Kr um bnkna entries MIL wullam Critzeulden was mqnenup followl adihy MrgflIndlcluk Acmrdlnz to Secretarylreu urer the On Agrlcullural So ciety Normln Sladdafl entries in the Womens Division were higher Ihnn Ins year Hmdtcrltt hmpshadi Mn Linn Punll AnlmIL Toy gutted Mn Van Indzn Chltd dress mocked Mn Dan McLeod Winter bau Euet Mu Laur Pearsall Mn ownd Gunde Mrs Apmn hnq Mn Earl Scott Mn Berna Johnstone Mrs Illnlord Homo Apron work Mn Vanwinden Mu Gordon Caldwell Mrs Eeml humane In fact the fairer compet ed many classes It lha Illlh unnul kl and look um and 1111 prlxel nvu ml exhib Dlredm of the womens elm Included Mn Bemnl McKay Mn SollMrI Earl Scull Mn MI anford Mrl Ray Gny Mn mm Pealgall Ind My nun anowmi list of win nm In wom dlvlslnn uqmzsqc MANHALTURES Shanon lelmiï¬g to bake II liltll Kiri and believes that you rully have to enjoy cooking to take it seriously Al we as being Iccomplished In the art of cooklni the active homemak er picked up nveral ï¬rst in til handicraft competition at ihl Mn Sampson might be re lemd to veteran chumplon alnce aha wn champion cook the 0m Worlds Falr 1m yur Pncuce make good cook xha claims and having two mum son who us my hum nang TALENTE Although Mn Catharine Mel lon arrlved at the hall on late lo enter her Inan goodssho madu up lhl Ins by wlnnlng ï¬rst prim In the watermelon Ind muskmelon classes Mnuoyd Sampsqn wnlked of with top honors In the dam esllchdcnce class at 0m World Fair when she cnpged Ihe my mbe pants em nuvmï¬nnr THIS IS OUR STAFF 01 oronaméma1¢gxsrop Céok At 11th Oro Wérlds Fair ANNIVERSARY PERM SPECIALS MO Ifllll Ill Im HIM Imn Im Min Kuqn Mclgnrd John Glovnnnl HAIR STYLISH oI DISTINCTION I43 Dunlap SI loll PA 87443 SEPYEMBER TO SEPTEMBER Mans Pyjamas Mn Pll key Mn Clinton than Ladyl Pyjamashln 11 Van Winden ane bath Mn Sampson Mm Ber Graham MIL Karl Gilchrist Hande thick Mn Richardwm mus double Mm Pagan Mrs Don McLeod Mn Cam eron Mills duh Mn Arllcle lram Sugar Sack Mrs Karl Gllchrist Mrs Bert GrahamMrs George Irann Mans Work Shlrt Mrs Cllnlon Pagan Sacks plain Mrs anan Mrs CummnMrs Sampsonr Socks fancy Mn Cull Cameron Mrl Berna Johnrlnne Mrl Mary Proper Tea Towels Mrs Karl Gllchrlst Mrs Don Mcuod MrssGeorxo lrann Chlldl overalls Mrr Max Cralx Ladyl Swenlar fancy Mrl Karl Gllchrlst Menl Swemr lancy Mn Beml Johnston Mrs Don Ho Leorl Chlldr Sweater fancy Mrs Rlchardson Mrs Karl Gllchrlst Mrs Dan Mthod Babyr cmchered outï¬t bonlles hunt and water Mrs Vel nu Bradley Sampson Childs Hat and Mm Set Mrs Cecil Cameron Luno cheun Mu Laura Pcarsall Mrs Karl Gilchrist Chumr lleld Se Mrs Ber Grnham MRS LLOYD SAMPSON Champion 00qu 1m Im not moo Im Penn Gum Olbgon Mr Ron Parr Tu Biscuit Mfl Cam eron Mn Simpson Mn willllm Cflllznden Mulflm Min Mary Jane Human Mn Irwin Clark Mu William Crib enden P19 cherry Mn WH Roll Mrsi Piikey Mn Johntlanc Mm Irwin Cllrh Bums Mn Don Graham Mn Pliny Mm Fagin Bread wheat Mn Pilkey Mn Walter Sudan Mn Wll llnm Critlenden Brand white Mn Willilm Criuenden Mn Don Graham Fm Loni Mn William Criliandm Mn Cecil Cameron Mrs Johnston Nut Dual Mrs Sam son Mn Cecil Camrun M11 my ion Jamlmn Hand Bag leILher looled Mrs Laur Peamll Mrs Enrl Scott Comm Skirt and Top mndo by 4H Club 1111 Special by AF Kyla W1 Mlu Betty Clldwell Mm Knthryn Dixon Min Lyndl mu 34mm Caldwell Co per Toollng rpcclal by Mlle ell Square WI Mn VanWmden Best Drused Doll Mrs Man Proper Mls Suzlnna Mlnml Mrs Belll dya Canon Bunse plan Mrs Max Craig Mrs Pagan Hemxliichinz Plain Mrs Mar ian Jsmlemn Mn Baura Penn sail Mrs Karl Gilchrist Bed Jacket Mrs Mary Proper Qullt lancy Dallmn UCW Mrs Karl Gilchrist Mrs Bert Gu ham Quill pieced Dalston United Church Women Mrs George Trsnn Mrs Karl Gil christ Floor Rug wool Mrs Berna Johnslane Mrs Jack Andersnn Mrs Nell Mchven Mat lmak ed Mrs Bessie Bldwallqua Gordon Caldwell Fancy cushinn Mn Allan Shelswell Mrs Earl Scott Mrs VanWlnden Tablecloth any kind Mrs Laura Paarsnll Musllarl Gil Christ Palnllnz all Mrs Laura Pearsall Neil McNiven Mrs Richardson Painting water col nr Mrs Jack Anderson Mrs Llnyd Sampson Hm Dress Wi Special Mrs Pllkey Mrs Bernal Johnsume Mrs Max Grail FIgan Mn Cninéron Mrs Ea Scott ll 60 DUNlOP EAST Ple raisin Mrs Pllkey Mrs Fraser Mrs Wllflnm Crlllenden Tart Mrs George Cnldwdl Mn Irwin ClarkMrs Pflkey gnu rCake Mrs Pagan Mrs Gordon Woodmw Mrs William Crib enden Cake marble Mrs Mikey Mrs sampsan Mrs William Crlllenden Cake chocolnlo Miss Mary Graham Mu Pllkey Mrs George Caldwtll Layer naught mull WIller HoussLr Mrs Sampsnn Mn Wlulam Crlllen den Birthday Cake Mrs Haw Ird Campbell Mrs Jlm Cald well MrslL Sampson Fm take lll Mrs lrwln Clark Ham Crlllen Mrs Lloyd Sampson Mrs Pllkzy Ple apple Mrs Pagan Mrs 12 Sampson Mm Irwin Clark Pic pumpkin Mn Gordon Wood raw Mrs Irwin Clark Mrs IMnu Mn Ieman Mn Summon and CHARGE IT NO MONEY DOWE Salad Plate Mrs George Trann Mn Munrord Home MrD Calderon Melt Lani Mn Mary Pmpu Mu Pl key Veaelabla Salad jellled Mrs KenWillan Mrs Stewart Johnstone Mm Cameron Schoul Lunch live place Mrs II Frill CAk Ik Mrs Sam Mn willlam Crlllenden user Bread Mrs Pllkoy Mrs Homer Mrs Robert Bell Shortbread Mra Sam on Mu Howard Cnmpbell r5 Marlon Jamlmn Collecllnn ol cookies Mxt Stewart Jaha stune Mrs George Caldwell Mrs George TrannFnur Var ielles of Unbakcd Confections Mrs Sampson Mrs Howard Campbell Mn Robert Bell SI varieties of open heed arid wiphes Mrs LSampsonMra Stewart Johnstone Mrs Mary Proper WI Crltlelldenp mums 13mm lnvnlid Tray Mrs Fllkav Mra Sampson Mn Maniord Horne Marmalade Mrs Pagan Mrs WilllanjlCrlilenden Strawberry Jam Mrs irwln Clark Mrs Mary Proper Mrs Jim Caldwell Raspberry Jam Mrs Waller Sultan Munlrwln Clark Mrs Robert Bell Mapla Syrup Robul Ego Mrs Fauna Mrs Gordon Caldwell Cherries canard Mm Velma Bradley Mra Gordon Woodrow Mrs Robert Bell Peaches can Domestic Special Pie Mrs Gordon Wondxothm FII key Mrs Fagan Damsuc Specm Cake Mrs Irwin Clark Mr Pllkey Mrs Fagan mcxlrL JAMS Eight Cup Cakes decorated or the our sensons Mrs Samp son Mrs Howard Campbell Cal lecflnn of Hakim 10 vnrlellu Mrs LSampsnn LJSampson Mrs Gordon Cald well Mrs Clark Home Yeast Baking Special white Bread Mrs George Andrgwa Mn William Crltlenden Brown Bread Mm Wllllam Crltlenden Mrs Waller Sultan Mrs Irwin Clark Mllk Rolls Mrs Georgu up Ilonel Pickles mustard Mn Ken Wilton Mrs Fagan Mn Wiiiinm Crittenden Pickles riili Mm William Orilitnden Pick lel any variety Mrs Viclor Hurt Mrs Stewart Johnston Mrs Velma Salad Dressing Mrs Georga Caldwell Mrs Don McLeod Mrs Beluni Johnstone Chicken canned Mrs Manlurd Home Mrs Cluk Honey Display Joe Car nay ned Mrs Cecil Cameron Mrs Velma Bradley MIL George Caldwell Tnmalnes canned Mrs Don McLeod Mrs Mani Prowl Mrs FBI In BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY SEPT Caldwell MrLIrwln Clark Mlsl Mqry Dawn Grnham Cinnamon Bum Mu Jlm Caldwell Mra lrwln Clnrk Mm William Crit lenden Magic Baking Powder Specln1whlke cake Mm lrwln Clark Mrs Fauna Mrsz Cecll Cnmuon EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE In Annm Hun PA um nthn non an Au Innm mm with 30 WATER ulnmmmm only nu In In cnmu HA CUTS $100 PERMANEle PA 2139 550