double rlnx ceremony tank plan In Hnly Trlnlt Church Plrry Sound when Jun Pele Joined In Holy Mnlrl mony Mary Lyn Huycke youn fer dnuxhler cl Mr and Mn my Hnycka Parry Sound la Kunneth Wall Ion Mr nnd Mu Gum Wall Nobel Onlnrla The bllde given In marriage by her lnlhrr dunno lull nklmd own of nylon Inca uver mm or tlrculnr vtll ell tram corona pcnrll and tho curled tnlcfldo bouquel red mu Th brldelroom wn nltan ad Mumy lnrulw mm Urhm wm Dmnll Wall brother II II brldrgroom Ind llrlnn lluyrh brother bring Wild honor wuu Ml Mnr Inn Iarbcl al Omlllu who wnl drum In lroplcnl xnld brand ed pun dl Asia will nvmkln Ind mnlchln thou Sho carrltd noully yellow and whllo umnllonl To make lure you are iree to pin on the health score have in check over by good medicnl men Weight gaining in grim Ilrunle ii you are anemic The doctor can help you Correcting the nnemlo can make Ill tho diilerenco in lhe way you inco each dly Why not have my inture lnwxrude infection prevents needed xnln Talk with the docmr about your health hahlil and your load habits Some minor change could put you on tha right come How is your oppeiiiei So many oi you thin giril do not have really demanding ep retiie Not helnz interested in nod you iorzei to not and may not mix lood until suddmly you lrci depleted and anyone Then ll you try in col ynu will illl up quickly lake thh qunllly nulrlllon plu extra Alarm or unlnlnz you Acrluully underweight urldumuldl were MI Cathar lnI VH mm lb mm room And Mn mm mm III Ike bride of Val DOr Qutboc Hwy wnro mundcrln blul branded pcnu d0 Iole wllh ovmkm And mnlchln alum Ind mrer noufnyl plnk Ind whlu cunnl ml The lcndnnll wan mnlchlnl hut Ind lam ol hllfl IDA JEAN RAIN Thin 11m ii nothing yoii eni mikes whit oi diiiennce in your weight try io ilnd he cause back 01 your persistent iennnua mu mash mum 11 mi The perfect addltlon la the buck to lchoal wardmbu In Ms Hills out lefl The dress canon woven 1n mlnlllura houndslooth check Mack and white It boast KEEP IN THE TRIM omn muIc nu playrd In FOR AFTERNOON RITES Jdah érrlck £MM SEW PERMANENTS $599 Weight Gaining Grim Struggle Without Medical CheckUp Bride Chooses Gown Of Lace mm MI OPEN IVIKINM All TI IUDOII IMAM PHONI PA um SCHOOL WARDROBE NEWS wnh Illa bnsln our lead group la my plan whole aomo meals Build your meal around these pmkcllva loodl Mllk lroup or more cups lnA cludlnx cheuu and Ice mam men group or more Icrvlnxa lncludlnx poultry lab and 91m vegetable and lrull group or more aervlnzr lncludlna one cllrur ml and one dork green or deep yellow vcgclnble brand and cereal group or mora Icrvlnga The lood lood vuluca aupplled ln hm loads work to Kathar In what la known nu lrltlon leumworkl In ha ubnva hnxlc pnllurn use Inlnd oll nnd margarine or bultcr Add moro culorlca In your lavorllo loads Jamel Shandy Whllby uncle the bride Mn Slum Km Innz Tho Twcnlyvlhird Pulm and Illo 0h Pcmcl Lovefl dull Ihn Ilunlnl ll mk er The brlden mum worn navy bluu wllh navy and Willis nc ctmflu and mum red mu Thu brldcumaml mo lhu wan coconhmwn wllh hmwn nnd mulld gold Mm mrlu and mm uan cnmntlnm Mllllfl urnmouch In the rcupllnu 1n lha LODA llnil Mn IL thvtr cl Trenton Onlnrla Oulonawn mu emumm Trtnlnm whllby anonln Unr rle Colllnzwnad Mlnulnu Sud bury um Elllul Luke Unlnrlo Ind Mnlmlc and Val DOt Qurbtc For lrnvelllnn Hm bride chm whilu wool dmI with much and whlll ward ml and paw drr him And black Accworln Tm you ample Idl fur Tor cum and Nnnhun Qurhrc or Mr Mum lhoy wlll mldo In Imy Sound whm Hwy both cmplnym lho 0mm llunpllnl Nulrltlonju been delined the mucus of mlmllnllnl 100d Certain nulrlenu aid 1n the almllallan load Get on friendly term with the word nutrients and maku sure to at your share of lull calorie by having daily the food whlch zunramm an abundance 1m xlvlnz prnleln mineral and vitamins you are eating too mu chad and probably call lhewmnl kind God Harp yum mmENra yermanently pleated Illlfl Ind little whlte collar and cum With the rock la wlde wale courdumy Jacket In pop py red with bus buttons and patch pocket uqmm mm mm Jump mm Mum Ropllr Remodel ST PAULS Ruflnllh Divereo munslam Arman rendered nurserirom very community in Ontr10 whiz will havo er reachinl eiiecin on the profession was the whim oi weekend conference convened In Tannin by the Registered Amrinlion Ontario Attendlnl theconrerenca wen we registered nurses represent lnx ol the Chapter RNAO They cnma 1mm 50 On nrlo elm Ind towns Tha Indy conkrence under the chairmanship Mk Kathleen Ruene Toma con IllETHERBY Lloyd Registeréd rum of ontaï¬o Atteï¬d VCOnferénce At Toronto America strong ï¬nancial position ta met requirements at educa tion helllh warm highway wlth reduced taxes In 196162 notable ummmnts under Mum JmeIAlhm Pomble Pchmï¬m in Nonh Syur drivel Hum vully improvcd claims fund quarterly tmck licenses action to cnsm greater highway My impor tan ucps by your Transport Dc partmcntMinistchrwinHukelt Luv euhrcemnl Ind Inlllce Ilrong Provincial Police adminis tration cmcicnt law enforcement belle working conditions for Ike OPP decisive plan by Attorney Gcncral Fred Cass Medlcll cm for everyonenot Ialk ucllcn Lowcost covcmgo Ivallnblo to coverage paid for thanlhalwnnolprovidnforlhem ulvcs his plan ably dv veloped by Heallh Ministu Dr Mltlhew Dymond wamllonforyomhlldrcn vigoroun cipamlon of Canndsl educgllonnl Iyllcm include 370 million AM to unlvmllles 5mm hclp for all uhooll undcf youthful Mlnlmr Wlllllm DlVll Promisle Iubllc Welqu Scr vkclAuimm Allowance for widow unmnnizd wamzn morn Ild or eluded chlldnn great wnlribullan In human belle menmhmugh Louis Cecilc thfm Mlnisltr Action on nglmflnruImpomnt Icllon liken by Mlnhm Willlnm 5mm Incluch lolnl lo Junior Fnrmm rchnhililauon and de vclnpmcnlnnlndocniurchwllhy mul economy lncmml employment300000 ncw job by l967Ihaï¬ lhu ulm ofcncrgcllaMlnlmrofllconomkl Ind Dnvalopmenl Robot Mucuulny Plum lncluda Trude Crundc And $500 million nuclm hydro prawn Mlnlmm Wm wpwmu Onlulda woxllnl peoplemum your Government Imcnlman Id vnnud In world PHI beqcflll hudvlmhï¬rï¬bour Mlnï¬lcrl Lulh Rumlm SIMCOE EAST Our objective wu lo deter mine tho and amount aulmnm eslred by BNAO distrlcu and chnblerl ln imple menflnz ntudy of nursing This study arose from molutlan passed the RNA annual meeting held In May 01 um your IBM Ml Geraldine Mm vane 01 the RNAO rovIncIa plannlnl mmmlltee un lka thou usuallyphnned by the associa tion hnd no euablnhed pro pmmm no ofï¬cial weaken Indno ï¬xed armal STUDY OF NURSING REASONS WHY Cleflind 11qu pmvlnelal lcu who wan In champ lb ngemenu Said Min Mcfleiiand in nu rminlion wu recommended um in its phase oi the pro eot be in the form oi prov ncawide study to determine nnlwen In such quexiions at What is nurolngl Do present pattern oi nursing me Me Med 01 patients and nurse Who does minim Whai do they do How are they prepared In dn it Where must nursing in 1mm here Speaking the conlerence Mm Laun Barr ENAO Exee ullve Secretaryaald Provision 01 health mvlces ls becoming more and more compiex and ex penalva Community mum OF THE MANYI 19 IV In Mun noonIn moum mummy Vlzonm kldmhlpIn Individullixl with dcmon mum dclcrmlnnlion Ind ability to turn him lnlo ullon John Kabul lead an encrgclla nnd rclinblu govzmmcnlonc of unpanllclcd Mhlcvcmcnl for he pcoplc and Provlncc of Onllllo Vote ProgressiVe Conservative in Ontario Good Goverhment deserves YOUR Support ch ï¬ndbltaï¬ mm élher group dellnlnz our role as nuw lluouxh um province wlde Aludy we eel that Ontarlul more than 40000 registered nurs es 31000 whlch are RNAO members wlll examlne their It lltudes toward themselves and toward nuralnl and In so dolnl wlll more accurately Idenuly problem in nunlnl MAY Nunez Lhemleivu an dim utiliied with their public image Ind yet many hnvs iniied innc cap themselves as independent worker wiih assets and menu lhs the profession in in in terpret iueii to tile communin here must be sum unity or thouth and conviction amen wr membcrn EVANSART SIMCOE CENTRE FEATURE MAYE Man Called May wlll ha In hourlong NBCTV allure promm 02 on Wlllle Maya cenlrcHelder with the Sun Fan ciscn Giants Dnrlng the main inomhs Ill our Districts and Chaplet across Ontario wlll be concen mllng lhclr energies In deter mining answm the conclusion to be presented he 19 an nun meeting of ha Amlmlon next wring Mlu Barr non eluded District and cha or residents Ind delegates 1m ude sexism ed nurse representnuvss from name Mrs Jessie Coup and Mn Doris Travis $100 MIDI 20yur Ind qunlsl uon promconducted by bud and Forests Minister Roberts will provlde or Onmlol future park mention hunting 111an Ind Med necds Onllrla Mzhmyl CanWI ï¬lm ncw $100 million highway pro gram Metro Toronto get $10 mlllion for subway constructin progren through mumhula Minister Charch Machughmn 47 of net memo this year com pmd to 197 in 194143 Action by Munchle Mm Mlnllter Spooner lmpmwurvlocs hold down local Luci Explmllm Inddmlopmmyouf Oovcmmznl tncounztd new llvlly In mlnlnl mu Ncw mlnel hm commenced production Iml mlny being developed under luld Inc or Mlnhler of Mina 0mm erdmpn Algorpnllflo dueljawhopping Incmm 1mm menufor Onmlo can be lurlbuted to better minds of mommodauon fl cilhiel Ind union promoted by your Travel Ind Publicity Deput mentMlnlstcr June Auid 8mm volts for null Onlrlo flclllllel cnmpmble lo Metro cqull upponunlly In dncallon Ind welfm unlccu lho mull of vigomm nom by Mlnillcr wilhoul Poxtfollo John Slmontn Public min commitlet the ling for minimum wngo mndml in conumclion induury by in eluding Ville cinule Dcclsivo Minister My Council Iupcrviul Provincini building conlrlcu Eqmllly of opportmdlyndvnnco mm of thin Ideal for Ontnrlnm lhc conczm of conulrnuou Pro vincial Sccnlnry Ind Minlslcr of Cilllemhlp John Ymmko Ind MI departman Enllzhuned qltltndc on Reform Inslllullonsncw pmgrlm cflccll parole and rchnblllmian orof fcndcn ncw drug addiction clinic and olhcr corrective mmum Minister of Reform Inslllullons Allan Grouman LONDON MP An lrls benuly queen daughter Dublln plumber will marry lhe sun of novelln Daphne du Maur ler the lnmlllel announced Sh II Ollve Whllc 18 who Ml Ireland compend In the Long Beach 01 MI Imumnuonll comm recently Ha Christian Brownlng Inn LLuen Sll Frederlck Brownlnl lormerl treasurer lar Princa Fhlllp HOLDS POTABII More thin hall Em Dub many poluh lulu Ire mind In the northern region the Erhm dlulrlct Beputy Queen ngéï¬ngï¬Ã©ï¬kan MN