be upon lnlelhlr Tmle Prllm Mum Cnnldl um Vulqu II 1th In almlln nu mullnl willan ruhlhllrvl by he CI nuflunï¬mulm Camila MONTHILU mlhlul mlmlnldmllnn umrdum 1mm rvrulnl an mlllhlr hm Mulrr lvrlwrtn nnIln am Mini HIM In mm mm pulrllr lmlnv by lhe nmlIAnAmnlrun Cummfllu hm hmlm um hm Um Imnul In lmill nr qunln IrwI the mum um Mill rm Iy nunlsmlulrvl lo nlmml Iny dullhhlr hm hm lhv Us nr lnnurlu In cynlclsm lmnllrd In Illlllll lmllllrlr Ind mm 1mm wnmrnl lvhlunl Imparlm Id cm Hrr nlallom Mwun 8le uhl Ike dnnbml lhu UN mrmhtrnhlp urr unulxl npnrmo nn Inqulry Inhl hr IIMMII rcllzinm rrhll Snullu VIN Nnm Hue nald Hm Imufluilnn WmIM wru drnl null vhvlm lhr plinripln nl nnnlnlulrrrnu in Annmrr lullvml Inlmml nllnlu vm Nm lmx mqu hldr luld mm min mu 0n he tnntrnry ll In llw lnhml Vin Nnm la IhnwI YHIMMVII Ml anlully deplorlnx lhu pnssihllfly min of LS nld In Homh Vlrl Nnm Mme Nxa Ulnh Mm chlllMlKd he Unilrd Nallonl Salurdny lo make III on ihrxpfll lmperllnn nl he lrllll rledlul nnllnn run by hzr brnlh erInlnw Invisible Wall Hinders Trade The two men wrro lrnvelling lnutlher Five pennmln he Itcond cur driwn by 1yur old Jun Guy Brain of 0mm Inflmd mlnor injurlu Cunn n1 III Ind Leo Sauna bnlh Mammal died Sun day In twour colllalun nn Illnwny 17 Jul outside hl limit of III 0Hle Area cummunlly Ha old Unlurlan Church meeting People who Win Huh umxalion flmuldnt 10 lo lhe South or private enjoy mlfl Vie Nam Has Nothing To Hide TORONTO CPDCanadian Ihould haycnn the muhern Unltzd sum hullday an my protesting nclll unrewlon Man Borovoy txecmiva mrelary lhe 0n lario inbor mmmiltu or hu my riuh He appuer on the Pierre Burton Show carried on CF10 anonln CJOH Ottawa and CFCF Manual The program Is to be shown In Caluary and Moose Jaw Snsk next week Crash Kills TORONTO CHPremlar Le 1315 Qunbec ulrl Sunday night he answer 10 cries for Quake separallsm mm new nomln glrength ar Im concerned think Quchr has too weak an economy to Alford lo separale and when were strong enough we wont be Inlcruled any more lhe prcmltr sald In lolevklnn inlervlaw JEAN LESAGE Should Boycott apokuman or Canadian Nullonnl Hallways nId me change by one Canndal mn jol rnllwayn are usually lol Iowpd by similar cuts by lhz Mher The CNR has ammunced sloped inncult conference day betweenlll head ofï¬ce Mnnlreul and 12 all to an CflORONTO CPI Canadian Fuclflc Railway announced Sunday wlll cut rail ares in Canada beginning Oct 27 In bid in alop the contlnulnz dr c111 In nassengenrwenue mbén said lha amaunls ruduclinm wll be nn mounted helm Oct 21 ORPEANSkOnL CjHbcr CAPSULE NEWS CPRAnndiihCe Rail Farecuts EconomicStrength Will End Cry For Separatism Lesage mu IOACIIEM mad Alum lnum lluld nu MILth urn All mm mm III In lfllulnlnrnlnl mlufln7 nu anchL or Remamber the EATON Guarémeo Goods Sutlsldctory or Money Refunded BENCH WEI mule limit Inum Mam mm MECMh ma IOACIIEM mad Alum lnum lluldn an Brittth nrh IIMMIJIII Ennmrllml mrlnl anl lflll0ill flllflflM rnv PAN mm llnn Mm dlnmrlrr SPECIAL mu NONNM MIR Nlrlc nhmlluuln urh IOVHHII IAWTJANI mm lmulnmum About Cpl ï¬l rurh Finnish urlhruun Whilend flrnwn Crrul null Sal TANXAHM Our aim with handlu Aboul 1mm SPECIAL or NISHNEM by Wnlrlfnrd 01an In cnnllnrnlll dulun About 02 SPECIAL MUG Earlhenwuc Strip rd In chmnlalo cnlnur SPECIAL It No1 GA rgnnupgfv IETA mud Dinnrr Plum It Irull annhI 5d In llnllcr AM 0pm Scallop Sr TUMIIIJIRH Glnu In Wind blnwn ppllcrn with Gold cnlour de nlgn About mm SPECIAL Ion TUMnLEfls Glnn In Vlnd blown pallem wllh Gold mlnur de llzn About 150 SPECIAL lor CAKE lMTF in Honey Tapnz pnllum Glul bras colour mclnl 5mg About 1le dlnmelcr SPECIAL uc Police 31 web home hnlrls ounces of polsnnous com pound moulhlul whlcll could make child seriously III or possibly kill lllm The parents 01 lzyeawld hay called police when llmlr son brought home battle of lhe polson he had 0qu in lhe gr bagel Pollce luund several opened case and many halllcs mlssinz FRUIT BOWL In Honay Tnpn pnuarn Glm buss mlour mnlal Marx About dlnmtlcr SPECIAL EIC TORONTO CWA IObltlck ma downtown anuntn was being secured by police today or bullies or rat poison found misslng Sunday night mm the gnlbgge all dmg gore Rnderlck Lockharl 38 chicl Ilewnrd Local nl Ihe Unlled Electrical Radio and Machlne Workers Ind and Davld Taylor 50 plnkclcd llre London olllc ol the parent on pany General Electric Cn pany and met wurkcrs and management there The parent ls ml canngclrtf wllh General Eleclrlcrol Noni America TORONTO CmTwo unlnn unlclals who flew to London Io protest he dlsmlssal of em ployee of Amalgamated Elm Irlc Corporallon him said Sun day night they dont lee they Influenced the companys man aggmanA Poison Missing CPR ofllclnl said Sunday lhe declining lrend In passen Ker mlleshu hegun show up axaln this year pmmplinz The nllwlyl had pnvlously cu lndlvldunl lures ln Iha lprlnz of 1m and announced lpeflil group lms hut lull CPR palung ravenue whlch hadvllllm la mama In 1081 from 0633842 In 1951 all further In 1902 to $20030 599 run lower fares lhe number plssenger milel Increased last year In 300570000 lrom 50001000 jn ml nquncewhat desérlhed as neg abogl passgnxgr urylcéll Reps Unsuccessful SHOP EARLY HOUSEWARES CHINAWARE pamphlet publishpd Sunday by the Bow Group an indopcnd ent association at young iibernlJ minded torics argues that Brit ain would realize her poiiticol destiny and economic potential best by remaining independent oi the new power bloc inrming in Western Europe it has strong hopes tor the tuture ot the Commonwealth as third western power with Eu rope and the United States and adds that for Britain to become sidetracked into the Common Market Is to sacrifice unique dnstin fly DOUG MARSHALL LONDON CP There are signs that some proEuropean seclions Britains Conserva Hve party are beginning Io have second thoughts about joining the European Common Mur et Teresila Vigaud carries pl cards as she ridosnn 3qu in New Yorks Timcs Squara yesterday prnlulln rally by students who recently visited Cuba In deï¬ance of slate de UK Toriés Now Hesitant On ECM The pumpï¬lcl rcllccls only SHES AGAINST 149 149 149 149 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 149 L49 149 49 49 49 SHOP IN PERSON ONE DAY NLY TUESDAY SEPT 17 UTILITY Mun Mulr nylon Illh lull mu llpm FaerrI mun or flmwn um Whllu hnmllu nml hlrullllla Almul ll mu HAL AIHIIT IIHMNANTH Anorlrtl nylun unnl mm In urnuu Au nnrlnl rnlnurl 51m Will and 27 xJOK SPECIAL rnch PLANT IIIINNHIIR flrnr pl lk ullh Imlnl rmls Sim about SIHCIAL Nth LTMII THEM Math Illflrk rnlmrr Sim nbaul MW HAL lur Hllrr hlm alum 11 rmll Ml CIMIIIWH WWI MINIXWI Mada nnm plnlllr wrll mnnl lml cmntmluhlr Allnrlrtl ruulvmlln rul mml Alum Win HICCMI rurh MI NI nlllfllfll llnl nlhbrr Cnlnuu Yollow quuolll EIECML nu AKH TIM AND TnVlIII mud Whllo plnsllc SH ML Irl ruhbrr Colmir Yellow Turqunlse SPECIAL rnrh THTO DRAIN nmnn TIMYR mndool plnsllc CML rnrh 70 STOVE mud PLANTHHS made at plasllc SPECIAL each SALAD HUWI T8 mmlo III 111 In Large how mull mix urvinu nrk mr npmn ml and pepper shnk SPECIAL IIKONING WARD PM AND COVER SETS Sillmnnlrcnled rmlnn cnvcr nvrr mllnn libm pnd SPECIAL imndr OSTESS TRAYS made nlum lnum About 11 dlnmtlnr SPE CIAL ouch prevlous Bow Group pam phlet publlshcd belnra the breakdown In Brussels lasl Jar uary in negotiations or Bril nins entry inln lho slxnallnn in pauuo qaxruw unmqu France West Germany Italy Belgium Luxembourg and The Netherlands argued forcefully or Brillsh membership Economical lhe pam phlet BrilnIncan achieve as much or more expanxion by mninlalnlnx Commonwealth free entry and pressing for lower tariffs nu ma Kennedy round 01 General Agreement on Tarifls and Trade negoklallons the views he six authors headed by CnnndlanAbnrn Lenn ard Benton lormurly mm Fleet Streets lnp common mar ket cnrrespondents and now di rector studio at the Insu lme Inr Strascglc Studies ARGUED FOR ECM STUDENT RALLY parlmcm ban She was an group anllCutm Cub ans wha protested the student rnlly which was held In Town Hnll In the Times Square area AP eruphntn AUTO ACCESSORIES FLOOR COVERINGS SPORTING GOODS 149 149 149 149 49 49 49 149 149 The summon said painting on 149 He aald In an lnlcrvlcw laler lhat he Klngslnn association had Isked in View the cast lhe new school um member hlp lee be eliminated this year Yet sald cday prcsldcnl of flu Kingston and Dlstrm Assncinuon or tnrdcd Chlldren the parent as saclnllon slill demanded Its an nuaLmembï¬rshIp leg Uhlcss that Ire pald ho xald lhe local assoclalion ls nol untitled to any provincial uslsl unce FEE xxxmums KINGSNN CPIThe Onta rio Association for Retarded Chlhmn didnt pay om plugged nlckcl tn the $8574 cost the Sunshine School or Retarded Children the npenln ceffmonyxy ng Saurdny L49 Supportan lha es senca I115 em ll It Is to carry 1L bend to all per sons said Mr Blnldlcksnn who represcnlLKenam Rainy Rlver federal constitupncy ISECioND cnrné enfd sun In In second federal mlnlsler to criticize Mr flohana on his pension stand 149 149 vainclnl Liberals accuse Mr Rooms at Iupponlng tho Ontario pension smeme over he ederal uovcmmenll Cm ada Pension Plan althoth the Ontario scheme announced lhe last session oflhe legisla Iure would cover only those worklnl or llrm um III 15 or more employees The federalplnn would he unl veml and um completely wp polljlgble Thu ngrtssiva Conserva tive xnvermjngnt being niooli he said It political rally ab tended by about 75 persons In support oi Lawrence Richard son Liberal candidate for Rainy River in lhuSept 25 provincial elecliann FORT FRANCES 0n CP Federll Mines Mlnlxler Willim Benldlckson Salurdny nigh added hll name tn the llsl 01 than crfllclxlnz Premier Rm ham Ontario or his mind on penxlons Retarded Children Chapter Balks Ontario Association Minenginister Raps Torr Govt MMIEN NWT IEAT IOTI Fnr Ilnrllnl vegtlnhlu and law eu mm mm lo uunllly man All mm mm rlful lhmuun put fllulnlnrnlnl lulu In humun In In nu anchL or nl 7H Dynrl mller nml mrlnl lruy SPECIAL Ivlun Ir PAINT nmmnnn Fllm mlnw hrllllwl hrunlv In whllh prrlnlly milMo nr lllrnnw pllnll NIKKTIAI urh cuL udu WINDOW RIIADES Rmmdmk cnu ly made pluillccnnl ed cellu km While only Sim Ibnul 10 Im SPECIAL cuth HEATER KITH Each pnrkngl Inn on net wIlHypo nm In telllnu lm ltn Jpmnl hmkx ml mm layard plrlllr mm EN CIMA kill FOAM nunan RMHL Sllrl ll mm or Wurn SPECIAL DRAIHIW TRACKI lurk romplrla wlth lflllhfflfkfll fll non lurnckr Ifth Iml qnn Midge PLASTIC LINE DIMIIJ rub Mhylrno plullc llnotl Mlh plnlllr Unlauu llmun nr Tlxlqunlw su nbmll SWIM 5P CIAII pnlr IMNI MOLLY MT Cnmllll nll parked In lulw tnmplrln TAILORED CURTAIN Whiln Trulnn rnynn She nbnul rm SPECIAL pair TA INLOREILPANEIB Whllo Bach RODLESS UH1155 Cnllnn nr nundy Cnlmm Hrd Grew nluc nr Gnld cnlnur 5m uboul 1a SN CIAL each MENS BOWLING SHOE DAG Vinyl plnallcbnckcd nylnn Mlh zlpprr nncnlnx Column Navy or Brown SPECIAL each ROLLER SKATES Sltel heel and body wllh ndjuslnhlo loo clump hallheurlnu wheel Ilraps and key SPECIAL pair rciuscd hl Ihat the ca HOME DECOR Beanie superinlundcnl of spcclnl service or the educa Ilon dcpartmenl snld he llml is not too far nway whm the cost Iornpening wheel or re tarded children will be pul on such bush willJIoI be nee nry or Inca association In His money In public can vassts Mr Dnuhlcday aald ll ms lime Um department duca llanmumcdlull coals con Ilmcling and operating schools or retarded chlldren vainclal grants or In school totalled $23347 Apart from $6000 obtained or he an lhc old schaal and $5000 grant from Klngslon clly cunn cll the rest of me money wu ralscd by um Kingslon associa was requirement of member ship and an obligatlun Ontario pm under John Wlnlermeyu was xdlzduledw spank It tho meeting here but because of Jcleleion mmmll man be had return ï¬n Tab mm from Mikokun ounce panynl Atlkwknn Mr Vintermgyer uulliyled Illa Liberal plallnrmylo the 30 per sons present Health Mlnlsler Judy LaMmh was lhq Iirpl WILLIAM ntnmxcxson 49 149 149 49 49 49 49 49 L49 49 49 49 49 BIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES Propnnnda organ have con nnlratedlnslead on Mango or bind ML Sovlet peopch The Soviet pres has carrlcd comparatively llltla new on this ara hmcsl lnra reason when vlctnrles on the agrlmllural lmnt Ire normally top new of tha day MOSCOW MFAThu 50le Union his Imposed vlflual blackout on MW or this years min hnrvesl whlch Vexlern lpeclallsu here predch will he Inolher alrlcullurnl disappoint men or the Kremlin The prediction was backed up by repun that the Soviet Union will shell out nboul$500 000000 in scarce foreign cur rency 101 mmrd order oi more than 200000000 bushels of Cmmdiun wheat HARM EXAMINER MONDAY SEPTEMBER II no l3 Ilyllcld The lama volume hcnlrnl by Another mclhml cnuld cost Ivor $1300 per munlh YOU CAN USE OVER Russia Keeps Harxefet Secret 118m campfnlnrvlzmtha Halchlcss electric water healing ls provcn lo ho ovqr 00 emclenl other methods may only be as muchan 65 cmclent Indupcndcnt surveys ï¬rovn that more water can be heated at lower cost with flat rate clcclrlc waler healan than any other way Electricity is Sate lean Flumeless More Efficient tool FOR FULl DETAILS CALI AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY PER MONTH TO HEAT IT Why Pay More ELECTRICALLY BEST For LESS OF PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY Hor WATER WHEN YOU CAN HAVETHE COMMISSION You Need all the The vlrgln lands urdcrev plowed up 10 yearrago by Pre mier Khmshchev havu been mparled far behlnd um rest the Soviet Union In harvest wrk summer dmughl parllcuv lnrly damaging In Iho arid vlh xln lands territory Kazakh stan added lo the dilllcullles2 The Soviet Unlonl latest 31 rlcullural roubles belan wit the severe winter of mm am delayed spring FROSTS TOOK TOLL pnflcd in sumo area In hav takcnhcavy loll crops and xprlng sowng was started late due lo deeply men topsoil sumo Russians are flattening uni only themselves but their live stuck on cheap bread 200 GALLONS PA 171