TORONTO CPerhcra was mixed reacllan from snclal workers Wednesday on pro posed hlghrlse building com plex lo house 1000 elderly per Inns central Toronto development was an nounced by Economic and De velopment Mlnlster Robm Mac nuley who said the 512000000 pilot project was designed In house older person kl an inle lrglud qqmmuni He said It could be In start ol provincewlde program low rental accommodation for the aged downlnwn selling when their speclal ncnd could he met It wauld nquh ï¬nan clal ald from Iha federal gov nrnmenl he mm London prasxdenl at he Ontario Society on Minx described the plan long ovgrduc No Toronto mcmhcrs of the Iociely were opposed to Ihe Flesh Mn Jnan Gund cach It glaring exnmpll scurcgadon The whale trend In public hous Jnx la lnlcgrntu the older pm ple wll lhe younger Viola penny HI on dangerous or elderly persons In live In high rise building wmu happens If someone all down and brtaks hip In his npnrlmcm on ht mh floor Ihe Iskcd Who will know About In CAPSULE NEWS TORONTO CPJTrndn Min lullr Sharp culltd thnrsdny or an llflrtsllru Amth hy Cnnndlnn wmpnMrs Including UScnnlmllcd lirms lo dMll twig mnrkm OTTAWA CPIOne mull at flu drnllc chanu In Hm Inl II unvunmml tonmbulory um nu petunia pmuum may be In delay Idlan tar Inme um mrdlral Inmrnce ï¬brin hokinlnn In II nlnun un rnnmlmlmy mum punch mm Um Mm 111l nnprnnrh ll nnrdrd pup llculmly In our nonml nnrl mnal nnlurnl matkcl lhn Unllrd sum In laid in uprcth In lhu lllrrlmninl Axcnls Auncln llnn TumnIn U5 cnnlnv Cnnfllllfln mnmllnclurlnx lmhulry ll alrlclhr ll Louhl Minlo much he Mhlmlnxe IhM Hm UJi Inmlmrnl hrlnn ln mmdn In lhe arm VIIIUIIMO lulmulngy hmlnm expule and mrlu commrrclnl cammllum mm lnmIm lhh In it lnnmmud Wulnmlny turllmu hunllnl wlll In permuer ln Qurhrcl ucllnn nl nmllwn lln nu lmm Hull 11 la Srpl In Iunlm wlll ho nllnwrd In klll ï¬nale and yum unvllmu well mnlu 11w lnl ml Imu lumllnl mum in Hue prov lnm wk plau In HM In In hum lMlmnlm Famed vlollnls Rublnofl joins dawnEaxlcr Dan Mes lefl with his Stradlvarlu In mid nlnz ses Comment Mixed For Old Age Home Be Aggressive Delay Medicaw Caribou Season rm Tlm 5mm HON ll MACAUMY VIOLINIST MEETS DOWNEASTER zavcrnment now must ï¬nd an extra 5116000000 year to nance Sl0amonlh incrrns In lhn universal old age pension avgllnglel to n1 ll age 70 Administration saurcts my this unexpected new demand on tederai nirandy strntned by big spending leaves that much less money available for new hcaitit or wettare meas urcs MONTREAL CPFaur un didalus Including cablnel mln 1sler ware nominated Wednw day to contest the Monlrcal rid In Nolre Dame de Grace In Sept Quebec hyelecllon They are Revenue Mlnimr Eric Kimna former przsldcnt the Mnntrenl and Canadian Slnck Exchangcs Jain Boyle an lndependznl and Luke Doughcny and Henrl anuel bug lrgdtppndunï¬ Liqmjs EDMONTON CPIC Murchlson member of Iha fnderal Unemployment Insur nnce Commission sald Wednes day Hut federal undl will bl nvcdcd or necond lme Io Iub Ildlze the unemployment lnxur nncn lund He xald In an Inlcrvlew that hy next spring allot lho win ters heavy demand on the fund lhe cammisslon will have to bar row more money Mr Murdllsnn Iflld Ihcre now In 513000000 In he 1qu and ml cxpcclcd la rlsu $50 000000 by he and mum her our aulxa or clalml nnd hnnclil wlll exceed our In came 000 connerflnx highway llnk lnlo lhl mall lmlnled lumber commun lly Homepnync mo mllu nnrlh hen were nnnaunccd chmsdny by tho dlpflllmllll of hllhwnyl Work cxptclcd lo hcgin lhl wlnlcr on lho rand llnklnx llnmcpayn to nghway 17 um While Mr mllu mm lhl Mmch 900 mph PEMNHOKH TlTho Snm ml do Clmmplnln Hluh Sclmu Flam to apply or llrcnu la wxln FM Hrequenry modula llon hrnmlrnplinm Mmul warm ndlo ulpmtnl Wfll donnlnl In lhl Imnl by Wu Pnulvroku mu and lrlnrlpnl John Thurman Inhl Wnlncsduy the Ichnol My wl Mk ulvnnlnn Ila unlqu Mllllon to apply In the board of hrumlcml xov mmrn or Ilccflw lo hman Iul on nn lunnd for than pulmh nth My Nominated Tm lmllnn rm lllnnd ol anllmr umlrr Ith Irnlrc llnn IIIIC mo la nth lull Indrprndrnu 1m Highway Link Subsidize Fund School Radio Namlnauon closed ak pm 5w 5n MARIE om NDENT BOON PM Do SMALL YOU QUEBEC CMJudge Albert Dumomlcr will decide Friday whchnr lo admit lcsumnny given coroners inquest In the prcllmlnary Marin of Lco pold Dion charged wllh cap Ital murdnr in the wt urnngl ml ourjwyl here Th prelim ry hearing opnncd Wednesday In court ringed hy Qurbc provincial po llccmcn Wilncssc Included dc lecllvu and Gaslan Marquis 20 older brother one he Ilnjp boyl sian Dartmoulh NS Rub Incl was presenting can Dibn Irrtscd Mny 27 hr day or lhe Ins ol the our hyppcnrcd bédy lound In hllaw xrlvo west Quebec DRIVE OFF EAGLES alslm and sdlool teacher drove on two bald eagles at tempting to carry away ouryearold girl near here Mrs Fred Splcer said Wed nesday the attack occurred last week Vclda Hume daughter of Mn and mm cm Bennett was playing In firld near the Ennnclt mm house Al 0015a Lake when we mack occurred Mrs Splccr said one eagle swooped down on the girls head catchinz her hair while the qther glavycd her back Veldn rolled under fuller tree Ind the eagle 1N1de ghmge her sitting the The lwu older xisler were going In Velda rescuu when school teacher Gray driving by thu ume stopped and scared he eagle away taking Vulda home In his car VMis Spicer said the hlrds had wing span of about nix led Iudge To Decide 0n Testimony Bald eagles are common sight in the area she said but she had never heard of them attacking child below Farm have been known to lose small lambs lo them hnwever wxsnm n0 cmm Ia Brown 35 1mm Armored Car Company drlver who ad mitted stealing $500000 from his em loycrWadncsday wu sent to fall or three years Magistrate Gordan Scolt In puslnl sentence 43 hour after Brown pleaded guilty to chum ol Ihcft ovar $50 ordered him to componsnle Iha company fax the $22305 Illll missing Lawyers sald laler that he dld nM at cauld no repay the money Hen could he obtainad against his earning Iltcrhh re lease from nrison In the largest such than In Vancouvers hlslory loadch mm than $500000 In cash and che ue into his car during the Valet Day long weekend last May He ch lo de Jnncko and hi electinn 1mm llmil louchnd ofl Interna lloml complications Nazismale Scull nld It had been poinled out haz Brown re alhcd only about $300 from he than and that the full amount had been recovered wllh the ex ccpllon nbnul $20000 of whlch Brown had no knowledge Brown udmlllnd carrying out lhe hell on his own but turn other men an nwalllng hearing In connccllon wllh the case cert and Messer Wu In the audlcnce They got together lnlerinlsslon wih Messuj uslng copy nublnnfla Slradlvarlua Bass player Duke Nlclson ol the Messer band listen in CF erephotnb do no see how Brown cu clnlm credit or lhls manly lrnle Scan mid Ila fully ex Cily June IL The nlhcrl were oqnd hurlcduy cnruncrl Inquest July 21 held Dion crlminally responsi ble or the dcnlhs and lhe Inl lowlnu day he was charged with Ipllnl murdcr In all our deaths Dinn hlmscll Inked mcrnl quuflms witnesses Wednu day nncr Ielling Judge Dumnny Her he cnuld not alrord lnw yer Stole $500000 Ordered TO Repay Missing Money vgncouyprg or Bang um nmun EXAMINER Inunsnn saw RENFREW Ont 10F Two member lols Ottawa Valley comrmmlty 51x man public school board mlmq Wednu day because at the boards decl xlan to seek settlement at lwmyear disputu wtul tha 0n taflo dgpartmem at educating The dlsputa began when Al lan Gay lormer supervising yrlndpal the lownalhrna public schooll ndmllted he had mauled enrolment lures ram 1949 In 1969 Mr Gay later was coï¬nvlcï¬ed the and ten In The Onlnrlq department said false enrolmentflxure had re sulted In an $80000 uvurpuymun oi grant to chlrew and naid It would wllhhnld 10 per cent 01 future grants unllltha amount We Wald Until now the henlrew board has Inslsled Inn was not re sponsible for the padding of ha Mum and used In urea la regnymfntl Dr Guest ï¬rst board member to resign said the boards Monday meeting had decided to try to aellle tho dls agreement with Ontario John Daugherty the second man to resign said he also opposed Ihe compromise altempl and added was against bringing pol lics Mo the dlspule members Quit School Board The magistrale laid ha had also been told Browns wlle and family in nbandoninl him and that thll wax punllhment angulh cannot he wonderlnl hnw Ills lamily woud lava and 11 III plan had been lucccssful he said Did he cxpecl hem In allow hlm an luziliva rum justice or dld In plan In abun dan them The light nl Brawn In Brazil which has no extradition lrcaly wllh Cnnnda wuched all inlcr nnlionai complicnllom when he was bundled nlmnrd an airliner nnd thinned out oi lha counlry In New York Allomeythernl lluhnrl nnn nor Brillsh Columbia laid at the lime luch Icllnn lllplaled illcuaif TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um peeled lo neahls share the upolls DOUGLAS BROWN NEW YORK AHAn Inter national dlalogua opened Wed Msday our the mnchdlacmsed lrgdlng stamp Such stamps wore denounced In Brltnln manln and protection rackot misled on merchants flwy were deluded here the re tailers ulvnllon and boon to customers Wllhln the nchdcudu stamps will cover Um world snld William th an ar dent and sucmsnu moment of Lhelr spread lnlho Ullllad States large Canadiancon TORONTO CP Education Minislu Davis annnuncud Wed nesday that an invcsllzaiion is under way In study the ieasibib fly at establishin pravlnciul museum in dispny industrial Iciunlliic and ethnological ac complishments in Ontario and Canada Speaking at he dfllclnl upen lng of the new 31500000 RyanJ snn Polylcmnlcal Insllufle said lho precise terms rd arcncc to such muswm ll exact realurcs or even its shape size and Ideallon hava no mi ilage hecn delan Nullhel has the method of an nanclnx He said amuscum lhls klnd would add an invaluable learning aid to our education sylcm mmmluec In study 11 will he headed by Earl Brownridzu president American Motors Cnmda Limited Brampton OnL sgys Trading Stampsi fWilllCover The World May Establisfl New Museum GAS Sumpssavm will claim Ihls year $85000000 In merchan dlso Itcms vacation rips and oven Ira engine up from about 0000000 woth In 1050 Pm said He added that use nI stamps also widespread In Canada trolled retail chain about join lhennh of stamp Ivan in Britain The sump contagion was condemned by member Parliament In Britain Jnhn Stonehouu Labor MP spear heading an anIIslarnp crusade declared stamp were pushing up he can 01 llvlnz or Brlums Ind demnnded Iovemmcnl Investigation Stonehouse said consumers would pay mm In prlns than they let bank In merchandise premlums and lurthcrmore lo give stamps L1 tantamount to protection racket DEFENDS STAMPS Preis outgoing president oi the Trading stamp Institute America replied that slam have caught an in Britain 11 the last ï¬ve yam and nobody held gun at the mmhanls NW In Britain com manded frontpage newspaper attention focused ull spgculm Mm Ihat antlAstamp slums will cut grocery prices up In 25 per cent to meet the sum chal lenge lroducllon olksumps has been slated by the Mslore Fine Fare zmup conlrnllcd by Canadlan Garï¬eld Weston The Flue Fare group repofled lo segk lherelzy lo luglt lmses Pm sad that Canada 19 of 20 largest food chains phu assorled lather retailers nnw dispense trading stamps You Still Jean Guy Tessier 75 Vwoi senicnccd to ill imprisonment last November ior his admitted role in tho axmsloylnz oi Adrien bounding who was bah ierbd to death and tossed lnio he baseman oi his cembincd garage and restaurant Abou $5000 was taken Polico said Tessier ioid pro vinciol police Monday IlSl Vincult de Poul Penlicniiary hot he killed Gannon liter the Dcslardlns slaying and buried him in the husiL mesdly Tes sier led iwo Montreal homicide dczcclives lo the He shrufled all recent bank ruptcle of stamp companies In Connecticut and my Ishnd unitsLump bills ll 40 state legislatures this year nearly all unsucceslul wlldcal stamp venture olfcflnx my credit In the stern of issue and other problem in the 08 stakip lininsuyl HULL Que CF Pruvin clal police said Wednesday man conï¬ded last year of non capilal murder hu led ham be grave bellaved to he mu oihls hallvbrothcr whom he cuscd his lrlnl of actually cngmlllmnlhe murder mummm um muluu The shallow grave In densn bushland north here yield decomposed hndywhlch lh convicted man sald was that ol Armand Gagnon 19 nought 011 two years In comedian wltn the 1961 robberyslaying of an derly garage operator numb Imnsidc Police Find Mans Boply