Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Sep 1963, p. 4

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mum run cm MIMI ll Dllly lundl llllulon um Mun wALu hill Ind lumm uvun mu IAII HILION Alumu mrnm nonnu Inlhlln mm flan rm by mac in II llnllo ll pr 3131 flan11 pm Im1mm mm um ml Unlnm rmm Cum ummu 7m vim omm mm Dull III up hi In III nun mm at Ihnvn Auntlulu 1m um um unuuum Collegiate 055 lrlncl 11 James erlln report cd Vlclorln pu Hc rchool overcrowded RCMP ofllcrrr wnrlcrl through ho nml mm whlrky mu In Drndlor marsh Judxa Vlrmcr handled tx crptlnnnlly Inrgu number um In Dlvlslon Courl ML Ind Mm George Jukcr of Orlllln opened drnclng rchool In Amrrlcnn llntel Enlry list of 0m Vorldl Falr not new record pm culnrly llvcamck wu Innounced by Mayor John cm Hull Mil Excellency lho Governnrlflenml and Lady Btlrbor Barrie Examiner Sep 1933 Psv ing finished on iOmlle stretch Highway 26 between Sisyner and Edenvsle Spectacular ire deslro ed barn crops implements and some ivesioek on farm oi Charles Robertson at corner Johnson and Kern eniell lllll in east part of Barrio harics Pack successfully grew crop of eanuis in his orders on ohn St own Council ecldcd to wait for overnmeni rellei lsn before Adopting ocal scheme to unemploy ed Mlss Margaret Gribble 18 Barrie placed third in ihe Barker Tro iihf onetmlie swim or women at Toronto Ixriblllon Barrie soccer club do tented Annnn 20 in lirst grime Weslern Onlnrlo ilnnis on goals by Roy Emms and Tom Murray Ed Shuier and Tom Shepherd refresenilng Barrio Post of annlrinn Log on placed new deal re solution heloreeonvenllon Windsor In human mu mm mum lo ummmlm II am new II mama in Am om rm mum nu no In notan nun IOYEIR5AGO IN TOWN Fairs are llnked closely wlth the hlsi ory of this once ailagricultural nation They represent show window or the iarmerand his family They display the grains and root crops nursed to careful maturity by indulgent hands They show off the young calves which had been fed and groomed by youthful members 4H clubs And they reveal the skills at ihe women in cooking sawlng and traits There is remarkable fascination for Iuch Ill arm of products even for the clty slicker It Is sight never dulled by the passage of the years or the lmplct This is fair month In Slmcoe Courity Much more slgniflcant It Is the time when hundreds of farmers their wives Ind chlldren display the products of their Iummers toll Fairs Of Simcoe District ShowWindows Of Farms Eh Earriveiixammw The Barrie Examiner Wnlll Puhlllhu THE HUNTERS TAKE IOTHEI WOODS Pubuahed by Camdlln Newapnpm Limited 16 Hayfield sumBum Qnurln DOWN MEMORY LANE arm 3mm munmksm mu rmc Cnnndlm mould lllo mm the my allon to ho amuu or hm no way of knowing how we would mcl mod wllh lllhlll problem II II one lhln lo know mm In munlly right ll ll Inol or thin to do It WI CANT Bl smua Port Arthur Nown Chronicle Cnnldhnl my be oxcund ll lhoy dls lny lively lnleml In Ind sympathy or lhn ngunlzln ordnl lho American South In undergo nfi Ind or the monl purl lympilhlen wl Ila wllh Iho No ro no la who no mklnn hunun rlghl at ould ho romumbored lho whlle clo menl In tho popullllun hung ullml upon to chin lndllloml my lllo Ind lholr Iltdtd Ipokumon are not meoung tho clullanu ludmhlp when It ll sorely needcd rm mm Born on Andrew Cumm ngs farm St VIncent SL destroyed by tlre So many barn llrea luve occurred In recent weeks there Is ruuplelon tlrobug loose llenr Slma and Miss Lucy Vanderhoorn of won Icholmhl Toronto pro moter Innounccd pan for VesImIn ster memorlnl mausoleum to ho erccl ed In Barrle Unlon CemcIer Allan dale whan rc orted In dep ornblc con dltlon dcnvnlo won glrls county lottlmll chumplonrhI defeating Lctroy In llnll Allco lrnl ck pitched or win non Mary Coutla tor lorlng team Lesllo Allen of SS won trophy lnnlrtll achool Inlr Major Knowles reported lecond eroi trom pens planted In rprlng Ml lxood Id lllln In pum prlnctplll oI Ovendon ColIcKc firllfi prlnci Ill Ovcnden College Ivo rclurne 1mm Englnnd when they apenl he lummcr nlu destroyed barn at John Brown on 0th llmlls All 110 rm work by Barrio Ilru brlgldo Ived other buildingl nugh would Iy oiilclai visit to Barrio Oct 30 grlculturll Joint Stock Co authorized to spend $12000 insurance towards erection new skating and hockcy Irena combined wiih air build ing Clmpaign ainricd to sell $10000 worth of slack in add to $13000 already subscribed to replace rink burned down last March Robert Graham Barrio horremrn capiurcdmany rim at CNE Dam on Andrew Cumm nvn mm £0 This week Oro had another successful worlds fair Tonight will see the con clusion oi the Cookstown fair one of the best in tha district Later this month the Barrio Fair will be in full swing display ing the products oi tarms from all part of the county Drop around to see it The axparienca will be worthwhile Evergone should take rlde and Inter est ln ll dlstrlct lair Ha gnu of our pros erlt and the quallty our firm lnn at lthout ngrlculture Slrncoe county would be In sorry stale Indeed Our grllns root crops and our cattla are source of wealth whlch provide jobs on am In vlllnge and clly the machine age It throwback to pioneer days but still bears close con nectlon with the needs of today OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Ono wonder why IMI condi Ilon hu cam about lhll wm cdcrnl lavemmtnl pm 1m we mluhl mum thl In crenle In Inhrlu In our rd ernl mcmhcrl Plrllamenl wu nlppln ll flaw In lho hud However II II provintlll pm fut Wu m1 cerlnln um he Georg Jvhnnlnn we mrmlztr of he provin clnl IQKIIIIIIIIB our dhlrlu would all II olhm ny Inleml It lhll mnllrr III mly In lhn llml lo mlkc II known Wu need werk no um um ptoplu had vhllorl Irom Nnva Srolln AI they uvn dona tounlleu llmu over he ycnn lhny look lhcm wlml lhcy lhonxhl would be real rut the llawer bed Mldhunl nelartunllon Whit humllmlun whm they got lhere Through the good mm yum yum may express my very Ilncm dlsnppolnkmml Ind the unllmenu of countless olhera ll lhe Ins ol lhu bunlh flower bed that has hr 25 ycm lull been mum lay Ind pride and Implnllon In plop ml dulrlcl Ind plenum mnnyvmlm who mind MI lower bed It lhl Miydhurll ennuix On July bu load of people lrom Hunllvllla Horticul lunl Soclnly wanted to min Itll known benuly Ipot They were refuted permlnlnn no went to In for myull what looked Ilked lta lorry lookan light and look llka ll ll dullnzd lor ellmlnlllnn much like In bunlllul hedlu ml luv ra rcnlly llvan plm lo Ilnna len DO NOT propose to write travelogue But every other day or the next couple weeks firm may Ippear brie Irtlcln about Ihe Lrl In thJ mace Mast partlc arly you wll not be lven hlswry ol Enfllnq or descrlpllonp the place Interest Not rum one who mlklnz only second nopemm In this land The other wu for llva day 10 year 150 Some thousands or people now llvlnz In Barrlu Ind Simon County an nallvu ol England lhouamds more came back home to Canada after urvinl ovens in two world wars Dur Sir pm tour or In members Ther around 700 weekly newspaper In Canada About five per cent shtth are my rcxcnled on thll Journey Plus one dilly As put pnslden ol CWNA 195 had nine there were some cancdlnllonl Wu invlled to Join the tour Mn WI In here loo to kw In eya on gum who JUSI BEFORE rcadlinl lhl Mert min 0er Elva wax or coumlfilo the left In Hyda Plrk name of thIwondors the mo world Several hun dred oonlo were clustered mattered menon mp bum nze orator problth Add ed up to not mm than no dozen But to our mlnutol pausel noted that one wu bearded And om wu New Their wdiencu uko un wm mostly tourists no doubt But no bobby wan bothertnl them Fr lpeech but with it must come the mutation of remn Ilbtltty by the Individual when STOP THERE am not aun posed to be oditorhltztnihcre Habit hard to change oven utter 10 day my from home For moment lorxot my read tnt Iudlem not onttrely com posed ol Ktwnnlm ABOUT 11va 10 years 01 Cmndlan Weekly Newspaper Asmprqu lponsgrl Eunr LONDON England 11 now ncvon oclock Sunday eve nln25¢p¢ muwnuld ha two In mg Iltamoon lodaan Bardepbntlrla Wu hlva 11m returned In ha Mount Royal Hun mm In Elmnoon lrly to Hampton Court Pulm Windsor Culle uni through the 1mm parany mutual cnmlrylldi along flu mlmu Invy Sunday pm An urelltnl way In mhy 10M Imd In an lnImmnl mum at mmublu mat Wt Ilia cam In hudm in um mm mm me In 10 THEFihsTltbfumflk Péfilishéfffinidxsg ANN IAI ROAD AT ILAKI IT PHONI rPA LETTERS TO EDITOR HOME COOKED MEALS EVERY DAY PROTESIS Lunchlom BAYVIEW TERRACE ly KEN wilm all CATERIN Tar ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS Bunlnonmcnl luncheonl Bunlnul Mullngl Spulal OCIOIIDHI SMORGASBORD In In mm mm In leerfil we have Inlclel Iuch Eh any curving Ihlpl at human bl lnx dIfleerIh doxll Alll lur hunth mug of Innku ll or Leannr Ikln uxnbuh lur huuu dtcorlllon nlllva dnlm nnllw wnllll mllu lull In chlnu your own Ilrm Inch Apart Ahlrl nnl pulluv ler hrll nll loch umm Ind lell Goldm Ylnkul Arml ll Apallu Slrul Luau Nlnrll lltulilurl Noll sin the wri lar nu you leuer In un known In Ill nampnper And our mull nu Kt Hut no enhnnn Im curled out wllhuul pwrar lnllllF menu Im III Mrlun boy II mu an ll teal Inches lull we hl lbl Ind bllck In cnmp em will tom arlllvcly happy In hurlnl rom lllynnl who wmu lo wrllu me or me llh In uchlnzl lama le Ind corguggndlql ll lm been la Hm been learclllnx Iar penpnll In yaur mm asclnnllng Country hecnun law your Iddreu on our lainqu newwper Ind wlll bl very ulclul 11 you can help In publllh my mm Ind Iddrm In your new payer which interest to many Barrie people Witching lmljn the deck at the ship we wen tuned out of Monlmi harbor spottnd Mn and Mn Sun Foley son and younxer dluxh ter waving to departing deck crowds man WI discovmd their specill lntmst wan alder daugh Ier Jacquelyn who remembered Jackie rad at Universiiy of Toronia will be undying in mm lnr the next ytar Sha was with two other Vnnliy grad 01 hi yur Min Cathy YoungInd Min Joann liincDonnnil bl Toronlo wim will also be at tho Sorbonna or year lnckil wumet It Liverpool by an unci Ind mint and went with them In Black pool or visit She will Sol the other lirlx in landon It the and Di lhe month belan start lnz undies in France 1119 Foley Amlly In iormer teddenu oi more beauty wall or our ever expandinl populnnan well or our Iourllll We uh Md to Ian whit hnvl Sincerely Mn Glbll No 16 District Direclor Onllrio Hortimlluul Amp THE NEWsPAPEfl group numean so In til uma in Britain by Air Ind wmr About 20 law Icross 1h pond mo reminder including lhe wall Ind Mn heavens luvelied on Canadian Plciiic Stemuhipl liglship Thu Empress ol Cin LOCAL ITEMS wllh on tho Irlp In third alum Banll Mn Mary 141ml Kompen ell Drive Mn Luva tho molhor ol MII Del mm She ll nprenenllnz lhc Bolton EMerprlu journallul vlewpolnl MM yam Hal lon Iho moved In our 11 any out yam Inn Fmle ln lon don now ll Mr and Mn Wll lllm cmpmy lot hm week ahead at hlvlnl all ed mm New York on flu Frnee new flushlp cl lhc Punch Llnel wunm noel Then ll tom dltpuu to whcdur 0M Frmcl ll mm than the United Slam Queen Mary but Ihe molt certainly the long lhlp on tho AllMIC wall over on thou nnd feel The Cnlu are nif lnzlnl the Westbury Halal 11 undo but wlll lravellln thmugh Enzlmd Ind Scoumd next week AM mm tho hm Inf Je out nIfCInadA old mumy hubm Ilfly ma in repent yom Howmr then mlny chlnxu upeclnlly In Landon mlduxu point out Momma 13mm llem 4mm rm PM Id Ipm ho III Inn Ilulmrnl mm Edinbuuh 000 pm flmvm Full rulr Elmvllt Em Towmhlp Hrhnol rllr mornlom lrmnu Council loo pm Munltlpul Oillnl Gcgulnn lly nmlopmml Almlnllw AMSTERDAM The Nether Innd neuter Brllhb and 1Wut Germn mum Iudm wlll dflcun dlurmnment rab Iemx In London um wee 12 VIII Innnunced Thundly It the cnd of flu Social Inmnuuonnl Copym orlkuflurl erly Tour In Mlplo Lu Gm do lo hm hi0 flfglnjvnigl Band and muh Georllul my navelopmml Auoclaliun an mul All wound Delnwnnn Inn Haney Arbour Allllton Torn Councll pm Count Chunbm Home Nunlnl Cour mmond by Nunlnl DIVIIIDII ol John Ambulmu Comment Monday Sevl pm John Home Clmpbdl Avenuo lqu Imldl Hum imundn Coum under mum 01 Num Inl ofllm Mu Lawmm IArry flu Fe mo mu ll wcelu ledum lrxl book and bandlm IN THE NEXT Installment ol lhls min from the CWNA Eunr in yog will but about GET MORE VISITOR5 From January to Mly 1m Greece had 57301 lureiln tour In compared with 5634 In ml nun period 1962 Cnnlumerl In pm Que rk Church Imde commemurlllnl Bank uri uln RCAF Camp Borden tnnllnnm From mme Armoury Alon Dunlap Slml In Cenotaph 1000 nm allowed by mud to church Elrclriul power lnimupilun In Hurle except KM north ucflon between Am And WE LEAVE 730 am tomor row Monday by bus or Dovar then take channel ferry to 0mm These early rising boLh er mo Gou buck to Camp NI uarl 21 you nxo when ha Grey and Sim Former bugle hind used In blm up at MS every mornlnl And mre even the mm hudmd Mghlawl out 01 bed iomo our Inlemaun experi ence In londonylnduding thl lunch by Church Service Sen Church Pun Inlmmd fillLa Lljavley pally 7Kimmy Cookilnnn Fllr Couhlawn Hm Disflld Senior Sollball AuocInum All Shr game 130 pm Queenl Park OUR TRIP only like ln Lon don Ind envlmm for film dnya The Itinerary move lhmulh Belglum Holland Wes Ger many Auslgln Italy Venice only Swllzcrlanrl and Franc Perla only That should In Tough lo keep everyonu hair pnl Bum qnll anLCoqnlIy Qlulz Lrnhmderl Th Inlernllionll med mem ber pm to exert mlxlmum Influence on their government In and um Iuppllu In South Alden lama sun Nay WI ump num nl Iha Emu Press for levml yam belan mole la floronmr The British Llhor pm In lernlunnnl ncrmry Dnvd En mln um um mm for um moelinn flu am or ch wIIl be on 8ch II to de onxlrm lhu clan rllnllonlhlp between lha two mu Thu onmu lucnded by more um delmm tom 20 cwntrles Including Clnldl ended In our dlyn 01 mm with an Idopuon mm resolu Hum covering mnjor pollunl pmllvldeml In may pm of 01 Sciéiallikfsill Will Disbuss DiSarmament TODAY SATURDAY Sopl l4 TUESDAY l7 and dlmld SATURDAY SIPTEMIER I4 TO SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 11 MONDAY 50m 16 SUNDAY mm 15 but Dr Main in mall ipinhu liin muk similar in red plmpll nl yelr or morn mndinx could dennnioiozist determine by Just glancing it whether itll kin uncar or would biopsy in necemryiWLC This cur be perfectly ham iess um mole but dermatol ogist usually can tau whether biopsy is necessary Such ile torl how Ind when tin mark laminar whetheruu is mu my my mac 1nd the influx ol Wm all in in biopsy oi course The vallab radon involved In no Intelrelated um you must hive In orthopedm eval uate your pmem In some cues mhrili draw the hand into tightly rigid position 1119 linger per manently bent and immobile no like Isi but lorwani mm lbs lame knuckles Frequently such hand can be restored In essentially normal appearance Their whines is much improved bul the degree of this depends on he mount ellecdvenen prslolherapy Ind persevemxl 0L0 Mans Thins fibula In In fo llllon to huvo mummy or leverl week AM Ha open on Surgical eomcflon the mull John at th flmn luccmlul of the hand as whole or Inner 101m Ind elbow lime Lhauldgp In tenther new pm dun However tho lechnlquel hnvl hem mew In ule lhert Ievml mmm mm to Mulder 0m In lhn pauantl general condition of coum Another ll moral Thu mhriflcmmm should be In Icflvn lat It lent le month ll minim ea try to come flu delomuly when tho uthrlun It at work Ind emu uglier dgm WHEN Mom um but Dr Molnm How we eeulul which the Mud when they In awn by rheu mgtald mummu may you human angwgr BARRIE fromun GOOD HEALTH Surgery PosSible Foi Arthritis fludu lenth To 1m new open In Mrl publlc npanmred hy Nnmunlly omnluliom um In nlly CI Mu Edlmr Thu 0mm NI1llWhli Toumhfy Edam rm Mldlmd Ill FIJI ltnny SA kllbn SuyMr BumBelle Squirt Dunc Club meet mh nmudny ll pm In RCAF Auoclllon mm In Sunl Club lcvtl dnncm uelcomt lroluxlonll Women Club Runv Tm mm 900 Lm Elm nu Fur Llmvnlc Allanda CNM Bowlinl Club Mm Doublu 230 pm lnlermedilla Sollball lel Lnkevltw Dairy va Comumm Gn 700 pm Quunl Park II nzceuuryl Township School Fllr Innlml Park Mr Lad Ayxllglry null nu tanlmnct Deluwuu Inn Honey Arbour Imumedlm Snllhnll rinlll Comumm Gu v1 Llhviel Dairy 700 pm Queenl Puk In IATURDAY Sum WEDNESDAY Supt ll THURSDAY SUN 19 5mm Slpiq AI Muchlnl bnlhzrly Ion and nut um Idle unto yum or yourelven lrl lauth of God to on an numbI Thequnlnl The Ichlavunent enulnc good will Among men In an ac compllshmenl worthy God eneaunled by Ill men But another and probably much undemummd mot is nerves worry lack of sellcon fidence 1m Interfere with finialA Ability quill wly In mm nervmuly worn down by Job funny wor flel bills and the sheer ma er of being tired suddenly in filmy jimpotenlfi Ha shbuia some ties and Nov worrylnl Sexunl activity advanced age neither nbnormnl or un usual It In true um or many people It ceases because of death ol the spouse or because decline In general physical vigor It you do lum would hm been lound In the urine Albu min IppeIra for VImuI mum but sing lindlnx do nu lndluu dhbom Albumin show mu urhmy um Median or contam lnIuon mm mm Vlflnll dlI chme DeIr Dr Molnet Whll About mInI mull activity Illa Hm In at 601 Plow Ilzn yam no nludy by on ol the mum medial new 1m 11on that sexunl leor while It dimlnishea wilh 1M yearn can continue Into the 70 80s and even 90 Iva answer In doubuul man My policy to leave no angiolvodhdoububngl mg to my on would cam or doubt baton rem1m In bloply but Ihm Md be no delay when doubt but Dr MolnorxMy doctor told mII hlvo nlbymln In my urine Could hlvu dinbetell My BIBLE THOUGHT TI

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