Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Sep 1963, p. 2

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Notes Importance Of Small Industry Mr May slid The grcalest percentage oI our InduskrInl prospects are small IndusIrIcs munIprnIIIy bcIng able to Incllltnle Ihcw IndnsIrIcs wIII be even more successIuI In Ill Industrial program WWLMVD Discreul uHrrI and Ixcd Ixu l0 rullcc lmluslry to In cnln wllhln mllnklpumyl bonndurks Am bound have unwnmrd rrpcrcuulans nld Rnbcrl llama presidrn Mldlnnd mnnuumlrlng rm yulmlny Mr Hnrlnu wlu me llmc gum speaker ll he first urnuun Ihe HMin mrnlnn my Dmclopmrnl Amclnllnn confcrrnrc Humy Harbor Hr nmku lho mmplcxlllrs lnmIml In rhwslng plum Iocnllun BM Ill ATIUNH AI nr Harmt oflm nnxl ml Inns be mild Thls ll hld mth rclalinlu Vc wukl be paying Im lnm while or lxuhmrlu 1mm more 1lu lrclnml llul nflcr llm valIIlIl1y MI MN Wu mlnhl hnve In my fur olhcr induslrlm All Imlnxxry wnuu In bu Illll as an munL Mr llrlng uhl MI llrm llnd MIMIml mluu mum by whlrh ll mm vnluu num Small business the launch lion oi communlly growth and development has largely re sulted in he economic demo men or Nurkh America sud Ed May Ban15s Industrial Commlulnner lie was ad dressing the Goonflan Bay Dc velopmcni Assucuiinn Econi omit Cunicrcnce From 1950 1061 91 or cent flu new mannraclur ng induslrlc In Ontario had 24 cmployccs or 105 81 per cent had 14 or less and sinH In 55 per cent had five Lm loyccs or less added Mr Nay SMALL INDUSTRY spnaklng men rle lclt and nune Alderman Gerald Roberts rlgm hath BARBIE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER FIRM PRESIDENT DECLARES wlLLmn szna Bar wmmxsslan Ir We thls xlhmllo Equal Treatment Is Industrys One Want GBDMS You can tunmun lawsuit llama Immovamcnl me lor III or my allm wonhwhllo pmpun nl yum nnmoll Ecoflnblnnch wk In llvo mannan Vuull In luvplllml haw my ll ull am how oaIHy Im can nunnuv Iopaymnnu to unit yuur budunL Drop In today an the Establish municipal develop nld of Ilrm NEW Wllllln the labor factor wn shuly Ihc nvnllammy at labor ll wllllngnu work Halon lcnl lmkgmund nl lnlmr and lnhnrmnnnxcnmll aeru lIs wry Mr May nolvd nun bcr of cnmmunlfics have 0511 lIshcd communlly development companies as result of Ms thinking They oblnln fund bar ul items undrr iive mic gnrius Time caiagurlu in ciudu ihn him iliuailun coxnprrhcnslvu rumrl in municipality lhc incniiun iiiu mponsc ui kcy min wiiiiin iiw nruniznilan and vnrioux mrchnnicnl and technical vices Ivnilnhic llc Iald Uul any strlh whlvh rndod ln vlulcnrc hn lash vlllrh was him In dlsncll Vr dont care mm have hum nm at lwn urlku Inn Hwy dldn rm In violvncc DEVELOPMENT COMPANY nfilnry suBscnpllun mm MERIT SYSTEM Merlu wvru given In rcluhl mil Allhm hydro rah1 pm vnlllng llbur mu llnlnnco lrmn mnln mmkm mu Mm prcvnlllnu wrnlhcr mmllllnm nrr hnd Almlinl wryr llrlor II Hmmughly puny ler uur mxl nlrp mu tth Communities found Lhat In Industrialisl could gcl Ihnusl 311 ha wanted xcppgmgyuy was argued that ii oihm were not altering this avail nhinmancy service and ii community could set up an or ganization In oiitr lhis special help ii mum ions have somnihlng more than some communities Ind have bcilar chance in this highly compel itivo businessi mcnt fund or communlly Mr May nld It soon he conws apparent ha what you have to offer an Industry so have 100 other communmesr Everyone at them has serviced land and Is willing to build to suit purchaserr dlrcdors ol the Georgian Bay Devclnpment Assoclnflun Knko llme nu rum lhe associations MflBHNK no refund Ills awn cnm any whch had rclocnle lllrcc plnnll In Europe IA Angela and Mldlnnd In his companys lzut move 1n Mldlnnd Mr an05 nddrd um We had received ap plicnllom through our bank which ntlcd II clearlxlg 11mm In IIII use Why 01 lhc nrlglnll were cllminnled and lurulcr 22 or he rcmllndcr moved Irrltvro we wrm thfld lml mndu mnmml lnvusllgfllunl file but our Ivnllnhla mun klmllllcn Mr May said one at the must Important whcommlllcu llle cxul commlttce This rommlltcn should rhcck all Facilities provided by cam muniiy development company would open possibilities Ind opportunities for industrial ex palnsion to greater degree he an 1115 suggested nrganlzlllon of an Investment corporation Included orgnnhnllun of cam mmee in Burrlcl men were selected n1 eight lo 10 men olccl ar Ippolnl olflceu subcommmtcs smekhnldm mcellngs and statement pur pose lnnlc Um majmfly of pauible lucnlionx In snld Johnnnuhllli MIMI Alkfl hnrlu Wlngw Iornwr South Mrlrxm nnd Iyuwlc lcn uI rhmnplun IHIIHIIKIM Ont Jnmls Gnrdu Iagxwr rurullvo The purpose oi such com pany is to nuke vniiabiu iinnncint ior sound industrial enterprises and to promote the development oi city or town by making nvaiiable certain iygcs oi crediifif wllhhcylhrx mil nmpnny local individuals la be able to supply plants on lease or laxlgterm purclugse lgns laurlhannual conference at Haney Harbour to talk with Mrs Mary Curtis 1mm Lonn Brunch DEATHS mnddcu If an cuvrrvd he hlrd Inrml germraxvhlwl Men of my devolupmcnl group In the prgvlncr Ila dnclnrcd the null com pany with good gmwlh poten lal and low cred rntlng sume to receiving lower percentage mortgage loan with result lhnl large lmounl of wnrklng clplm ll tlrd up In bulldan cqully or high overhead burden In In creased dun lo lho extra rent flemnmlcd The Genralnn nay Develop mcnl Assuclnllan hm he must mcmhcrl and he largest hud gnl ll unis per capian ul nny rvxlunal Iovrlnpmcnl nucnty In Onlurln Russel Quick prcsldcnl mm delegates at lhe namel nllonl fourth nnnunl mcdlnu In rlxmr yesterday llc ald he Barrie Induslrlll Commission trying to Illev We thls xlhmllon by mixing available bulldlng with low down cm or lune nlns Ilryun Lnlhcnrt lurlntr mlnlslcr Unvcl nnd publiclty mid he HIDL mm hershlp 51 cmnmunlllu has sand recon lnr phuwlng hu numnry fur prourm legal requirements Ind Idvile the min committee on but lcgrl methods ol issuing certif icates andor shares it should prepare bylaws and consliiw lion at tho corporation and prepare Ill papers nccpmry to establish corporation un der the general corporauon law oi Onurlo Thu companf once establish ed and lunctoning cm also provide other services Mr May laid Our tlndings In Ear rle indicate that the small ln dustry is being dlscrlmlmted against In our modern 11m cinl system which plans ltr recognition to lhp mount 01 torn and the complnyr crudt firming Large Body BARBIE ALDERMAN Ger nld Roberta left and Banla banker my NultLr Ilghl study Dnvld Browns landuse COLLIER lTllEET IA NI Two Location to Sam You Bomv CHRISTMAS thB FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE WHITTY thB WRAY thB User IKE schools he uld and 1112 knowledge lhn liming xlyqn In tha uudenls TORONTO CI Prnnn Knxnlu of suburban Vcslun wm convlclcd Mnndny or crlm Innl ncgllgancc In lhc mule donlh last Jnnunry Brad lord 0111 mm and his two duughlera llo wns nmnndul In cusmdy ur acnicnru Sept 27 anula wnl ltd bdoro an Onlnrln Supreme court jury cunnccuon wilh the ninth Daniel Bruce 03 who was kllcd near Newmnrkcl 28 mllu norm here when hls cnr wal Ilruck hcndfln by Knmlnl car whlch win an he wrung Mn he mud Mr urucnl lwo dnuxhb Joanne l1 nml Donna 10 mm 1130 klllcd In lho crush analn who had forced lwu thr um nhvml Mr run of flu rand ndmlllrd drlnklng nboul 13 ouncu of whlnky dur lnx the day whllu lce llnhlnz on Lake Elmo Mr own one at three guest speakers at lhe first afternoon session the twoday Georgian Boy Devciopmenl Assnclorlonn Economic Conlercnca In Honey Harbour yesterday spoke on mekhad or shoncul to land usgururvgy Advocating the rec cc of thls principle prnctcul work ML Brawn told thn audience that hl students had completed he work of laying out the present usage of the towns property In one Afternoon Thu Town 01 Walkcrlon In Bruce Countyhns no official zoning plan but lhrnugh the urls of the hlgh school and he geography depnrlmcnl brad Dnvld Drawn might snnn have one Thu nudcnls missed about three or our classes he unld Thls plhn give us general Icture our IONS though it not meant lo be exactly ac nurale He rcicrred to problem In valvcd when coming across mul ll rpose lnr Ina case like lhal we looked ar Hm domlnanl at and de signaled It we Students Diagram Lands Usagé Three Killed Convict Man Of Negligence plan of Ihe Town Walker un after Mr Brown addres sed delegates In the Georgian Bay Developmcm Association DUNMI 51 IA um Hun1e trlct Callcglnte Board lust night rccclvcd dele gntlon mm the Kempenlelt Trumpet Band protesting lng at Central Collegiate which prahlblts students who take In strumental music ram taking part In bnnds or orchestras out side 01 the schuol The delegation compared the activities oi he Kempenioit Hand with other hobbies and sugges ted tho the restriction was un ier to xiudcnis who wished to take port in band evenly when other sudcnis might pursue their own hobbies such as work ing on ears without restrictions The delegation also polnlcd nu lhnl nludcnln could be mem bers of such musical argunlzn umu as church chalra wilhoul having la mun muslcal rnn mg school Stating that he Kumpcnlcil Band planned an cxpcndllure 01 $1500 in lhe next 35 work Dr Instruction ihc bands spokes man Siun Tnylur said that the children narilcipailng in he bands ncllvilics wvre nlwnyl learning xnd that the band scr vcd an educational purposl He also mid iha it seemed incnn sisILnl inr such ruling In be In client at one school but no another ll Huwmnn princlpnl Hume Central Cnllcgimu ex plainan he poslllon of In school In his mullcr aahl that he rullng had come up In the past wilh regard to me Town Hand mush mvcr hcfuru had conflict occurud wih he Kcm pcnIcIL Band IUID IKOAD Schonl nullmriuu he MM it would he nlmnsl Im osslbln for boy In lake pm both blinds The demand or pnrliclpmlun In An lnslru mcnlnl roup hommlmmi are null on limo consumlng allow 51st PDSITION Econamlc Conferenca at the Dclnwnnnn Inn at Haney Hur bour yesterday The confer ence conllnuc today Exam lncr Photos Collegiate Bars Its Musicians From 2nd Band Dmd Burlo Ihll 17th Dny of Saplombor I963 Novlco is hemby glvon Hut poll for Dha Eloclonl Dislvid of Sim oo Centre will be upon an mutiny Friday Ind Snardny lhu 19 20th and 211 day of Sptombor I963 from Im until pm and from pm unlll pm Slandlrd llmo Iho polling place or plum for iho uld olncloul dlurlcl will be Ioulnd It ADVANCE POLL Bradford Muonlc Hull 8min SI Bmlu Mnhy Pulih Hall Colllor SI Panning 5mm Bulldlng Mlln SI NOTICE OF HOLDING AN Ill 0dr Cudncy was dcler mined In all he lrulh whclhnr nr not It wnn cmhnrrnsnnz In lhe gavcrmncnl iiirVCudnuy was witness or the ma commission under Mr Jusiico Ranch studying nlirxcd organized crima in On lnrio student to be member 01 two mg grfzupli That is why the rullng Apr 1ch only to membershlp bands or orchtstras outsldo school and not to membershlp ln church choln or other vocal groups he uld It also cxplnlm he 521d the lack of such rul lng at North Collegiate where until year ago only vocal muslc was taught The school board relerred the delegationo protest to the min my cmpeniclt Band was amused when one oi the musicians enierinu Grnde was told he would have lo give up instrumental music or leave the Kcmpmiell Band Dry gavcmmeal or In many la ll should condemn man or lull Ing the trulh under oath his old press coalerence before round of grass raola cam palgnlng In the lradltlonnlly Progrmlva Conscrvallve rldlng ol Wnlcrloa Squlhl 11115 am er example he perslslence and calculated cllorl an the part at the Pro mum Conscrvnllvu govnrnA mm In kvcp thlnxs 1mm ll publl GAL CF NDP Leader Donald MacDanuId IBM Man dny that war of nerves has been cnnduch against Robert Cudncy who rEstncJ Friday as dcguly proylncfiul ucrclury ng 1n mum ell chamber In night Ilder Inen voted unanimously to Ic cem he under Emery Enz ineexlng Ind contracting Com1 pany 01 $915 91475 for In ex tension to be Iewnge mn mgn plan Its lenmwork by com mittee and Ilderman and the mlyor ha hu hrouzM this Ibonl Ind may Ire to be com mended It hnl hren apro mlse for long limo to try to elem up the blyflfi Bmle City Council has me vlded complete aewlze trmmem In In effort to clash up the My For the put aw ycm the cltyhu operated sewage treatment pllnl giving plrllal Hangman qply ThoEniiér stipulmd tlmu 1191 of 40 weeks Regarding the me limit Aid Newton uid think lta imporiant get an with the job but think it might be wise not hold it 40 weeks submitted in the lender TEAMWORK HIE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 171 War 01 Nerves Ousted Cudney Bdrrie Firm Given Contract For Sewage Plant HARRIS Roiumlng OHIur also cummended that resident anginaer or he extension in the Sewage Treat ment Plant be employed It salary not In exceed $1000 per month Council voted unan imously to accept this recom mgndnlinn Lasi ar the city mad million plan in commuting new lnmk unitary Iowan In Iddiiion to lhu sewg glint in provide secondary imltmenl up the mquiremcnisoi he Ontario Wltar Rosanne Com mission trunk sewn nnd local new era were exlcnded to Candles are In All Ind have given satisfactory service to he Im Ilncc November 1062 The 11 cast was 5122000 The John Street sewer exten xlnn wls Illghlly below tho esflmale $10000 um PmpEr legislnuon will mlka necessary to see um bolt hive pnwer sewage dispanl systems so hat nw Iewnza will no go Into the bay The mlyor 531$ kink WI mm The mlyor said think WI more in relching than ap pears Harrie city hn shown wlut can be dune other cities think will cooperate and mm Luke Simone in clar ed up other lakes wiii ioliow until nIi oi Ontario is tinned The mlynr also commended the Public Utilities Commll aion or it countration Miii commented think each and every mom ber oi council should flunk the city manager He hu worked inrd on this in num ber of yam Mnyor Les Cooke commend ed council or its decision and Id think you an lately say that it was pm of the mndaie you wem given whan youhwerc geriphere Council no recommendation 5mm Tomnl Itecls Emmy ENG Ald Jaxliile ma Im prnud to have been member of council on project like this wlthout going to Lha elec taxate Am Wilson mu great mlshcdon no this coming to fruition MODERN PACKAGE POLICIES For COMMERCIAL AND PERSONAL INSURANCE CONSULT SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 49 DunIop SI BarrIl Utilities Cousin countration Non allowed Gorer mi of arch

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