Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Sep 1963, p. 3

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tsbed by Canadian Newspapers Limited Walls Publislrcr lti HayfieldStreet Barrie Ontario Brian Sleight debatal Manager runsoav surnames 11 ms rm cant You car on Tue SAME THE PORTABLES Should Broaden Regulations For HomeBuilding In Winter The federal government in its zeal to promote winter housebuilding ro gram has failed to face the facts of an adlan geography The cold months are far from ideal for constnrctlon of this kind except in British Columbia Under its program the government stipulates that construction shall not have proceeded beyond the first floor joist sta prior to Nov 30 Otherwise the bul tier will not be eligible for the incen tive payment of $500 The government also states that con struction shall be substantially complet ed excepting for seasonal deficiencies by March 31 1984 Seasonal deficiencies would include exterior painting and site im rovements but not brickwork Ilhe stipulation as to rate of fall pro gress is robably the most serious from the bull ers stand oint it means that the house cannot closed In by the end of November and that the basement will be exposed to the elements espec lally to frost It has always been standard procedure in cold areas like Barrie to close in house before freezeup and permit work men to proceed without the handicaps that frost and snow bring Some journey men in fact wont work under poor con dltlons Contractors also state that It Is not good practice to do brickwork during cold weather The mortar freezes and be comes dirty gray in color These are po nts the overnment should have taken into consl eration be fore laying down hard and fast rules However it is not to late to make chang cs Why not alter the rule for tail to per mitthe builder to close In his house be fore freezeup This would eliminate some of the objections and could encour age more eople to take advantage of the $500 win fall Otherwise we may find that only Brit Ish Columbia builders will follow the scheme It has been said that some ulld era In that province had delayed proJects to permit em to take advantage the government plan in other words the work the would have done in the sum me was elayed thus tending to to null ify the government plans Tho government hopes to see more houses than on the average built in the winter Tire purpose of course Is to it ht unemployment which has been mafior problem in Canada since the war years DOWN MEMORY LANE 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Sept 1938 Town Council discussed vote on reduction from l2 to six alderman elected at large lus mayor rceve and deputy Camp or den captured by enemy in war exer cises on Saturday All war correspond cnis including Dick Atkey oi llarrl Ex aminer were taken prisoner when the enemy captured hangar south end of air tlcd on roof of which journalists were located However all were much In evidence when the war gamcs were discussed in offlccrs mess iatcr over refreshments Arthur Ii Girdwood began his TOIh year as princi at of Bar rio Collegiate lion Ian IacKcnxlc Minister of National Defence declared lamp Iiorrltn excellent location for training but In need of iarfie buildln rogram Miss Mary ill sr Ircadc if School students In exams at DUI in it flrslalarry Whilbyyouth trrl adioua cnilruslasi won sweepstak es at ilerrle Flower Show Sorncoo County farnrcra rapirll becoming con scious of Internationa IInwlng Match The Barrie Examiner Autholled mono llaaa mart roar omra annin rmnl Dailyr aamy an autumn mud aauth av lkimm MIA LAItIIlT 0v Inherit lion rlsa your AIM no If monIA Outside eon Is It swnnthl It Am 1min one Ollie Iihivrvlllhu um um strut Itsutmll lime Vancouva it the Iv Mamiffmrnm 19 us the Audit Bureau of flnuiatinnl nm In earlltsivflLrIliltIM to the Ii If b3315 Asmatsl as to be staged at Edcnvala Oct lllt Bariro Tannery threatened by fire in coal and wood yard of Cameron dc Ellis Prime Minister iiiackenslo King inspected troops at lamp Borden in afternoon and ent evening in Bar rie with Mr and ira if Lay his brotherinlaw and sister 0n same at ternoon lion Ilfltchell Hepburn Irem ler of Ontario was In Barrio to attend wedding In olllcr St United Church of Miss Doris Simpson in rompton Lewis Toronto Maple Leafs completed auc ccssful basebal school for two days at llarrio falr grounds under direction of Manager Dan Ilowley As rcsult ieno tang pitcher Ihillp nabc Marchlldon will be invited to train with insets In Florida next spring Soutlrpaw pllclrcr ircd Ilalncs of ilrornbury and shortstop Icnrfie Itlchardson of lenotang were also kcd by the ball scouts llu Kash nrr of iiarriu was given many pointers on first base pla by Ilowloy Town englnccr Otto lawson noted boom In house building lfcn iuilfoylo err ectcd home next week after pitching or lioanoko Itapirla In North arollna softball league it It Ilcpplcstona rocker spaniel Sea scull of Harris won three firsts at NE dog show Malcomaon had to pl can and Irantams entered In CNE ou try ow id record ear in awa including best line Irrf Sam Stransman elector resident rrie Ilockey Club and tiled Farrell monager Mrs McLau hlin of Midland defeated Mrs John alirer of limit on itilh hole to win Himcoe County lariiea golf cham Ionslrlp Midburat Foresters won cwa Trophy for best rural soft Irsil team in county Team members Ed Schandlen lb isworth Crawford George Miles as nn itu ell 2b Len Chsrpel 1r Chltlll lies cf oly as Moray Bclrandlan Harold lipanca rt dorm Examiner Ioumaiisls Enjoy Sights Of London By KEN WALL coupon mound The manual so me and women comprising the Canadian Weekly Th Newspapers Association ms Dtmpean Tour had busy sound of entertalsrm ant and Iightaaelng In three days here The party disembarked from the Canadian Pacific Em as of Canada It Live early morning Sept then took the British Railwaya fast boat train Empress Voyager to this soon loha largest city of the world itlght now there Is some argu ment with New York and Mo nverthat honor There wont be any dispute In amber yaar ram lira two million people who live In Outer laden join with the eight million who presan form on CW Wm the other boroughs constituted in the county council to make Met ro London Thats what our bus driver said anyway it may be news to the lord Mayor though WE ARRIVED at Marylebona Station about two oclocksAn other twohoura later most ov eryone seemed to be settled In the Mount Royal Hotel with all baggage accounted for The rest of the day was free We Iolned some friends from Quebec for dinner at the Bear and Drag on down Knightabridgo way FOR LUNCHEON on Friday our host was Mr Ray If Thom son Unfortunately Mr Thom son was unable to ba pmmt being in the Mediterranean area at the time in his place the chairman was Mr James Col tart genial Scot who is gen eral manager of TbsThomson Organisation Ltd Great Bri tain Mr Coiurt remarked with broad smile that he wouldnt be surprised to hear any day that the Beirut Bugle or the Crete Courier had become as aoclated with The Barrie Ex aminer along with other prom incnt newspapers THE LUNCHEON was eatra special In that It was held at the historic Stationers Hall in the City of london the meeting place for several hundred years of the Worshipfui Company of Stationers andflewspaper Mak ers it Is directly opposite St Pauls Cathedral and it suffer ed bomb damage In the war not as yet fully restored But It In quite privilege to even get In this place let alone have privately arranged dinner THE GUESTS included the flight Honorable Earl Alexand er of Tunis KG GCB 0M GCMG 050 MC and Countess Alexander The famous field marshal of World War 1W and former GovernorGcnernl of Canada and Countess Alexander mixed informally with the news iper guests who Included many ghrknking British ioumallata They were most gracious an al ways and remembered having met several Canadian editors who were present on visits to their towns THE SPEAKER was the Right Honorablr William Diodes MC MP Minister without portfolio it till British Government and his informal talk on Atlantic Journalism was excellent lie was thanked on behalf of tha CWNA group by Iiugh Mc Cormick chairman of Monitor Publications Montreal brief visit to the Houses of Parties meat followed along with tour of Tha City FOII DINNER same day we were guests of the British Newa pspar Society This waa held at delightful pacs on the Thames iiiver at Maidenhead the Skindlel Itntrl Thanks were QUEENS PARK extended by Cecil Day of the Liverpool Advance Nova Smua ly say my turn ls coming soon about at Paris Help How do learn enough French In one week Should have taken up that offer at coachst by Brandoln of The Exa ner edi torial department Montrealer AT THE RECEPTItiN lmet some newspaper poops rem Aldcrahot which should be familiar me to Canadian war vrtrrsn camp there Is now called Borden and we con dunno verbal agreement for In Britains Borders and we send them It about Cans Borden ch they were Erlacd to learn was located arrIa Thought it was soma whesr out west And so it is weal of Angus SATURDAY morning was free to individual clinics The after noon was devoted to bus trip with guided tours of Westminst er Abbey st Pauls Cathedral Firrt Street and the Bloody Tower of Motion We got some more of the tourist treatment on Sunday The morning Includ ed Buckingham Palace for the Changing of the Guard Down lng Street Whitehall Trafalgar 1Square and so on Jolly fine on MOST OF THE group took off on their nwrr Saturday night to see the rights Ier Piccadilly Circus We attrndcd new play at the Queens Theatre Maa and Boy It was written by Terence Rattllaa produced by Alexander Others and la sched rdcd to open on Broadway in November Charles Boyer la the star and what tremendous rforananca he gives and be his anexcellent supporting cart This includes Canad an ac tor Aurtln Willis and Londons Jana Downs Its something real ly different In piav themes Will It make the grade in New Yerkf IIIATSANOTHEB SNIIY to follow wills more about tendon todril TODAY IN HISTORY Iy THE CANADIAN Pm Dept 11 The Canada Steamship Lines passenger veuel No mnlc was destroyed by fire at her dock in Toronto har bor it years ago todayIa tataking the lives of no persons Maiorlt of the as passengers on were from Cleveland and Detroit making the last extrusion trip at tho Nomnles Milt season the spread quickly resulting in the worst Great hkea tragedy In rm years tiTho first legislative assembly of Upper Canada opened at Newark on die Niagara Frontier liesBonnie Prism Ila occupied Edinbrngll Sec Gregg its Head IIII Budget Council UNITED NATIONS CPI Milton Gregg former Cana dlan liberal cabinet minister Is expected to head the im rti ant budgetary committee the ilth United Nations General Aa aembl opening today spokesman disclosed Monday that no other names have been put forward in oppo sition to Oreggs candidacy for the committee chairmanship The post is regarded as one of the most difficult at the sea lion The iiimember commit tee will have to deal with war sening financial dilemma arise for from refusal of some mem bers to pay peacekeeping as aessments Grell Ii Victoria Cross winner In the First World War also served in the second war and retired as brlgadier He has served as president of the University of New Bnrnr wick and in various UN posts ARREST TWO MORE AYLESBUIIY England AP Two more men were charged Monday night In the great train robbery raising to it the num ber now accused In the cam 000 crime They were Leonard Dennis Field ii seamen and Londoner and Brian Arthur Field Iii clerk from Oxford ahlro Police said they were not related across more 11x Grain Crops Doing Exceptionally ly momma HOOD LONDON To country like Britain which has to import large pro rtlon of Its food stuffs an particularly grains the annual harvest of home frown cereals II of the greatest mportanca Judging from what have seen In the south oI England and from maria from farmers hi this part of the nuns try this years crops should bring miles to tha Presitknf of the Board of Trade Grain crops are going to be excep tionally heavy this year aven ii the harvest because of the late aprinl will be about thm wecka behind the normal data So far there hava been few calls on harvesting machinery In Ilrla southern areaI of English farmland taking hr the spun lies of Bum Surrey Kent ifam shin Borkahln and Dr forda so But when the call does come In the next week or so all avallahla harvesting resour ces will be strained to the ut molt Ottawa Trip Takes Heal Oil Reba Iy DON OMEAIN TORONTOtht will the II surs or be in the final days of nrpalgni Premier iiobarta has been trying to get out from under on pensions Illa lastminute trip to the 0b iawa pension conference was an obvious move to try and rid him of this brothmou ca palgn question noted prevl sly the Or is appears have been errors to take the eat But then aln It may not There is Ilitll lien new first eventually Ont will with the federal Can ml or pnrtabl dl the onurln pension program will so far aa Ila initial compulsory lc pan ann for workers iiut Mr fiobarta seems to want to keep alive credit to him ult for this program And If he does wa may still no pensions continue as our main tuuv III has be talking of wort Ing Iuainlent between lha frdoral and the provincial and unity then is Iltlle com mon ground botwacr them If the federal plan is not foruht the province all into operation than the ruin purpose at portable pension ls rts lien and portabillt of course The only mnalang field for provincial action will be to lll sure that pensions In industry evrr the amount of the federal payments are portable And with the also of the payment being talked of under the fade out plan this might not be substantial problem And If lha premier continues to give an Importance lo the Ontario which it sully doesnt ha then he might unin tentionally km the whole pow sierra question to the forefront in the campaign HIV Tl ENTEIIIIIAM The ems still has the foal ing however that now the gun lion the parties might be bat tlin over at the wt could be test car In an lrfng on private Ina snce The root difference In three litlrai parties tod and for arm we re II pd who and Ihv II tllude that ahouId be taken to wards It The Pile essentially put It on pedestal hernia with II but say we shoudnt hm blind solvent to II an NDP really is sgIn IL Tbs govuusnorrt medical can No band an rrivata can bring the out AM new we this ls Well Apart from the lateness ol the season which means the grain harvest will go on well late September farmers in then counties are looking for bumper yields from their grain cmpa This is particularly true of bar ley which Is being regarded as the crop of the year From every area reports Indicate that the yield will be well above aver age It is expected that many fields will average well above two tons to the acre Winter wheat is no rery promising and aboveaverage yields are Indicated in roost dis tricts In fact in Surrey winter wheat may well oust barley from its position of being the most successful crop Then has been substantial reduction In the acreage of oats behrg grown In the whole of England and Wales the cat crop has fallen tmm 917000 urea In last to 5000 acres this year flat good yield per am is liker when it Is being grown If MAN YIELD The weather this acasoa has been especially favorable for root crops and some huge crops of potatoes are expected In lira flomney Marsh ma where poi atooa form main nvp the fields look emplioaally well and there has been no sign of blight The early varirilra have been very prolific and on some farms the yields have been de scribed as colossal This glut of early iatou howetcr has had one laadvan in it canard draitle In prices and mum have been receiving only from two to four centa pound for their potatoes limsarwlvea of rum are benefllling from the kw prices at which potatoes are bring sold In fha shops Bugar boot with much lar ger acre sing grown are vrry prom with no signs of virus NIGHT SCHOOL Plastic Surgery Can Be Costly Iy MPH fl MOLNEII Mr Dear Dr Mother My prob lem is large noes hope you can recommend plastic sur lull In my vicinity ive heard that the price for nose opera tion ranges from was to 8500 this tract What about ungui geryf nc If the size or shape of your nose Is annoying enough to warm rant an operation consult plas tic surgeon Your estimate of thacort is reasonably correct but It may vary This Is not minor surgery it entails roblems far and the unravel of plastic ml manila cteful study at the face trom the sides and the front with photographs or sketch Thea measurements are msla to determine how much beast and other tissue must be re znored to give the desired of CC Some peopla with an oven sited nose or other features they dont like lump in the conclusion that correcting the fault will change their appear ance completely it wont it will change Just the nose in short they expect too much and the only safe and sensible course It to make sure that tltey know the limitations in advance am not saying this to die courage plastic surgery but to try to avoid disappointment and to increase aai sfactlon after wards The best way to find out how much any type of surgery will be Is to discuss It with tha aur geon He can give you an ac curate estimate cant recommend surgeon Ask your own regular physician He knows your circumstances You can also Inquire at good hospital or else consult your areas medical society Dear Dr Moiaerr have cyst on my bcad about the size of hickory nut It doesnt hurt but It obstnrets when comb my hair it have it removed In it liable to give me trouble or pain or become malignant PGL cyst like yours doesnt tend ararr THOUGHT We command and abort by our lard Jesus Christ that with uuietneu they work and eat their own bloatii lheaaal anlaas lril People like machines unruly work best and produce most willen they dont make too much so as SIIIIIITY BIIY Ilwy is al Gltbrta Ignafivrfiroaoosmt MINERn AIIII lllerlIlIo up starts at Dad NUION to become malignant if It is nuisance have it removed Ihl surgery is usually but not al wa at simple office pm urn Dear Dr Melarr What causes my skin to be extremely sensitive after ahavlngf am so and have only been bothered 1ij this In recent months Skin texture can become more sensitive with age This condi tion doesnt always occur how ever Consider the more is ent possibilities that are four for luch sensitivity Have you flawed you As mulb mayru rooms one you former used is your raw adjustable if so changing It to tighter nt tlag may be helpful iYou might also note whether you have switched the brand of blades honor blade which may cost bit more may be profit abla investment for comfort Consider changing from razor to an electric shaver Wash the face with warm water before applying shaving soap or cream Ths will rotten the beard and permit shaving with less Irritation And last of all what about afierchave Iotlonst The skin may be sensitive to something In one brand but not in mother NINE T0 LA AGED l5 Dioctyi sodium sulfoaucciaait stoolsoftening drug is not toxic as far as we have been able to determine after use by millions nipcoale SIUDY TEACHING WINNIPEG iCPIMora than 10m Manilabans have applied for teacher training this fall at Manitoba Teachers College and Brandon College An additional 150 students applied for enrol ment in education courses It the Univerth of Manitoba rats EXAMINEII WANT AD PHONE PA Hill In tlis flitnan wedifs to malice 0as IIIay martr rpscis attention If am you worry Ilarainy and hairy fs fIs caavsailai BEDAMM XIIISIM IMNWUNIIIIWIIIM VIII INBIIAWMIWI srcmunmml fl um Willf Jtlffflff No doducttonfor sales commission Enquire about CANADA TRUST EINVESTMEM FUND CANADA TR UST III II WILL REGISTRATION THURSDAY SEPTIMBER 26 pm Clsaua will be held on Mondays and Thursdays for an Intensive alg monlha course beginning Mon ay Sept 30 Shortlisted Typewrftlnp Bookkeeping All aublocta taught by professional bualnaaa people iaamlnallons will be held for certificates DAY CLAHH IIGAN ll NIW DAY ITUDINT MAY IIOISTIR ANY MONDAY IIIIIIIIIE BIIS NESS COLLEGE TORONTO IT IAII PNDNI

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