lmwuu man ma rum ba cumfl Ladur ml ulna Imun um vAfloul TumMM 7A In ivon Luna Nunlu mm mum 4vaqu lln IOII nun um 01 0mm 01 um Ynnn um nqu ym aim1 an AM Inth um um mm ran llon rumh LuvJ lum mum In 01 Kenn Mnhlll Ilnml Ir um luymr or Ion nu Al wry unInn 0m 1m um Mu mm um llnl tnndlnnnl on 0m um run tuma nu Illnh Tunlam Hon IN nmn IlmI nrm cum um mud unul nmm to 1m Ind mun mmplflld hy mllmd chum unwan lo nu um In mnllm mmclr In In onlula Ilmm lm lul nu Ky annl Tolonll hluln PalHymn ll molar mph mum 11m In mum mnn nu ma nuuly ownd 1n anqu ran unlnn Job mum mu um nn plum In mum HNANCI AV mum bu hrcud of no own In lllm dlllVlrI S7 Chlvlolfl III lulflmlllt ryllndu out nafnl mm m1 rum Ilmvlllld DAMUIP lulumlfll eullnm no on unauu annum month 37 Plymoum mm mvlnlnly bull um uh mainly 15 Old luln Irlomulc nm um um floor Idn In nndIhll hilll with mlkhlnl lnlmor TM ur hu man ma mm Ill nun hluwul mum um wt ll VA XflALL Vldnr Dtllfll Winn now candnmn In Bun quI wllh MI mum ink may Lou on owm us down um monlh max mm CL INIUMNch up In lot prlnnd Gnu In my 9990 nu J9ur £90 m1 An II DODGI Cullen Royal Into mun Ith hullon control In Nlu um um with mutur fll hunm Apply all SUIIL lrd lrlnllnlnlnn VI mum whlloull Hm And wheel uuxlmt cnnultlom Tlllphnh PA um PLYMOUTH two door um Interior um ullnnr tondlufln Hunt um my mum Va nun an ule cun Ina or emu mum PA um TRUCKS TRAIEEE Sim rumour coup mm Puhrd ennna Exclllenl candl non Sacriï¬ce ruh nut cuh cflu um um rmpnm PA mu mm xm vAUxmu Cmu mm blue with mm zxcenem candi llan 0n owner ur MIIII be 1016 Alvin tounlry Call or 12ml Telwhonl PA PERSONALS Muum ma lwu door hlrdlnp VI molar pfllhbllllm nulomu mnmluxon cunom ndlu all whlumu fltel $50 dawn PM par mnnlh PA MPH FORD leomllnt lwa door much In cnlnr colluuulu Ina unnr cunom rldln may plane MINWill rec 375 down 50 pm monlh PA um POULTRY CHICKS xuu mum our om owner an down me am 151 mom MOBIL HOMES ALI 1m MOBIL Vennum nlllnl It 79 Han Hnl Sen viu Tlllln Stud In TI Phom PA 511 1m VDLKIWAOIN Smdltd $51 No ulna Illlplwnl PA um com Cu Cnlflu IN LOVE WITH CERTAIN NEW CAR Buy it now with 569m PLAN LOAN low001 IllaInsured THE BANK OF NOVA 5cm GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford SL PA 85971 la tellfllom hm 923 MOTOR EARS FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE Mm mum PA mu mu mm on onuna Lamas MAME F559 SEED émn 95m iron GET GOOD DEAL me am plymenll oi mom Tuepnnn PA IIAIIONAI III III lulu ll Mun All 1mm Innnu wallow ha ll nu mmm nlniln nu tmm whmn In nv lummy nu I1 lurk mm nil xnulucxn IMld ubtomurl or mpnm um VllUML AN Illhln Innl mm mm Kumlmf TIIII lullvu um It UM vaI Ia um um In nmn mu 11va um CALIIMnmw Or ly ln Forum It flu 12 AVE Mums Twn umblllou marrlrd mm mullred rapidly mm In mnwny lbs homq lm provrnunl Ilrlxl Gmrnnlml Inlnry fur MINI Fully qullmed Ipny 914nm wllh good upulcncn In paint mlxlnl and color nulchlnl Du capable of milling Immun In rnlnlnl new Emille and running dapnnmcm producllon ermnnml nmploymml wilh nood mm Ind emploon hm ml erw or apply In norm CANADIAN NAME PLATE DAY SIlllibl MIDLAND ONTARIO INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEPT We requlra supervisor to lakn completo charge 01 our time may melhod and eulmntlnl dupmmnnl Appllcnnl mus hnva sound background ln Um study And have prevlnm nu rvlmy exparlcnee Re qu rel good knawledxe ol mm worklnz operation and have his nbllfly work wlth produc llnn doplrtmenl iammen Good emploch bwcllu penllon In Iry open Writ or apply In pom lo CANADIAN NAME PLATE DAY STREET MIDLAND ONTARIO SALES CAREETz 10 won In nu ma duly pin mull cam mlulnn Hm boon plxu typ IM etc Sui nmneed oldx per Telphnnl PA was mm or myxuu 1w nu ma commlnlvn FD If Inlornm Ilan WY Conunnm ll smuu 105 um sum and huryonuno0fvhonu 0mm nouslnum llv Ln ma ma mm mum and null hem an unnnllnu mm rnnxlznlloul ma ma thud nhnncn am mommy mfg In PA or PA SPRAY PAINTING LEAD HAND lo 1le In Cl cnlm hon IchonL Cnoh phonl 6H1 TWO Wfllmllll llntnd Oval 01 ll 0m In work In thl nthr work mrl Flu Bclfllnt willi 1th 341 WW my x1 IlAIlDllflll Wlllllfl In memma Apply mm Cu Shop on Dunlap sum wm human PA mu bum Nnohgcaanibï¬ Mld wahonl Hill In Pfll uwumsznn wmua In to nu In In mum to And WM thnul mu IXPBILIENCKD Hench tr lend chllflrln Good liarDu pnllrfld BuntingI PA WI gunman wucmz mu um Am an Dunlap Elf wn or PA HMS SUPERVISOE Emh 16371 um an WWW II Um hm Du It can mug 5mm Lbsnrouun www mu nde minimum In ynur own ham or Baum uh Ilsa11 mm ms or PA MALE FEMALE mull EETABLEKED tennary upon with AVON Colmeflu In Innis and Vespn town ships wnm Mrs Walker 38 111mm 5L Barrio or phone PA 66551 classes or children Ind ndultu Figure control posture vis un poise grooming nuke up personality confidence TELEPHONEAFTER my PA 68162 BEST FOOT FORWARD MIMI TILLDI VII Luul mum 1016 lwhnnllA M490 mm or Muman 7PERSONALS MALE HELP eopu nqulnd II Llllu fun hon Chudnn mum Cnvlgllown runL Talo Emmas COLUMN EMAL HE HELP WANIEE Huhan almvwlu or han VII mu DATE fllnin Onlulo IhLI mm In ol alplemlxr Gt ALL PEMONI hlvlnl Mm nnlml lhl mm In bow fllde docluod Ill cl lhl Cl Built In Ila Count Slmroo who ï¬nd on or ul um 10 day rohrunry m1 In lmoby mmutal lo Ill Mrflmlnu llwml wllh llu un drmlnrd ur Mn flu at any Odnbrr M1 nfler whlch No he Inc will bl ullllrflmlrd hvlnr upnl only to dalmn of win nalm hem mamd Ill Nupll hauntle In mamn upmmm In Wnll ll Imm lllmlnll um wle la luvllur awn hoary Vineun Fflxuuw PAINTINDI All II zllnlln la clan n1 In uv lull7n cll lun um ll lEGAl NOIICES humus All VI moan nl lo wwmul mm In my nn ham flu Avrly bl II II Ml at Illa VIII ILETL humor ll DUNLOI IT WE Inï¬ll ONT lllMBLI WOMAN win but In In In on ham 18 III to Blrfll IIllphonl PA mm in em menu In my aim norm Wm Tah pnm min napalnlmml ull mu LZHTLLA WEDNHDAY AND munwu IIPTIMIIDI cdnnuzmu INN Mum ONTmm EMPLOYMENT WANTED Irvrum AND REMUNmAflVE mmvmmn Roam devnlopmtnu In our Cum runny hlvl fluted ann BAN ORILLIA LI MA NOR BAY MILL Elma II on hi and Import In And rlpldly mllnl lu llonl In bumm tad3n you In lama lllu upcrflncl Ina 11qu lo work bud lo we Id than you In thI ï¬tpreunl Illvn WI lwkln or Sum memnnlul mum mommy Automabnu mulnd Thu not 1mm nmxmry uln an In lflllflonl In mum um um nmp Hm Anduml nnmmlbll an ADDIflON onu ZchullVl unllory IND llllb lllhtd null Ellilllllnl lfllnlnl chumm ll um um mm mm cum in nlnL Cammuuun mud on um III 0anan with um and mlnlnum my Intoml And nllunlly Ill lhl lull Imvxayc mum ra pxganlmnn ull nu SALES HELP AGENE BALI OPPORTUNITY CIII dlul un Imurlncl Company tutu uled in ulumln top up mun pnmlan mna mu Ibo ml Ivlrlll lonNn lot volenv Illl ll ï¬lth Ind lo mlth Allunnl Specllllxed hllnlnl ID vlded or lhl 11 min For EMI lnhmlllnn mm an mu hummer onllon which mu my Mum moo ml to mm la am no 7114 la work Could of mum no mm in no or 1mm dulrlnl In out1a pox Inn All npuu maxea In con nd wm aox Bum In Ilw Estate olx 24 mnha or Wmlntfll tan1 load can an npnunzuu or Im an to Vlln Ill Mllrlcllll hylfllnu pnmnd But not LII Cu up fled Elllry bonul other neflLl Writ Bu Blnil Enmlnu mnumturr ulr upcmn nu mm on Mn 011d Milky DandIl MIA BSA Ephdll Anomalies ll collcl lPixIonian Dhnhh 11250 HEW on WILL lflAlulflxn mum gnu nun Human mu mm mm mum mum on mu mmunnuon PA mu Lulnn unnamed Ml Hm lamm Bond 11091 50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS WHITE For northerh Iran to call on television iwru ml in natal lilhed territoriu ullinl Electronic pm ideal applich thouid ham ciectronic backzmmd Ind lliu expellam Replies coniideniinl RADIO TRADE SUPPLY LlD 49o YONGE smear TORONTO PW muv mum Tilv In PA drum Logan WANTED requlrgd lmniqdintely éxpeflencebréfemq Applyto Service Manager DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD 145 BRADFORD STREET BARRIE In Ill ummn AM Ah ION 15 Handy urvlu Ind mnlmmnm Iup Ilod lu nrh rnlu um II III new flu um uclnd Tmnlm dwnvly muted Im lnllcv Can In mled tnnlapu 1mm or any land Ma mull Occqvlkt SALESMEN TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Trnrlm wlll rmlm mLIl 11 noon Monday am ll lot nu nlylnz an momth nnlll lm nrm nr morn le Ind lllhl ryumm lwu dour molar cm or II In lollu bfrvko Monlhly Mental and my Trehndrcra mm mh day or July ms CR0 muurch IIIHI UniTruman Towmhl In It Mu Onl By vIrIuo 01 wnmn quod by Iha Reeve In TownMp InnIIIII under hIl hlnd And the Ian me AIM COW llon burInl dale lha cu my May In llndl In run In In In Townshlp mum will be ham the CommunIly Hall SImd It Ibo hour two oclock In lb duo noon on Ibo mh day October 1m units ha mu Ind will an manu pIId Nollca new or Ivan IIII Ibo III Ind Iar uh Ior Irrem oI mu wn publhhed In 1h Ontr10 Gnulll on the an oI July ms Ind lhnI mule In Id 11 may In Ind ll my oIIIco II land In no III told on th mh duy oI ombu In IdIautnod ulo wIlI In hIIrI an odobor lath II Ihc uml hour plncc I2 TENDERS wn TREASURERS SALE OF LAND FOR ARREARS 0F TAKE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Cum SIMOOE Ford plnlel 8M0 serial NBHSZZZMG And purulanl lo lacuna the Mechanlu Lien Act RSO 1960 Chapter 133 all of flu ma vchlclcs will be bid by public aucllon on muuday the 19th day September 1968 It 11 am Gun Dmhm In ha City of Blrflt FOR WflECKING PURPOSES ONLY JERRY COUGHIJN Audlmeer DATED at Burris the nth day September was iiomm 1949 6310 nglzz Ierlnl 0201106085 mild 1951 1962 mm lsgzhxerill 1136906165 Chan et 1m 1962 platel 429411 BrllIsh Columbia ser lll DIMISND NIH 190 1061 plate mm Plymwth 1m 1961 plum mm mm 9659061 Pontiac 1950 plates Ill50 W111 PIymoulh IBM156 phlu uzyv arm mmls mun plum HQu 4155901761 Fora 1953 1961 P1I1Wl ugly oquxssImm ï¬Unwuth 15in plates 121549 mm mm TAKE NWwï¬m mm Brothers an Dayna Strut Barrie in due County of Simone ha runllned unpaid for more than hm manna for towing and storage 01 the undermm uoned vehiclu Vauxhlu 1956 no plans X15700 Oldsmobile 1955 1962 plum limos Ierlal 55637811065 Ponllu 1958 1931 plum EDMS aerial 5206913141 Plymm 1W2 1961 plum 15391 Plymnuul 1m 1m plat 1599 Pontiac me 1062 91199 HMII nerlal 8754926045 Chevrolet 1953 1961 plus 350096 serial 3106917799 Dodge 1952 1862 pm Haasav serial 98055187 burner 1949 pm mm laxIsl W476 Chevrolet 195 1962 pill Mm M131 110mm hamlet 1051 2th mm 10 NH 1952 platesKm ugly minnow mm THE MECHANICS mm lEGAL NOTICES MALE HELP nannyAmman Miami pfln family at loomA lood ï¬ki palm1mm upholm ROOTES P11000078 HlllMAN UMBER SUNBEAM COMM form cub No reserve as the owner has one 1m lhe pl business and has no room sub 11 came JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer pm sharp for DICK BINNENDYK It lo 17 concuslon 0m Tawnshb mile north big way 11 Sale of no head of 10an tab Us 1M1an com heifer mm mmdng equipment hay straw znln Ind lame machhr HILLMANHUMBERSUNBEAMCOMMER hermeihod Then the ughuwmc wt in Erdrmlnlmm my uumpwn lam phoning ovu And over again lramarkod to main Dont glam thesowmperlec ompaon mm to Hunt and Mlhom Yeah mend Bob cl Mllyhm 1t whan wen do lhh heavy dramatic Takes lot out olvan actor One of he starlet walked recognized her as Barbara Boudm ML Munich year or an back Honey lets hava lund gm line my suggested She had mar date 1mm ovu Paramwm 32 mm an was bump and minds on me She playl stripper In For Thou Who Think Yuma She ï¬nished hm numbu and hook me In her dressing mom She was Wearing what nrippera vier Ia 1mm AUCTION SALE Monday Septgmber 16 on land kissed hla nunbunnd Mad mm wn Iron By JAMED BACON Hangman MayIn zgl an on my on Hollywood beat um made you wish yvu had It your THE MOVIE SCENE Sunburn AkinRoam now yinround mum at II to window Dallchnhlo hudlop npllond Hillmnn per Mlnxlhu Int ovumu com pucHDnlySTvm inlaJOOOmilaollchlngu Ind lubricat an Hilary rrnmu Domlmctlon Fully nulomnllo trammlulon uvnllnbla an optional mu DrearYDay Not so Dréary 0n Theflollywoood Beat Ive noon5 morons CANADA ï¬n announce 9FFifl0n Moiors Whllo Ron Station V1 Mlle North of Hwy 369 Hayï¬eld Sires as Rootes Newest Dealer for There no question but but we pmbably will have to aka loss But the menu we ellll the bzlter as well be Im lure of that OTIAWA CHThu edull zavzmmenl will dlspose of It penlslent 200000000qu bul ler surplus at loss new nary Agriculture Mlnluer Harry Hays lald Wednesday Govt To Dispose Qt Butler Surplus mm mm Mlhallhourbelomah rival at Orly Alma My Sumner was Idieduled to over special dia relay fmm the aimalt 1195 in major Eumpean net WW wlu Mm hw payq Ids mumW nun un party to celebrate his 7w birthday The alrerafl was on Paris time on luvInz Montreal whidh mean It was mursday hi bklhday Entering ï¬rst dun cabh WY 3173111 111 he economy auflon of the 31mm where W31 Immly thou ion mommy Hymn turln IN rur dlny Modal mums T0 FRANCE MONTREAL CPLMuch member Mnurlea Chavluu mm mm no flea of North American air zuxemcnls Hts wrung up lirth to Hi Ivuy mm dtflmy mod So went out 100 for In electridln couldnt End In electrlclln came bad And Tim and am lamm our umé In He Iookad mu like funk the Emma walk Capone henchmm chan WV Mn and tha boy mead kept mnuum something WI va me thu AL CommuNuuA Wldl up 630 am Pm um so left In living SALES AND SERVICE Reports pmenied lo Lha com venlian indicated home or flu Aged in Oniulo Ira operating wiihan uniform Iiandnrda And for the mosl part mm to r5 fer mlkinz their own base on the common nplnian Ind il nnnce availnhie The diiiarences ii In Idmir lions manner of puliem cinuli Icalinn iniiun 01 mil lei mu resIdVenca loin uh II business gmwlng old and some have mauled lha preplralian should begin In the mum nun However rldlculoux Ihla launds It has ele ments of wth Mr Drew Id mun wuwn llan the Ontario Aundauon of Home for flu Axed Ahnul delmtes wen mending Ioduy leuI WINDSOR Onl CMHaw ever frightenlu or distasteful it may be prepanuon or old an something all must face Ind Klan furand do early In pauiblbNohlo Drew di redo homes or the mud brunch at the Ontario weltre gepmmenl uId hem Wedm ny Mr Drew wu one or uva alpeaken at the annual conven lan of he cumin ltnnhflnn aymsuu new plants will provide 560000 known to tauthem Ontario through an ex The plant tha um of our hydro dean1c manila lu llons to be completed In tbs James Bay walmhed Should Plan Early For Retirement nuuunu wo lona min er act far Hm nun our family Automatic Tummhlon opllnnnl Thu 2600000 om Rigid union has three of In our units In mention and Within few week in ulflmnte mm of 1745 kilnwml ls matted lo he mched lllllmnp Dalgurflcdnnm Ha arena that by About mo mpns thin 1000000 kuo watts would be produced 1mm our own Ontario uranium Ha congratulated Hydm with Iupplylng 0mm ruldenu with elem1cm at among the lowest mu tn the world He was making It tho om ch npaulnl of OntHo Hydml Otter RIpIdl anemia nation on an mum River mile noth Cochran UPPER RAPIDS OIIL CF The rapid development north eastern Ontario wnx mlde pal 1le by hydmelamlc pawn Llndl Ind quu Minluer Keno Robert laid Wednuday umberTho lrndilionnl Europun luxury AIM Automltlc lmumlmlon pow Itcerinl And powutulnlod brakummndudoquipnwnt slum Wu mason Hvdro Developed North Ontario PA 83330 400 on Hwy 27 North rAvuIIuHc In two Radio Isuanomm ln scum Africa Brlllln and Hand In zngued on Joint prob cl he plmel Jupller 411 uupunzu But three hours me he phl ellng ended city council up proved the ordlnlnce that hm dlxcrlmhlflan for ma Union or other reason by ml mat hrokm In the Ink lean or maul properly The void wu so It flu war unlnxt lha ao ulled Mr houslnz ordlnlncl llnl ended Percy Warner pruldtnl of ha Chicago Rel Elma Board uld will lasted In the courts CHICAGO ANWM amp my ownm threw picket rlnl Around any hnII Wednedey In lulu bum awn an ordi nanco Ihnt bans min or rel glaus discrimination by broken in renting or lelflnz real cum Capt Jame Mordn demny chief of patrol estlmlled um Qpalgd mm nun we to the We Anthony Enlhom wu sentenced to 15 yam an Amun chames Sentences ranging from two to 5Van mu Wm pnssed on 11 other men all at them City Hall Picketed M605 EmmiThe Kinder of Nixorha position Mm 1MP PW Obeleml Aw auam WM 50 overthrow the ledml gunm em um Olinw Ind SETWren River hydrulacfrlc plum Nigerian Chief Gets Ten Years EEPLII 1m 11