Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Sep 1963, p. 6

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Ben Kenny Erlndnle was lha snlom Thu nrgnnm wu George Jamieson n1 Barrie The bridal attendants were rMu Damn Bernhardt Ux brldze malronfi honor Mn Colleen Walla annnlo comln bride and Mn Gayle Bluldry Barrie niece of tho bridllronm Flower gm were Ml Alanna nouldry Bump onand Min Brendl newness Barrie niece at the bride room vrnvl Mfrd nvIn uulhl Inldel III lrnllh veil of uh lull lllmlnn an ma Imuquel ol while mm llov IL Gnrdlmr Skelly oll mm ll 4hr almnwn waldlnl Mlu Mary Deni nnd John Hlch ll Colllrr Elm Un llul Church sundnrdl ul lad loll and munu lurle nu up InglnrAlbg tympani i119 lvrldu ha dnuxhlrr Mr and Mn Dunn ol Collyinilm Sinck Olvm In mnrrlnl I71 her lllhn he luhll duuo uflf Irnulh own 01 Alli lsllle AM Vwrdnn hm lolnu lace In my white 1119 Ilch III Mhlnnml will nmuhled udnr Mullen Imam Iwkllnu unlvnnml 17 AW mi Von linn th Inlnlo and pmlmll nklvl mulled Illh Inn mom lurk Ilmnml 911 In Mm Hutu chapel Ou oclly gum nl lho wrd dlnl wcro mm llnmlllnn llrnmplon llnnlc Kaknmo In dlnnn GI lilindllo Olkvlllo Ounwn mm Lonulnc Gonnloy Monlru lon Cm Il And Im lelnm The Illcndnnu were owned Alike 1n Ilrezllenzlh dresses ya nqun orxnndy 1m wllh malchln plllhax hm They carmd uqutll bl plnk munu The 10sz xirll rock were uhlvnnd whlko me with Aqua mhts Their headdress wera mulching lower and he cnrrlcd bou ueu plnk whill mcbul and CIml om Allan Bnuld nrnmplou Mother of thebrl groom wu he lraomsmnn The when were Ken llnuldry Ilnrrle bro her 01 um brlduroom and David Moore Agtntourl brother of H11 bride Thu rm on was hold at the noun ml Golf and Country Club Pltkcrlnl The mother the mid rccclvcd hrr null owned In blue Ahcnth Ice and Allk Ahlnlunz with mulch ln blue nctflmriu camp or yan baby mm and cam Main gnbgnccd he cashlmh Thu brldcxmm molhvr than Ink and while Incl mm pink hnl lnycrtd Ml Ind com pnk baby run And uranam Thu brldo donned Hum ylccn knllln nm plnk and while or Irnvcllinl and cam ploled hrr mmnhlnwflh uhlln Ind nrghlld carml The bride II he lormer Gnyla Ellen Moan dauzhler ol Mr And Mn Stephen Moore of Intent The brldegrooma nrenu are Mr and Mn enry Bauldry of Bnrrle The hrlde was carted dawn the whlle urpeled alsla on lhe um 01 her lather For her IYECIBI day she than ma llonnl mm of pm whlle Illk ldlau leulurlnl Ioltl mow ed neckline appliqued wlth encon lace and boullnnl xkln whlch lcll to chapel lrnlnl ll plllhox held her waistlength vell Sha narrlcd bouquet of plnk me and cnxjnnllons Followlng wedding Mp lo Manitoulin Island and North ernUnlted States Mr and Mrs Murray Kelvin Bauldry are malilng their hams In Scarbor ouz St Juhnl United Church Scarborough was the swing or ihe evenlnx ceremony with Ravi Julian aiiicialinl Standard oi pink and while ladlaii armed My background or the daubierlng rites Raich Deagle Bauldty Moore Iku numdnnuhn um Summer Weddings MR AND MRS MURRAY KELVIN BAULDRY Her only lzwtllery Wu old an all at hrldezroom Cnmlnz lhrouzll llm lnk nnd whllo lhtmo In Inn lhl mnld of honor Mlu Sylvia Mo hey III th brlda war floorltnxlh drru ldcnlltnl In pnlltm lo lhnl cl ha lrrldol And Miami plnk lnlllv 1T Imr ulrl Mlu JwAnn Park an Illlcr ol the bridegroom wm lflwlltd in IlmlInnm xlrru luhlanrd wllll Iwnvl hem nedxll nd lollly mm Iklrl dml wu ml Id no nmu manrill In mild ol honorl uwm wllh plnk nylon chlllm nvmklrl nu nwlymla wlll mnh llwlr home In Vklmll nmln Tm Ihe wuidinl Indudrd ll ml Mu ICIIorI Nthr nnnll at hlldo mm In Chqu Yuk and Amy anv und and Am anv und mulhm Ihu Wmmn ml Mlu Mnumn Hmlnxlm on lhu mlulnl mu ul llonl VIE lam Ilalulu when luldc wmkld on mum Hoar medlul wrlor In her mmllu Mr and Mn Lulllmnvmd ol Tammi mo uuu ll Th brlde wu man In mur rlngo by her mm She thou lloorlennh own embmr ed pcau do no lmhlonad nn Emplra llncs wllh Iwnclhurl neckllm and lured Ikill wllh loll pleats nl ccnlra chlnnl ol bank and chapel lrnln ll furl llnm htld ll brldul Ingerllp veil nl lull Illmlon Sh currch boqu al plnk mu Thlr huddmm wm Mir lanai Illko plnk nul Ind rot 1117 urrkd plnk and whllc cu onlll bouqucll Illnlbum nur han rm lumlhrr flu bride 1mm unlcd rmhlm ol HI mm mnicrlal ma hrldu lrlmmnl with plnk Dnllml Kllkmlrlck 01 VI Iom nu um mommun uhm Wm lllchlnl Abholl of Klllmal Ind Ilrlnn lnlur limit Outfitck guest the wed dinn were from Hamilton film we Woodstock Chnlham Wlnd nor Sudhurynlind Rlvnr Db roll Trenlnn and Rockwoad Mlchllnn Madison and Mllwnu xenwhcomlq Banquet while and pink zladloll decorated the nllnr of SL Johnl Anglican Church Vlclarln DrllLrh Columhln far he weddlnl of Mlss Gloria Mnbey and Jon Sllrllnx Parker Barrie Rev CollnA Camp bell clllclalcd ha evcnlnl ceremony mlslcd by new llo but Warren The bride L1 lha daughter of Mr and Mn Walter Mabcy Vltlorll Thu brldngrooml par nu In Mr and Mn Elton Puke of Kcmpcnlcll Drive Barrie For lravrlllnl Ilu Ink than wool bouclu null In nulmrl dude The xroonumln wn Pam Ralch hrolher lha brida gmm Madison wllconsln The usher wm John Lamunl Barrie and Dan Lawy cousin of the bride The brldel mqlher chm an Illernoon dress of aqua blue wllh belge acmxorles Thu brldzzrooma mother Mn Cnrl finish at Mllwaukee wixcnnsln was owned In Itreel Xenth belle dreu wlth matching ac cessories For lravdllnx ha hrlda don ned lwmpleca drm chun pugne Ilncn complememed by agate qlplnkcgrnallgps Mnand Mn Ralch will make lhglrjgmlg In Amelnlnyn Ann Deuglz alxter of the bride mald of honor Mn Oswald Fischer Banlo and Mlu Mary Ellen Barbour of Gflmsby blldumllds The attendants were owned allke ln street length drum of fiesta pink Illk 0mm over meta dellxned wllh llmd bodlcu and bell uhapcd klm They carried museum or white clrnutlonl Sweethean mm Parker Mobey Mln Smnn OBlechl daughter or Mljar Fnd Mn Erecm Emmy Buy Rand hm relurntdln lhu Unlvmlty Windsor when aha wlll com Hnuo her Iludlcl mm year Iludcnl in Honor Plychnl WY Mlu Oflrechl II lrldu no of St Jouphl lush School minim Sunday mom ll St Gear Anullcnn Church or Mmhn Lamina daulhmnrl Mr and Mn Jo Mnlm Saul Stu Mnrle Rav Waller Dyer ol llcllled Oodpmnu Min Jay Chrmnn Mln Audrey Hallynrd and my Ilayllt Mkrwnrdo the inmnll Mr and Mn Walltr MylLu cnlmllntd II build luncheon It lhclr horn on 1mm and ATTEND TORONTO WEDDING Amoni lho Barrle guest whn nllenrled the weddlng cl Mlu Marlon McDotmld and Bob Cul opy at St Monlcnl Church Ton unto on Snlurdny were Mr and Mn Jnlyu Manal lr Mr and Mn McVelKh Mn Gram McDonald Mr and Mn Eugene Smllh The hrldo ll the daughter nl the late Mr and Mn George McDonald ol Dur xle The Barrle gums also al landed tha recepllon whlch Wfll held at lhe Suway anm Tor onlo Clmu In round dnnclni will be conducted AU Allandulo Orange llall cammcnclnu hr mm at 330 oclock Direct lng the acllvilln wlll be Mr and Mn lam my Cumul wood cnfler lho Iknux um Bullu Square Dmu Club Barrie Dulloldly gunnu lllflldllll Hm llawlryAMncmnnid wnddlnl held ll Trlnlly An Hun Church 5cm ngludtdn Mu New Dlvld llowky Mn Mmfin Mr and Mn lclrr lurker Mr Ind Mn lmhr DL and Mn OCmnnr XL MrClnry Trail Mr in Mn filulo Mr in Mchhn Mr ml Mn Ellyhllrlnllfll Mrl 3nd Mu Iclru Mr Ind Mu Faullm Mr And Mu adultlam Mm Fun low mnn John Inlm III and Mn llomlh Dr and Mn Noynnhh Mr And Mr fluhr urnad Mn RETURNI 10 UNIVERSITY WEDDING flUEflTfl Mu wandy chkx ymlden the Barrie Branch of th CSCF lay Mrs When will hm la pickup both Indoor and outdoor plum mm Inyana In the urn who wlahe to donate lhgm to thl Worthx mug mics cmsm DAMISMAL SERVICE Shanty Ely rexldent Mrs Wilson will hold plum 1319 at her home on Saturday from mm to pm in ald the Canadlln Slve the Chi dren Fund other good periods along thus lines Februnry or unan clnl munI Much for lab allaln and midMl on bub ovum Socm Interest mould prov highly atlmulaunz or the bal ance of this month Ilmln Do cemher January and mid1964 Best periods or romance Do umber In albuound and mnnth or All Vlrgoanl May June and July next yur should also be In With the ponlble excepllon n1 hrlel polled In midNovember and In Muchwhen the Vero lnl tendency toward hypercrlt lclom could causa lrlcllmdo mullc In lhould nm smoothly So be Ilm Io lhlx ha The molnlenance ol hur mony will be lonely up In you Aiyana win hu pllnu do mic or this sale may contact Mn Wilson PA M709 Il lomorrnw II your birthday your homxcopa lndlcam lhal whlle proms may mm Ilow It the moment our chimes for achlavamenl uni bath ca reer and llnanclnl llnu will come Icon In fact Fromm launched nowll cur ully pm planned Ind canled out should Erin llnu rewmu ln Decem er One admonition Be conservi llvg llnl up lnteyvergnu gnomhs good new In the AM FQR THE BIRTHDAY Another good dnyl Empha Ilza tumwnrk now due your best mum In job miller will by brought about through co npuntlon with olhen Maxml relauanshlpx mould Aha flourish under prgsem lnfluencex Eon TOMORROW Proceeds From Plant Sale To Aid CSCF THEWSTARS SAY lxh Mrlnlmh Mr Ind Mm K5919 Jnllu BARRISIPLAIA VENUS COIFFURE By mam SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AB non mm 10 mmon MDDERN ml ALL REGULAR PERM 20 OFF SEPTEMBER 10 ocrom Tu agm PERM SPECIAL com and Wiener ronsl wnl held an ha yraperty Mn and Mn Glen Brown on Saturday evenlnl lor mzmhm the len Mm and tho om cm Mn Il Sqmdmn of Gray and 51mm Forum and their mm linnang Hound the camp to mundtd out in tvcnlng nmmlr ml at Swab hurt mm and uh pompom united hn In mm In mumu lu given by MM June 15an MacDonald cl mm Slml In honor at her lelMcr Mlu Judllh Jln Mac Donald thflnl nl the In lnblo were llu Dchmy Hum Ind Dark rr Toronto lhn hddol od momrr TNI ullllanll lnrudy rd Mlu Diana MIcDonnld Mln Marlrnq Wnrd and Mrl Mnry Enll Mlu Judy Delmy lcndui It no door Chrlaue WIlllam GrHHn Mrs Grlflln all Toronto Dr and Mrs wanm Gedz Dr and Mn Chlrllon ol West Hill Dr and Mrs Hallan Saul Slr MArle Mr and Mn Hrkn MacDonaldnnd ron Inn Don Mills Mr and Mn Fred Nancy at Waterloo Mr and Mn Robert Tani Mr undMrl Kennedy of Kllchener Mr Ind Mrs Reyonlda Ml Roberta Rey nuldr and Mlu Jlnlleynnlds all Llnduy Mr and Mrs Pratt and Mm Marlon Im Wbslan Mr and Mn Helkklln Ottawa Mr and Mrs William Mcurien of Dunnvllle Mr Ind Mn Pclcr Ollver and douihlcrl Henlhnr Ind Kmn Mldhum Mr and Mn Shcrxold ul Brnmp Ion ll Hlnd Ind Mr and Mn Mumy Wcslnn Mr and Mn Georzo Ilurllcy Brampton Mr and Mn Wllrl of llnmlllon Mr and Mn Robcm of Orillln Mr and Mn John Chulo London cmm nour 11190me In Gordon Kuhmuk CMuum Illlmlx Ind Mr And Mn loom Irwln Ind dnugh lnul 01 Don Mllll vlnllrd Iul wukmd wllh Mn and Mu llnmld Cooper llnn Elml IMHHTAINMHNTI le lo Yur mknnl Dr John hndkr lluwlvy Mlu Jm Murlkmlld Huh mun wu mclnl 1qu uvrrnl cn ML Ind Mu IL Vllll IN CITY Mn Lesterhal beén lingan In Sydney Auxtrnlla In night club under her my nnmu Rene mm Mn Cameron aha Ilngs but In rmore modest when the MIdIIursI United Church chair When Mn Ruby Lester and Mn Elsie Cameron ell Dun dee Scotland they didnt think they would him to travel hull way Imund the globe to meet nzniu Thin Iummer the line were reunited with their puma Mr and Mrs Flynn of £an in Dundee Mu Clmeron cum in Camdn war bride 17 years ago and ha resided in Midhnnl Iince them She in three chil dren Sand Mn Jerry Dun iap Leslie laund Heather TraVel Halfway Round Glgbe ForReunion In Native Scotland This pullover feature an lustre This one Is IllnccnIDr II In Venezlanll all unusual new mesh knitalga ed Made Orlon acrylic don 1C Whcpholo yet nipple and with 00 PA um 50mph JD PLACES Prior In her rnrrlaxe In Jon lnrkcr Miss Gloria Mobcy was lmnnredal this home nl Mu Chulancr Guerir included stall members iaurih ilaor medical oi llVll Barrie oi which lille Mnbcy war ma member prior in leavlnl lho cliy The uucs oi hnnur wnl prcsonicd with burlbau Mind bowl and individual Iervm Min Maur etn llerrinxion was honored at lho Inmo event and war preuni ed wim brunch nnd earring Jci Guam included Min Plckerlllll Mn Vovrrcr Mrs Ford Mn IL Juhnlioll lilrrl Kemp Mn Mun rison llirl William Waodwanl Mn ll Jones William Taylor lilrl Franc Gulmund Email llnmner Mn William Jolnl lnrewell puny wnl hold at Shawan House nr Mlu Mnlmy Mlu Herrinan and Min Cnml Bury MI Jtnnne Fell mu ulna honmd an hcr hlrlhdny Guull Included Mln Cnrol Ann Hell Therm nouelrl Margaret Mackry Mar llyn Mnnmly Ellrulla Nnvnm Vernnlcn Lnxnm Mn lllll Mlu nulhAnn Dcvmll hécchitr Peter Oliver of Mldhum enter talned an dlnner nnd prpsen tnllan party Presentaqu were ulso made by the Xray depart ment at the Royal Vldortrnos pita and by the Toronto General Hospital Lay departmenLFol lowing the wedding rehennnt Dr and Mn Jr Delaney en Icrtnlnnd It thelr Blaku Street residence or the bridal party ENTERTAINMENTS One bi most memorable occasion at her hollday was vial In the family homestead which was In the Flynn amlly arme years lchnugh Mun Cameron enjoys he new 1119 In Canada she said was wonderful ape at home with her own pmplu Izaln She eupeclally enjoyed lhe flmlly re unlon and the party whlch was he ma home of her uncle and HIM Mr and Mn Charles Flynn My reIaLIvea came from miles urqunld saldthe mung During her slay In Dundee Mrs Cameron was asked to sing halo the Elim Church which lhe bdanxed before cuman to Canada Mn Lester travellad to London England aflzr her holiday home where she LI doing night club work and later plevlulnn seriex NOVELTY KNIT Mn Rebellion luagcsted In cream cowarnllon with the the church acceptancM of younscr women lender WINNIPEQ CPD The Womans Auxfllary ha Ang lican Church Canada hnl lulled meet the need of Ca nndlap women In laclnyal world the pmldent of the organization said Monday She said nullonnl member ship goal 75 set mare than year ago not been rcnrhcd and blamed he lack olleadcrzhl luck vllntmsl In Ihe anu the church nmnnz younger women and our allure to make the WA wot relevant to lhe wnrld Iodny Mrs Jah Roberton 111 Kitch cner speak lo llrs les xlon the groups annual meet lng here lald We have failed Io keep up wllh the llves Car nndlan women LIBERAL SON OPPOSED BY MOM Lack Leadership Cause Of Failure Says President Dan Murray leeml cun dldal In Nnrth Pence LILLODET EC CWCol oriul Margaret Ma Murray outspoken puhiirher and lung ilme Liberal nyrnhe will umpaign for Progressive Comervalive Leader Davie Fuiiun in British Columbias elecllnn campaign If nnly one Conservative elected In 812 want to be him sh Iald Max Smith Mr Fultons Liberal opponent InKam loop rldlng commented don lhlnk It will aim my campaign Shel pupu hu gal Anyway her son L1 running 911 our ticket lm AliMI lhonl IA um on mm an muncurs smd inn III SOFT WATER II vwlllmull all EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENTS 550 collec We JusHeamed that Ibo xérlou about munyin man wha clerk In department aimen Theyve been keeping steady company for we math but we never dreamed It would blnmm into nnylhlng like manInga To my we IN lhncked pultlnz It mildly man is very ordinary in look and his personality in mm inxlo wriio homa about Ii my sisterininw marries him it will certainly darnlge her Ioclally and sha will ha dropped by some oihu better iriendn doni think the reel how his marriage will Chang her liie totally Please print this teller Sh needs your advice budlyLAKE FOREST Deu Ann My bus bandl aides sister was wid owed seven years an Her chil dren are town and she has beautiful home niceincame and complete me She has been the head of numerous im partant charity driven in the community and is considered so cialin prominent Maybe far you GWIY hn would bathe and nlme and gel dressednp once In whileFnr me he ll In and enough to laaklka bum And you would never be lnnesqme with Ed aroundbecausg all he does lalk talk alkylalk talk But dont try to any anything be cauxu hlao lnlom are the only qnes worth Islenlnn lo Den Mrs Sorry but when checked with the postal nulhumles recently lcamed It Is against the law to tend dead dog In the mail The same rules apply to fifth rate hub bands Well Gypsy you can have my lummox you will ply forlhe dlvorce He Is exaclly whm you are looking for Ed kin Ma mlddla 50 nicevlooklng enjoys and lime and would justlnve to relaxand lel somebody sup nortrhlm let me know ysuwanl him mime jerk C0 CHANGE FOR LIFE Den Ann Lindan Please print this lemma lhu wamnn who 115w hem Gym She hthe rich widow who tryingm buy ahllhlfld she lay lhl miserable and lonely and her money 13 noLbrlnglng hcr happiness She wmul hul band and luwllllng cal pay In one HARM TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 11 19611 mu le21 She didnt 51 for ANN LANDERS Fifihfiate Male Ddésnft Rate DeliQery TAN5MAN QUALITY STYLE STRANSMAN WHEN IT COMES TO COATSCOME T0 54 DUNLOP 57 FUR FABRICS Denr Mln The prettlest girl has no luck on papularlty and nellhzr does the hrnlnlext Your Mend has learned how to make boy comfortable They enjoy themselves when they am with her She both Interestlng and lntmted Llsten to her and watch her when she 15 wlth boy Youll lenrn somethlngl My girl lrlgnd has allows run nan alter her all Illa llme canlllxure out how Ihe doel lf She lsnl heaulllulln Incl shes far from but all has wnywllh lallm that really cllclu She gnu three or lour phone call every night Boy Isl her In help them wllh school Mark allhnuih she almosl flanked math And sclence may lock around her Iller class and dale her up or school parllel mphlhl ln advance Why doe sue succeed with wgnt leems like no wort And wy do all when try hIrdT MISS BLAH Deqr Am Linden Im 10 yearuld no great beauty but Im not what youd call ugly ellher lve got nlca figure look well In my clolhes and Im neui Id xlve Inylhlng If cauld bgpnpular bgys but Sum never will be because my how You are right when you In um mmlnga mlghlchang her No It could dung It or the better So why dont you in may with chlrity drlva your sell Toots dont think you have enqnzh to do my Idvlce my r11 be uklqrgnur alum ropmmnr PRICE

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