TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 1195mm Mock mm linden Fm Internallonli Ltd Th0 company report nu loan oi 573170 or the year cndcd June 1961 which is in large part ntiribulnbio in conedive steps accornpnnyinz lhe reorganization Thu com pnny does not unlidpnle In iurther recurrence oi nuch ma jor ndjusimenll in in open damn and im ihe coming year mannzcmem in conï¬dent that under nonnni weather and mar ket condition lha company can Achieve bunkcven position or Miler Clnldlm Ullmkl Ltd For the six months ended Julia 19634 010 complmy reports rm tncame ol umm or $119 per than compared wllh ll 060322 or mo per shm or ha carmpondlnl period In year Pacilic Prirniruml Limlird Thu cnmpnn reparu nzi earn inzl or flu aix monlhl ended Jun 1w unmarried 5305 or Be per share compared with 0mm or Me per Ihnrc In 1h narra apondinx period In 1962 Elm inu per an based on 1079347 Ihlifl ouinnndinl in rm compared with 18568 sham In 1m in Gama president nid Bailey Seiburna operailona now In fully init lrniod with Paciï¬c Patrol and Iluniilclnt nunomiu being ruliud aa mull oi iho ccnaoildallon The pruldtni al In aald the higher nrr incomc in lhc laiui Ill monih perlud ruuilrd lrvm inmued and llkl vniumu DENYB BYMONS lefl hold up mnlul honor he re celved at BanlInl Mlmurlll High School commencement examine in Multan Friday nighL Ha got ma certiï¬cat Im an Ontario Schohrnhip Ind three grade pmllclency Iwards tho Alliston Dlmlct ll Pnlorfld Ind DELI Common Indmmn HINDI udlln llydmubonl 44 Th campnny upon n4 eun ENLWJ or newer nhm or tho quamr endad Jump compmd wllh 371155000 or 10¢ per mm ynr The Illxhl Mnellm In ml umlnn wnl ln pun du lo lhl lflblllnllll Imam In propane Ilnnd In mdtr Kn llllkl on cmamur prunlm on Whlch nll mu lncludbl dr my have been hhmbc but plymm lnr whlch not re ulvnhln unlll lhn uulomcr um producl Annmrr mm wu mm mm will lncumd In lnltzrnllnl new wild hi the Unth slnln rm Nurlhwnl ind Qurhrr FIkonhrldu Nkhl Mlm IM Fur In nlx monllu cmlrd Jun 30 1061 mupnny MIMI or me her rumpu ed wllh l1nm1w or per mm on mlled hIIL of mu Comnmclnl drllvuln ol nlrhl In In Ill hill of 190 mm IM Mum All In nu conlpnnyl Mun 311w duc Ilnn 1n eumlnn mm Mrhrl unlionl mulled from lownr do llvrrlu nlchl allowln lul Hllmnl vl lhn Unmd um nunman llMHik mind In Auuml 1901 Clnlnl Dtl 11mm for he mmulhl to Juno no the comm mom Incorm MM llllml JOHN Nut rm helm dayndnu Imorlnllou dq huh cp andnned mu lnmnn lam wu 41170 unpaved th OMEN Oll bold or III company unnan Mullvd 1509 on llhlm or H111 Hm dully mm Lumn hbll or 1m HIL duly In 1h nut hull Thu Vuylnun all ï¬eld wilh vNul 01mm mu unit Irrd nlAJuly 19 INN Thu Veylnlm mm vim vNuI amulet mu unit Ind July IN Cow llmdlon ol um flood lull Compiled by 41 mm is Dunlap St ram nuum 5mm Wlel bum How AVIIAGI mun BULLETIN amps Conlolirlaizd iillnlu szib In Co ledn Limiled The company Innnunced hu increased its lend price VIC in mm poundi No price in creases oi V4 each have been made in the United Stair since the previous price changed by Comlnm July mat iime Comlnco increased In lend price io 11 poundi ers hgowlwfl qnderwhyx Fle1d producllnn belnz malnlnlned close In 40000 bbls per day Ccnlrnl has participating In dm 215 per cent In the Tndm Finrm Carperlion mind The company report net proï¬t ol mam or 35¢ per lhlre on 4390 Clm and Clara El common sham for tho le monihl end ed Jun 10 106 compared with not prom oi $0629 or 66 per shaft on 1333411 sham uuuinndinu for ma tor rupondlnl period mi yur The Iulnilnlini rrductlon in earnings in largely Accuunlod ior hy reduced earning oi ihr aub Iiviinry companies in the influ um Kroup and lha lndusirill group Proiil an ni oi ln vuimrnLI Imounird to Win M5 or per Ihnrc ior tin le monihs period lnsi year No Iimllnr pruiiio wen llkcn in in in period Cniury Pour Lid The com pany rtporil nci lncomo oi IOMLW or 8115 per share aim depreciation oi $5170291 or iha manuu ends Juno no ms nu compnrod with uni inmmc oi mum or ii per dim Illrr dcprucmivn of mm or corruoondinl period last ycnr High School Board lamp learning and tho Aulston Rol nry Club and Adnmson awards Valcdlcmrlan Margo Menard right received MormwBanlIng award and the Proficiency prize from Konvey analructlon Co or Lalln an French Juhl Llhlll lelml IL Mmrl pmldtnl old Ahnrr haldm ll b0 nnnunl mmlng Enmlnxl or the Hum mmlhl mded July II loom were up 1M pcrunl at 42c Ilium 1m pcr Ihnru In the Ilmllnr 1m Mod Sale In the qunrlcr r0 per arm Alma the 371901000 nyplknble lo lh llrg llgrcq menu at In an HockMM nbprrovniv Im In mm board dlrtclon lo mm Am rlrtlrd II Rum and Alyn Tny hr ll Hm new nah on In hoard 7w Uri 11m company pom nrl mama or lho nlx monlm endvd July II ms umunlnd Io $01M or II par nhm II com Ind wllh umm or me ptr In lnr lho cor mondln pctlml llul ycnr nw waudlm In umlnn mum heavy wrlh um modal with the nymlnl of unltl Inky all Clnldl Umllrd Tho rungn1 rmru will H000 Ilur Mm Hon Ind da Inllon oi mu 000 IM lhu million nl MM in NI umaunnnl In mm at In Ill muMha cmlvd Jun 30 m1 rompmd wllh lou cl 10000 Illlr 11mm llm Ind Midtown 04 ammo n4 olhor Inml ul mm lor Iha comlmndlnl wrlod 1M yenr 5w An In pg rrfll lnmm production and all and uul llung dun mnln la ll ullvlly In Lluydmluln mme nu Ind Oman Bum Nelda plul mum at unled Inlm Human Lulu Soul anuul guApmdudlon mmmdri ulm In mm mm nu Yzy Au ALLlSmN sum Educ llan hu helm us develop mind nexlbla enough In lace Ibo duller chm world v1 edlctorlnn Mun Leonard told cupally nudl enco uuendlnl commencement axerclm Bnnllnz Munorlll leh School Frldty nlm Whmvu Ufa lulure brlnu It claim be better than our you ll Bnun only dlllcrv enl uh can mud New mm month um the llnlll we lomuln lho memorll ed mlnullna yet the man Iuhtlc vnlnuï¬mn our lmulnluau anlulnblo um men Infom on she urged the manning clus lo nu the nducaflon meru In in nervlu of mm kind kc In In mind ha or our ac ooa namesake 5h Froderlck Bunting PRESENT DIPLOMA Scconduy Ichwl honor nnd unï¬nn diploma wen preunled lo mas lhl member of the mdunun cllu mm or whom could not mend lhe com mencement exuclqu In the general coune Bl ntudcnu quullfled or their uc ondnry nth xrnduluon dl plomu whlle 10 other Pot ub undnry athool mdunan d1 plomu 1n lho rill commer clnl dlvlslun Al Mm lenlly succesdu completion grad lyrequirem An cvan Inger number nl Menu ltd lo lhl pllllorm In mclva their Intermedile ctr ullcnlu Alla elhtr lu nud enurwcra lnyo ved he cdeterll BMHS Illa ulg oommmcement uuclm Grad mduml wen Education Helps Mind Face World Challenge Deny Symnm wn lho rude Indqu carryinu ol lhl llonl shan of cIrlchnlu and mphlu To nwnrd wnl cer llflcm or unklrlo Scholar Ahlp whlch Tool In All Onlnrlo Iludnnu nun no per can or more In lhclr um um The muncan wn prmnlod BI llrtowcnp Thu Onurlo 85h nnhlp Illa um cull vannl mun hlth mnrh in undo Inr flu mm lum Dunn Ibo molvnd hm pron tlenc Thu lumn nl om AMIton my rl Illh Irhml AIM mu lvcl fllh Mm loud wu pmlnl by mlnncmonl cnm mluco chllrmm ll Haynlnn man Dml Grundy dub pmldnnl nvc ï¬lm In Alllr REGISTER NOWI hr lhc Cunndlln Indumlal Mungmen Amclullon Conlllcm Coum In IIRSI VIARI Conepl lullnm Orgunlmlon Conlrnl lnIroduellon Aezounllna Prlnclplu Con Conlrol and Budgomy Prondum COUIII COMMINCII iEFTlMIIR 11rd CLAIIII pm in 10 p111 Appllmlm Oova nhlllmblo by phoning Ovlllll 1166100 Imll PA um Ill CMA Mcmhm $6000 Non Mombm $6500 Anllmtonl malll In Orlllln Onlulo II OIIHII olmlev Colloglm Vnullonql Innllvlo INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION on Mary Club lWIld Thu Adunsan Awnrd endowed by the uchlmtunl ï¬rm which dullned BMHS Wu the IN prollclenny Iwani Deny receiv ed Soon he wlll be unlerln the Unlvenlly Texom lo yramediul count MUSICAL PROGRAM The MorrowBunting awud or ludmhlp Icholmhlp Ind Manny want Miriam Mon ltd Ind Bruce Hilbert They 111 pguqnyed by Wilson Wm presented to Wilson hllh nchool boulmlmbu from Tonenhun Mr Wilma no prmnted the Ntenhun bnnch th Royal Clnldlnn kxlnn which uponer thin mud Mmlcil numben unouzh lhl cvenl wm provided by tho gghoql orchugn led by 83 Vowden Ind by an nchniai cholr under the dlncllun nl Mu Jun McKelvey other enerll proficiency lwnrdl wen nude Damn Waber from the Alluon Wo menl Imlllulu grade 10 Slelll Dunluuuk 1mm thOrderml the Euturn Sui grad 11 Cllrk Fulani rum tho Sludenl Council Ind grade 12 Blanch Cara mm the high Ichaol Evitlyn 81 gal he roflclcncy prize the lap Ilu en in the Iptclll cammerclll coum lhls yo Addilionni nude iwnrds wen la Jam Beiiord tho Kon vey Award or top mark in Bullish nnd history and Mur Anl honnni the Kcnvoy wlid or Latin and Franck ï¬nds 11 Iubiecl awards were Engiilh And one language Ed wnrd Gould mlmmlliu And Icienco Donald Purlonl hillory Ind mnnphg Elizabeth Scull and booking Ind home econ Ema Karen mlon Munro Walk And Ill Bulbbu lwo 01 um llvc Iwudl pmenlcd by the Rubl Irod Numl Auoclnllnn On IrIo lo ndunlu In lnlo ugnlng hurling The lmlrumenlul mull rd won la mulch Calllnl lllrvoy on ho hlclm cl lhu llm Ichool bnnd ormad ll yum no mnda tho prmnul Nyumu Amtle Chulrmnn cl tho ropeny cam mlnee In lhl All Ilnn District School Band Feller Mc Qu um AlIhIon prolcnlod lhl mondnry uhool Indunuon dly lamnl or an enernl mum Speclnl commer nuduml lDl Unlr to nu mm Cum who In BMHB commnh Intermch mllflumull nllylnl aucccnlul complellon ludl ll mlulrrmlnll vm glued out by lachnlul dlreclor Dlnnuy ind mumbtr Wu Clayton Guul liar Dr Jul Dlle I4 eclurar In ormodonllu ll Ihu danlll when Unlvmlly Tmnw Dr Dal mdulled hum mm lhI Alllllnp hllh Ichml mm mm In tho Ind did post mdum work In deglmry Hungd Adunm not mutual mellan with worthl MIL In In pm In nld misty hu held lha unlvenlty gradu ate lnhmher ule thin um mm technicalreounu We need equlllly respect or lhon ln Ill wayl ol lilo mm for perfection In their own meful occupullonu Dr Del elm91w In maqu Influence over an live Cunadllnl than II no longer my bull or puma pro lmlonu occupltlonl on pod um It the expenn lens mom or lucrj my you End In me mm Ill to mibm wn Infioduced by BMHS lull member MIL penile 5nd lhgnkcd by made again Jonn Bif nr Alter lha commencemem ex ertlsel the Student Council Ipan uredl ï¬lmy anldlolqln1 mm uwu uuumm gym in honor or the mduum Munwhfla the 1nd mdu nm lhelr parent and elm Irlendl the uniform xuuu Ind member ma BMHS board Ind the elchlng In wm zuclll at reception in ha Ichooll naw tdolarll mulneu was milk It 1mm Fnrmm Market IM momlnz with plenty producu onered ganja 5nd pullwarp snllipl nl Bnla wan 25 In 50 unit bum turMp lo nu tn paulou um bum Green beans were 15 com qum cnbbue lwo hand nr canllflowor lwn or letluu we or mm 17 ml two or 19 um Indlxhu our bunchu or 25 mm tomlulu 39 cum bukel Cookan onion call lor lhm pound and pickllnl onions woro Is cenu um Grew popper Wm our or 75 can cucumber emu etch Mrllxu bu hl 39 mm qum DHI llxe zhorllnl unl Ibnml Bquuh 25 winch mu eupllnl canu HI Lom WI MI dalm Eu wm no cont damn mullum mm 00 cc or nd 65 MI or lrl 3pm brnulhl 70 um Ind Produce Varied At Farm Market TOOTHACHE mu Mm In ORAl PORT mule My mendlnl the maul can venlIon the margin Ely Municipal Eloclrlo Amcllllon hen yummy enthullutlcnllg endomd pm II to enabli dilidct mm cll commute In Ihlx cum onlulp menu on In on the dlurlclcommlmp win ellmax to mnol dllcunlon ehllrad by LLCol Kcnned In Onurlo nydm commln nnar who numnod Imn small In lnz mnda to mull mum at lltclrlcnl promu Inlulc Ha Cnnadn cnemlnl calehn Hon dulln 1901 Thu museum will Inca evolution elec trical lachnolozy Ind ht con lrlbmlon at tho Cunndln olch Hcll Induler to Lhn nulon augcgnfgl deyologmgny Cal Kennedy told dllunu that pullmlnlry work durlnu lhl nexl lwo yan will bl dlrected prlmurlly III mllecllon Ind nlurblrlrln ol hlrlorlcll In nlul contrlbuled by Ill hunch Electric Grbup Backs Historical Committee The 11mm or the cee lnlt Ml you In 1963M The Your Plunnzd Acllon In whlch wmmlllm luv lelp wjpln flu lecnlu hycee wguk Aaron Cumin ball May AI in mmy elllu with Junior number mu mambmhlp drive us wordin ma with the Ipeclll oburv pl rBlll Brallhwallo momhmhlp commllteo chnlmun IIId of Sept we hit 40 mamben and lookln orwnd hlVlnl 10 byula 9n nfuleï¬rlxa IaYcee Week Open Today pmlrlrn membu hip Inlnlnl conva erdl club room my In me pro fly munlclpll mun Interclu vhlu broth hood publiclly Ind public Inlum nanm random Sunlnn Mull Box Itudenls vlllu Dm mlnlon my rune Dominion My mum Winter Cnmlvnh apexh and mm Wick synopnm Gradually lncreu Ina southerly wlnd wlll bring nludlly mlnx llmpamum lo dny and Sunduy 11m to North ern Onlurlo Ind lhen ludullly lolhs myth lee Chlr raglan wma Ior Lake Erll leu Huron NI mrl Lulu OntHo Aubur lon 020mm Buy mlom Lon don Hamilton Toromn ur lodny And tonight not quit Io cold Sunday lunny and wmmr Wind becoming Iouth ll Sun Timurn mlon North Ely Sudhury Clm lodny and night Sunny with cloudy or vm Sunday ermcr lodly Ind Mrmur Iuln Sunday Wind becomlnl wulh 15 la Sundny MAI1M ForteIll Lake Huron Gwrllnn Bay Soulhanxl Wlfldl Iboul 10 knoll geolomlnl InulhIer Innllhl Farm tampertum Low lonlxhl mu Sundny Wlndsor 10 London is Kltchener Imlllon St Cnlhlrlnu Tnmnlo Trenton KIHIIOI Munkokl Sudbury Eullnn Sum 64 erln Whlla mm WEATHER All eloctrlc power In the City of Barrio excepting the northern mtlon wlll be lhlorruplod on Sunday September l5th Thls Interrupvlon nocomvy to carry out urgent malntanancc work on our trnmmlulon Hnu We regret thlu lnconvonlonco to our cmlomm and mum you that tho powor wlll bo mtorod as quickly pouIbIo ELECTRIC POWER INTERRUPTION SUNDAY SEPT 15 I963 lAlRll PUBLIC UTILITII COMMIISION MURPHY 1b FROM mm to mm the aloclrlul Indultry wall prlvalc damn Equlp monk lrundy 1n mule In Indmade onernlorlor rn1 lllhllnl plant Inludled In ms at Corn wall Omnrio coltnnmlll ll tuned Invonlnr Thom hon Another lmpomn cq Man II um Canldlln eo bllt bomb whlch hu Imp und In the tmlmcnl uncut IQ Lagdnn Onlarlo In In In an Durlnl tho dlacnnlon mun bm of the pnml emphulml lhll mnhllo dlxnlm wlll he mllnble tom the muuum col mtlon lor thlhll II Hydra tn Huvy cmphnh belnl 11c ed on nhool lately pllroll dn Thll wu on at mlny nll ï¬rmed by ml Onurlo olor Luxu II pouc Ind My offlm Inmllm hald In 251 ll 1h Fem Rm mt Vn Bmlc City Palm comm mum Barry uld th umlmr wn wall Illlndld Ind much wn communism Polch ro pmanullm from Pickorlnl Township Mldlnnd OIthl Peneluu Rlchmond Hm 0r lll Burris Innllm anmhlp any Elmyqp mended On th mnre lmmodlm project dimmed wnl pm 0d ununrm Chrllunu II uy promm Quuuonnllm wlll um In pollen denflaunt in lhlll nu 1h ml Ichoduled or III Odnber whcre nullonmlrn mull wlll bl ac ugon nld Conn mm The pull Iqu mm uny nnl lnlomled In me lo luv lhILr hudlllhu an arm on Chrhlmu period wn me man uoned Heavy Emphasis Is Placed On School Saiety Programs The hudlluhtmn upset at lrmlllnl wu orllnllbd in cm 1° bV 0W 9°5€WM rlnclpll weaken the II mnn wen ohnlrmnn William Mum OM Toronto Club Larry Bnmdnlo new mm drlvc lbs II chnplcr UN Soclely or flu Ptucrvu lon Ind Encaurmmnnl Bar blr Shop Qunrlel Slnxlnx In Am lea Intumlnad loml 10 pm ecllve number in pm All Ihorl perlod In Ilnlcllon uuu wm dIIA Irhulod Imonl lhI VIrlouI IIc oan lhI Ilr wu lIlrly llnl wllh lhIl ovcrlonu whlch bnrbmhop pm ull the II note phln umumn pecullur onrpllch our pm hnrmnny MERE lwanlr lnul man calm In uncxpcced revelIUon recently when lhuy Iuddenly diltovmd they could rInI nut than 5pm llnlllnu chordl In In banbar 1th min com Inlnl almnxl lnvnrlably hmd up propulle chorlll beln lulnrviuwod luck of lining Hlty Nomy men lnund out In Ihorl ordur that um II mm lmentol Lh Inmlq rm Chlptur with In rollmonl nrlvlnx to Ilrulnqhg beru By lb chbor and will walcomc any inlmlled plrllu You Too Can Easily Become Barbershop Style Singer Oonml Mung an other hluurlcll obmvlncel apomo 0d hyclvlc lroupl larv lce clu wheel and olhur or nnlntlom ulroulhoul Ontnrlo Mambm 01 lb Ooorulnn Bay cammlttu plod td thtlr myan In orfnnlxlnz collecllon Mltor ell aqulpmenl In lhll lrel under lholr JurlIdIcllnn tram xlnmdlnu to Burl and north to point nurNonh nay Rory ODnnu publlu tell on omeor ln Ontlrlo droa aor llln Buy nnnlon lch Im II udqumpu in Burma wan namad In co ordlnnll ha act mm Ibo newlyarmed nu orlul commllm or OMLToronlo Club my John OMLlonl deplrlmanl They were Iupphmenltd by Ilno we olllcer with ll Olhlwl Pal ca Deputmenl Ind Don Young Richmond Hlll Fnderlck Hm Houllnk Burn wIIl on at him uhool nudentl who will Attend ma Innuu Iclencu Iomlnlr It lhI Onlarlo Azrluuuunl Collar Guelph Oct 11 lemlnn dextrle Prcvlew gall Edup 01 In gel Mn thin moo IN dlllll throughout 0n Irlo hlv wrllton In mmlnntlon to ull fly or thll honor Ind than Iv in thc hl hm rltln hm Men acceptad lln Colua lr ortutlon II boln prnvld ho OAC Alumni oundn rtudcntl will be th the Callas or thm Iyl And wlll hIVI In opportunlty to IlllMO mm ï¬lm and They wll It In on ll ruullr lecture to Itudlntl hur Ipeclll locturu Callu really Ind will wor In collm lrbontorlu Thea wlll hI uutr ln tlculty homu Ind ln collm mldenm Will Attend Course OAC With the Hurnnla Harmony Harvest the Ontarlo Dlrlrlcl convenuon and compallllona horn homd by Ur Bantu group lhere II no berm llma than now In becnma msmber and participate In an ylara major barbar aho avrml My Alklnwn chorua raclar aald In lhll lomewhll unulunl or mlnllon than mm In at convlvllllty Ind umln em uldom found In any nthur lroup partly bmuu nobody hu any ml lo 1grind but chlmy nun an ant mph wha um luulhlr cllnl leather Lnll wank mu Huron Harm onlml dll 1m bubr Ihop chorul II cullud mod to on at tho muln ll action III IonnJm mm Fun nuon nur Orlllln Mtlrad In colorful lndlln urb he chorul Ilclled may bloodcurdlln war whoa ram Mth npprcclulivo nuduncl II In lclpmd Ihn mm 01 the ume enlhullull will Bmlu uull It lhu Humnh Harmony all on Oct 15 mg I1 In Idult mm In lml Id In Ilnllnl Ind would In In bnlonl to mclely lhlt Imhrlcel walk of III nluu all thy Mklnlon ll PA moo PA MN