Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1963, p. 4

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VDes its increasing evidence of high mortally rates among heavy smokers Canadian life insurance computies have no plans at the moment to charge higher remiums or issue special lowrate pm cles to nonsmokers the Financial Post reports In the United States some com plnies are trying out thislpiant Canadian companies reluctance to singlle out as preferred risks the rela tivey small number of insured adults who do not indulge in smoking is based mainly on what they believe would be serious and costly administrative prolr ems ii is not us question of smoking Ind nonsmok ngd one leading life under writer is reported as saying We would have io decide whether to consider the quantity smoked and whether the smoker inhaled Pipe and cigar smokers might have to be singled out And perhaps most important from cost standpoint we would have to determine some way of verifying smokers habits Refuse To Charge Extra Premiums To Smokers Accord preliminary report is aued by the 1L0 more and more count ries are beginning to appreciate that they need women as well as men for purpose oi national devol ment and the raising of standards oi lvin The contribution lot women in econom and social life Litates the report is changing as lar er numbers Are working outside thetr tmediate home environment in Canada the pro orlion oi economic nlly active women the total female populaiion oi working age rose irom 135 Women com rise almost third otihe worlds labor area with 27 out of every L100 women reported as economically at live outside the home And such is the strong position they have achieved in commerce and industry that the 48th session at the international Labor Org anization opening in Geneva in June 1964 is to devote part of its agenda to women workers in changing world WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Sept 1918 Capt Frederick Norman Grandy popular young teacher at Barrie Collegiate at out bmk of war killed in action He went overseas with 157th Battalion Simcoa Foresters as adjutant under LLCol lliacLaren Lieut Bell of 0m Station who taught in East Ward pulr lic school in Barrie killed in action lie went over with With Battalion irom Simcoe County and transferred to mach ine gun corfis Pte Wallace Key 22 ot Dalston llled in action llo had been in France since May 1017 Itler goin oversea with the 157th Corpora Waller la Middleton oi Elmvale killed in nclion lie enlisted in Barrie with 35th Battalion Simcoe Foresters on Jan iii 1915 and yastn range ix months iat Working Force Of Women Wills mum or vll Percy Bluxham Holy killed while par liclpallng in grant drive by which it is hoped lo iorce the Hun across the Rhino and hasten end of war Cnpl Selh Bernard Pcpler who went over with the 35m dangerously wounded Sgt Gran Longman wounded Oclobor 2013 Ind rendered uniil or iurlhor combat duly osxlgned lo Willey Cnmg in England on inspccllon service crgoanbhlu or Frank 11 Johnson of Barrio Awarded lerllorlom Service Medal Ple Ches ter Thompson reporicd killed In It lion Navy League oi Canada opened LAY OFF WITH PAY llullnln Evenlng News you lhou ht you Ilruzlr hurl hunl uvnry relflon or cnlllng kc the WI Slrcol Juumal may hm new or Kou lt Toporh um group ll Mick True om plniccn ln Mnryllml recently won on nlrl not or hlghor mm or better col hrcnkl or nnylhlnu Ilmplc llke lint mlth lhoy Ilruck heuuu the company AM In pnmnl II pom mun Innan And Human mud lumlml WM IIIAN IIAmm Mn MUIIAI Ill Ill IllION nnmu MICIAIL ININNILLI In luwvmlu mm In IO mu II on norm mu Wile UI om IlmL Mani Vanni ownm In my Amdnm hm nu Audn on maulmu Cumin run an ruhlltlllm bl Ill ll mva no Am 54 heman 0an an In mum rm mva ulm Ill an warm isxamintt my mum um mva no Aw Mh nd an bed nu mung The Barrie Examiner Published byCandlan NeWspapers Limited 18 Hayfield Street Barrie Ouurlo OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Vann 51th Genem Mlnilé munson EEPII1IH Pn At the momentrmostllte insurers do make some concession in In indirect manner to the indicated correlation hr tween smoking and desth mas notes the Charlottetown Guardian Although Questions about smokinghabits do not appear on life insurance applications the subject may come up when an applic snt is being examined by doctor It be is borderline case and it develo that he also smokes heavily the mo ng factor could be enough to push the nppllcmt into substandard and higher premium cstegory However in weighing the pros and cons of ponaiizing their numerous policy holders who smoke life insurers pa some nttentlnn as well to the traditiona if unscientific theory thlt smoking liko drinking reduce tension and thus re ducesjhe likelihood of death In Britain some companies are sold to have actuaiiy char ed teetotnliers extra remiums on the eory that tth were kely to worry themseliés id deatfil per cent It the turn of the century to 28 per cent tn 1960 In the Unlted State the percentage rose from 20 er cent to 38 er cent over up roxlmnte the same er od About 84 lllon women were in he labor force ln Aprll 1962 and these represented 34 per cent of all workers There has been generally strlklng rise of women In whltecollar occupa tlons whlle 1n the Industrial sector the lncreaslng employment of women he been particularly notable In light Indust ries and qulte spectacular on the chem lcal and pharmaceutical slqes marked character stlc of recent trends In the employment of women has been the Increase in the number mar ried women So test tt continuing that It now Is to be next years top telklng point among delegates from nearly 100 countries And who will do the talking about it enerally It the conference table atnly men cam aign for benefits for men and de en ent of the Merchant Marine arrle Business College reported largest opening enrolment in history At Grand Opera House Sessue Hoyakawn in Illdden Pearls Ind Charlie Chaplin in The Cure Thompson and Son announced real estate deals brisk in town Cpl Mchiaster of Cooks town reported accidentally killed over seas Pte Sam Draper of Cookstown reported dead of wounds Excerfit from letter by local gunner to his mot er What on earth would do with wile iii nerves are not that far gone even it have been or over three years in the trenches was just joking lilrs ll Crcswlcke received word that her son Capt lom Creswicke had been wounded and was in London hos pital District men listed wound ed this week included lter John Mar shill Pte Bill Curtln Pie Frlnk Sand era Lt Oswald Lennox Sgt Bob Yarn oldSgl lihrueydieil fie gliber Wil Sgt Dunnelte He Cavanagh PIe Marshall Ple CIIIIord Warn er Ple Charles Aslrldge Ple Edward Flnherly More 1th 40 other eaaulnllea were reported In lhe week of men from counly places IInxlun Ind non Gordon Iormetl Iaw arlnershl ln Ior nnlo Al Dream and The re IIaby Merle Osborne In Daddys GIrI also IInroId Lloyd In Lonexomo Luke old 53 Mch Bell Pie Gllbert Vll nouth pl Iporgmc Fey 0wans had decided lo keep ll cm loym at work this lummlr lmlend Ihullln down Add hyan them ML Ill they Iu denly laken lcavo of hclr names Not It III Sly lhn Journal What the wanted on we was lwowcnk nhu down in he mldal of the August heal Then my could um Iround md to 13 cr It lhu Illl empln men office In enjoy vmtlon Innnccd by unem ploymonl componullon BRAND THEM Ilamlllon Speclllnr WIz out In CIlHnrnlI when Ilmm Ivcry hlnx lhnl ln happen due 1mm hII com up wllh nuw way In embIr rm lrIlllc vlolIlon From nnw on lhnu them who AM cnnvlctul hMoro Munld II Judue nIIIr Glhham nl SunlI onlu wlll have that cm hrInd td Iulod on wlnduhloldl wlll In Ix btourlnch Illcker Tho Illckor IIyI rImc Humor Ind wlll ruth 30 dIyI Whlln Iuch ultm doe remind one the mule eucr cerlm huulu had hunded on lhem em ago In New finalml probably 1m the Ihlng needed to mm cmlm Calflamlnm unlul JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dear Dr Mahler What cam my mm Id be lmvzr dflpplng In wnlary lashlon New drops help Mule but not much wnm can do my lhlnlIMRS AH It could be In allergy If his condition In mostly In lha morn lnx or durinz lhe nlnhll then meet wmethlng related In hedume Somc maple Ire Iller llc lo we mum In lew and find uliel by Mildan to Ionmrubber pulow or vice vent TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Or you may be unxluvu wmq pasmellm Do you may ually mg cream on your 18 when you an bed1 lry omitting or aw night And LONDON The lnvcmmmlu llcy nI WIRE mlrnlnl Is rnv n1 meuIIy autumn In old In pay Incmm dnwn btlnw lhl prcvlnul yurl guru report puhlllhcd In Ihe MinlsIry Lnbnr Gazelle IhDWl lhnl In In Hm mm mnnlhl 1m 5575500 workm wm glvtn In crusel In Mr wages nmuum ln In Iolll nI IppranmIIcIy 300000 wctk In he lama pcrIod al In ycnr however I0210000 worker nctlvm ply lncmm ImounIInl In mm 000 walk rcporl Ilsa mm Ilrflv In Impmvomenl In he number Indmlrlal dlmum and work In dIyI 1m lhrnuuh Alrlku In the tint Icvrn monlh nl lhe rucnl tnl hm were 1149 ndullrln dh um Thm hnw Iver Involve lhu comnnrnilvely mull number of mm tmploy nml mind Ian 01 omlwarlginl dlyl REPORT FROM UKL or period In yur lhm wen mo Indullrlnl dilpulu lhll lh lnvnlved Imm employee Ind mumd In Inn at 4703000 vorllnl dnyl 11ml lhu Inn ol wutklnl llmu Hunth Ilrlku III Mr wu on In Mr cent lb re corded my nl Labor Gmllt report nlao Im an enlizhlrn In nnllylln Iha umlnn walker Unlled Klnmlnm Tho IVI urnn mnnllll worhn hut llun In In mu huh ll uro wnk nm ll Ihnud hl nnled II 0an only he nvmn Illurc In uerI mur ol mun lha wukly urn nu an vrll ahnv lhlI Ivurm mm whlll In num lhoy map helnw IL lho wimp helnw IL Illnl ha lnp plum lnr Mth Iveru uminu lnr mun In II mun ulnlfll nwlr VIII wrr Iy yy mounll Iround 71 writ Nul In Mm ha nnlnmnhlla the who Imm mum on II won OII Hurry mm In ul Illhlly helm not mull II to vmlm mm lhI umI V0 00m occurnllonn In which Hun Ivmu weekly unulnn nIuonIl run Ilr innuva when wnl 00m rlnllnl wnllm 17 not nm Li mi nhuw Inclrny wnfim WW nth mum um urrll and man and anal wumn not Some Are Allergic To Pillow Feathers Wage Restraint Policy THE DIFFICULTIES IN HANDLING CHOPSTICKS By MclNTYRE HOOD we that make rdlrflerence lhe drlp In an Illday prob lem watch cnrMully lo lee ll then are certain days when It does not trouble ynu Then you may be Ible lu llguro out what dlllerenl About than days wlm you dld not touch or use or smell that you usually do Sam dam In the nose polyps or cmoked icplum could be lacmr prevenllnx ha normal mild watery fluids from dnlnlnz lnlo Lhe throat they should It quflc possith or dnlhm la be mrmnl dur lng the day when you Ire almflnl or uulnz ya lo have mubh ll hlzh when You an lying down Lined halnx below lhu line the union IVIYIIS Ire 10 other lroupl with arm workcrl In lhe lowul cnluory wllh In IVIIIKI waekly mg wank Olher naupl whlth Ill Maw the HM Ire mud lol lnwa Mnclnlosh make 41 wcck NIlInnal llcnllh Servlca sun 050 wuk millinrry workm week drm In fluslry worknrl $1370 week lulu warkcu mu work Ihlrl Ind underwur mile 139 Neck locIl navernmen ICIV Icelulluw00 weekn The Ixur the mm In dlulu Include ovmlmo and barium but In the mm urnlnu belou deducflnnl or lnmmo tax Ind Nlllanll lmur Iura pramlu Slgnfllcnnl II Ihowlnl lhe lm rowmtnl In enrnlnxl however lhu mlnlllryl menl lhll In Hu pa Icvcn Kim ma IV mu uml olh man Ind wnmcn hIVI Incmlrd by 17 per uni An unmtnmnn ma non mam1 farm BARBIE PRESS LIMITED Barries Most Modern And Complete Commercial Printing Service WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO All THEIR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS THAT AS OF SEPTEMBER 16TH THEY WILL BE lOCATED IN New And Modern Premises 124 BROCK 5T BARRIE ONT OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER Wlll WERE MOVINQ Yo turned to Gull lmn dull to um In llvlnl and run Goatl Themlonlnnl Thin the evidunce warlh whlle leaching II Illho he wlll of God Ihal men should chum 1mm what lhay to Iornuhinz bellu vimdd mbnbly disclose such eondlt on very readily But Dr Mnlnerx Thl In Jun short thankyou note read he Idler mm person who wmplalned or Itching and you wld him not to bnlsh ll of loo lightly boanu at times can be gist Mgljlbefiu BIBLE THOUGHT ior lwo yum and wu Idviud to use laicum mitht be Imrn perspiration Iinwuver sent him to docior Ind tesu thawed dinbem Im sure in will llnd reliei um knowlnz he in being rut pmperUSB Yen Healing the dinbeie wiiI rziieva in itching and 01 comm will Kunrd him Against mm serioux consequences oI the disorder Every liliiz iich doesnt meln diabetes but Ihm it mnlinue Ind hu no other cxplanllion dllbolu mould be inspected bur Dr Molnm Will you please recomrmnd plasllc Imam In my Inn8m cannot recommend ipoclllc physlclrns or eons when you requir Ipec Illt includ lnr pmuc surgeon comm your regulnr doclnr or all th munly medkul misty which will Iva you the name rev eul speclnllstl proved quail llcnllons You an llm comm he head Ln Ippmvrilla de pmmem in hospllll your choke Dru Dr Malnerx mm In heal whale Jar ol haby lood when only pm of It In to be used no renuln In portion then rclflumad Ind rebelled 0r II nm lo put lb porllon In be uwd Into mnulnor to hulod1 You run do It either wahc Imvorunl thnx la mm mmlntkr ll nlmeruod bowml heating In an lahlen looking or armor wanlmn convoy crown In mm In In mlklnl Mall Donvn They wll Aupply lrchnlul null And pnr In lhl mam My husband hag gm SEEK CDNVOY MEN LONDON CplMQmA mice Alphabet Replacgd Bi Robot Machine phy my be be next vle tlm Incrlllczd In line mechlne Soon our post ofilce mun mu no longer need to remember whether Punkeydodlel corner in near Gephervluu or nenr Conenelown while or our Erovlnw their nlmu wlfl he ustlcd lan the museum Thu wouid be the duct or the ado Inn by Ceundl of he new Helene ermm Id dreulnn meil uenl number lnggud plnce OTTAWA REPORT It mm Itrnnn to the mun that tho robot whb man11y taklnl over our llvel In the name of prom In In Ildly lackinu 1n vubllc relations 1km that In their Iueamllnlnx at our dilly pmceuu to attain gmler atllclency they refilly ltndllclehtx For these robolu convert lnz everythan to numbers lane U1 nlpluhat everywhen belnl replied by Anhlc nummls LOVE OUR NAME lweelest word to every humlnjclnl no miller whet humus he Ipelkl II hhown Im But Ihe mhnl turn um nemu Ind ulve number In their place Johnny Cnnuck In hecomlnl Inn plIln HMSM Chemplnln and Montcalm have ulrendy been ellmhl td mm our telephone Iylle Icon mlybe they will be pulled mm our men lumen The next Itep could Illect mu mall The elllcienl Germn me not Red dressbymumb ourneiuhborn won the line ever Inxlaus homer their repumdlnn or emclency Invo Un ZIP Codolhe In word In mailIddmaex Thin exhor lallon by the poumulerrol the v5 planned on mry mail callecunl box and polled to gvery householder 1n um coun mum menouou mm kgowleap or up 21 Coda II now mum wlde ma mum to Improv your mill dzllvery WI In exlunslun the 01d umllllr local zone lyslcm emuflnz liner mm fllclem nervch Io By DON OHBARN COBOURGTnll II the can re of one thumb lnlemb In truth this amplelln From Oshnwl In kmwnll the In ll sun one end there In Ubenl Pom Mm Icy In SIonnomI At uh other an NDPzr Ibmmy Thomu In omnwn In between here II oIId Pmreulv ComervatIvl mi km but mm legu gould plague om Smflnl ll the mum Ind Mr Manley II In lmuhesl mm he Iver hid Ha mm vaund Guindon whn Ill movad down lrom Glan nm and In xcepdmul can dldlll Nobody rully ullinl shots on in ml lhouxh lho urloul har workinl Mr In will rd ln Put 0113539an Inuedd HamJun Auld II we Ind LI Hm Fred Cu in GrtnvlllIDundu KINGMON WINNIE Bu lhen norm la Kink am And here In About him hope Went hall at uk hu um the ovum ment on Wllllnm Nick hu Mr pi ncw ruidrnl lhc dlnl mq llh nld dounl uvn mum In uglin lunon hehlnd hlm PA 61402 Campaign Is Hot In Oshawa Area word ny degvary palnlqlhc Unlltq Ivadim ZlPCodo number II to be added to tha lddrm written on the envelogr nnd coum Idde end or the return lddren to In lorm oner mrrerpandenu um manly tha ZIP Cad number will replm the mic and th clly or lawn and am thu duo mg wllhlq lheAclly bun divided up into mnior diatrihn lion Iran numbered in Thin live the first di it In ihe cod number Each time mlinr diltrihuuon urea his been di vlded lnlo loo numbered minor distribution arm to am ha legoud qnd third diam lnrlly overruled hxmry and mmphy and mu 11m Etch mlnor dllmbmlun are hal unln hemlubdlvldcd In 100 postal dellvary Ml numbered from no In lo give the hurl and mm 4qu the ZIP Coda numhm NEW IYSTEM NEW WORD ZIP mujor dlurlbullon am 03 covers Main and Idjlcun Her New York Clly ll In In 1m Wuhlumn DC In ml on round the coun gr maul Orezon Ind dlmlcl The objecllvn Ihll praiec In In use electmnlc mmunn or man Then the mm clly and mu will no he required on envelopes Just In nku code number Why do robot mnchlnu um hndtoremlmhu numzrn 1n uud of lumeno which then hm numberparmlulnx II llellll vuiely of comhlnl tum wm he ZIP Code be Intro duced Into Canndn Pm ofllca afllclnh hm tell me um It In mm lime 0H Wa no In km the moment lhal uortlnz mnlar problem in our 11 But 11 Coda in being Iludled here In prelimlnlry my II possible mhunl mm hie lure dm whcn we ldeI Auw mud nartallun why Iinnt with the word Fromm Addinzlon Hasl lnxl Em Ind Princt Edward Lenmx In All expected lo my 1er PC Bu In Hmllus West band an Bellavllle III nid veuran Elmer Sandeer could in mm troubh men in Nonhmnberlmd bl ned on um dry th Karma ubinel mlnlmr ood 110le ellred qnd LI conddered opon And ha ub an mu of ma but elndldml Mlyor luck Heel Cobourl In lhl Held Mlln next door In Durhnm Alex Clmlmm has not held th ml loo umnxly for ma PCI And numln nulm um KhooHudm member ID Alln Beet the brMher ol lhc lukrll mgtpber or the rlglm When you cl 0mm hm talk lhnl Mr Thom wlll lau But an oburvar bu hnrd lhil lnlk or yarn now And will bellow it when ml ll Ml been millmlly Conunulv bfiL it Tm ham mum cl John Mam14 Bu ll ll pornpa Jbflflum um IM himl nonId Il om lb bed Wltlleldl in hll WAS RICH CARGO Th cmllml IIr lrcllh our lo pm lhmuxh Copenhurn wu comilnmrnl 10m mlnl IMnI worlh uwoooo bound or lhe Ua ififihfi

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