Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1963, p. 12

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um MRI EXAMINEI THURSDAYHIIMv1l UNITED NATIONS CP Milton Gregg Ioldler pollUclAn education And Inlamnuonal clvll servant in heading at the Into lab he admin could he one he louzhcxl ol hll mm Gnu member the CI nadlnn cabinet 10 years was elected unnnlmouxlf lhll week to head ho Adm 1er lva Ind budgetary commlllu Ih Unlled NIllaM Genml humbly Ha lake aver Ih Job lime when Almost every UN problem erOlVOl Around money ll lime whtn pam lul and conxmullonll luuu In SUDBURY CF Premier Rubm mum Llhml Lender Wlnlermayer Wednudny night allowing Ileldy mum of dellhernle Ind cllculnlcd hhc hnad In lhn Onllra general election cnmpalm The prtmlcr Iald Mr Wlnlrr mcyer Illrlld the campalln with All hood Ile the gov ernmenl llnd an old Axe en llmu and In comlnucd un evi lllnxly in allowing the wlld cuuru church or him by roup lnlempmll Ind vln dlcllve Idvlnm In All Iddrell la 150 propla In EerIlhllfi 5udbury fig Rnhnru nllo blamed Mr Vln Iermaycrl duperale hunger in mum olflca or Nick on he rnynl commlnlnn crima upon or Mr Jumce Bunch II uman hux dur lmz Iha cumpnlun nllnr he had wolcomrd 1m Much vindlcnllan ol hl own chum Jull how It could once vmdiuuun and han pn unll no prnblem Mr Wln rmcytrl mind up mlnd premlrr whn um nu rnulhm lungunn clin pllun In due Inlml lht WW Ifllnn ludtr UN Budgetary Iob Could Be Toughest Career Gregg laid Mr Wlnlermmr Md Injected ha pcnllon Inun lnla Iha umpnlxn or he Sept 25 elecllan II limo when near Unllom hrlucrn the Onlnrln Ind Irdml omnmcnu on Ihl mul lrr wm proccodlnl Immthly Probably hldnl culled Ill eledlnn wed hm lane on Am unrkrd lhln oul he 1d tenrtan In An nrrmgtmrnl In Inth Onlnrlnl new lulllnlinn ullh he propnled lrdernl Idth Dnvld Stamey mm pnm with tumnay Slaner aulllde courlrnnm In BlrmlnX harm ML Wednudly whm Stanley ls scheduled or henrlnz on charm luau wllh Intent Io murder ln con nwlon with achool lnlem IIM an11 hue no warrlu nhnul our Ilvnlly 14 Hall nm nulls Aum In Iller lhu rletllnn In our um Ill down wllh Film Mlnlllrr Icnrmn and well Mme up wIIh ml umrlnennnd lvr Onlnrla Ind lnr lhl ml at CAMan ML Ilnlmm Irwulnl pml nu Ilulrmrnll mm nrm windy Mlh lhn lulnclpll nl nullnnnl penInn llhfmu And 1qu Ma ovrmmrnl wIII uvo murqu ulnlnunn Immlhd Io min 11 Ill lnln lhc nulnml om Premier Accuses Liberals Of Lies CANADIAN CHARGED IN RIQT EUV 196 MEMBERSHIP NOW PLAV THE REIT OF 1962 MON FREI Ulwh Iv mm Mlln Wu ll link In Mn RICHBROOK Golf Club GOLFERSI hflng ugh out on Hnanclnl could bu numb he uld In an Interview could alto haAcmbnyrglul Gran lndlcaled his chlcl hope will he lha lha communeand lhrouzh It the UNwlll came to urlm wllh Ill Ilnanclnl dllcmml berm Ihe stage rcnchcd Speclflcnlly the qumlan in whether way can be found IVDM handon collision an nnncu It the nm next year In that Hm Ruaslaa debt tn tha UN wlll lolal Hm cqulvalcnl lwo ycnra maumcnuand Ill assembly vole may bu lakcn lwny Much MI Iddml lhll home the new Llurcnllan Unlvrrllly wnl duolrd to In cxplnnalion the government nundlnan lax plm or lulrllnz local nulharnlu with educnllon com and ha uld hu end re Iull mu llveyur program wlll ha pravldo muallly 019d uullnnrl nppnrlunlly or 0nlllaynqn pwplg kn vn Emily Sudhury bradc Irylnl ln dlnlndae leml El If Sophl milllure member II me Mr Scully ud an umu ctnlul run in Imwhtn In llvtd ln Cnprmlnnlml Prlma Mlnlmr Furan hell up than lender ar the Mnomn Itll In Inrlllmcnl Allcr lhu mullnl Mr 110 hnrll law In thIlUm when In will drllrtr noon nddrm Ur dny AM lhrn Hy lo om tnmpnlunlnl In lhnl ml Dur lml Hm dny Wulnndny Ilunmrd through lhu hula Nlrkrl lIrIl rnmlllumry and rmmlml Mlinn on nvhlon he pmvlmJnl nomnmcnll mm mlnlnl cnmmunlllr Han Slanlay 184 Tgronlo and John Dwycr 20 Mannen were convicted yumdny for lnclilnl rInl In connectlon with demunalrullons axnlnsl achool Inlenglon by ha NI uunal Slates Rlxhll Pnrly AF erephoin PHEMIER JOHN ROMRH DUNIIOP BATSIONES mu mvncu IOI BAYFIELD PA 66549 III UI TODAY BEST TIRES BUY THE BUY TORONTOCPlOntlrln Lily ml under John Wlnlermayzr Iald Wednudayje cm the Pro mam Conlemllvc ud mln trallon tnmpaflnl with confident uovemmenl tllel on Iheccomrol IDCIII club by nnmblm He told preu conlerunce Im perllll Invullullon into the provincial eecrellryr wnuld reveal corruption The leernl lender re ecled nelllon by Premar John no him that Provinclll Secretary John anunko lol invert mm Mr Wlnlermeyer tumled Iha pull of flu on club chur lmd by Ihu Iecrellryl omen hm been removed He repealed MI dtmlnd for Comavulva perminlnn Io unllam Llhml wuchdnnl In the Illa mm pend Inu thorough lnvullnllon llm cancerned hut lht HIE may no In cvmplela ho Ihe Ilma he luneled lumnm ualnu lurthar um perlnl xlm In ul ol dupli cm llln hlld by Mtlrapnlltnn Toronla police In the mm thlc ceflain Item Ihould happen lo dluppur lramlhe prnvlnclll lecrclaryll flu CANI HAY NAME admin to hll earlier chm um perlan In the provinclnl lecreurya office Irlend of gamble Mr Wln Innyer nld ha could not reveal tha per lofll name henna he leernl parly dined an assurance uni content of he conlldemlll men would no he dilcloud outslda lhl royll commlnlan Immun llnn lnlu crlml conducted In you by Mr Junk Wlllrcd Roach Thu munnce wu Illnld as condulon or sell new to the fllu or me helm the com mlulon but Mr Wlnurmeyer has challenged Mr Ymmko to waive ha agreement the lnmblerl friendreferred In at the punconfirm Mr cagld Md pnbjlcly Quullnned on wh the av deuce mlnll Mr wu not bran ht out he Roach lnvu Hinton Mr Wlnlermeyer laid hII mr hen WEI concerned Ipe Iluly wllh brlngInlnut am from the lllu chowlnl hnl Klmbllnx Iyndiulel were mt lclginl ocllclul chine IBM lhe Liberal expected revelallon lrnfllckln evl dam would lead to rllorm the provinclnl mum allch THOflOLD Ont CPI ch ml HEIIUI Mlnhler Judy Ll Mmh laid Wedxmdly Ontario Premitr flohlm wen uninvited the Mural provinclll can lennce on penlionl In week making annualrm parlor mnnca out mlnula IP purnnu She nld Iha meellnz In ol lwn um uhnlul dllcuninn nl tha Adml lavemmfllll Cnnudl Penllon Plln Mlu LIMmh umd turpen Walllnd Mayor chnel Perencuk leerll Clfldldlle In Wellmi rldinx ln Iwcep lrom alllca lhls government which unl mnk up mlnd on lhll mm Importn lune 5hr chullenxed the Premler la main dtllnllu mud on when MI government flood In nurd lo the Clnldn PenIon Plnn Th Robm Kovcrnmznll penllnn uhrme Ihn told 00 peram Ipnhtltl dinntr would cum mnnopoly for pr vm Irma urclnl try em ployer with mm 15 lmplnyeu Infillout plhn PC Tdniperingf Scufs jLilocefrjcgll Grandstand Peddrmance By RobartsIrks LaMarsh lllrl lilir Ipeich ll Nlulu Natural GAS You EStill liani Beat pmumnhly including the re muval Mr but Ihln wu 1m Ionhqamln Amwerlnz quullonl about Mr XMhaLlharll ludzr uld he wu not turn whelhlrwhc clvll Iervml we mentioned by name balm the Ranch commit Ilan Ha Inld Mr Robaru might not know whn Mr II but Yaremko would know Ha laid he would am to an lnvexllmlnn nl ho Inn by Mr RahalII personallyand could supply llsl about 100 Illel Ihal wauld clearly ldcnllly Mr mnnd zamblershut Inch an examlnaliun would he phyllcany Imyaulble or Sept 25 date at the provin clnl elecllon ROBARTB COULD CIIECK lermcycr met the pres ollnwlnl prlvle lunch nn with Toronlwarea lecral candldnles He and chcul Trade Mlnlxler Sharp gave the caldidnIg pepalluw The lec eader addrmcd Ml Hm lormal elullau much In In Mclropolllan Taronln dur lnl lhe Allernaon al Illeran Weslon when about 10 luppnrt heard hlm applaud the el Ian rcllrcd pressmorn lure man Bcnnnblnsnu In unseat New Drmncrullc lnrly Chlcl Donald Mnchnald In York Soulll Mr Wintermcycr travelled by commuter rain to Hamilton IcaIhopplnz to shake handl wllh valmand uwn went by bus Io Branllord far In venlnz nlly F1111 Onlu Mln Lahlanh nld unlm Ontnrln an nlnnu wllh flu lederll plnlhfll plln ll mllhl be lcultltd JOHN wmmmtvan JUDY LAMAHBH ABERDEEE 31L JAEThe Flicker dmuplm nullmed and au ed In their howllnl nurlery Iodny while their for lunel Ind chance or mrvlvl cnnllnued Iomounl Mr And Mrs Andrew Fincher Emu the our aim Ind to mod new mm lev Hg Alrecllqpp Wedngld you of money home ny about £50000 comlnl thalr wly or In exclualvc enn mct Ilmud wflh the mm Pubflsplpg 99mm They will aim dny llve In new huuu callan up lo 100 Authorlllu It Lukel Hospital reported the quintup leh Illll Improving nun more nndlhawin Iou of Illa In their plgIleenclnxgd mung Th lop ux man Mortimer Cnplln commluloner In ternal revenue said In pm mean than the am lheyvu bun recelvln Are not laubln It In animated um um Ind mqney recalved by the llmlly mm morn than 0000 Pleylnw mldmt ol the Aberdeen Clmn Cam merce old pm commune Wednelday nlm um lheFll char Imlly hu acczpled the chamber aim to bulld 1h ham Ihllkmlycoll up to me $10000 mar Th Ill Ind size the home hayeAyellgqbeA figlgrmined hnsylul bulletin reparled the quInIuplete were Illll toler nlimz their food well and the food lnlnke bu begn Increased heynnd the unwanted or en Artlfleinl mllk lormula and WA ervheInz recelved every two huun Babies Healthy Quints Paréntsa GétvMany Giits Th boy Jlmu Andrew rc mamed Ihl mos ullve the lnlanlu Sec ry Home lummoned lh Indoneslln Am bu Burhanudln Ml hamd Dluh lo Dulce nnd ln blixlcrlnx Hve minulz Interview brlndcd lhe dnyl fvenll unclvmted behav or Indancnll neared breaking point In Ihelr rellam Wtdnu day mm All day wild rickan lefl lha Brilluh Embauy In Jnkarlnrn Imoldqlnlhpjk on BrIlhh lives and property Throughout lndnnula wlld mob blamed Britain fur lh DundlnLol Ihe nllnl Malay Ian ledmlloq demanded an lmmcdlale and 70 file yvldelprepd Illuku um plaln mtlce on Dlsh that unlm Pmldenl Su karnal government promise lorlhwllh Io protect Erllhh pen man Ind pro rty actively dlplomllic nuom belwtcn the lwo countrIu may well be broken Wllhln 6H ham the mom IM lnlervlcw Home ml or Dllh Again to but Suknmnl rcLang The IrAway hippeninn In cnnscd mm Brlln Gordan Walker bor puny Ipeclalhl on Inmxn 1min and on Homl in ex preu the oppoxlllonl lupporl or my proper proml Icllan And dzmnndl or cnmpmlunn N0 POLICE PROTECTION harden Walker put hII nnur an one pad which hn upe Hilly oulrurd Ihl 10mm cc Then nu no pollu prom on he laid reporle In Icelnl Home ll look If ll Mu rlollnp wu nnl unwel come In llu lndaneliln tavern maul Lord Home Demands End Indonesian Riots LONDON APlEritqln nnd MFICDomldqusGM Forsluggish Economy By DAVID DAVIDSON HAMILTONflcmfie CEIIB dlm economy has mad um or the Inn lo year and now time or govmrmcnlln do some thlng nboul JR NDPPrnvlncla Lender Dannld MncDunald said he edgelqw 1115th Weve Md mum virtu Illy mu econumy Ln Ihlu calm ry or Ihe In In years he lald In Iecdan rally or the live Hlmfllnn urea provlnclal xld nu Business has been glven the apponunily tn jack up the economy but now Its time for uvernmenl to start skin tle Man of Ila ownJ Mr ManDnnMd was cnlhusl mic11y received by ahaut 280 Ezoplathe largest number 01 ll campaignat the evening The NDP leader who spent the day hm on grassrooll tour Iluaugh Hamillnn Wm wnrlh Hamilton Centre Hamil Ion Em Wenlwanh East and Wenlwanh rldlngs aald nu enough was being done to allmu In economic expansion In On II of lhe wealllly world HAVE TO MOVE Ha nld that In Western Eur ope Huyre doing things with zavarnmenl plannlng and In vestment that hnv helvcd put Wesgern Emqu In he largqunl We In Onlana Almply cannal afford In In alert movan in the dlrecllon mnlar public Ill veslngll Mr Maqnqnald Ia He described pleinlhesky In one at the must meaning lasa cliches in pollllc and ash that aellstyledpollllcnl pun di like In gm the Impm Brillsh oiiicials allrlhulcd lhe runaway nulhursi of arson and wrecking in Indonesian iruslm llan over Suknmol failure In prevent he birth of lhe Malay sian laderalion This new Cam manwzaith stale which the Brit hh insimd links Malaya Slnx spore air and North Borneo which neighbor lndane Iian territory London diplomats alsn lus pect Sukanm ambitions to as sum the vacam leadership of Wealthy nations bi IN VANCOUVER 101 DUNLOP IT World Wldo Tuvul hrvlu 07 Dunlop ll lm lmlo Oppvullc Ouum Nolol hm In BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE JOHNSON UNITED For Inlnrmulon and Nmmllem For Your Immllom EIII Now nlan hm 15 mm mystery ahnul paying Jar government pryramlz era lame dlmculry he raldl to arrive exqclllgurer on the can rpeclllc pra gram but n0 party has been mwruyrpecmc lhev election campaign than me New Demo crnlr rpelllnn out what ll wlll cos put lheir proposal ln ellecl Mn MacDonald an exam ple sald NDP had glyenfiph clflc figures about Ila proposed medical care prngram and chal lenged the other parties to du lhe lame Eli at press commune ear llcrln Ihe day Mr MacDonald admiltcd hq did nntvknow why would can to provide parilni coverage far drugs in he prov lqne under proposed xtnpgap laid Tuesday night that ail pensinnerl lhouid be Pm vidcd with full prescription drill covernze wilhnnt lunher delay and that an NDP gnvemment would extcnd the pment in hoa ital drug coverage aiter patent leave he hospital or ion as the doctor inls that It necessary HELP THOSE IN NEED Persons who hav 7a chronic need or drugs would also be In cludedlllhg Ingerlm The NDP leader nld Wednes day nlghl that it lake money In make money appllc equally lo the economy whole as It does In an Individual busi ESS OnIarlo la never gvlng to really move unless has money In gel xtamd on pmjccls Pm acl like schools hospltalx the nunaligned stale nnw Ihal Prime Mlnhler Nehru India has edged westwards in the wake of Communlsl Chinese as mulls Gordan Walker exyresscd whnl uvcrnl Icniar lorelgn ol fice men were suggcxtlnx pri vnlcly ii is stupid of he Indium Inns They need capliai and may behave like ihia lhey will nalurally inhibii the law oi pri vale capital Stay at the Hotel Vancouver PHONE PA 66525 FOR RESERVATIONS realion ccnim municipal dz veinpmcni universities slum clearances Mghwnys and re wurcc development new protects Wm started booming economy xuch as we havent had In Ontario or Canada for many yearn would result government with some plans and llllle drive can lit eraHv change the Inc at Ihe economy PA 6651 Ilnln Iml Repaln made In Ill mm can and Niki WHITE ROSE 0pm am to 10 pm DIHY Term Can Bl Arrmgnd On All Repalr Ormistons 159 Blylltld Slut um PA M4 wfifi 32 1Q

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