Pfurhn flouln Thu llflh qulnl Emlllo dled 20 MI In Bll Anlhl Out nulfoullnn dur lnl Ill Iplltp ulxuu ha uld Ihl would la to them Ind wriu lhcm WM them luck Ind extend he onuululullum uld hnvcnl Irohn lo lhl olhtr Dlunno nu nu but Imaw lhoy um prellf axclltd Iboul lhl chuueln VlIo wu rélcrrlnl to the mm in mumy ol qulmuplfll lo ugl ln VtmxuelA In on vmk Mr Alllrd um run all you lhll lhc qulnln have been wllchlnl lhl 1th to keep in lnuch Th other nunMn qulnlup Yvonne nun In Mom lon NJL Cum wltn lhll meloll and Mnrlc Mn Pmhn ouln Thu llflh qulnl MONTREAL CF Anntlll Allard roused her hulhlnd Ger maln from lulu maman Iluv Snlurdny In 111 hlm Ibuul lhl glgh ol qulnluplell ln Aberdun llnl ll lhrllllnul Illa uld Annette one ol lhe llvo Dlonnn qulnluplcll horn my 1m ln Clllandu OnL WM really excllcd Iboul ll GermIn nld laltr lclllnu About hll wllul mellun lo lho anoll blrlhl Shu uld Ihl would llkl In wth progrnm or the evznlnl Included mum mum vacannI given by end mem4 her The nexl meellnl will bl held lho ham Mn Jun Jul lmby rains Fallowlnz meal 1le Hu Anullrm Cannes 195 Win shown Mn Honey spoke to me menu seven points lnlercsk In connection with the Congress held Ill yur Rdmhmentl were ugrved Quints Thrills mm Mn Fnrquharwn and Mn Whitaker will convene Eummau Sall In bu held on Sept 21 Amusements wen made to hold Colfee Party on October Mn Knapp Ind Mn Lawn volunlaered to be conven 01 lbs 11th Karen Fallowlnz the meal II In uummm um St Giles was the hint or all women oi ha Archdeaconry nn Sept 10 when speak or the medal wet in Rev Pannu and Rt Rev Wnnlner prwuvus Prayer Ind acrIIp ms cu Ralf oil was answered by Chrlstma am for cth or the 0113th bale Ln The September meetan St Giles Angllcan Church WA wu held in the Chrmlan Educadon ll Wing wlth Mm Mood le presiden Lh eh uni Sorority Plans Wiener Roast Yeast bread and rolls 11ml white bread round Mrs Riley Cookstown M15 Map Inn Touenham Mn her Carruthers Ivy MI when when bread round Mrs Al an Mandden Downsvlew 1an Orr Mansï¬eld Mrs Corrlzan Barrie lndivldunl raised hum Ralph Conman kasrown Newton Bnhlnson UCW Mrs Elley Cookikown Chelsu buns Mrs Moore For Parry M15 Manson Tollenhlm Cooksuwm UCW QUICK HEADS Cherry nut bre Marnyn Mrs McFadden Down vlew won the Scnnlon am Vow char at he Cookslown Fair or me xhihllur wlth lhu man an trlas In section uuee Ind our of lhe womens dlvklon Tha um voucher or the exhibitor wllh the most ankles In section xlx was won by Mlss Dlanu Maison Tonanham The mulls In dlvlslon are llsled Below DORIESTEC 591$ch St Giles WA Plan Coflee Party Visitors Take iTop evs At CoOkstde Exhibition Tl McFADDEN nun In Anllmu rm High Mllu Nu OPEN Fur nut Inn Every Night Birth Dionnes and 115 135 the evznlnl mum ud mcmA EM Chocolate cup cnkes Mrs A14 lln McFadden Downsvlaw New ion Robinson UCW Nancy Cor rizan Cooksiown Brownian wlih nun Newton Robinson UCW Nancy Conlgan Cnoluiown runs IIYCI cnkc Newton Robin son UCW Mrs Moore Port Mrs Allan McFIdden Downs vlew Mn Moon Port Per Perry Light lnlii cake glazed ry Mrs Eldon Orr MnnIileld Angel coke unlced Mls Maison Toitanh um Mrs Moore Port Perry Newton Rob lnson UCW Orange chilion cnkl Iced Min Mullen Toilen hnrn Nowwn Rohlnson UCW Jelly roll Newton Robinson UCW Birthday cake decoration to count Marilyn Glass Cook inwn Conksiown UCW Mrs lan McFadden Downsvinw Best decorated vnlznllne cake Mlsh Oatmeal dropped Marilyn Glass Cooksgown Mn Adeline Kemp Barrie Nancy Canlun Cookstuwn Fancy shorthand coon Miss Mal Ion mienham Mrs Rlley Cookulawn Mrl Adeline Krmp Barrie Vnrleue oven bak ed party Mn Riley Cooks own Newwn floblnwn UCW Mn Allan MCIAdden Downy View Coconut mnenmnns Mar Ilyn Glass Oookxlnwn Cook lown UCW Mn Adelina Kemp Burk while at unbaked cookies Mn Eldon Orr Mans Hlld Mrs Moore Port Pery Marilyn GIL Caokxtnwnn Pen nut butter monies Mu RH lay Coakslawn Mrs Allan Maw Fadden Downsview Marflyn Glass Cookshwn CAKES rs Downsvlew Eran Muflln 19 Johnson UCW Mn Nnn McFadden Downsvl Km nelh Robinson Cookilown Blue mufllns Newton Roblngon COOKIE NEW 6155 Coakslnwn Mrs Moore Port Fury Newlonhh lunn UCW Banana nul bread Mrs Moore Port Perry Mn Riley Caokstown Madlyn Glass Cookstown Baking pow der biscuits Mm Adelina Kemp Barrie flancygnrriq 99km This is 6th THIS ANNIVERSARY PERM SPECIALS MM rem mu lmn Ilml I11 lmn Mlu Kmn Molglrd Mr John Glonnnl HAIR STYLISTS of DISTINCTION 5H Dunlap 30 Ian 87443 SEPTEMBER TO SEPTEMBER CH In Pmn 1000 mu Im Ill Im It Im School Girl Special Specini or pics but dale pie Mrs Moore Pan Perry best lemon merlme pie Newton Robinson UCW hen cherry lat uta pie Newian Rabinson UCW best blueberry pie Myn iillin Coaksinwn Special on cake bui orann cnke Newton flair lnsnn UCW best chocolate cake liln Alin McFlddan Down vlew Special to uhibltor son UCW lawn Mrs Riley Cookstawn Fruit ieiiled salad Mrs Smith fliomlan Bowi ai mixed mil or invnlid Mn Willi Smiih Thainun Fiva kinds of homemade candy Mn Allan McFadden Dawnsview Nawtan Robinson UCW Cooks town UCW Assorted sandwiches lancy Mrs Willi Smith Thorn lon Coakstown UCW Saimnn Ioal Newton Robinson UCW Coi leciion oi Iancy hakinl arranged own5y Mn Aiiln Mchddan ggwsviaw Newinn Robinson Apple pie Newton Robinson UCW Mrs Willi Coman Bar rig Cookstown UCW Lemon uponae pie MrL so Moore Port Perry Myra Turin Cockatown Newton Robinson UCW Cherry pie Mn Moore Port Perry Myra limn Cookmown Mrs Robinson ucw Pumpkin pie tam Marilyn aim Coohlown nllay Cnokltown Mrs lileld Mrs Moore Pom Perry Newton Robinson UCW Mrs Moore Port Perm Butler Marilyn Gian Ckstwn Mun Mn Moore Port Perry Pinev Apple um Myra won Cooks own Mn Moon Port Per IRy Mrs Riley Cooksiown MISCELLANEOUS Mahnn Toltenhnm Mn Allan Mandden Downavlew Applzsnucu cake Newton Rab man UCW Mn Moore Port Perry Queen Elizabeth cake Newton Ruhlnson UCW Dark fruit cake Mn Moon Port Perry Mrs Eldon Orr Many Held Ml Willi Coxrim Bar rle While cup cake muons din Nancy Comdgn Cooks DWI rigs AND mm sheilal to txhISIiEr yn Tiflln Cooks Mr Ron Purl 000m Olhson Schlly mnnlon Newton Roblnwn UCW mm Manon Touch ham Euwn bread Ben Schaly lhomzon Mn Allan McFad den Downsvlew Mn Moore Pan Perry Milk rolll Min Maison Tonenhnm Mrs Riley Cookstawn Mrs Wille Carrion Cooktown Cinnamon buns Mn Ruey Cockatown Ml Mason Tattenham Mrs Moore Port Perry WILLIAM Manson mom Chocolate cake Iced Mrs Mom Port Perry CANADA PACKERS SPECIAL Ag pie Marilyn Glass Coo town Mm Bernice Gm hnm Cooksmwn Mn wuun Conum Barrie Na layer while cake MrsS Moore Ban rla Mrs Eldon 0n Mansfield Loulof while brand Min Manon Toltenham Mn Riley Cookltown But twohy ey up ced calm Nix3 Wm Cor Ban1e Ben wechit Mogre Fofl Hair akin plg Mr FLEISCIIMANNS YEAST Bake Queen apaclal conllltlnl of one Ian bread on two Iayer white can decorled for Easter one cherry latllcm r19 our varlellea unbaked cook one light run cake chol bunl Ind lemon tam Baku Queen crowned Dim Mum Tollenham5ecand Mrs Moore Portlerry Third Mn Allan Mandden Downavlew Fourth Mn Eldon Orr Mansï¬eld mamas noun mam with monfzï¬mu In ledlonl three hllht won by Mn Al len Manddzn Downlvlew Tn orannlzatlonl wllh mast emflel In Iecflons aim to emit New ton Robinson UCW Willis Conlgnn IM ll Mn wlllla Conigan Bum MAGIC BAKING rownnn ry Mist Manon Tottehham quad duals layer whllg Mrs Eldon OrnMansfleld M158 DIANA MATSDN Wu crowned Bpke Queen the Coakflnwn 10501 Agricultural FASHION THAT Now look now you wonderful new Formfll tooling This In tho most flnllorlnz the most comfortable bm you nvor put on Soft pollen lnmls or support now crlm cum release In fronl Elmllc ncuon oqullljl shouldnrslmps All lhls In cool cotton broad nlnlh Nu mum maul cloth that Iiiï¬Ã©chino wnmamo flow look WALKS RS BANDEAU 55 LONGLINE 866 50 OUNLOP ST clke MrL Moore Port Perv Fair In Conkstown on Sam day by Mrs Albert Gllroy Examiner Photo ITOII IIOUMI null IJII IJII pm Wed 0d ll Nm nldm mu mm mm mm momma mthn Come out and give try chimes are youll only rem you didnt start mm 11 an opportunity to relnx M1 chase those workday blues away Classes commm 20 15mm on the basic square danclng On completion at hrlmons dancenmlll be able to enjuy dancing club level The plan will provide In porlunily ior mildew ni am and alumni to learn ths bas lcl of mum dancin wclni activin which ha town in mdouau ICNH the Norul lim eriun continent in the past 15 yearn Square dnncln in im rel lun wonderin mini mixer Ind haltin recreation in any age mun lhal1nm wen orillnauy lcheduled to held In Ihe John Ion Street Public School but will now be conducted ll thl RCAF Amclallon Han High Etna 136qu Ind Belles Square Dnnca Club Harris wlll Ipow Ior dam in modern Iqum dancing or bezlnnm Damnem km 5951 251mm to 50 LEARNBASIC STEPS Join Your FriendsAt The Han Sashay To Square Dance Call GOES 1113 cups Sum 32 lo 38 09 Square dam have noun mm lha lluun or com compllcfledjtyla Its the kphll you have Ind the you mile The warm trlendly touch of anothern hand That mnku Squm Dancing popular throughout tholnnd Further Mormann cu be ob lllnod by phonan Blll Judge at PA H175 Mn Alben me It PA 92152 Sizcé lo 40 433ng PERMANENTS SE99 BUDGET MLON PHONE ma All For