TH lllllil S1 llIllmlII Que HlJJ AIM Lunululm Inrmtr dimlnr cl nw Mmmral mlhr urpnw mml In In npprnr lar rlal hm Nuv ll thlrxnl with lrnvln Hw Hrfll lraHIc ArrMen In IF Laurrnllnm um of Mn rrnl 11m rhnruu mm mm mlllnlvm hrlurrn luu rnu mt numlh No anu nu IMuml HIMIIIKII CLEANED MTIM Ghana lllrlllrleA Canadian Mum lmrhrv math In Ghnnl wlm llrw lmrk nl Ixnlnlly 1mm mum In Me Hum mrlm an1 ml noxlurnlly mnlnn hnrm mu Icrmlllrd hy mum hm an Mylny 11m Mmllnm Alrc Veimr ol Munlml ln mind In mml mhlwl In Ihlrh hnnntnn prdulllnn ml klllod In mnnlh Illlilllllill VIM llHlJABT Norflmn Inland Hrulmllum Mlnlllor Ter rnu Oanll MU my lodu vlull In Cumin Ind Ihe Unilrll Sum II he Ind ol Mu monlh annnunml Wedmulny MAYO RETIHTJ Jimnnzsnn mun jMf PRINCESS AllllIVES OTTAWA CIDMIME AI Ice Cnunlcn Alhlnnc and umhunl of Guru Ellxnhrlh nrrl ulnrsdny or tour dny mu HEADS INSURANCE GIUIUI MON11llIAI lClJJnmu II Mnchlly mnnnginz xlirrrlm nl llnmnx Imurnnro lnmpnny Tn rflnln rlcrlwl prrxldrM 01 line lmulnnlu lnxmme Can IIIM vulnrulay nizhl LORD FISHER ILL SllHRllOUIlNE II IANLord Fisher nl Lambuh llle Tï¬ycnmld lormcr Arch blslmp nl Cnnluhury was In sallsladnry condillnn Wednu day nllcr an emergency Appen dtclomy Tuesdy nizhl lllSllUI ENTIIIlONED HALIFAX CF Ill llch Vllllam Wallace Davls Wednes day nlgh was rnlhmncd as Bishnp Nova Scnlin at two hour ccrtmuny the Angllun Calhcdrnl 01 Salnls here TWO ASHS FATAL SIIHllllllOOKH Que Cpl An nullwrcnk ol pollo In his clly as mile ens cl Mnnlrcnl up soan he muling lenvinx ll lnml 15 casts ol the dlsmsu lhil summcr Nn wtm lnlnl Dr llmllc lolmn Shcrhrnakc publlc hmlllu llmlor uld Wcrl nwlny nighl the clly has In raw on ntnnl hul were no sure In or lhrtc he EIrlltr dnuhay Soil coroners jury inquiring lnia the July 16 death of Robert Dun can 20 of Waifonl Onl ummcndcd Wednesday night that human guards be placed on all gravel pit hoppers when they are bean cleaned Duncan died mm asphyxiallou when he wu buried by sand inadver lnnily dumpcd lnio hopper he wu cleaning backing his car mm the way of his suburban Etohlcoke home ran over and killed his two your old son Wednesan Gulseppl DeAgazio told police he looked nmund before back huz his car and did no see his son Richard The vessel has 5pm iiva manth in Chicago lrylng in take an load at grain Members at Local Grain Elevator Work ers Union have refusui to iuad the ship saying Ihey ear Iahor violence ii ihny try Judge James Parsons us Disirici Camt turned up the icgal hen Tuesday In Paul Flahcrly lawyer for lhe nwncrs the Howard Shaw said My planned la muve ihe éiolaot ship out of dry dock lo ay The ship limped Into dry dock after an umlvcd dynnmlle blast on hole In side sum climaxlnz summerlong la hor ballle idle Canndinu grain ship and grain In unlnn muved closer Wednesday as lhu ships owners nnnuuncld anolhnr load ing antmm wil he made FIX day Tha Valiant lramChryslar Canada Ltd promrses greater appeal this year with nlylinz accent on widtr lower 11 Owners Will Try To Lpdd Dynamited Grain Ship 1ATIIEII KILLS SON TORONTO CP lather WANT GUARDS PARKHILL Ont CI CHICAGO AWA showdown WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF VALIANT OFFERS BEAUTYIPERFORMANCE WINNIllifl lllFllll IMI Irnll whul undcr lhl Hm mum lluuln uln VIII Ihlwlh lhe Mailan MM Tnmmlulnnrr Nthmer ma fanmllnn lhm heard my WldMnlï¬‚ï¬ He Ink In an lntmluv lhnl flunlan KMIII will mm lho mm lrrmlnuu II Lamar In nlmul mm nr In any In up um um 19m luhlmnng Camunny Im munme Wnlnmlny nlzhl hn mum puhllminl lclulehln am who mm In tho Ilury nl Ilm Andrew FluMr quinlupkll Don Srhnnrht mnmlng nlilnr at thmlny livmln Post In no umy would nppur In hall ma lusl nml Um Mm Harm Juumnl lho Illlll Also mhluhcd by lelL Thu hn mlnule tremor knucktd down neviml old Wfllll In In mcicnl pm at Ihl Ml lorlc clly WILL NAME ADE LONDON AP Ofllctrl he Snlvnllon Army 1mm 20 on have unlhmd hm la 21ch their eighth lcndcr Ilnca Gen Willlnm Uoolh hi mnvrmenl as cnn ago In lhe mm Londun can end F0 COMIIIDMIEEI SALZHUHG Aumln MN Exccullm lnlcrnnuonll nlrllnu are rrponul humnx lnwnm mmpmmlu on am rrnl dmrnse lrnnmllnnnc pnurngrr lures Thu ncw hm la ammo ammo nul mrlnl me no upedad lo be as low pmpmed UH xnvern mcmbnrkul plnn Mulch nlmcd al lowrrcnl tul lvr lnurlll cum pnnpnucrl Mqumm llllilllH MIICIHMZHN AlkCIIr Go By Lakéhoad Dr Charles Mayo thirdgen eration Mayo doctor to practise in this world lamous medical centre will retire from the Mayo elinie Oct This retire ment will leave the clinic with4 out member oi the Mayo lam iiy or the iirst lime time its founding some 50 years ago WILL CONSULT DAYTON Ohio AWA state department oilieial said Wed nesday the United States will consult its allies in greatest timncy before any further Soviet talks aimed at reducing world tensions The NATO allies must lenm to work with equal intimacy in exploring the op portunities tor movinn gradu ally towards more penceiul world said Walter Roalow George Allken lashed out at these critics with touch oi snrcasm he said the only thing the us could do about it is hrenk diplomatic relations with Canada and he was sure no one wanted that to happen OTTAWA IS SITE It Yugoslavia AWThe council ol lhe inter nnrilamentnry dceldul Wednesday to hold It cooler enee in Ottawa in 1965 The in iernnrilamcnlnw Union is gathering at members oi parlia ments nnd mnuresses lrom oil over the world to exchange views EARTHQUAKE HITS ISTANBUL All It hnrp ennhqunke almck litonbul nnd must at wrsitm hlrkey Wed nestiny night killing at least one persolnnd injuring several oth Wheat Shipmohls The SIU has con rncis wilh all Canndinn shipping cnmpan in on ihe Great Lakes except Upper Lakes Luke switched lasi year imm lhe SIU to Kim CMU and the labor mu MPH Same observers contend the ship nnd local are but pawns In blager baule between the giant Seafarers Inlemallnnnl Union and Ihe newly formed Ca nadian me Union CLO With he stakes lhus raised Upper Lakes Shipping umilcd Toronto he shlps uwner plans In force the Issue again Friday He increased daily iine agninsl lhe local from $200 to $500 He added that ii the 5hlp still is nnl loaded he wnuld con sldcr raising the ï¬ne In $1000 day or even clapping union memhcrs in jnli for contempt court court allempl In Iorca he local load he shlp hnueue and engineeran chalk gcs cmphaalzinl powuvacv cclernllon and easn hand ling Body lmprovemenln pm The baille so Iar has castme 5100000 for Chicago delays plux $25000 In patch up he dynamite blast In Ihe Howml Shaw Flues lodged an tar agalnst the union local Iolal $13100 They have lint bten pnld pending In appeal Toronto company In mlimaled vlde added salely comma and convenitnct The power lraln hacked by Chryslers fam nus ï¬veyen 50000 mile ranly Good Government deserves YOUR Support JOHN ROBARTS HAS PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE JOHN ROBARTS BETTER OPPORTUNITIES LETHERBY Lloyd Free Text Books Supplemental Exnmlnntlons the Robarts policy emphasizes equal educational opportunities for all children Free high school toxt books supplementnl examina tions for Grade 13 students the continuous revision of courses and the new Youth Bureauall help to give your children better education and future Medical Health Insurance the Conservative medicare plan will be available to all Ontarians regardless of age or state of health Study of the best plan and the best way to implement it is underway and will be completed quickly under Robarts government More Jobs the Ontario Trade Crusade aims to create 300000 new jobs in ï¬ve years Efforts have proved remarkably success ful 69000 newjobs were opened up in the ï¬rst year alone Portable Pensions Conservative Government will work with the Federal Government to provide the best possible pension plan for the people of Ontariopositive action to benefit all SIMCOE EAST Tho armament cnmmlls Plu olI to employ unIon members In any Iocnllly whore IIoperalur Ind In accept Iha wan and worklnz condlIIon neonInlcd hy unons and construction Inclallnm In Ihe various mas ha province In Iurn the un lnna have agreed that slrlka Ina nsI Anolhcr Ilrm In my 10 callly will not nIIecI PIloIL Jacquea Plan vica resident DU company said hope the agreement wlll ultimalely land In blanket Islcomm coveran 21 construction trade TORONTO KaliSix buildlnl lrndn union and pi major con simclion ilrm signed agglomer lnz ureaman nesday aimed at ending jurisdictional disputes In lhe llrma operations lhggughmgl qmlrlu non ea or and spoke man for Plant Construcllon Company old reporler they hope other cnntraclura wIIHol low their lud laying lhu Emundwork or slmulancous bargnlnlnx between many un lon and cuntraclon on prev Incewlda basis Under 0w exlsllnl lyslem each unlnn In lath city 0m do bargain sepmuly with he logl emgloyer Isugcllllog The unions now hive formed provincial council to admin lur pmvlnco wide contact whcn they Alllequlmd Cpnstnzvction FirmSix Unidhs Sign Piopger Labor Agreement VANCOUVER CF 11 producers or the bulk of Can adas plywood mndm clear chhesdn wgnl nq pyrtyl Another mm of In mee mcnl Is that It Eliminate the need or the unluns lo apply or mnlllcallon an ntw project In derlakcn by lhe company Hnltmcmer president of Ihe Councll Fnresl Indus lrles at 80 which repruenu H013 majorlumber producers nld the arnnhalion ls Int trade minded He nid he sent wire in Federal Trade Minister Sharp dlxsuciaiiu the organization which he said represent about 65 per cent oi the Canadian Plywood production irom brief oi ihe Canadian Lumber muna Associnlion Thu CLA Tuesday asked Primu Minister Pcarsnn in bar any lurith Increase in the 1m pmi of foreign plywoods which it said now lakes up mm than 60 per cent oi the Canadian do mestic market Plywbod Makers Wanl Free Trade WITH The laxl drlver was In soluh candluon In has Its All ï¬ve oc tgupanls were mm mm tho rKllled were Mrs Dnmlhy Haerlcl 25 and her Inubyunr old son Nicky Waller Huerta Mrs Shirley Mule Much Is and her son Terry Genrxu Hu Enl months All llved ln may our TORONTO CHNaive per sons charged wlh consplrini lrnfllc in narcotic allnwinx he maulan by the RCMP what may called Canadas largest nnrmllc ring were committed WWW Min Hubbard hlso Red Deer was ldenllflcd the taxi driver Mnglsinie Joseph Addison who presided uvcr he ninbday preliminary hearing aid iim evidence presented was so aim um had tho hearlnx been children and heir mnlhm wen killed Wzdncsdny when lhe in which lhoy Wm ridlnl ms crushcd CPR passenger lruln at ach crosslna in narlh Rod Deer Train HitsTaxi Albertans Dié 12 DrugTrafï¬c Suspects Committed For Trial By Court Womens Bureau Protects Rights of Women Workers This newly established bureau by being in constant touch with management unions and community organizations ensures that the rights of women workers are fully protme Falr and Improved Minimum Wages minimum wage lnws have already been passed and new laws will be applied by zones across Ontario Laws created to provide better working condi lions more employment and more productive labour force Elliclcnt Job Planning and Automation big problem being tackled by the Departments of Labour Economics and Development Education and others Technological advances mean automationthis in turn means retraining of people for newjobs John Roberts has program to protect workers Seund Labour Relations continued industrial peace means greater productivity and higher standard of living for all Conservative Government will always work to create more harmonious labour relations EVANS ART SIMCOE CENIRE WASHINGTON CWUnited stale Commerce Secretary Lu mgr Hodges said Wednesday ha dues not support those wha an ï¬iclza the huxa Canadian when an vim nassh Wurc not lhc least ht wor ried about ll Hodge said In an lnlcrvlew nllcr two day Will House conference called to galemote an expansion ex Helndluled hit In re sulL rccummendallon mm industrialist unending lhu con trial Illa 12 would hava all hegn canvlclnd Cummlllod lo lrlnl are Dou glus Thlhenull Mlcholo Chrl sllne Poole 20 John Moldrum 13 Marlon Amy Burn 32 John James McGrnthlG Goraldlns Hughes 48 Funk Edgar Pin 41 James Ross 40 orval Chmlo Hardy 43 Glorla Irene West 38 and Joan Dickson so all or Toronlo and Charles Jo seph Cipolla 50 Guelph llIHE HARRIS rDCANHHJIL IHIIRSDAYJ SEPTI95 US1IdStudv Easing Embargo Mflmrm mum Mum mum AWAYIIN Vote Progressive Conservative in Ontario lerence Um US governmml will undertake study whethur ll would use It embargo on cxpom ol nonslrnuglc and nonmilitary goods to Commu nlslbloc countries Hodge sold lhe Canadian min and all its ramlllcntloun would he discussed at the Ca EdaU5 ministerial cnnlereng an Irado and ecommlc mullm lo he held here Friday and Sal ursay Several scnalarx and con gressman have suggesxod thi US shauld havu protested pgrllon ol the pack which cam mlLs Canada to xhip when In Cu liiivho cmphaslzcd that tha US admlnlslrallon In no way crltlcal ol the deal CANBERRA MiriamAus lnlias new decimal currency will be headed by dollar Wednesday This reverse dry vision to use he name royal or the new currency expected lo start circulating by Febru ary 1966 Australia To Have Dollal Currendy