lh By MR5 TERRY Wiilnny attended the annual mgmorlnl swimSunday alien naun It ihn Waverley monument The event was marked again by invnrlhie welihcr Rev gii oi Midland was in charge wllh Rev Lochio oi Elm vule Andllcan Church and Mr Creasar oi Wyevule Unlled Church assisting The Salvation Army Band of Midland supplied is music The chair was from the varlous participating church as The urvlce opened with the lunatic Ind Thu Lnrdx Prayer allowed by llnging ni the 13rd Pulml Mr Self in his Idrlreu nid wa mun remem bai hosewiln live their all Al mm from iheir snfierr lnl Ill we mus share our lives Ind live or olherx and or peace war brim haired and iear Mrs Jam Calumhus accom ilnied by Lloyd Riichie and en Wylu placed the wreniiri BARTLETT FEARS NEW CROP VALENCIA VARIETY SO GOOD FOR YOU onnnunsm FANCY GRADE BCS FINEST SWEET AND LUSCIOUS WEEK 1500 mm seedless GRAPESm2m29c SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS ELMVRLE Mr Ind Mrs Charles Dclazlo of Pennsylvania USA spent the week wllh tho latters llller Mg Herb Jiltchic One minutes flEIIC£h0 Na Honal Anthem and Hymn Bleak he the tie um blndl were the was °Y€ Congratulations are extended to Mr and MIL L10 Edward Hoskln nee Brandi ayla Ham who were mlnled Saturday Trlnfly Anglican Church Baum by the Van Read Mr and Mrs Bauldry Barrie were Friday guests at MIE Mn and Mrs Brian Groves Dryden were vlsitur with Mr and Mrs Mel flows and Mu D5 Royal last week Mr 1nd Mrs Wully Robertson nucnded the Onllrio Slum and Antique Presurverx Association an annual reunion Milton Mr and Mn John Houdcn were Wednesday guests Rev and Mrs Sluhbs of El Bay Pal Mrsf Junie burdull spent number from this district ultnnded he reception held at Cookslnwn Aug an met the mmlnga Erin Enulln Ind AnnHerghl WTEere ml he no aervlca at Christ Church Ivy on Sept 15 there Harv Service on Sept In Hsmll xer vlce allowcd by Ha Commun lan leak pllce at Christ Church Ivy George Robert non Mr and Mrs George Davis was ha med Godplrenh are Nancy avh Manuel nmla qngi Jack Bullce Arthur Coxwoflh sugary ln floyvma Ihe weekendwflli her 1110 Mu Kdly Toronto Mr Ind Mu Arlhilr Hayward Ind Dabble Trent law any mm trim in New York state MRSWILMER WILSON ngwonh underwent JUICE IVY Conmlulatlm thaStroud Pu Wee bueball lelm whlch won the tmfhy Sammy 6min mgr daleInglvy 154 Then wu mod Iumoul at Ivy Presbyturlln Church 8411 or the Innlvenuy nrvlcc Guest maker wn Rev Mark Stone Hlllsdale Shlrmn And Judy Gilchrlsl Shanty Bay upon aw days at lhahume ML Inder Tom Elukely SL Georges Chuinh Ulcpll sundlyjchool will bu Mid numb School openad whh In attendance at Em No Than are 29 pupils In the Senior room under Min Dnnnlll Ind 58 pu II In tho Junior mom un der Donn McQuny We wllh lo welcome Mn McQuuy to our school and community 343w gnowcn Mrs Norman Berry Mn hIcDermou Ind Mn Richard Price wer hnsten II doubls hlhy shower held lhI hum of Mrs McDermntL The rhnwer was In honor Mn Arnold Banlln and him Gama DIVIL Guest were Indie lcmlsc Church Ivy mumm on 39¢ Home Robinson In Illenl in St Michaels Hospital onto We wluh him meedy to VI Ruuell Rowe vlslled Walsun mm In Ray1 Victoria Hospital in Barrie on Fridly ucw MEETS Cannratulallonx In Mr and Mrs DonBrnwn who celebra ted their 25th weddlu Innlvah my AW 21 Mrs Waller Andnwx won lucky draw of one years aub xcrlpllan lo lhu Alllllou Herald ll lheolMlmt lumhom qukztnwn Mr and Mra Wlller Andrew visited Mr Ind Mn Garden ndm Richmond Hill on Sun Tho In at household cited ol the late Mn J1me Whilesld cs last Suturdly was wgll at tended Prices were mod lam tem and by Mr Whitesldeg on his Duum mlchlne over 50 Win no 50d for gas 39c The Unligd Church women By LlEEoN LAII MI ROBINSON NEWTON 25c met at ho hum of Mrr Allnn Homer on Wadnesday The meal Ing was opened by mm by Mu Grenville Halhcrl Mn Sleerlropened the warshlp acr vlco will nadlnx Mrs Sta wart read the serlplures Mrr Gordon Rlley Introduced tha Iludy book and law talk on condlllons In In an Roll call mlnules Insl mecllnx Ind the bualnesa resslnn followed The lrenrurern report andcorrcs pandcmo read and callullon liken Bencdlcflon wns led by Mn Grenvllle llnlhnn Allen noon wulmved Weekend visitor with Mr and Mrs John E1111 wm Mr and Mrl leon and Juana of Suï¬ borough Ind Mr Ind Mrs John Ellis Jr and children of Blrrle Mm Willlnm Gallop lam lly upon Fridayevening with Mrs Don Weir Burl By MRS KEN BUSH Mn And MrsDouulas Arnold and Kenneth of Hampton vlsl led Mr and Mn Jack McCInn Ind Dawson on Sunday Mr and Mn Denney UTOPIR 100K Iron In msnnmonllm ABOVE BARN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY LONDON ReutershlwoCm nadlam arrived In London by Air nmdny night to mad or the Job 1M empxdyw laid MI by Britishcontrolled lac tcg in Toronto Dnvld Taylor and Rodney Lockhm nld they uxpcct to mul loday with unlor omclalq olalnnl Genenl FJamln Cor and hmfly Strand And Mr ind Mn Milford Pllfl 010 vflle visiled Mr Ind Mrs John E1115 Sundgy Illernoon mm Mr and Mrs Jnhn Mulrlnd family of Anfus visited ExollI Nd an Mr und Mrs Bill Exell Burk vgxlted Funk Exell Friday ave and Mrs Geom Walsh n1 Sultan vhilad wllh Mn and MradKen Bum and In Me Gums Wednesday evening Sun my lenm Exclls were Johnston Mr and Mn Orvllh Armstronl and hth lug Terry Johnston Outlay Plead ForI053 To British Firm munflfl nmu When chlmpuuu mm lowpltched hm lound hll nylng helln reporll the NI tlnnal Geolrnphlc Society 105 It skim1gp am lure GEO cml lam who happened over then said IMkhart on In Insemth at the Toronlo lwllchzoar Ic my of Amnlnmakod Elemch Corporation Ho uld thn Mnrkharn ï¬rm lubsldlury Genus lloclrle dismissed 133 men Aux with out reason HI uld In Inm flenl block II to replch flu Ilc ry WI were told In llclary III movlnl la Markhlm About mllu Imy he uld Bu non olhred 105 mm We bellow ll Wu nu lhremnarlera or lhl men mm In the ls lo buck We made um um becnuu VII no belim GEC know uh ll loin The unnsiumuc Ilr duh wn paid gym unlszn wuu wule fnylar wn In tnmclor lq um Tuxjnntn helm nu Magus nmo ll im ll ri