om mm cl mun In um DI Had llllulnn IIIIMIII Mum WALLI mun um nunn III ll Mrillllllm IIUIIAI lllLI lulu muun AlumIn MA llluulL nunHILLV mm In lubmlvllvu duly my um Illo uly AM Mr In nun In 0mm loo run uu mnnlhl um munlnu mum mum nu Mun rotnuns III and lo om Cllv mom quI ul Unlmnlr An mm Hamlin Mmbu In cum llulm AlIrellllom TI AxMII numu clnuIHom only mu Mun Pr elu Ir mm In In in uhllnllm or clan mt HM II TM Amllm Im no um III III II bu It will flu NOT NATIONAL PARTY Toronto Dally Star 0n Ila present nlmwhm hnlccd Hm NDP doesnt quallly truly nallonnl September 10 lng George School on Blake Street reopened as school for relarded chlldren through el lorts parenls councll Flrsl Labor Da parade in town attracted 200 Union de egales from Slmcoe County More than 8000 puplls enrolled In Barrlo schools new record lllllcrest overload In wlll mean revlew of boundaries for llc schools New nurses jolnlng lmcoo Health Unit staff were Mrs Helen Slearns llllss France Alex Inder and llllss Eleanor Leaven Art Powell defeated George Kennedy In final for Wadsworth Trorhy and mens cham plonshlp Barrio Got Club Klwanls Club handed cheque lo Ontnrlo Soelely lor Crl pled Chlldren or $0000 lo build new ea in at Blue Mounlaln Camp James llendy general mana er an nounced Cleveland Barons al merlean Hockey League would sponsor Barrlo Flyerar Tleu wlth Boston Bruins was ordered ende by Conn Smylhe when llnp Emma refused to allow hls leam lo pg Sunday hockey ln Maple Len Gar Earl Paterson won Chamber 113m Enrl Paterson won Chnmbcr 01 Commerce Burrlo Ccnlcnnlnl car draw Jullnn ll Ferguson ol Colllngwood ro clcclcd MP for Slmcao North announc ed that lender lmd been called or new Bnrrlo post olllcn and federal bulldlng on Colllcr St at 0WD Stanley Burke won Lluns Club Cnrnlvnl car lllllW Bruno glad anero nlgnml to lay acn lor hgc 0an Sqund legcuryn Jol1nllcivoVwéllWon buys and Cucullck glrln lcnnlu championship at lilr Lawrys research has convinced him that it is not possible to throw baseball in such way as to make it curve in flight says The Oshawa Times The curve ball he claims is myth ere sted by ltchers to intimidate batters built up batters to explain their in ability to hit the pitch and sanctified by sports writers and business interests who either wont admit their ignorance or have some commercial interest in the preservation of the myth He carries on his pro aganda campaign against the curve ball egend throughout the year but naturally his most active period is during lhe baseball seasonsHBT pursue his crusade wlih unflagglng zeal onems AGO IN TOWN The baseball season is now In its final weeks and early in October will reach its annual cllmax In the World Series Wlth that over eace may coma for few months to Ernest Lowry Tourism Is now one the major ac tivities In this hlghlylndustrallzed clty IL Impact l5 sharply reflected in the de velopment ol ultmplush hotel and motel accommodations more ï¬rstrate restaur ants and toplight retail stores One of the most luxurious motels the Continental Inn was opened earlier in the year Later came the posh Bayshore Motel hotel and extensions to number This city situated58 miles north or Toronto has been host to record num ber oi visitors from all garts of Canada and the United States istrations at the tourist bureau erate tho Ont trio department of ravei an publicity at the Barrie pass on Highway 400 had reached an 311 me high of more than 50 000 by earl Se tember Because of the unprocegenled oaq tho burgnu office miy berkeptopcn thyroughnutr ihi Jlï¬iéi months One of the spaclacularhighllghts of the summer and early all months has been the development ot the tqurlst in dustrytn Burris Curve Ball An Illusion Boost In Tourist Traffic Is Major City Development The Barrie Examiner Walls Publlsher 0mm EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 18 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Bnu 5mm canardMinuet MONDAY SEPTEMBER 83 Plll lho orthodox noclalllm of lhe parlyl 1m win rupell molt Cnmdlm The views the party modems mljorlly npproxlmalo pretty clololy me of the more pruuroulvt ucllan at Iho llbml pu lcrlmpn llm parlyl mwnm lnrlhuuuh ll Ihuuld ho mnombernl lhnl 111m hull 30 ycnn work by lhe CCF In build on But lha baslc explanation for wenkum ll almply um ll program dotn not appeal to Any llrgc aecllon of hgeluctornle What In Illa renmn for lhu NDI poor thowlngwhlch In no man rcmlrk able In llme rvtmlon Ind unem ploymonl whon lho volm normllly uuccpllblo lo he appeal new party party Ila nlrcnleh nucll nn it Is In con ccnlrplud In 1r llnh Columbln Vlnnlpcg Metro Toronto Iml few mnnu comm In Norllmrn nlnrla East the Olluwn river lmrdly counts Nor In 12mm nn lmllcnllon lhnl lhln llnlrllm Ian change In Hm near luluro Worlds record era on halfmile track set at Thorncllffe Raceway by Hon Earl Rowe drlvln Celia Counsel and Vole Van Mr an Mrs Ed bewis won Chevrolet in Kiwan is Clubs ear raffle last to be held Kenneth Walls of Barrie Examiner elected at Saskatoon resident Canadian Weekly Newspaper ubllshers Associa tion Benson Straughan appoint ed welfare officer for Town of Barrie John Stafford Otton ogened office for Braclice of law in Ross lock Arthur enter retired from CNN after 41 eara continuous service He was con uctor on BeetonCollln wood branch line Mira Margaret nn Nield of llamllton enga erl as professional instruclor by Barr Skating Club In successor to Mrs Muriel Whyle Barrie Collegiate Band von aeeond prlle in top section of CNE competitions Canadian Legion won Ilarrle ilairlci senior Ioltball ilile Clyde Cameron won caddie tournament at Bnrrie Golf Club Art Powell wen first winner in 1039 Queens Park liiiss Helen Peterson started as Berrlee new public librarian Mrs John Corby won Simcoe Coun tfiadies golf championshi ior third tma Town Council got nto big has ole over parade routln in town so not to tie up traffic on His ways 11 28 and 27 Centennial parade held up traiile for 22 miles north and south report indicated Gunmen robbed Toilen ham branch lloyol Bank in do light es caped with $3000 nnpp was sweepsteiges winnprBerrie Flower Show Mhat Mr Lowry hasnt explained to our knowledge is wh some batters are more susceptible to optical illusion than others and wh some pitchers are superior to others creating it in the forthcoming World Series some of the best hitters in the fame todo will break their backs swing ng at the opti cal illusion and some of the best Kitchen will see some of their very best luslono get whaclgcd Dyer gistant Ionccs Ah well as the Montreal Star recalls kindred splrlt of Mr Inwrya proved that aerodynamlcally bumblebee cannot fly Mayba its an Illusion that they do fly but its very convincing one and complete lack of success The vast scepticism with which his thesis has been received has in no way discouraged his enthusiasm Some day he claims truth will revall and the curve ball will be recog zed for what it is an optical illusion Ninetytwo dwelling emits were is sued during the first eig month of the year and there were 51 ns of sharp upsurge in the list this tn number of subdivisions are ianned and negotiations are underwa wth the Council for acquisition land and facil ties Com leted this ear was major ad dltlon Central olleglate and expan slon is nowwin the planning stage or North Colleflale These two schools serve the youth Barrie and district for wellestablished In which cntér large 13 3W Fwy Barrie situatéd the hem of Sim coo County fronts on beautiful Kempen ielt Bay at Lake Simcoe It is surround ed by scores of fpopular tourist resort and is the Mecca orailolliln population of holiday visitors who on week and sometimes mpnths hero or boating fish ing and relaxation No new industries hm been estab lished in recent months but there have been notable expansions to existing plants DeVilbiss Canada Lid has just completed an $88000 addition Plnsiomer Ltd is spending $70000 on an addition Thu fllnnm ull In rmv leml In agar Nu mk mm or About null Iplm or cenll in Nov nrl CM lur lb klmuul nllnlc lm Imm ullmlled um lhu ml ul Hm hmlc nod woulxl In nlroul ML But look th muuflem Thll erlmeulI mukellnl ollm WIN limo nlrnun 0M hnl uvlahlu Inup lrltLl thicken will whlppnl pnlnlnu Ind rum lull nmvln lumm hrlly Annlhrr lull lomnlo Ira 1mm umy Mlh mvy mu rlrrulnl Illfrnnl myle and MI and nup rrlnp 11 um II ï¬nkkm nmnlle um AHI bury Iluk ullh mam lrlvy whiwwd pulnluu Ind 99 9nd ml mun ï¬nch lhm noun mull cmnu mm mnnpml In Um III rmnynylmrnu nl an IIUHII nnm my Thu aner Inmlly dwl Ime In Me rnrh my an box cuuulmr My ll In In men or NIHIIN um um um MI lnlm n1 davclnnmrnl In Ihll Hrld II ho mull lnlroduv llnn In Iomo v5 cm nuclurd limemurne dinner pu mud p10 urvrd and mm COMPLEX MENUU The prlco Max In bmd upon lhe relH ml 01 MW nod not upon lha prlco of proprcpnrcd oodl 11ml when mom huyn TV dinnm or lho lnmlly Iho pay pcrhnvl 09 mm or each urvlng 01 which hnH upro unll flu toll nl premkn serving lrmlnl and packag Inz lhu dlnncr Thll lypillu the convenienc whlch wlll be brought lo Cunndlnnl hmth Hm expan Ion urvlco Indunlriu In Hm luhnglnllgnl flunu Canadll plttem Inflation II closely matched by that In the Unlted Staten Then this consumer price Index hu ulm mched mord helzht just boosted by thu sharpen rIse In my lwtrmonlh pcrIad Ilncu that blue Index Wu embllshcd In Iha us too Increase In load prIu wu he Inrmt Ingla mm In New York Clly or example avcrnza price tor 1qu Ind venlnblu durInx July was mumIns per cm hllher than In Ian July YQOD PL CIIEFB PAY In pmllcu mulhcrx pend In In the nmmlerll hm rlnn much more Khan the price Index mom 11m II bccnun all lhl Ima nod ll comlng on lho market In cnslller new labor Han forms luv 11 Instant HINGE mlnnl mashcd nolnlou men wupl TV dlnnm and In 11ml nhcn mnuur buy Hum Inllanl dhhu Ill my not only lhu coal of UM hulc Iood but Illa lh load pntkerl chum or dolnu her kllchcn chem Wllh nod prim showing lho lulu Jump our coal llvlng measured by he ofllclal can Iumen prlce Index has neared neon helm lhla Iummer The inmates ported by lha huruu nullsllcl during the last 12 momhl come close lo Iho huge jump recorded In ï¬rst Didenbuker Year Our overAll cost cl llvlng has rlm by onelhlrd dmlng lhe In ll yelrl Closely mllchlnz lhll jump the average weekly and bill of th typical Cunadlun lamlly has rlxen from week ln 1349 lo mm 524 today OTTAWA Mother weekly vlsll tn the xrocelerlu II empty lnz her pum faster than Im below OTTAWA REPORT PATRICK NICHOLSON Service Is Fador In Cost Living must mans mama $an XMb 4n SHOWS ms CHWTER NY 19 mgr 36w W16 AM umvnf msonur mum to coin 6mm An MTV emy Mid ath haw mm ml Ill Muellva hml madman lvnl hml nnylhlnl mm In nr plldm Uup Ilmlly My d9 Ilul mn mmnmu vnlllnl In Arllml In Im In old and mu Ind tlhlll lundnl mm Hununh lure nr lmlr thlhllm lo lmnw HI nnd Fur Hum nImnl MI Ilnq hellrr lhnn mum Whm lnnlly In haul prmrd llnunclnlly run no llml ll In mmlmlnn In me hundmrouunm Vllh rhmhm lmmcnny almrl ll mllnuun hum Ilmn they All unm nul New luppou llul Ihtu Inm llIMI nu worn by Inolher clllld Th hllla Ind hollow Inner wlu dont llm m1 Tllll my not mnllrr much in mm um lml ll rnuld In nlllm Th nnw could lmmllmm he pmlml lulu laully by mm In tom arm or ll lmu MIN lvunmn In nver ll lml ur and wrmr bulnl lu wnlk In lluv um wny hrrnuu lho Ilqu mnlu Illm do an No Ihlnk Ill avrry th Ilmuld II In vulblv tmn lhnu In In lhrm mm mm In whmvrr Ihnpc MI In my lo have Mm chlld nu worn pulr ol Ihou lonLInouKh lo med nw onu or nhri nu duan lhelr uhlpu There an human and NH In lhc Inner mla tn ll lhn lau Tm ahou have bun worn Id In llwy lip bll or Ml Shoes to lama degree than Ihapa lo mil he wurer ch Some people la in mm on oulrmn In Home Some vcople wnlk an lhu nu Ilda ol lhn loot IOMI on the ln Ildo Same pcuplu leaped11y children ICU Km Ines other weir out lho hull Sam hive wlda Ind Ioma hnve narrow ML and hld llnlhnnd nb Iarvnllan load mlny lum Illu In whlrh childrcn ho Iflml punnu hm qulle am cnl telu wall In qulla mm mm hclzhll lulu tlc By JOSEPH MOLNEII MD Dur Dr Moan Whnl II ynur uplnlon yaumz chlldrrn wurlnz hand mu down huel from older Illlm and brolhcm II lhll bad or Iha childl am wax Iold ll wan but only by shoe InlumnnABL one dinner Tomalou llce wheat flour luzlr crum It celery onions canola buller milk turkey pen potato am when applu brown an on flour mrth lemon Juice almondl Thus urvlce In being in creasingly hum lnlo our dnlly us but It dot pm flu can 11van up For hmlly of lo mother nould lave uy $340 by spend In hours cooking and than wnahln the dishel afterwardl Instead lhmwinx lwly tho dlsposable Aluminum Iran 01 wuplel llvlnz alone or blchel on could nu prodnca the same menu the coal price TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH New Shoes Should Fit For BestFootHealth PARTY TIES The Fund pmldrnll Ilulc lllrM In Inlnrnlrd flip nl 1h UK In In 54ml ltl Null MI llrllrl hm nuld In Iveurr uh In an llll Frnmr nruminl Mr rrnluly 11w Unllul fllnlu II nwmllnl mm llmn ILMJM rhfly In 5011 vm Nam lo holn lulu 1h Communlvl Vlel Can DEDTROYID mum Furl Mus nl NI Aura mikeLake dulrnyed by Amman lnmlm In Ilw Wu of 13 um tutored 1m DI hull Irrllllrd nlllclaln In Vululnllou Inl munfll hy lul mllnl tmlh Scum Vch Nam and the Crynmunlul norm Iauld brltrr mm lor un Influrnro III pm pond pollry cl nunlllcbllnn Inn at lln lwo nu 1ny with fun uldlnl UII my hav nu objections to hand medown pnnll or dreml or Klnypem or baby urriuu Iir ribbon or palmu luck they ll or mentor or Inn ml Ind mlllem But mm that every child luv MI own new Ihm you hind em down da Io only becuule them 1111 my olher way In hep cth Ihod Dur Dr Molnar Can copper toykInl warepoll plm Ind leaknulu In Ir lhl hlnllh1 Mnfl Ml Norlnkelllu nd nher cop Iver tooklnl ultmlll hlu bun und or Murlu PARIS IANDiplomlll Hen lho mum French Am huudor our Lnloutlll mm Soth Vlel Nlm or hl Maul mmullnllnnl could hmd mu move hy Fmldml do mull In lho lnrmer Punch lmllnry But mm nlnion II but In will rdrnln 1mm my lmmrdlm mum um tank mm In lluddhhl IIII rn lhc mulhml Alln nullnn but Dr Mlnn chml womnn have laid ml no la can vegelnblel durln my monthly erlod bcclun 2y wlll 90 IX no plan ex Na Ivchurd lhls old whem munllm llmu It hokum Expect Viet Nam Move By France ma CANADIAN mass Septfl 13a al mm NB Son oi Pmbylerlm cicmman in was tonelad In New Brumwlck Ind Glasgow Scoflmi bolero anterinz busineu In Gluzuw in 1900 ha lei business Ind en tered Pulilmeni Gius xaw MP lie lnlor held oihar mu Ind lined tho Commil pony leader ship In 19114 In 1915 ht Joined the war million In colonial Mercury and when ll coalition iail in ma ho became the prima minister 1m Lake Nym was ghouvmd by David Liv 0013 ainu miilmner born outside thc United Klnldom wu born 105 wr Iggy1n 56 mm Mum emu Monet TODAY IN HISTORY THc smmous 1w WNN smaua COLOR the Tlmc was runnnx out of thc Brilllh By the and Sechm ber the British shlm wnuld mm to um downstream 1mm Qua bee Quebec and th French Army were mm Inppllel but they could hair out or In other hm yegkg Bulhrel my or um lhl lord ol flu Lard mly Ille cum In In unï¬lled ll Thunlonllu 5x1 On Sept 17 We Brlllsh Army under Walla met and de lemd the French And Clnudlan mm Moucllm on the Phlnl ol Abnhlm wuide Quebec Elno lhlt llme ll hu been lb and Ind relrlued Wu lumen Walla good general ur mum 1y lucky one book GrinneilMiinn brinu out two polnln which he btlluvu hlvo not been ivon lufiiclcnl wcizhl by hisioflnru in may in Wolia Ichluvemenu Tile lint ll lhc lldli factor Al Wollal Cove lhc rlsoud lull in zrul Ii 11 eel will In ehbtlda runninl or 111 IV um oi hours iwlce day and maximum ehh weed ll Sepizmber spring am nix knoil Thu seamd la til pre villing wind Throughout lhc nummer he prevailing wind in liu 5L Lawrem Valley in mm the wast Not until the luiumn do the easterly winds begin in bin tieng The St Lawrence River It Quebec 13 only about 1100 ylrda wideInd tho Brltlsh lllllnl snipe could only let nlely out the mu Quebec and Into the upper river It night with It breeze end on flood tide whld It best would now for lee dun Ive hour of dark men For most to the Iummer 1759 the winds were m1 When the hlstorlene crltlelze Walla for not pressing the ï¬rst attempt In the upper river to In Luau on the then unluarded Foulon or calling on the up Itream opernllons utter July 20 Ind nubstttutlnx the Iltock on the Montmorency Ind or am Unz any mention of upxtrmn openlone in his letter Ant requesting llL hrlzndlen Idvlco on whet Io do next GrlnnelMtlne mint1n the hi tofllnl Iro nuulnz not nzIInst Wolle but Enlnst the wlnde GrinnellMllne questl the when the brindle their re vb with the Idmlr luppurt recommended move into the upper river It the end at Au ust we not originl unnkm on their part but merely that lhe wind had chlnzed and the Help were letting through Between July to Ind Sept 11 12 Brltbh lhlpl hnd gotten into the upper river Wnlful 1m letter Io hll mulh mated lhc litMic problem Thl enemy gut naming la rhk Ind can In oonlclznco put lhg whaln Army go rl prayer hr the leachlnl mayor or flu rather Thll II beller thin prlyar or hll an ar My In II recent bloiraphy Mud II He the Bullish writer Dunv can GrimmMilne Iuppom very Itsz the vlew thll hmu Wall wu Km cammnnder Thu mleol the book ukan mm the remark Gems ll made In the Duke Newmllo about Wolh Mud II He Then with in wuuld bun mm my Mher mar Y0 POINT RISK BIBLE THOUGHT AT THE VLIBBHRY Only lhi decillvl dd ivory Sumhy pm An vmllrnl In mm 00d load In an lnronml manner ll rluonnhlo mL ulor Ia hlldml nlu mm mm In lllo I5 ACRES OF MiDWAY RCMP APPEARING THUR5 NIGHT FRI AND SAT AFIERNOON Incl EVENING Writers Absorbing Biography Famed General Wolfe llNDSAY CENTRAL EXHIBITION sopy 18 1910 21 GREATEST AGRICULTURAL EX IN EASTERN CENTRAL ONTARIO Also Vnrloly Slug Show Fm Draw on Thurm Frl Ind 510 Evonlngl SHANTY DAY ROAD AT BLAKE ST PNONI PA 6514 HOME COOKED MEALS EVERY DAY Lunchlom BAYVIEW TERRACE mo cusmuo hr ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS Buslnosumonn lunchom Bullnm Mutiny Spatial Occollonl SMORGASBORD PLAN TO ATTEND nlng Dlnnu the French Amy wmnd win thl campalm wllhln the lime llmll Wolla uw the dpporlunny Io use the bMIde to carry hls umy down river ln llM jun onulda Quebec between the flycu The Area with which event moved urly September is lurprlahz The Author rln nellMllne very convn In In hi monqtnlcuon of mu trip down rlver Thu bolls he lux mtl ushed all at two on the ml the last ebblldo to cury them downflmm Int er than my French lam on than could folluw VATICAN CITY AP In leme lnlerut ll locum here on whether num Enlem Orthodox church will allow lhe Greek laud boycott IhI Vlllcun ecumenlul cnundl and rain yipal Ippflll or unity with tho Homln Cum Church The Iorthcamlnl Pan0mm dnx Conference Rhoda Green look on new Ilgullicnnu allowlnl Greek Orthodox Prl mate flrryloslomnl rejecllan Frtdly my hope or lulurl reunlnn with thn Vnum The nhodrs mcollnx Sepl will drdde whether Orthodox churchu should ICClDl Vnu can lnvlullon to lhl Iecnnd councfl lesslon which open 1qu Men ol the counclll ch Ilm In ind Ivin unlle Chrlnlrndomr Mad In He sets out very clearly and vlvldxy he planning or the sum tom the upper rlvar ha trip down the river in the but and Du mual ham the Plains Abnhun he meant of the kettle the Plllnr Ahrehem L1 en lraeslnz Alter Wolfe recelved hla Intel wound Ind the French line had broken hlx last words wen to luve Burtonl reserve regiment lent dawn to the St Chnrle bridge to cut all the French retrent It thla had been done probably the men or Vaudreull would hlVl eur rendered the whole colony of New Frmce that utemoon As It war the French Anny we allowed to Illp lway Hound the flank to Montreal and met adventlue we lost Quebec eurrendered our deye later but LevlL It the nettle of St Fey the lollnwlnl Iprlni Almut tie Iuhptured Quebec from the Hut Duncan GflnnellMllne In Ml book hum hh we or Wall by overstatement It In very Inurestlnl to how he dil lera rum Colontl Smceyl view as set out sum book Quebec 1753 Ind Grinnell Milne due no hullalo to quota chlpm Ind vane whm feel Slucey wrong bul Ince GrinneIIMllnel paint View be prelemd In St uyn View um Walla wnnol zood Ilmezm walla could be united or no explllnlnz In um brinadlarl whnz ha Intended lo do lflll thc haul In me Actually happened the cum wu wounded or killed Mad II He IhouId be read by Ill hue who hieresled In Camlln hulary Ind whn like weflwlnlen intmole Ind luclnaung biography Imam lunarl MANY NEED HELP Two at evrry live chlldnn charted In youth tour In lho Unlled Slllu Ira found In need 01 plychlllric lrulmtnt Focus Attention 0n Church Meet