pmu COUPON FOR 25 EXTRA STAMPS SHflPSYS BOLOGNA PORK SIDE SPARE mas SPECIAL MEATY PORK BUTT Bonsrsw PORK SHOULDER SPECIAL LEAN nwas biavck to school annln mesday for the children sumo Cnnxralulnllon Io Mr and Mrs Dun Bulmcr nee Dorothy Shannon on ha birth at lhelr baby buy at Royal Victorla Has pigs Barfly ny Inns MeCQRRlSiON Cnngratuiatian in Walker Hun Inr and Heather hieDnnaid who were married recently in Essa Read Presbyterian church aisa to Donald Shannon and Lois Biack who exchanged vows iast Saturdny in Trinity United Church Thorntnnt Quito 11 iew friends witnessed the ceremony at Thornton While the service jwas going on inside willing workers outside were preparing gailydeeoryted wagon com picie with bearded oolman in take the couple on rightseeing tourni ihe viliage Both bride rend grodm cnjnyed the fun SIMCOE COUNTY NEWE KNOCK For the service in the Baplls Church here 5ch 15 at am Mr Milehnncr will bring Ihc message The anniversary sap vlco will be held on Oct The next meeting the Com munin Club will be held at Mrs Dev Cochrans homo Sept 19 Janie Pope Is back In school again She was In Rnyal Victoria Hospital Barrie or abservat ion She look sick relumlng from the ONE Mr and mint Flynn have arrived home Lflluy were In Brillch Calumbla or some lime going lnlo lholr last year of puhllc school and others just sterling Congratulations to Mars Cowan on wlnnlng Unlvorsity scholarship and also to Marlon Gibbons who going to Teach ers College WEST 0R0 Mriand Mrs Elbert French Slcvle and Robble and also Doug French visilcd In Cooks HalBarn and Russull Reynde and Don French allended the ONE In ornnlo MES Dalton Crawford and girl returned home after spending the past two monthson Hope Island Mrs Ken Shoppersun at Santa Barbara CallL visited Mrs Ann Latmvlfle and Bflvsnded the funeral of her brother Don Baylow in Toronto um manners Mrs George Booth visited Mrs Ron Leonard at Cookskown last week Mr and Mrs Alan3Frencll Brian and Christine Elmvale vigited at Clgrke Francha By MRS REG DRINKILL School reopened Tuesday with Hung Mrsulvan Frenchnnd M55 131er Hawaiis gnaphers WAVEBLEY SLICED The Guild of St Johns Angll in Church met In Ihe Church hall or the September meeting with the pnsldnnl Mrs Arne Miss Palsy French attended MultanWaning MHzProvincial Music Camp or line Arts at MpKellar Mr andMrs Clarence Bell Orlllla vlslled Mr and Mrs Mm Drinkill czar the wnekcnd Mm Ed Cnllander nfErnd lnrd spell few days with her sister and brolhcrlnlaw Mm and Mrs VIvan French Mn Willlam Corbett had the Missionary program Lunch was served by Mrs Spurgeon Brown and Mrs Maxden Hilliard MnandMu Dlon Mid John of Victoria Harbaur vlsltcdtheir dauflghtgg 11413an French 1M United lunch Women held ihe Sepiember meeting at Mrs ewa with 23 mem bers and we visitors present Thespresident Mrs Cal Ellery presided The devotion period was taken by Mrs ii Trew The October Thank Offering meeting will be held in the Church hall Och pm livij pnd seem on the week End 45° 31 Th3 Mulmlir calincll held helr September meeting the hall altTuesgay He also auclloned of some donaled articles which added to itrsesvrvv The meeting at Mansfield Wo mens Institute was held at the hull anWndnesdny evenlng Malhcson BSA of Orangevllla Ag Rap for Ruler Co was present and gave Ina talk on Ayn managcmqnt By EVELYN ARNOLD Cecll Fines had severe head Injuries when his lmqk overturned at log 1n the mad west olthe Ihird 1an Tossm onuo He was taken In Toronto but came home or wzek be aré relurnhz or further treat mull Whelhum presiding Plan were made or the turkey lupper or October lunch was nerved by Mrs Arlla Whltham and Mn Thomas Mrs Tom Truax Angus vlsi led Mr Ina Mrs Jamesvlnmx Mrs Hawklns in MANSFIELD aucmu DUNCAN MINES ASSORTED ch MIXESmm 83 mcuu DUNCAN muss assomb HRH BAGS 79 TISSUESm SPECIAL ORANGE PEKOI sncmu ASSORTED COLOURS STOKEEYS GREEN BEANS SPECIAL FANCY CUT SPECIAL SOLO MARGARINE SPECIAL COLOURED see INSTRUCTIONS ON ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE AT CASHIERS Robin Chrisiia formerly of Carmel Oniarin new oi the Air Force Camp Borden be came seriousiy ill two weeks no while on drill and was inkcn to Sunnybmok Haspliai when he has been having icsls in try to determine the nature ui his irou hie He was irequcnt visitor at The Induellen In the Mansï¬eld pastoral charge of Rev Charles Mlltan teak place at the Many lleld Unlled Church on Tuesday evenlng Septl rdl Everett and Rosamont congregations along with Mansï¬eld are served In this charm Rev Alan Mc Cualg Orlllln presided wllh devollonel exerelses belng tlkcn by Rev Davies Cook tewn Rev Willis Heston dellvered the semen Rev Mlltan was presented for lnducllon by Rev Parley Lewls al Orllln Rev Mr Mclevlsh Hradlord Sec of Slmcee Pres bytery was present also Rev we Plek ol Newmarkel rlend ol the lamlly It soclnl hour wlth lunch Iollawed Toronto Hashim nwamu ï¬ery mmsygn Aynnucnzn Mra Morley ï¬awarda Vasqv vlslled Mr and Mrs Bert Caslon Sunday Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellsmm Gwen and Kenny Srhllh were in Paneling hospital last Week fallmnsll 9pgrallons Miss Mary Gaston at Allis lnn sent Sunday with Miss Jegn Caxton By MES GASTON Mr and Mru Arthur Snider vlsltud in Hand Head on Sunday Mr and Mrs Wood vlslled in Or Suflfla rcland of Mansfield teacher cl rolardcd children he class halngheld In Knox Preshywrmn Church Alllslan each hall day In the morning VThe boy at 63 In Mins flald and Perm Schools are being taken by bus on Wednesday mamluu to Shelbuma or wond workIn5lnsluctlon the home of Mr and Mis Donald Mggzhgwx Mpgfleld 1a In numpmmnzn WEDNESDAY CBRIGHURST IHL 01 IINI on 01 71 01 Lll PKGJ Same 143 per cént ol Bril alns ï¬sh catch last year wax frozen and British housewlvu bought 6500004 piece of frozen ash and Mrs Hardy and child ten of Barrie were weekend vial tor with Mr and Mn Chlllél Ellsmcre There was rylrhower In the Puth Hall Saturday evenlnl or Mr and Mrs Murray Grea VIES may received Acme lovely la ME Craig Barrie spent few days with Mr and Mn Ern Oman Ins waek Mrs Summer vlsllcd In Créwn Hill In week ubllc schaol mam Se PM Lind and Miss ngd of Detroit spent pm last week Edithan and Mrs Robert Ken rrc 11 haw schoo Is upenzd Dalstonand bus took an public school child 11 and M13 and Mm Robert Kenl drink vlsiled Inaunt In Orfllin Sulday 10th mm nsn 11 5333