zk CHMId hlvnkuu 57b ma hlcmu mm Mml mu 159 $3 Mun Than 412 mu 14 045 45 04 ON DEPOSITS 41 par unfm Iow MANY MORE WORK The Imporllnn at women In In wnrklnl um mm In Cun rounployrd mm In nonrly ovary lnmu booth Ind nt mm Hm relrcshmcnl booth on rnuld he cmnlo llvlngwnrnlnxl In he help out rnuntcrrllllo hllln are rnvlnclnl Pollco flcm In uniform and RCMP ol um thdtrmlc lukcllan lo lhe ne um vlcllm Sluml Kcyl mnlulung nnglnrcr Dr nynnrd ll pmunul phy llclnn In oppollllon lender John Dlelcnhnkcr in Mn In mm he nccldml an dlrt rand ncnr an onlrnntu lo lha In Edminlnlnrcd Dr Rynnrd hnd hardly bezun hll Iddrcu when lhe lnlr mnna ger Illpptd lo lhe puhllc ndd mlcrqphnne Inndnkcd men Hum dnclur In he crowd1 Thm hnl Imn mluul Iccl Sharlly all Lloyd Lelhcrby MPP Ior Slmcna Em congrat ulnlcd tho school children and helr leather for an nxcellml parade Dr Rynard Ml or Slmcoc Ensl bnxnn hlu udd to omelnlly open he Fnlr mu car ï¬nd icnuml apprehen lion lhnl counterth $10 bill would flood lhe Inlr bnalhz Only discunlnnk notes In the harmony of the Falr were an Iccldenl In whlch an Orlmn mnn nullered broken arm cull and bruises whtn muclg by Ideal wenlhcr and rccurd banking crowd mado Ihe llllh Innunl Oro Worldl Fnlr and On School Fnlr one the best in tho cvcnla Malory Accident Bill MSCdre Couldnt Dampen Fair JERSEY WINNERS In Ihl dairy cattle compeclklnn are shown hm Robert Andrews LOBSAWING champlnns at the Ora Worlds Falrwero these two 0m Townshlp men Deputy Rceva Gordan Cald well Ian and Elmer Shel xyell Their wlnnlnu llma was But hm Incldcnu did no dnmpm lho tnlhuslum nr Inlr In the anorlly pcclnlon who wm probably unaware ol clum lha ucldcnl or the coun lcrlell money ncnre Thm wn Ilnndinu room only In ho bundlan hnuxlnl lho Ichool uhlblll cmde Ilncd lhe lmck our and live dccp In with the mint evrnll lam crowd watched Um Ahnwlnz and 11141 of harm Ind omcr at 511mm man Now Ms all we have to go on and youll hnvo to be tardul are supposed feel on and crlnkly and the Hood nro klnd ally And horn kind Imudx lh Qurep Inca INFORMAUON AND BROCHURESX WIIII Io Prof Jamu Cluk 0mm EmuIon Wnlorloo Unlvmlly Cullogc Wamm Luflmon Unlvmlly 75 Unlvonhy Wm Walcrloo Onlul One flung mendï¬i In boom ude his employer Wk how can all In enunlulem The employer rcplled Well all knew Ls what he pollco laid Tile faulnlgrloll anal Ham In plnln clnlhca kept walchlul eye on all place when an attempt mlghl ha made to pass counlcrren bills T113 mldwny wnl pacIud Ind CLASSESx Thm hours In lunglh every mom Saturday Boglnnlng Scphmhlr 28 Ichhoiogy 20 Introductory Sociology to introduction to Sociology Ahamoon Clam Morning Clam Engllah 20 General Alcrnluro and Curï¬pmlllnn lhllosophy 30 111510 lnllosophlcnl Ichrnlura left Guthrie had the entry wlnnlnz the reserve grand champlpn lama award while his cow shown by William 30 second Hat record They drove thelr crosscut saw mmugh me ha 11 secondl aster than power saw used earlier on the maple log or comparison In the ï¬nal saw WATERLOO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 196364 Extanllqn Progmm IN ORILlIA Imudxn on qncs excllcmcnl renchrd Ill peak In In IflWlnl contest Fnlr omclnla laid ll mlzhl be mm ï¬lm mm yulcrdnyl elm nllcndnncu II known Ihu receipt mm In onlmnm would have In ho lallch DR mmum Ml Gbbinl or Slrond carried the 0m Worlds Fair senior lama chnmpiun honor Examiner Photo 00 Ontario an the champ bent Orlluaa Counclllnr Murray Robinson and Ora heave Guam Mb Kay who wu substllullnl 01 31111 Councillor Frank Ke Wluipex Normnn Wailon 41 1mm murmur oi the Co National flailways Prairie rcgim when he all oil moving reith train Vienna Anllrl Leo id Schoenhnuer 75 renowned itnna urgeon who was mon lioned II Youibie candida or the Muir In presidency in 1051 liter ailing imm iha llepl oi ill house Tomb hm Emannuzi Strum mother Toronto aperl soprano Teresa simian following heart Iliad humourDr Waller Sue V73 ionnor had of tho history do nrlmcnl Iho Unlverriiy oi Br tilil Cuiumbln Ind lending Iulhorily on the history oi EC The monme meeling the Chlidrenl Aid Society HunIo and Simcoe County will be held Tuesday evening at eight oclock he county administration m2 CANADIAN mass Mr Julie Richardson told prospecllvs pom jurors that my mus return to Court num ber one Barrie on Tuesday morning Io see whether Ihelr rvlcé are required at that lime Ha charged In connection with In hidden In whlch Mrs Ilean Spencer widow In her early 50 was 5117de 13 ï¬rms In angn Beach hotel on July 29 CBS Meets On Tuesday The seven jurymen said that the Crown had sufficient ovi denca on In charge of unemp ted murder and wounding wllh Intent lo require Mr Piccolll lo mud rial true hm against Antonio Planing wns returned yer tuxday morning by the Grand Jury of tbsFall usslze of tha Supreme Court of 0mm In Simone Caunly Ha uld that the absence 01 admin wlth which huml ht transact omclal bullneu hr chnmben made Simcoe County unique among the counties ha Ind vlnlted In lhc course at his duties Thu telephnnowmeras re Jul 01 remarks handed dwm from the Bench on mesday ul lernoou by Mr Justice Richardson presldlnz over the all mile of an Supreme Court 01 Ontarlaln Simone County Retuhi True Bill Against Piccolli Mlapholge has beenilnstalled In tha Judzal dumber at the Cour How Shurllhnon Hughes said yesterday He noted um the private ullmy supervlr In the operationmpnnded the Judgel mun nlesday summon with speed and em dew 1113 ammtxmmzna immannrsm ma Judge Gets His Ph6ne Throuuh the olforï¬ of Ar Evan lhu Camp Borden lllghwny relncnled widened and resurlnml lzy tho lmvlnclal Government EVANS Art ON SEPT VOTE DEATHS An Evan MONTREAL GP Cnnm diam am full of ï¬ction about the far north bulknow precious liulo about lhe fads Comma don Rnbenson exccw Iva dircdor I6 Arctic Insu ul North America snld Msdiin Says Canadians Know Too Little man mm rd wu lamented to Mary Anno Stone RR Barrie was awarded $50 bursary to continue her slud Ics by St Maryl Catholic xom Rue last night Th VIImegs threw pair of clippers strum deIendanl he ma Chm1e McNiven pmprletor Barrie Barbershop told an all male jury sitting the all sum or IhoSupreme Court made In Simcoe County Mr Jusllco Richardson pre adding that the accused entered his shop It 550 on the nflemogn May 23 He told Mr Mchven and two custnmers to leave the premises because he was going to km Mrsllsg Demflle from whom he was sepernled the witness testiï¬ed gen GUN mm no mond Demï¬le 32 yesterday pleaded nnl mm charge capital murder In the shot gun killing Sergeant Herbert Wilson as an the evening my mm mu sexlean In Camp Borden Myeamld lance Ieraeant was said yesterday In hm llrzd two shotgun blast at his wife In Banla bubeuhop an hour as phaged wig kIH 7Qf Shots Barbershop YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE The Man Working for All tha People in Simcoe Centre var IO IllELI ARI EVANS Some UV public overcsumnlcs difllmlllu ol all male distance and luck of cum Commodoru Robertson 001m ulsa lacking ads Most people overestimate either no difï¬culties or the Po letan lha Arctic ha told press nonlemnce hcid lo dis cuss symposium on the cum dlnn Amie lo be held Mo Gill University Sept 1547 BURSARY Mlu Slon by Mrs Bond Education Convener of Ike Lealue M15 Stone gradu ated 1mm St Josephs High School In June Examiner Photo mm The Crown contend that the delendnnt qu dlreclly from the shop lo the Sergeanu Mass of lhe Royal Canadlap School Infantry Campinarden There he alleged lo have vsoughl on and killed Sgt wllsun approxlmalcly 640 pml TO SHOW PLANNING Thompson Crown may or Slmcoe County led all lhu case or the prosecutlnn by telling the lury that evldenco would be Introduced to show pmuuu through glass door What was closed nnhlnL He ï¬nd It through plywood door whamlhe barberqnd MrsJDe mule amped 1mm him equrt was told Alter itching 13 win wha had escapedoma Renetanz xlrect UN necused left the item isengï¬rhg Mchvgn geld but it did Mi hit him In the nuns oi tho next iew minutes the accused iired ahaizun at Mrl Demiila mining her by our feet and permitted boy um man who were anginanan in the she put hie pushed flu 0N SEPTEMBER 25 r1 He Sam the ynTwmwiu try to zlve tome do the Immediate puslblliuu Can Idnn north and the urgem need In develop ll on which in hue their indu mmia were too optimistic aim possible dcveioptpont TM will consist Dfrl fabulous display lnvorila flarnl de sign by some ho top flonl mlsu In Um United Snlu Ind Canada The public will be Invited or ha ï¬rst llrn In view the Aven ue of Plan Design the ho cl durinl lha convmllan This 15 In unprmdenied 11le In Mr Halï¬rs chairman oi this school which will be held Much 17 1964 in the Crystal Ballroom oi the Raynl York IDCII unr Isl It Harris vlcbpresldenl was appointed chalrmul ll International School 01 Floral Design meellnl the board of dlnckor of the United Florisu of Canada Wednesday at he Prince Edward Island mom the Royal Hate local nar WIIUImVWnHace president of the Innhï¬l Progressive Conser vallve Association will chair lhe Ellwood Mndlll MP for Duf farlnslmcae and Arthur Evans Progressive Cnnservallvn candl dale dr Slmeoo Centre will be guest speakm ngressivo Conservatlve rally In Sitcud Communin Hall beginning It pm today Barrie Man Is In Charge Floral Design defence counsel John Hoomlan Toronto that the accused had bouth the weapun on limo payments had signed his own name to the purchase local dc arlment stun em playee Lloy Bowman testi ned thin he had sold the accused 16 gauza shotgun and um munmnn on May 11 was of similar model to that meted III anlgxhlblt by the prosecution an He cautioned the iumns that the case involved neat mas ni detail and many witnesses have lo be hand Ens Cawan Barrie barrister laid the com that he ind acted for Mn line Demliie in drawing up he separation papers which aha and her hue band signed in Ociober 1862 No provision we made or her luppon he said and custody an eightyearn buy child oi the marine had been gren lcd liieAnccnsed PC Rally Is Tonight lhnl Demllla planned ahd dell beratcd upon the course Inn that led to the death of Sn Wilsan Therrcase continued MI morn nx sun SKL Philip Siezrisi oi the Canadian Provost Cums in Iiiind inn Demiile ind consulted him on May an uboui ihe lnci dent involving his wile and tha Wilson in iha mess Demiile had threatened lo lake drasiic measures he maim wu not soon cleared up he noted He had wanled 1h mused no to do anything bccnnsa uu deceased ml not worth ii in coniinucdi Id any that Lance Sergeant Demllle very good wldlzr He did lcrriflc Job whzn wurlmd with him the wllneu told he court In response to question tom delcnce comm he said that It lhl Um flu pm In 15st Sgt Wilson Wu not mom than 400 ynrd away in Camp Borden GOOD SOLDIER nah on the untrnaan of May 23 Ihe acwsed had been given temporary as to able him to deal wul haw an business duwnlnwn bdorl his permanent pus came Info oiled 430 pm 82L Roy Damn had told him um ho dld no Inlend to get divorce 1mm his wile because he would have last 111 pay married my he testiï¬ed He Iald the court Ihnl Demm had not been known In frequent the Sergeanu Mes beam he had wnnlud In my on of muble mu mm the day of Ihe death oi Sgt Wilson in order to discuss in reiaiiunsilip of Sgt Wilson and Mn Demllie and complaint mm an unknown source ihni Demilie had been seen the Pennnnen Married Quarter building in Camp Borden On this occasinn the witness nid he had not accompanied the aggused The accused had also visited the assistant adjulant his flirtEll ï¬elyeenng Ind Defence counsel read Into the court pmceedmxs letter from the commanding 0mm of Head qumen Camp Borden which baned Mn Demllle from lhc defence uubllshnlen from Oct wmpmm lnll Mn Dcmflle had been in the ROS of Sergeanu Mm In Company with Mr and Mrs wu son whlla Demllle was away In Ottawa on course durlnu lhe week of May II In 17 The witness said In the mum 70 minute of lesllmuny that he had accompanied Ihe accusi ed on Mp3 In he RCMP Ind Provosl Cums detachments In Camp Borden on May 21 De milIe had netocgmplnlp that an mu mch lllfl told him that ho Inspected Sgt wllson lrylnl la Mum uwycLlW an WIIson tryan In blackmal him In order that Mrs Demlfli mlghl 96 named divorce agreement and had ï¬nds an Illemm to dlszulse his lgenuly SQSIELFED WILSON szLflRaymr and may the ac cuseda Immediate superior II the Advanced Infantry Driver Came tesuflectlrlhe accuyeg had ma