwjlh Mr Burns and David mm 1110 weekend wllh the farmers pnrenla Mr Ind Mn Gum Chanda It their collu It Mlnden By MRS DRINKILL CRMGHURST WAVERLEY Imfl LII 59 amluc an 31 nouru at math an Cry In It 1o Miniurat Manna HGMSIIPX Mum WILLYOU AND DAD L4sz curlmm MON momma Ml LIKE MAYBE DADLL REED ON GIVING ME MY ALLOWANCE auEss wan HAPPENED AT MY CLUB MEEYNG TODAY WILLYOL HZLD MONLVF MEH um mi not on mm mmmmuarm mu mu comm mwmm mm mum In Fume Wyn mm mBnquu may ELECTED ME zxscunv ownww on ma mulfrda ON 9mm MANMH AND GENERAL conwcr Ml EXAMINER THURSDAY IE INSII

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