mum tumult mum milJ ma ADOPT ORPIIAND New Zenlnnd lnmlllu hlvt Adopted by nroxy 500 chlldren ll lwo Saulh Komn nrphun Illl nut Ann Lnndmx My dlughler mnrritd man can tolerate He an lrrllaUnl voles nnd drnmnllm every Irlvlnl lncldcm mu could mum try not In be cdllul him because dont wnnl la main my dnu thlppy but Ill Impoul II to be on Hard ovary mom My dnulhler becomes Iurlous when uuar won one mm can plnln unlnu him Dur Pcnlwnm Hanks for Inc Idler hoph Vlncenll ma ml lNLAW VISIT Denr Ann Landem hm read real dell bou Exlrnaensory percepflon Ind an um have It Frequently know teleplmo in going In rlnz sovunl seconds before actually does Somev llmcwhen the phone ring know whos on Ihe line Ive had hunches about letters ma thy below recelva them one know precisely huw cert1n people will Inlah mum even though they hmv sold only three or our wordy runamhcr one mother In particular who min 00 me camp gala sitar true heart renderlng Innwellka In one excuse and then mother She was deeply hurt becauu her didnt hang on to her skirt The father ol the boy Imlly led the sobbing woman way assuring her um the boy re ydld lova her Chlldran who are ha proh kmr at camp arc humbly the one who hnva been pampered home lhclr moiherl lry ho prolong their lnlnncy Only once lather who wu angry or lhla ln Vinny den hBVOI chnnco la work with Vincent WM in run perflaph could have damned ha counc Ille PENTWATEH MIC This uncanny Ibllilyhu been with me Ion long time In nchool llwnys seemed to know when was going to be called on In Mimi was also Ibis in read certain boyn mind quit going with him Now have mum helm that certain young man who casual about ma would mlkl the best husband In the world Should lull hlm1MISS Dwr Ann Lumen have been both camp counsellor Ind administrator in church camp iur Juniors boy between nine Ind 11 ior more than 10 years Almost without excepiion when ver you see thornuick child who rebel nlnimi camp disci pilnu he is reacting to marl plyindlve nnmnls Den MI Lx hm only ï¬ve senses and Phi not no nun About them no please dont me to advise 1M who can read In boys mhyi is no good um am taking ESP Into account to tunes marrlan to young man who is casual about you Form 11 COMMANDMENT Den Read Hm an open conï¬dentlnl to the M13 people who wmle to tell me Honor Your Fllher and Molnar Is the Fourth hm mandmen and not tho Flflh Commandment as said In men cohuml One reader even Luggemd that accepllo lashes with th lunch of In 011 prayer shaw There are er varslonl ol the mlplum and the Com mandmcnu appear ln dilleren order accoldlng to which var IIOII or the Blbla youre rud lng The Bible which tend say Homr Your Father and Mother the Fifth Command men Ind accept apolnllel cl all you CAMP PROBLEMS ANN LANDERS Dont Bead HiéMid Lacking For Marriage EVA HUM TRANSMAN QUALITY STRANSMANS STYLE WHEN IT COME TO COATlCOMI TO 44 DUNLOP IT CLOTH COATS FUR FABRICS do not Isk them visit me nIuy come became may mm loWhIl¢mIdnwounmy ml 01 this horrlble Una of revulsion nuns my dlfllhlul hmband dcsplae mm to not being ah lo hmdla lb 51 unllon boner but loam lhu thouOUTLAW Tnmpoflluon Irom Burl In Mnllon mum TCA mm to New York mum lrnmlerl la hukl THREE NIGHTS AT HOTEL MANHATTAN Complain Tour Prlu 0650 plr pmcn Tour Mlmblrlhlp lelhd RESERVE TODAY realmu Brenklul Fashion Show Tour Lower Nzw York VII ï¬n lenlreY India City Dur Onllm Sun to your dmhm lhnt sh Image her min or the most part when Aha can mm Ilooo Tha Ian on her hmband the bah at for of you JOHNSON CO lelnd WoleVlda Tnnl Mn Dunlap Em lllrrII KAY Conhd MISS KAY YASUNAKA For nu 11qu THANKSGIVING WEEKEND TOUR 73 Dunlap St 0107 Sun Palm Pup NEW YORK ANYONE FUN ANb FASHION spam ocroasn nu Cl Kay Yuunth NOW OPEN BARBER SHOP PA 66525 SPECIAL Tour Includux SELECTION PRICE PERMS 499 to 1250 Extra Durcibility In New BedlLinens By mwou Vnosa new blunt Vlrloin flbrel which In ippuflux In nhuu and blink pmvldn medal bonqu or the War Ullkï¬l when you may to stock 10 11 12 lETHERBY lloyd Compcmllon or injuml wotkmlhosd earning up to 16000 per yur wnl 85000 can now Ipply for Workmenl Compcm udon proï¬ts made by your Govcmn mcnl More ï¬nancial lid to ItudtMISU mil lion in Icholmhlpl nnd bunnies and 524 million in loam to deserving Iludcnln wcro made by your Government In 196L Mcdlcnl me for vcryonon new plan by your Govcrnmcnt will mike medical Icrvlm oovmga Ivnllnblu to nlllnhccdy um upcnm will In plid or lublldiud New Technlul lnlfltutesybu Cohscrvnlivo Govcmmcnl plucu Ipcciul emphasis on technical Institutes3 new one will ï¬rovido capacity for 2000 new Iludcnla Your chlldrcn get but InstructionOntario lchool teacher beneï¬t from cm of the moslcxtcnsivclmining progrnmIInNonh America Your children me taught by upcm munch lid for Junior amenthe future of mm Ontario dcpcnds gmtly on our young runners Your Conservative Gov emmcntpmvideslomundolhcrmcasurc to laid them More parka more vlsllnn more reunflm becnuso of you Conservative Govem menta cflom 81 provincial parks wcm cxdoycd by 78 million visiton in 1962 up 26 Fnlr nankm or farm prnductsyour Govcmmcntl efforts to place all pto duccra of farmpmducts on an equal basis has improved farm market conditions Healthy run mnomknatuml resume of our abundant landm being dcvcloped by your Govcmment Action includcs drainage refommion establishing com munity pastures Fnlr ply for nilaction by your Conservatiira Government set minimum 1ch1 wages for tho protection of cmployed persons In our Province Improved living madammom and bet ter goods and mviots or you because your Government GUARANTEES ï¬nan dnlaid to enlerpriseg contributing to Onudoagiowth More Jobs Ind flslng neonin 1962 45000 new jobs were opened up in Ontario persbnal incomei waxed more than SIMCOI EAST flu mun 019m it worthwhllo Jo Ipond In me lookan around and min 31mqu lul than II more sly thin war In new Ind no don in meant jam Soina now 90min plm which llvu than moomnm and our win 00er Iheeu combined rayon 10 Manuel and mm with Mm 101 dunblmy and 1m Ind plnln lly Howmr woman have never acumen nylon bed llnm will the all aut mlhudum they thaw or nylon randywear cloth Ind holly mrnjlhlnu Nanci sun another member of than lamfly oomln hi gholcy knltl Indjn mud One wonknown Iheet manu gcurer bu tame up with It on THE MANY UYQUR Support Vote Progressive ConServative in Ontario GoOd Govepnment deserves nnny nnamu mancum Mdij path Mum bot than even mhï¬fcï¬ be tanned top to bonumnalnce bog end In puke width harm both to nnd box 111 hill hllpl lg VI uhlhm 111th me remnlnber mat ha man my pmparly titted cm Iboqu be six Inches lonzar thin lhu pillow covert or bothn mm Ind sleeping com Since than are mull 11wa cm III In wise In mum your bed pillow beloro you Inï¬delnlally the Man mall EVANS ART SIMCOI CENTRE 15 mm nmpow tum up till am on my on man dramatic um the peren nll vuth Ind can live the hedroomywbolu new look And then dark colon Ari at III In thy washinl Inc 1133M hula nah ln Ih ma to mun um wuhuhmu mu In their beauty and 1m ulw Thu um pflndph hold Inn or blnkeu think no the pro which now mnku wool 211ng Mullinswalking Ind 23 13 14 151 16 17 18 19 20 21 Vigorous LfldmhIpll mum of good govunmenl lmdcnhip the Ibllily to get hing done for lho people qfllckly and windy John Robaru Idmlnhlnuon for YOU Mmgcmml ntOnlIflol rumm andghlbd pmmml protect Ind de velop our valuabla agricultural mlnmlqnd form mountsensures Mum prolpcrily for you and your 400 more police ï¬lm this you Onmflo poem iu police force for your pmlectlothcyhumvindd and Municlpnldutlulll well lmined highcallbm personnel reorganization and modcmlmflon the hymn The effect parole and nhnbllilnllonppponunlï¬cs for of fendcn new drug nddicllon clinic New Mom lnilltutlom program Aid to munldpauflemaw taxesyour Contervntive Government gave $469 million this year to local authorities thnla 28 more than in l943hc1ps hold down local taxes You enjoy Clnldll ï¬nest shiny and the Robam Govunmmt in tends to Ice you get mm 17 miles ofnew multilano highways schedulcd for complain Advanced md Iubsltly laments Onudol oohutlu township cities and villages receive advance payment to assist mudbuilding provide em ployment Tu conceal for the mphyam Conservative Government has eased taxes number of ways Sum Ilon Duly cxempdonl or widowa childmn and beneï¬ciaries Portable pension for everyone+thix plan means if you change jobs your pcnsion will not be forfeitedall paid contributions will move with you Allowances for tho used and disabled boosted to $65 monthlyonly one of many welfare lncrouel Your Comervalive Government aims to improve conditions further Mm dd t9 hospitalsme Govemt meat hag increased manna Welfm grants and assumed tho coat ofhospi tench and 11 qoscvofhospiuflu deli for Pkovindil Min ciscs hmnnl Hunk Mth 1ch with mm blmkeh And en la mm Ibla deem colon So hm look Won you My boddln mat Inn ypu app mlu guy ye ln cm BIAM In 0m Wm qu In Clnldl tomMm el whooplnl coulh comp 331mm In mm in mind If uiod Mum mmqlg which proud