Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1963, p. 13

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qIIIOWEfl NEWLY WED mmmunlly mover Im held in lull flalunlly ovmlnz In hm meal tho and grmm Mr lml Mm Wm leu The Minx was upon In Innn All whlrh Tyum 5mm Mm MM and nun Mr and Mrs Charles Simp lnll and lamlly span In day VA Clear Water Lake MI and Mn Percy Bouncy and Mr And Mrs Ralph melding Shlnly Bay visited lhe Simpson lmlly 1hr day Al 1h lake Mn Ed Hulchisnn and daugh ter Judy and son Jim vlslud her mother Mrs Pilgnr cl Cw pera Fallg ccntly 1mm Chum wan Walnmlny rrrnlnu nl MIA vll lllm Wlwlcrn wllh pmnnl llaml wm made In rum fur nodding ml Mm lur IM mm Imke lulu ILL II mmnuuuy rmlrr Do nallom nva by null mm mer In mum luml Nu mun kl will be ll II KMllllflu MM CA COLE Hm flnnlol Cub IMk will um It YImmm fidml Mn dny In m5 Nu buy Ilrd ln mnlnd Iho culmumrr Mn Smblh LILAN FALL WOIIK And 1h nu Lnuu Purcha 5h ntnmvlnlod Mr And Mm 0rle Duh Bank on Turn dny la villi lhu Purcmm Inm Mlu Llndl Mannald Ind In mm L211 lhu hoJdny mm their lrnndpnrtnll Mr Ind Mn Jnlm anrndrr aha MI Nancy and Plvillfu Fnrrro nnrrll mm mm thy wlUI their Imrln Jnlm Luran nuii cxm DMan vmmm her Iunl Mu Cllflurd Scull 11mm Inlnl NM 15L Vlucnck mzlvtd word tin dth mum Mllblm tutvb Mr And Mu Bu Crdlhlon Minn upon Int wuk with their daughter and non1nlaw Mr Ind Mm Jlmu Plrlrldfici Ind Mn Palu ol Col Ungwond and lhclr dnuhlcr MIL Elhtl Abbey Windsor called an Mrl AL Pllcock to Mn Ynunl nlLdmy vlallcd hf PelgcucquunSu Mm fldly Dyhull and Mr Kan chker allcndcd he lwo any lralnlnz IchooX mum on warklnl will won In Darrin Mr lllfl Mrm Harold Harl Icy or Rnlhsuy spcnl day with Mrs chknr Mr and Mn Thomas chcr daughlzu Grlre Jane Tracy And Jan George of Edmonnn ll on two wnck with her liner 1r Ind Mn John VIM Burkum 11 year since he 1qu hlil my much olhtr Mr and Mrs um Wmhk Ind duughitn Alllsmn men Sunday with thy lllrold erihl lamlly The area cnnvenilon to ba held Sept 13 and Cold waicri Our District Director Mrs Dee anidxe is expcclcd to attend lhese meetings The lnstiluie received iciicr irnm their adopted French child ii ll Blamed to mnke up Christmas nx Ior her noon and rend ll Caierinl plans were also made Mrs Wright and Mrs Simpson will be leader um Ior lralnlngachuol came an dessert in Barrie Drnw wiu mm by Mrs Ernest Bldwelii Next mcclinx is In he at Mrs Alfred Henhama 14 Pratt mt Barrie Mn John Lee in having an extended visit with her daugh ter Mn 5mm Hal burton Mrs Bradley Mrs William Sutherland Marian and John Ipenl um weekend with lrlendl In Welland Ind For Cnlborna MODERN MISSES Bond Head Modern Misses held their first muting Ihs Communlly Hall Monday Sam at pm The unit is The Club Glrl Stands an Guard Thu were 19 present undtr the lnslrucllon of Mrs Lloyd Ind Mrs Edwards Olflccrs are as follows Pres Carol Ann Pugh secretary Ircasum Mary Jane Wall press June On correspond secy Bren ds Culberl Thls unit will con Iis slum mecllnls whlch will be held In hnll pm on Mondays Clowc WJ meeting was held Tuesdun Sam at Mn Percy Banney with 19 lqldlelprgsepl Nephewu and News of Mn Jame Wadds helped her cala bralo her birthday at the honu at her daughter Mn White alqs on Sunqay Mn Jackson Ind tamlly and lllss Velma Smlth allendcd Simeon Presby firy Young Pcoplel camp ldland over the weekend Congratulations In Mr and Mrs Narman Harvey Ind Mr and Mrs Gordon Brown who were manled gecgnlly dwnrd dilmm attended the marriage Inch nlgce in Earqnloaturda blame Worden Nlaxnra iills Ilinen law days with friends ete Mrs Green went thawaek eng It Zohpymnry Mr and Mn Alvin 5th at lcndcd he Monls reunlon It qualml Sgturd By MRS MVENDER SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS BOND HEAD GRENFEL CLOWES The mulr vn ny nlth turhrn In rlmud Communlly Mail hurl II nhln Mllklplllfl Wlnnm we Murun Mn nullehl Mu ll Moon leglll Nahum 1mm Hull and Mn lurk lunch commune Mu Inan Cook II Spllnl hul will In on llmu pl of llmud school Dnld nn flNOflATULATIflNl er cnnmlulnllnua AM In rnntluclld hy null Idtr Mu mn ohmon Incll ow n19 lollnwrd Unit mrl Wednmlny lrmnnu In chunh bmmml ullh mrmlml plrunl mm II In In ullud lhll lull Mn 01 inoxlellnw In that lhu mmlnl munn EUCHIIH 5an luck lupper lulrl It lha harm Mn mn nahm wllh l5 mnmbm Hull 11 lenud Unfilrd Church Wo mgn Mlflmflnl nd Imlm llllfldld nhnmr Mn Lloyd thbl In honor Min Mnrlnm Currlo ILN who mnrrlcd Kan Wtbb Sepl rqr Luck Cnnmtulnnnnl to Mr Ind Mn Len Ollnu nu Norm Purvhl anonln an hl blrlh lulu hay lhl at Sun Imr 5m In llumbmldc thorlll llmpllul Wm Nrfw nmm wunnn miék hn mmd hulld In new ham an lhl Nchun luprllvlnlnn The Hut mulan ol slrourl Wumcnl lmllluu wlll ho held Srpl ll lmlud ol um ruulnr dny vhlch ll Ichonl lllr dny Tho mum will In cnnducltd by clllumhlp and due llnn cunvmm Roll ull Wlul waulddo ll wen Run Gum mullet wlll bl Allnd lcnll llall Tel hum laumln llll loplc Ill Win For Your Wordl Mr Ind Mn nlylhe Black nlltndcd Ihu wcddlng Mn lllntka hmlhrr Vllnnm Alex ander la Mla Ilezabrlh Rbbtm ol Toronla Sept small WI Mr and Mn Rod Bllck al ended the weddlnu of Knnnclh Webb and Miss Mary Currle Nugnwn cpl ll Colllnuypoq Mrand Mrs uErfluulm land Bunnie and mu men Sun flny with Mallch ln Singhamy 0H ATTEND VWEDDINGI Pmlusor and Mrs Hoberl Mollnt of Guelph mum of Mn and Mn Charla Sproulu on lhclr Inn New Zealund and Auxlralln men SIlurdny rem iniscing Shady LawnFarm Mr uni Mrs Collum had her brother and slslnrinvlaw and family from New lekurd Ilsa her molhcr as new on lhe weekend Mlas Llnim Denney was at Wsiazn Bench over 1h week on Mr and Mrs Fisher and Iamlly took Bertha In Guelph Sunday where she commence her second year of undies Jean has enrolled at Unversily 1n Tomnw Mn and Mn Dumb Joyce and Dianne were Term vlsllora on Thursday when Joyce received check up II Sick Chlldmns Hospital They also vlsllmi Mr md Mrg Ander Ion In Weston former mldenu ol his dlurlct Contmumlom ta Mr Ind hm Don Eulmer name on the recent birth or Ian Royal Vlclorll Hospital Mlsse Amos and Hutch lnson are Again in diam at Holly School Flfleen boys and girls began their uhool camera Grndes and Illendhu Hurnnlrauln andumn In to Thornton Mr And Mrs Fred Mason and galilghlera have mmed to MlnNI nl Rally Day wlll be held Holly Unlled Church Sundly Sept 15 Sunday School wlll won ship with tho congrennLIon lot lhls occaslon Church commenc at 1130 am Promotion ser vlce wlll lake plnco Sept 22 In Sunday School when pupil wlll be promoted to new class Sept 29 there wlll be no Sun day school as nnnlvemry serv loc wlll be heldhmomlng and ovenlnz wllll Rev Mr Lindsay ol Vlclorla Harbour speaker Bob laughed home mm Toronto And has enrolled MC Guelph Miss Gayle Wheelor entertain ed numbq girl Thursday avenlnx In honour of Mm Norlnl Ford bridelobe Nodne 31mm Mn Cole Chzryl bauul and David Visited Sunday ave nlng In Bond lead wllh Mr and Mn McArlhur SCOUT ACTIVITIES Thu first meeting or Grendel Scout Imp wll ha Nesdny SepL 17 720 pm In Pm grove School film nllhl belnx planned or on 19 at Grenlel Hall Scouts will be sell Ing tickets beforehand lather and son blnque belnz plan ned or early In November MRS DOWNING CHURCH SERVICES By MRS MULHOLLAND wen curled In by Joan Smith Cheryl Cole Shirley Dobson And MM STROUD HOLLY MinIon Invl And Chrhlmu In Ind III 00d ml navrlly IIImu Ivlorl Tunl lllumml new 4me hmk 10qu of 111m Lumh hmleu ur Mn nulph nnhul Ion Ind Mu um Ellnmflx Thu humu MM lhtlv Mn lnnbr mutlnl Iller Iunr mlr mm Mn llmna mum 11w I1 mrmhm and an IIlnr pn nnl Mn In lluldnupl vlro mldrnl lb hair Mn 2m liluwnuh mu min lull law All dwulmrnll parlnd Iummvr work In rludrd centul huh lull ll lho um help lur In vldlmu who lnu mnlhlu Ind 1an banquet Mr umIVMu hmu Ind hmHy Alleuwmd in ullh Mr Ind Mn lelu ulmd lhu anhm ml Iurh dinner nu nwnlnl lily MM Schnnl nprned wllh lwo lull Hum rude 11 and 5L llull chm In Mm mflhnluml pllnclpl and Mn Jnhn Johmlon Babb In It dlx ope dlx 0p Inn Mr Ind Mm mom Tamnln um mm vll Mn Gymfiluqdm Mr And LWHQUI Ind Carlu Cobourl fled nn Mn Ind Mn Ymt aundly hum luvlnl or luv polllfll Mnnlml Mr and Mn hmu Illkry Ind hmHy Alleuwmd lent rgfiny ullh Mr Ind Mn nhn An Jaynbla evenlnu was mull ll Ihe presentHon nnd dnnct It Jnrrllle all Friday Ivznlnz when lhl lurroundlng wmmunltlel oak thl op orluw lly lo pruenl Mr In Mu Tommy Adnmwn nu Burber Domva wllh lrlllxhl flour lump hone chlir loot Ilnol Ind comhlncd mullan rld Ind uh luy Barban And Tom my lhlnkzd lhlll lrlendl or flu lllll 1th will mm their 11mm It In Valley Mn 1nd Mn Wlllllr and Inn Barr we visitor wllh Mr and villa Armxlrmx Ind mm ly M115 ARMSTRONG Yourcarrespvndcnt fish In carrch an error made In lhe data or nnnIverurylurvlcu Hobrt Unlled Church The le be held Sundry Sept 15m II II lm and 730 pm Rev Frlnk Jennlnxl Guthrie Ilawkeslane churn ll nun rpcakcr or the momlnx rervlc Special muilc wlll ha provid ed Mr wen we Ind MIL ville Ind Mn Two mum have been net up under the lluhls In lha rink nm In strand The for plenum 01 ha men In 1h Communlty They have been an up by the Recreation Commltlee aw Jane Ind family have moved to their new iocailon 77 Maple Ave in Berrie when Mn New manJone will continue in an apt hairdressing nppolnimenll BALL GAMES JUVENILE Eilminaied in ihl lemiilnais coached by lily Neely and Ernie Woncb Span Anred by Youngl iGA BAMAMS Winner oi Ihl Bail Planing lllill Trophy in South Slmcoe These boys won every me hey pinyed thin year and were rexpnnlibie for winning he Peewee Trophy the previonl two years Thny were coanhed by Fisher and Ipnnmed by by Denis Sheard Lumber PEEWEE Winner of Ihe Crni Hunlcr Fannl Trophy inr Em lnnllill These boys wen yiny in orzanized hall or in limu and alter Jusi mlklnz the buyum eliminnled Coauslnwn in he umliinall Ind Ivy in the iinnie They were couched by Jerry Suilon Ind Ipanlored byCrnig Hunter VThve Recrullén Cammltlel mlmd In nukinx this Inc cesslul year HQRSESIIOE TllROWlNG Ind nelzhx hour numed on Wednexdly mnlnu It the homn Mr And Mn BIIl Brady In hanol n4 can bride Mu Vernon Aym nu Ret Cook Many melul um wen received Anlulu with the lunch were Norm Srggrlhwglgg mg Loulser Bellon David and Mary Holman Tor onto were mmled Anus ao Ind In on honwmoon crulu lo Brnll where DBVldl flrm hll sent hlm forrlhreryurl David chnrlered account Inl his bride mdum Ihe Unlvmlly Toronto look course In plyChlllrlc mining For um In three yum me Im bun In IIIIIII awnden with Tum CInIdI Air Lines Thu couple will with In Rio DI JInelro Illa Commilm xpnnsorlnn hlnzo In Strand Hall Sept 10 It pm Fm ndmiuion Thu lama ll Km Prim unn mm 3245 In value Proceed no towrd new rink mum snowan ngcnmuxon nmdo mm Mr and Mn FLnkfimélsenlv fly MM Ind Mn Geo ycaknnd vIsllm ST PAULS Knowlu II II mmc Illor CARLEY Mn George Flu knnd vIsllm wllh Mr wmIm Glll of Sloufl mm Pull my vhllm A11 Hch was cnmlon nnd all Friday urroundlnl Mul Ippen or John BE sum TO SEE THE PAGE COLOUR SUPPLEMENT ENCLOSED IN THIS PUBLICATION rijsee théBHEMGELL ARNEL ifashionsjthismekat STRANSMANS 0F BARRIE gm OF BARRIE Mm mm ndduu mum mw am mm mum MI Mm 91 MI plum mk Np Na muffin any Md DI mind HI human my mu nun an Law Ilaru luva mall an paint mm luv an vmnm tamn Nu Unlumty Islam on cm mm um mm lupus unmo cm mmmg ml mull Ind momma ml mm an 0mm mm am an mm mm mm dunuy mew mm kl and Ill mmqu Qumlhlk 513va 21 mm mm pun mm on Mon mew ll IML 3mm to Ian on on and Dmva IA allv Apnl Jo m4 mm mu NW6 mu nwlmu hm nu um bu IIwUId mm In mum on mg OKIIIM lvnufi 11 ntlnnfl III five on An mm mm vrvwm maman Advmm Mk wmnmu wow all Ilfihll IBPFLMM Wood mv whlldw mid thy mm tanMun 5y vvilufiau BARRI c9Nrgs1 aulTs mm Natw Pruvlntlal and mm n9 My Answev ls City Telephone Nama T0 WHAT GROUP OF ISLANDS DOE EARBADOS BELONG Damn Ihu enw Dorm at any Im uom Imod man to uddnu mud In mm min DUNLOI 51 EAST BARBADOS VACATION CONTEST 4mm OF BARRIE Address Province PA HIM

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