Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1963, p. 5

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Explaining the advantage lhe mulcprcclnllan clause Mr snld Any piece or machlncry dcprccinlcs In value wlm age 15nd use while the same unm he prim or replace mcnl may rlse nbnve the on glnal purchase price This clause mean that lhe insurance firm In case loss would have to vreplnce ll wllh place cl mad lnory at prevnlllnz prlces The PUC cll lhls new rldcr nn llw policy was well worth lhe cxlrn cosL The mum nuounrul on FIN prmldvd Hull only aw llmvlm vmlvns null mmlnry um Mull prmllnu could be nulrllulml MIMI in fragment had In Annnuncrmenl lnlluwfll mmln hm lwlwwn lmlulmt Mull um Urnulullnn NHL nu lrlllllIUnK nulml the lump nulu rhlch Monday Imam lnllunnn llul evrr country wlrle humglml mlh The unpemlon will um lnklA nlmll mlllnn lulu lo mall mn Ihurlhe Illliullnm In In wmvinclnl xuvrrnmruu 1mm lhelr nun ml lvl tondurl Ihn mmmmumrnl midi4 HAIIMIH Pnklmn huh rmlrruhlrnl Ayuh Khan hu urml In remmmrnd In lhn unrrmnn final nml Wu Iuklnlnn ll nllprullnn nrw mulrllmu mind In pm lnr our munlh mu olnrlnlly up mIImml Tumlny nlihl Krccd would be hard to Ill hlm now lhnl In hnd 11 lhc province lnllud Iny Ichan In In Hm lam Inlldlor Hownrmnn ll the WC allowed undrr Ihu Munlclpnl Arl In tnlltct lMI hill on the pynprrtyflwnor 11m in imw Um anI hydro optrules Mnynr Mllchcll nmmmlnl Chnlrmnn Ernle Hum Inld lhadtpmll would have to ho rlxrd ll tum cm the rap trly ownrr cnnl he MI ta Immlblo ur IUC blllx III Milk Ion nxrnlmz dinunion na counlx Hm PUC wru chnlrlncd la ml Hull nluck wllh 50 unpaid hlll mm In mlnurunl apcrnlnr who Ml town uhlupl Iy nvrr he wrekcnd and moved lnMnntllon Nfl Only an clnlm hns been made Ilfico the policy cnmu lnln Inrce manager nobblus snld TM plan cqulpmml was replnrcd wllh lhe Insur nnco cnmpnny paylnu lho en lln tosL UNPAID NIL cy three yearn unornn additional pre mlum 52160 lnlcr charge 5462 on June 13 1961 or hot wmer haulers and olhcr uqulpmcn In lhc new PUC ofllca bundling and $4506 on Nov 15 1961 for cxlrn cavemxo when Inc third well was placed in use For cathpnrison Mr Dunn pm duccd figures on previous my mental mndq qn like pgllcy Pakistan Will End Press Curb cy changer We firmly iece nl PUC equip ment lists in the policy wllh cash limit $25000 is Illa total amount payable mm the policy or any one occurrence Tam Dunn Alllslnn represen ting Dunns Insurance Agency came to lhe meeting uplain the policy coverage to the commissioners ll the PUC ap proves the no depreciation clans costing $156 the Iatal premium lor he next HIM yard will lalal mun Dunn xa ADVANTAGES Gfiommverage now In force adequate If nutlhen the cov erage would have to be increay ed awardinle ALLISiDN StainTM Pub lic Utilities Commission Mon day night deierred approval tar renewing iis threeyear insur mce policy until one part of the policy is checked11m PUC wanted an engineer estimate on the cast oi replacing the iicncy changer iuseg if the With hayinz and harvesllnl operallonx cumpleted farmers are busy preparing lheIr ex pmujo 119 all mm sum on mfiau alr circuit In Alliston PUC Delays Decision On Insurance lyOcho 0mm 710 pm AHNIIMION nlll Rullrmrnl MIUIJH 00 hlldml II Yuri And Under Im In MIIHWI FREE LIM IUNIHNIIKI lllll Tlllfl IMHEMENI PA 8339 Th0 Original Drlvoln BARRIE South Wflh II Cholu II Plciuru Llnlo Ron In flu Clly boiwun Hwyl 400 and II lAST TIMES TONIGHT REGULAR PRICES arc mmuo Fan mm PICTURES the name lme water pres Iure elsewhere In lawn may drop below normal while the new mnln hcjng cu Inhbc nddcd This means that lhe hospital and three householder affected directly by Ihe awllchaver will have their water cut lot about haILun hourlhal day Mr Robbin wumcd gen epnrt Mr Ruhblns had two dates to cite Ona was Sept 22 when the PUG intends to cut in the new main Io Stevenson Mammal 11w plug 30 mplncelhe old service Miss McLean sald some of he commissions in larger OmanIn Cummunllles are now dolng may with he deposit system an tirely The saiegunrd provided by me depasil did not equal the clerch cox of administering II In these cenlrcs Miss McLean wasnt sure Alllslon had large enough populntlnn lo Jus dly dngpping the qeposll system Speakihi if deposits Mr Rob bins said the present $10 fee no adequate or apartments He wanted raised Very few hydro customer in lawn are delinquent in paying their bills Miss Tina McLeam secretary painted ouL This is the biggest bill weve been stuck with in the in years We worked iar ihg PUChere she said HARVESTING OVER Commusioficr Donald Graham Adv Enlornlnmml the 111111 annualoru Worlds Fall Fall taking place tuday Cookstawn fair on Sept and 14 Elmvale Sept 1643 Bee ton Sept 24 15 Comngwond TONIGHT DIVORCE ONLY ITALIAN STYLE THE INTERNKIIHNMLY AECLAIMEB HIT JUST A8 WAS SHOWN IN THE MAJOR CAPITALS 0F HIE Wflfllfll HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE STARTING TOMORROW My Email Hll mamau ppmach cold weather Mr Robbins wondered if the new winch walermaln amended across the Cunning hambrldgu would Irene up Id unprotected Asbcslon Insul DAM ZNVUCKS FREEZING No mallnn to fill effecthad previously been passed Mayor Mitchell said because the we sent bulldlng Inspeclar Ne Malcomson was enforcing thll pmvislon lhmugh verbal amt men with the town In future yam dlilerent building Inspector might do clinc Io operate on Inch an understanding Mr Robbins ar gued Having molion an Inn book would make it ohllgatnry he inslsled Another mollon passed an Mr Ruhhlns request require appu canls far building permits to sign lnr adequate water and hydro hookups helma the MM lug permit 15 issued and Mayor Mllchellbacked mallon to lend PUC employee Pele Cameran In the Iainll nnnunl Elemlo Henllng Assad tlon conlerence In Toronto Sept 21 Lectures In elcclrlc heating Installation will be feature Ihlsmeeflng Mr Robb 11 ex plnlned Mr Camenm oak simllar course last year In Ear re nil vu and Tthupholo shuwn hayingscene on farm he weer Stayner and Cnshlnwn Examiner Phoml SE 4252a andStayngr om Vunntmum Hunm IM mm will FIRST DRIVEIN SHOWING mam minfinn wmnmnrém mi llIJ Em load Commissioner Boyu doubled the pipe would irceu ihrouzh completely hemlnre the PUC decided Io risk leaving ih pipe without Insulation over winien After an examination of two Inlays lhe pammlsglonera ell Illa ma ladder truck had had Ihe course Estimates will be sought on the cost body repair In the 1964 model man would coxlslso almnsl much the plpo Moll he told the commissioners Fibre glass lnslulgllnn lg no 3009 Mn Vlola Jenkln lfimi busy week taking the camn far Departmen heads REFRESH COURSES The Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation provides re resher 60 In vnrlaus grade 12 and grade suhlecls Miss Jane Anderson took Grade XIII French Infietu courses are six wegks duration Working toward Mn Joyce Smyth who hold certificates valid In England took the am of two courses quailfy her In teach homa ec onanglq In Ontario high schools Princéghi Stevens my plated course in elementary guidance Mos Department oi Educa tion courses are five week long yEd Devlin completed the work for Commercial Specialist He is now the unqualified head or waffle Dem Secord McNalr 1331 31 hall of the Inlermedlm Course In Phyllul Education The Ontario College Erin cation pmvldes two summer mum of eight weeks each to qualify for high achool teach arn certificate Arthur Dalgamo completed hlu mend yearand Mll Juan Truly her hangar BRADFORD SpecInllLPewIe who lhlnk instteacher hm Inns hohldayn would be urpr13 ed lenmJuu how teachers do spznd ha two month when school closed Thirteen loe mu of BDHS went from one to eight weekstaking summer mum to Improve thelrncn demic slandlnl or their unchlnl mulicntes 39éféiiéli1edchérs EnngusYéSilIflmer And we added Iho numn Touring be con you Can Navel anon mmlry In ample omlovl ml gun for Iho Nation wagon loo Thus on lwa dup roomy budnv nah lhnl adiun lo 49 poulllom Other new column lor 64 Includiu on Maui Insular whllawull llm nuw 001mm twoIon Ilnhh oplionul and low dlmnt lovthu of home NOTE You can lava law dollars by buyan vaavlur l500 don or Italian wagon 1th holh ha all lbs 1964 lm pruvumnlx up 0h 15 main Wu chow Sporl bumum II hm 25 morn powar lhan our regular l500 modal And lurqor bvukol lo hundln Iho nllm power Wllh higher communion and lwin cavbwolon I500T5 hm nmuxlng pu lormunn From Handing Hull II will hit 50 mph In Iwulvu xocondl You In really dam huvo Iho povlarmuntn of mom car VW 150015 Our mqu arrival ha bean Improvud so much wnvo given II tpuclal nugno Touring Span Give the 1964 Volkswagens good going over PIERCE M91635 up Three of the Bradford Dlslflcl ngh School ms were In this category Home botany Mrs Jenkln lrlgannmelry and statics Min Nolan Eng llgh cnmposmam Taking honour courses in im prove heir aria degree standing marge iAlles completed another English come Lhn Unlvarnily nl Wealem Ontario John Doug lu added another history course lhn University oi Tpronio Imid Eric Hall tank calculus at Mchsler University while work ing inward science rpecinllsls certificate Dr Brownhrezistmr the Department of Education this summer expressed his grat Iluda to experienced teachers who qsslsted In maxkin Grad XIII papers thelrdegrees Mu newth mmplaledlwowmna at Me Master Unlvarslty Don McFad yen look SpAnkhal the Univer Toronto Sam 2ND HlTl OUTSTANDING ADULT HITS lAST TIMES TONIGHT VMI your Volluwagwdculu IN malt and MI mw coliodion of any hull Your talcum pnblogn win by duldln whkh olwtmmhmmfllo If youve IV udmlnd ow Immomodd Id man 9094 mm 1M ynur lho sliding mo II mud of uul mind dam In wmnm you can In washing and cool hm In flint noith am In And you nllllw VW MM wipe no9ll hymn 9mg no Dollrun Won lmlunl him loo wa ll lulu Jonqu to warm up lhu radio lhan th 9095119le Him whllnwall Hm arent or Ihow Thuyro or no And donl mlu our hundmn ncw slur lnq who complain wjlh horn layer Imagine Volklwuunn wilh pliant been VW 1200 Alla lho Bulls Mlm Old Faivh ul Whatnvnr you all lo Iln ma tar Ihu Imam alvlnaAyw mor lor your many In Technicolor BRIGIHE BARDOI CHAS ROVER For uumblé lulu goodloak Mar I964 pqlm modal Imperialoll ammu any the plan will 40000000 cubic feel of gas daily recover inz 5000 barrel of Hun hydro carbon and 30000000 cubic lest ufjry gas The dry gas will be piped no miles southeast in Edmonton in lzlncin line and in liquid hy drocarbons shipped by sixinch pipeline to imperlaia gas can semiibn plan Devan Aim at mile sautilwest oi Edmonion Then the liquid hydrocarbon will be pmmaed lnin comer fies EDMONTON cmm Judy Creek natural gas conservation plant one of the largest In Car nda goes Into opcrnflan this month after aIung struggle with 105$ nuskez andrylgather The plant apexsled by Imper iII outfit and own by tompnnlu upemlng all wclls In the area collects from 650 well In the rich JudyvCreek Judy Welt Swan Hill Indlvlr 111131 Hula Nelda Jécasmsmoopob with another 36500000 required for gathering pipelines and other selli GGSCcnversiOnPlant Win WdrsWith Nature DamE Sprint thaw and rain slowed construction and In the plantme and access roads into deep mud when dried rut made mnvement difficult and mysedfieavy wear qn rucks uniqug feature IE plant the use of gas turbine bum at Drendn Enllnes Ltd In Top onto The turbine operate on me principle as jet alr Cnnotmmianof lhe plant pro Iented problems because at the remote location and Impnmhle road during xpring when mm keg thawed Towersheavyequlpment Ind even and and gravel wera brought In and aloekpiled dur lng ll wlntéx filal propane butane and 150 umufifuy Feitm 130 Int 0ch nlnn adv or Jillian din four In MM Ihun connnlional Iluliou wagon Ollm hulvm lmlmlm 1500 engine wllh ulm pwurru new houllng nyllm that provlgiu Imam haul an njrzoolod mm In mnl boll our 30 ml lo gallon youltu Ayndvoulud um thlm and whlhwoll Mm 0011 be dhcouragodl Neavon Imowx wurn doing our pun For nxumple wovo lull mad mar window wldnr Ike can buck up wlm mow conlldepu In Incl Weve made no wholu door lamur and pul II on spudul hing Now tho can open wilh on hund Nover wmndevlKeep minding your bvldo lha uthovghIMs huql Volluwngan VW STAIION BUS Menl Donl give up Kcop Iukinq your wife In no iho wovldx moal nmlblo nlallon wagon You know Ibo onu xho Iuyt ooh lilm bum mimmmgwm IEWEJWNTEY WfififiWARnIBEmER pAROL NEW The Men Who led HerTn Become The Sloryflf liirL And Tclgiflnom mum qsssa mu mu The plants processing towers were built in Edmonton nnd trucked ko ulesne Preuuro Vessel and piping were made In Calgary and brouthl Inlay rail and Iruck 111ecampressan were brought hy rail to Ban head the nearest railhud and truck remalnlngl miles sum or 17 men Em be played at the plant The power akwflol Jhe an turbine nlns large relrlgerr Ilanunu while the hot exhaust gases tram the all used In regenerate ane of the chemical used In the process Oilfield any age used as fuel trail enilne bu in hull ol lmv ler materials Is desigped to run without major nverhaul or TODAY STARTS wig téu

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