Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1963, p. 10

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lmmnn Mnnlrrnl ml lnwn flalmh llhlm all llrd lnr um Inn with Al lulu Sldplwnl nuptnllr My It Ho nlml or lvm undulva nml In nlnuln In tho lam quarter pul Ihu unmr nnl nl reach llnmlllunl rnlnin Anqu In wllhln lvm mlnll am plan In llw ltmlrrn Font hnll Conlorrncc Sltnhm puntan ml kitklnu played mnjur Inlu in thu Ar xnn I57 Vldnry nvrr mum rlnrrCnlu nt CNI Hlmllnm fiumlny nHrrnmm hrrnklmz T1 mnlol lonlnn Ilrrnk TORONTO CllSflmly Sh hcm mun he happy hl new 0MP Dixpmrd ma week an by Manlrml Aluutllu hccnunu he muldnl mnlu he Ml win 51 plwm clumml inln Tamnln Amunqu unllaml nnd Ind erm In vldury In MI llnl shill charging Edmonton defenslvo uni Itd by lincbackor Al Ecuycr ankle nay Dailllz end Na Dye and wmy Oscar Kruger hrld the powerful Mon rcul allcngc to an ynrdg Tho lIskimu nnce dlrcclcd by new quarterback Lynn Ame dm pr nd on cunvulcd touchdown whlch was convzrlcd by end Tommy Joe Conny mm mu Milchullmddcd the my soul Aluunllen nlnglc came on 6an Ilcrrtllna award punl Montreals nulslnndlnu hnlIbnck camblnnllnn 11 Gem Dlxnn nnd Don Clnrk comhlned or only 130 yards In cnniu Mixr names um Tmr ler In Calgary rnd Lany nb lmon put stamp on he ACME Highly rated Calgary Stam pede salvaged only In game against Saskatche wan naughrider In soggy wea Eher In Calgary before 13000 In Tonights CFL schedule pits Mammal ngnlnsi British Coi umnia Liam Western Conizn ante Ieadm In Vancnuver 80 now is in first place In lhI VFC with 11 poinls Cai gary in secund with ll 014 Inwed bySnsknichuwan wiih nine Winnlpcl cighi and Ed mgninn nun In the EnsL Hamilton Mnnb real and 0mm are find or 1er wnlh six palms Toronto has our Fnolball Inns are shaking their head In bewlldnrmml ol lowlng three Caundlun Football League games In he West Sat urgpy plxhl The last mace Eskimo the Weslorq Conlcrence downed firstplace Mnntrcnl Alnuellel al the Eastern Commute IM More 13500 wet Edmonton Inns Grey Cup champion Elna Bombers took 3246 beating the hands of Oltnwa Rough Riders More 17545 Winnipeg customers Sundny acllon saw the Iaunh lace Argonauts thump Ham on TigerCnls 157 In In Bush Conference game at Tor onln Sandy Stephens In Starry Role THE CANADIAN PRESS Jack Comy In presunli he Corby Trophy to Dr and rg JH SmlAth pllqwlng heir Vielarry the husbana Surprises Highlight Weekend CF Action MOM LTD IA Hm BI REPAIR NOW PAY lATER DANGERFIELD Illh anr canvmlml BUDGET PLAN HUSBAND AND WIFE TOUBNEY WINNERS mm lhc 350 Vwnlvcrfiriéo 10 day no Us nutr they wt Iquahcd In we openan flames lhl mun ya plcrkrd up by Tumnlnlor Ollawnl victory was sound on dazzling displny or pnwer and versatility along the ground rd by flue Ernie White who accounlcd or yards rushing TALLY ran ofnm Whiie picked up two Ottawa touchdowns one on Lynn awup nmund right end behind wild hiocking Fullback Dave Thcizn scored one an uynrd burn through he middle and quarterback mus Jackson ramped nmund iha end from ihe Winnipcfl our or another le painis Moe mine kicked lililu canvcrls lwn finale and njzynrd iuiri gn The 1am Individual Icorlng Itnr wnl Bombm Gnome Ilcmlni who councd la polnl on touchdowns lhrcn can vcrla Ilnxla and 45yard Roughrldcra were pcnalilcd 62 yards whllu Calgary kept me slme clean in he hardbilling mime Calgary quarterback Eagle Day completed men at 17 pass attempts tor as yard whlle Lee Crosscup cut tram New ank Jets at the Amertcnn Football League and veteran lloh Ptacck connected on only twu at l2 throws tar 16 yards LOSE 62 YARDS Lending ground gainer was Slnmpcder fullback Enrl Luns ford whn wen yard on 27 carries It was the founh game this season that Ihe rugged nough ridcr dnlcncu provcnlcd much down Early In Ihn game Jlss Thompson 54 Slampcdnr dc cnsive coach was rushed to hospital aim wflcrlng hour nllack lhe coaches bnx He was later reported mun com ortahlya ward wlth single on missed field goal In lhc second dad Javyard llcld gonl In lho lhlrd to give Stampcder 40 land going Inlo lha Jourlh frame Fabl replied lor Sas kalchcwan with slngln and veteran tackle Reggie Whlle house kicked 27 yard field goal ln lhe last quarter In and hi footing And wile gal murnament yes terday at the Banla Gel and Country Club 1113 champs carded grass score TUESDAY SEPT I7 PM Numhmmh Wlll In Suvod Cushcnun 29 guard wiih previous Niil expo Home with New York Montreal and Chicago advised Abel that he was anxious in rclum to his home nl Duiinio where he has lab as supervisor wiih mi drink boililng camm Wings drafted Cushcnan imm Buiinla Hy THE CANADIAN PRESS Chicago Black Hawks of Ihe National Hockey Lnaguu dc fcalnd last years Slnnlcy Cup champions Tornnln Maple Leafs 10 Sunday to lake HI nma ekhlblllnn series 11 Vilh sccnnds rem gnmc Chlcngos Murray Bal four an shot 1mm Rex Flem mlng Upped lhe puck Inln the Tnmnto nets spoiling he xoaL lending debut chll Svmns sun 15 of Sweden Svcnnsson blocked shnlfi III lhg gnrqp playcg al Kitchcncr Al Dclrm Abel mann gcrcaach the Dclmlt Red Wings nnnuunccd Sunday that dclmccmun Ian Cushnnnn has mi Him camp of the NHL club The Hawks llcd lhu Saturday wilh 53 victory over Toranlo with nllslar forward Stan Mlklla slamming ncmss lhrce fur Chicago CUSHENAN LEAVES field goal whlch lied Ihe dls Kaylee record set by Dan Sulh erin of llnmllun Ins ycar and had net 0160 Runners up were ML and Mrs Clllf Goodhead with no score 65 Examiner Phdln Hawks Nip Leafs 140 In Exhibition BUILBING MATERIALS 249 51m 31 BLAKE IM9721 THORNLEA ¢9M¢gr3v lflWEST PRICES FASTEST SERVICE The plnym Ichcdulcd In slarl twouAdny warkouu also In eludes Mnrc Dufour who scored 50 goals or Sudhury lhn Eastern PrnIcsslnnnl Lcnguclas scnson hls first as 11 pm vetcrans obtained through draft nr lrade and crop at lmpresslve rack lcs Including Ull Slcrner he ZZycarald amalcur star 1mm Sweden Invllcd or tryout Tracy Pratt up lrom the hp nlor Brandon Wheat Kings is trying or ipal on dcfcncc Ili Inlhcr Wnllcr Hahnv Prnlt uns onMimc nllslar deIcnccmnn Home RunsH Aaron waukce 42 Stulen BunWills Lo gclos 13 lehluPcrranosk Lo gelcs 153 333 ol the AHL for $20000 during lhp onscason In olhc HL news the pre scasm camp New York Ran gcrs opens at Winnipeg Ioday with flock newcomer lry Ing In crack the lngup Coach Rod Sullivan has he maklnzs oi polished penalty killing combination in Don Mar shall and Val Fonieync picked up in hedrnit mm Detroit Sou Na former mmgcr meals are trying in win per mgncnl snot Forward Bryan chlall who finished out last season with lhe Rangers back is alhcr wan thy league xcoring tllle In 1910 Croat St 39 E3191 321 Clemente Pills 545 71171325 Aaron Ml 589114 189 821 Davlsl LA 521 61157 311 Pinson Cln am 196 318 Gonzalez Phll 522 71160313 nunsAaron Milwaukea nun Halted IIIAaron Mil wnukcc 126 lllbPlnsun Cincinnall 198 DoublesGrant St Louis 41 Wlrlplu Pinson Cincinnati soles Ynslrskl 1363 Pearson LJL Rollins Min Knllne Del Multan Bos 57 45174 322 54 90 169 312 529 77 310 537 843169309 557 56 65 236 RunsAllison Mlnnzsnla 92 Rum aéund IIIStuart En lon no Dnuhlu Yaslrzemskl Bos ton lrlplu Veuallns Minne gla la Stolen fluxesApaficlo Balli mm 38 PIIclulngBnulnn Nei York 706 769 ¢rlkenula Peters Chicago By 1m ASSOCIATED Mess MIL Ynslrzemskl Eoslnn IM loTnE mama EXAMINER MONDAY SEPTEMBER 13 Ilsa $lrlquulsKoulnx Ln BALL LEADERS Amerlcln Nullmnl Lugue RunsH Aaron Mil AB 11 Pet 590 33 32 545 71 171 1325 589 114 189 £21 521 61 157 311 am 92 196 318 522 77 166 313 HO BRADFORD ST PA 85965 ll Pal Se LéulsIErnle maglm 168 gm SimmonSp 157 and Bob While the Dodgers and Car dinals were In the spotlight Sun day Cincinnatis John Tsilourls lhreLhlt Chlcogo Cubs Wil lie Mnyx hit hls 35m homer as San Francisco Glnnls wallopcd Plluhurgh Pirates 135 and Houston Calls look pulr from New York Mel 54 and 5D erl rarely used rlghl hander brought his record in 54 against lhe Dodgers allow ng he nnly run on hnmm by Tammy Davis In the laurlh In They sald It Sunday alter the line war drawn or flu begin ning threegame series night at St Lnuis belween Illa firstplace Dodgers and second place Cardlnals that likely will determlns the Naltonal Leagua pennant winner The gem who led by seven games on Augaa have 11 games remaining The Car dlnnls who have lost only one game since Aug 10 have 10 left Theyre all even in vic Iorles with SL Lnuls two game back In gheAlnsl column L05 AngelaJohnny Padres 1310 Sandy Koulax 115 Ind prgpayly 1ch Megan 5L IAllMlgild Preu Spam Wm Wéve been forlunate In the past When we play bad game we turn around and beat snme one prenrgood sald Lo An gzles manner Wall Alston cant lhlnk opllmlsllcnlly or pcsslmlsllcally about the pen nan race When you meet head on anythlni can happen regnrd 25 ul how good youre going Iald Johnny Keane St Louls Cardinals manager Alsinn said it following loss to Philadelphia Phillie in which three passcd halls coupla oi menial lapses and he livehit pilehinl oi the Phillies Dalian Green lei the Dodgers wilh mem unegame lend aver hi nursing dihalsu Lew Bur dellna xixAhll pitching and Ray Sadccki five hitter gnva St Loul 32 and 54 doubleheader sweep of Milwaukee Brave or their 10m straight vldory and lheir mm In games in bid to overhaul DO Angeles LOSE MORE Th pllchlng ralallon looks like this or he threegame series ShOWdOwn Series Starts At St Louis Rrpnlu midu nuth Inch WHITE ROSE 0pm mm to 10 pm Dlly Hullrld stml IA N130 Bldlo Equipprd Clhs CENTRAL TAXI Torml Can Ormistons By pm Mum mm can Ind 111113111 Phillie had already gut to Don Drysuaw uh ur two runs in he first Inning on single by Tony Taylnr his steal nl sunnd Johnny Calllsans slnglc bun single by Wes Cavington and Bosehnrns first paxked ball ERRORS COSTLY Two more passed ball by Rustborn law throw by non Fulrly on sacrifice and Roy Slevm home run led to the rcgtol the rum Were he ermrs Indicallée mfiDodgurs choking As soon sameune makes an eiror or get beat thats the first thing you quys About said Alston We do so ouNLor 57 5A5 Just fnwmlacllons tom ouv walli The Place Men Lil9 to Shop ITO llOlJllM Ally IJI um Runny ll nu to II Nun my Night uul The Cardinah came of nlncgame winnlng streak and now have Mame 5mm and in Um last eight games he filching stall has come up vnlh lvp shuluulx Burd had nne until lhe seventh when Hank Aaron hit 42nd hnmer with me on The Cardinals already had lhcir three runs on double by Ken Boyer and Blll Whllcahamer In the second and Buyers homer In the muh GETS SUPPORT that once in whila Thnt hémcrcd Iha club Satin INITth ancaslér Job hacked by 14h altnck that Included lhree Ml each by Long nleevrd mum Ahlrt nf mtlnn Ilnnnnl In nulhrnllc larlnns Small mudlum large Mm 398 Ioqulppcd meni dcparlmunl Charley James and Tim Mc Cnrver Singles by Cum rind James Mchrver and Julia Javier gave lhc Cardinals my run lnlhc secondmore than they ceded to ready as we ever wU be said Keane In the other games Talluurls 103 lost his bld or shutqu when Billy Williaml hll homer fur the Cubs In lhe nlnlh Eddie Kaskn led the Red attack against Dick Ellswnrlh 2010 with three hils The Giants scored five runs an our hlls and two Plrale er rors in he sevenlh Inning to beat Pittsburgh Billy ODell was the winner with eighthum Hr fififi

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