VETERANS Blagg oi the Barrie Branch Royal Canadian Legion march along Dunlap street in the led by Bill church parade commemorat lng the battle of Britain yea terdey The parade moved along Dunlapatreet past re viewing stand near Muieaster street where Mayor Les Cooke took the salute and then moved on to church services 250 Airmen Veterans In Air Battle Parade Pipes and drums and the measured tread oi marchan troops sounded through down town Barrie yesterday as some 150 veterans airmen and air and sea cadeu paraded to the ccnota at Memorial Square to pay tr hate to the men who died in the Battle oi Britain The Battle oi Britain was the lo stntggle for contmi oi the air over England during the darkest days of the German blitlkrieg attacks oi the Sec ond World War Lasting through the summer and early autumn oi mo it saw the RAF outnumbered two to one by the German Luitwaiie better the Germans so badly that German plan for an In vasian oi Britain had to be ab andoaed Following closer upon the dls ester of Dunkirk in late May early June i940 the success oi British Air Power in the Battle at Britain boosted morale end gained the RAF the praise oi the wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill Never in human history the Prime Minister told England in one oi his most iamous sentenc es Have so many owed so much to so low PAYMENT OF DEBT Yesterdays memorial service at the cmotnph conducted by Rev Sherring Padre oi the Barrie Legion was one pay ment at the debt rcierred to by Churchill Assembling at the Armoury at so oclock yesterday morning the airmen marched down High street and along Dunlap street arriving at the ccnotaph at I0li bright sun glinted on the backde of Kempenlelt Bay Mayor Les Cooke and represent atives oi the Air Force and lo cal veterana organisations isid wreaths Mr Sherrlag conducted brlet service during which two pipers irom the RCA pipe band played The Lamont and the col or party dipped its flags in rlbute Following the ceremony troops marched set review ing stand on Duo street near Mulcaster where Isyor Cooke took the salute SPECIAL SERVICES After the march rest the men paraded to Trin ty Anglican TODAYS srocxf PRICES Compiled by Flynn ll Dnnlop St Barrie INDUIIIIALI Aebletog Abltlbt Alloma Steel Aluminium Alberta blot Albert the Arms Ar til PM At antic Sugar oi Mont Rank 0i NS Ilail lel lratlllan DA Oil IC Pawn Cdn imn Bk Coll can Drawer crit rinseyouou en Can Cement Catt Qamlcai Calgary rower Cort Min Sm Con iavar Cons Iiea Dom nnare loch hbat LakIiaM Astrio Huron Assoc Arcadia lath Conger glare oliiltlel Keeley it arr stradar hncourt laraflo Maritime Madun No New NormalIla rummage loco Illartl YJL Dunner VI hitch aisaasy rorg nowuouee Inductelaia It ill bis ans Dota round Dona atom Home Oil Ilud Ray Mia lindeona Itsy imp Tobacco Accept inland N0 itll Nkltl infer Wig clue lea Poi lie Lela Duiartlt Laue Ansr Massey Targ Noranda Nar Ont Na aiocra Carp Mela Pnrc Paellio nsta Pans Pin Page namr lnwsr Cor tilt llii ms on Bk Tran Cass Tram ML Trad Vita Tall Union the Walker oaw Walton lanttb lemma North ale Opens in Parent ua Purdel Provo lilo orst Sliver liel Itltrilntll esp oe Trina Unite OH United ttsne thlroy Wtitssr MOI AUHVI IIOCKI Merrill Unitod Oil Hana Canada Ilpe NIW roan AVIAAOII ltalil 10 Utilities down N10 INC IXCflANOI IND roan lndtaetlhll III 11 Golda down Dll Union To Discuss TieUp Oi Ships NEW YORK AP National Maritime Union ofiicrre meet today to decide whether to ex tend the oi the lusury liner Amerlr any oi at other United State Line ships The America Itttillti in else not to the United States in the maritime Iiest is dotted sr regular transaUantlo has been cancelled In dis ue over ails ed rsrislire ilg olia dlecrlmlnst on by one oi her oltlrera Says US Slow in Moon Race DEA AlOlNElt inws MP spar nilirtrl say that US astronauts will have orbitsd the earth i300 llmu beiora they go to the moon To date Americans have com plated at earth orbit while no vlst cosmonauts have accomp Ilaheri 1M Antrilrnn Rotirrorit at the Notinan Aeronautics and are Administration told the ewe Iially Pm Association Satur day that the time our three IAirthtII save tor the moon ierrrllnl as as nation will hm accumulated 1000 flight hmlrl In earth orbit st manned rrsiL it Metal up 101 Dill 00 JOHN IAN You are probably well aware at the purchase oi an eulomo hlle represent to the average consumer an rrrstmrnl second only to his home With over ll year at Intensive es erlrnre in sutmnotlra retelling Io place at your dispoael will be more than pinned to assist yrns with the selection of the automobile best suited to your lndlridusl requirements and provide demonstration drive at your convenience oi any oi the worn dertul isos Pontiac or nulrha at my dlspo or In iect any top quality nodwill used rare You ms reach me at Dean hirer clan lit Rradiord St Barrie or by dalling in Meet Kapuekaslng Church and St Marys Church lwhiz special services were Reside Mayor Cooke wreaths were laid by Squadron Leader It Reason for Camp Borden RCAI by Flight Lieutenant Parker lor RCAF Edgar and by Flying Ofiicer Larrigsn tor it Explosives Depot Angus Holder laid wreath for til Wing RCAF Association Barrie Illslop for the Roy Canedien Legion Barrie and Frank Hersey for tlsa Rerrla Veterans Club Similar parades and services were held at RCAF stations in the Barrie area for airmen not participating in the Barrie cere mony WEATHER Synopsis An extensive area at high pressure extending mm the Great Lakes to the Atlantic provinces shows him sign of motion promising sunny and mild weather over southern and central Ontario today and Iues day Cold arctic air has spread tram the Prairie into Northern Ontario but is expected to stall north oi Lake Superior and Just south of James Bay lLeko StCialr halts Erie Niagara Lake Ontario tiaiinuo ton Lake liuron Georgian Bay Algoma Tlmagaml Windsor London Hamilton North Bay Sudbury Toronto Sault Ste Marie Sunny with little change in temperature today and Iues dey winds light White River Cochrsns Sunny with cloudy intervals and tow showers today and hsesday not much change in temperature winds light Msriae Forecasts Georgian Bay Lakes liuron Erie and Ontario South to southeast winds to in knots Clear Forecast Temperature law tonight lllgh Tuesday Windsor 00 St Ihom London Kitchener Mount Pores Wingham liamilton irenton Kiliaioe hiushoka North Bay Sudhury Earltan Sault 332333333132 White River tioosonee 6833335 at Trinity Anglican Cnurch and StvMarya Roman Catho lie Church Girl Missin For One Day Two Arrested Two itinerant legmhends working in the Ailislon area were arrested and charged with contributing to iuvenlle delin quency Sunday alternoon in connection with theovernlght WREAlilS WERE laid yea terday at the Cenotaph in Memorial Square in commem oration oi the men who died in the Battle oi Britain in the disappearance oi layearold ward oi the Metropolitan Cath ollo Childrens Aid Society lohn Martens 1o oi British Columbia and Walter Btuhoy 27 Parry Sound district will appear in Juvenile court today in Barrie Bernadette Brunette who live with her foster parents Mr and Mrs John Rood eta Township About two miles om Alliston was found walk ing along gravel road around nine oclock yesterday morning crvmt hysterically Police say she disappeared about nine oclook Saturday night aiter leaving home to lck apples Mr Rand went coking for her when she didnt come home when expected lie iound alxquart basket oi an pies spilled beside the read about 30 yards irorn her home police search was organis ed about midnight and at ilrat police feared than might be some connecan between her and the disappearance oi Thom aslna Baker in mortthe irom her term home four miles AWAY the Baker girl was never ioundPollce said this mom lng they no longer believe there any connection between the two cases DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Iiong Kong John Wallace Todd til oi Victoria BC an RCMP inspector and liaison oi iicer to Iiong Kong since ms alter major operation Albnqnemne NM Carl tiatch 73 iormer United State senator and iudge who was the author oi the lost listch Act or so celled clean politics bill which prohibited government Esyroll empio ecs lrom contri uting to poll cal campaigns or taking part In lilies Wash agtoa on it Gavin 70 Republican Pennsylvania member oi Congress or at ears ol cerebral hemorr are MontrealEmile Collette 6t weilknown in the Canadian tex tile tndustryx alter long lil nus tarertta his Iarnee Dempster at tormer army eer with to years service who attended the till Coronation oi George and was active in the Dominion lilile Al The iollowlng is list oi candidatei and their auth orized agents for the riding or slhiCOE CENTRE in the coming PROVINCIAL ELECTION Wednesday Sept 25 1963 PROGRESSIVI CONIIIVATIVI EVANS Arthur Candidate Ken Tupllnp Ilredtord Agent LieeaAL TODD Frank Candidale Don Campbell llsrrie Agent NIW DIMOCRATIC PAIYY MANSON Derrick Candidate Murray Isrrls Agent FIRE CIIIEP Rolly lrwin walks through the rubble at tire behind the Barrie Shop ping Pissa iEauminer Photo Davies Sing September 23 Tickets are on sale tor the Sept 23 concert oi the Device oi Canada Sponsored by the Central Unl ted Church Choir the world travelled singers will perform at the churchs Youth ilall Proceed oi the event will go towards completing work on the church Tickets can be obtained all any member oi the church SAVE ltIOitl Daposltors balance in Swe den savings bank Increased eight per cent to tltli000000 in ms Did you know ADOUT lot day now will guarantee your child an insurance estate of 000 at age on The Manufacturer Llia it Plan will enable you to build sound inundation ior your childs future Ltia insurance Available from birth to ago it each unit pro rideei000coveragatosge1l whenrovcre automatical ly increased to 55000 per unit with NO PREMIUM INCREASE For further details ralli DON CAMPBELL as utmwr scars llue iA Mm lira lA M1 lepreeflstlng Marius crueerte rusvasssr aurar Second World War Squadron VLeadar II Benson supply olilcer at Camp Borden are back alter laying wreath or RCAF Borden Eure iner midi Says Fires Delibrate Four tires were deliberately set within zthour period over the weekend Barrie Fire Chiei Roll Irwin said last night On Saturday night the Depart ment had to answer two down town calls oi bumlng rubbish and garbage Last night gen bags can we set flre and about in minutes later around our loose cardboard boxes were put on tire behind the lisrrie Shop plng Plaza Oriel lrwln said There will be reward or anyone who can give us iaiormatlon leading to ltlhenperson or person doing RORROWED CAME EDINBURGH tCPl Jordan mm lid attoo couldnt ship over uthilr own camel for the event So herd ï¬gucooscrlptod isom local LEAN LOIN BUEHLERS PlKRITE STEAKS STEWS TlLttIST PORK CHOPS WIENERS Peanut BUTTER ROlitN HOOD DILUX CAKE MIXES 100 CANADA NO MILD TOMATOES 219c BUEHLERS FOODIMARIIET vi6 DUNlOP EAST ran eastern exaerswnn MONDAY Tagging Curtaiis hire Jean Gable publicity director tor the Royal Victoria liospitei Auxiliary charged to tiny that the auxiliarve tag day realised 1100 less this year than last yearbccsuse we werent allowed to tag at the Brewers Warehouse In revlous years she said lhl the rive had taken large re ceipts from the Rrewere Retail Store locations and she air that this years drop in receipts was the direct result or the closing of the beer store locations to the taggers Mrs table attributed the de claim to deny tagger permit close to canvass the bear stores tn Allan Scott manager oi the Brewers Retail Stores in liar Numismatic Anniversary The liuronla Numismatic Ae oclatlon will celebrate its third anniversary Wednesday with an anniversary cake and coliee in the RCA Association club rooms on High street Guest speaker at the anniver sary meeting will be James Charlton well known Toronto numlsmntlat who will oak on Fifteen Years or Num matlca 1m to rm Mr Charlton coin broker who illustrates his own catalogue and compiles price trends for leading numis matlc magsslae will later ludge coin display set up by associa tion members The normal monthly auction will be held alter the celebrat Oil The public is invited to the meeting Members are asked to be at the meeting ball by 10 Pm PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY City Police PA Provincial Police PA was Fire Depsrtnsent PA Will Royal Victoria Hospital PA lit 3m LB snrrnrrnan it is re 1msts rie She gaidvthatvhtr Scott is stopping every because customers were complaining and some people who were con ductingtag days were sending children there Mr Scott would give no com ment when reached by telephone morning Mrs Gable said that children had been used to tag these in cations by other organisations in the set but denied that the Hosp tal Auxiliary had ever eta tloned children there She ob served that this seemed to be an occasion in which all groups had to sutier tor the actions oi few REALIZE 38303 The tng day Friday night and all day Saturday realized tot al oi 385055 which will be used said Mrs Cable to buy ip meat and other necessities ich the hospital board would not otherwise be able to purchase Almost the whole iirst year class ol nursing students at were on hand Friday night to serve as taggers They were helped by elementary and high school students In addition the whole mem bershlp oI the auxiliary helped in some way with jobs being assigned by the resident The Red Cross donat its rooms on Duninp street for use cam polgn headquarters Mrs Gaba rcportcd that the auxiliary was pcmiittcd to tag outside both RarriaLCtlo loca tions Only adults were elation ed there she said She also reported iine coop oration from the public and ex pressed her thanks on behall oi the euxitlsry tor the public sup port BACKACIIE not me For rsiisl irsus hsslsrh as that tiredout teallng idepaad an 59¢ 49c PORTERHOUSE wmo on raENa SWIFTS MEAT BALL lRISH OR DEEP JAR lo 01 15 OZ TINS 00 29° BARRIE or