VMRCflfffllflppï¬‚ï¬ Mk IWIZVIIMCWIM SIUPresideit5 ikBlagtsa Gutlés$s CLC Leader WWASHINGTON VlCP Paul lull presldcnl of the 750 aember Suntan1 Inter glluanl Halon North Amer ca hurged luesdny Illa Shannan Jodoln president Illa hmdlan Labor Congress had prosllluled hl trade union outlaw by calling or lmmedl no lulslallm to put the SN Lam and other mnrlllmen mlonx undzr government trus flshlp He called Jodaln sullen alder the lame time Hall nug Iesied press command but Jack Leilch resident oi Ippu Lake Shipp nl Limited Toronln had more in galn mm the mysterious bombing oi ha companyl ship In Howard Shlw qt Chico saiurdny tun did Iha SIU pus wmflin Elicia WEEK Aunmwmmuhmuwdmw Lellch chmzed um the sxu Is ruponslbla or this outrun In Chicago and or several other bombings and Ihoauu hr cldenu lnvnMnu Upper Lake and ships and autumn In re cem weeks telegram to the Mariuma Trades Department ha ha ol ter merely an exerclse In hypncrlsy unless the deparb man Is vreparcd to withdraw 1n lupport of the SIU BLMIED SIU Denying tint the sill hld any thinl do with tha unionion Hall endorsed the Mind oi 000 oiiered by the Moritimo Trades Department oi lhe AFL CIO or information landing in the apprehension and conviction oi tioq regponglbie Vilall Ilw criticlzed the us 1000oo EACH Thu Howard Shaw has been tied up at Chicago since April 22 The SlU nl Nonil America and other uympniheiiu mlons 1sz annuuncad urller In Win connex with Canndlan Ln bor MInlstar Allen Mac Enchen In Duawa today an II Issue whlch sparked series official Canadian demlndl that the Us lovemmant Iaka more acllon to prom Cnnndlan Ill and property In as waters The US Federal Bureau Investigation now working on the Shaw cue depulmenu had treated lhu SIU ahuhhlly In lhl heal and um Labor Secreury Willard Wm should mind bl own bun ness Ilnce Dill ls Itricfly wa herï¬om labnr management 39y he edegul andKahuna Congemninu the Canadian guvernmenia decision in bring in iezlllauan to Jain um mari time union un er lruxleeshiy Hall said um li iheuSIU locked out the Grey Lma the union waile continue in but 119 Illlflll manalement with whatever 1m means hecomn available But there would bu no mixeat iiu laid tho Olinm bombing was re ramble baclule it would nothing but harm to the Si position He added that it he had mm to Upper Lake recordx now in the hlfldl at Mr Justice Norm who had investigated SIU Activities he coqu prove that certIn inci dcntl of violence wen rzinted to thu nctivittu oi the com have boycotted the xhlp manned by tho Msuppofled Canndlnn Maritimlllnlon wms guy human Hall said the lutlon to this Great Lake th that ha Upper Lake company an cel In nonmalva tha CMU antmum 811 member lo their jobs TheCanIdlln SlU hag hgen Incledjrom he CDC fryV Vi lflBlflWfflï¬nSmflfl Al or Jodoln position Jm doln noted In this use with much vldauxneu lei Ir hlauprlm Followlnz the ClIIcalo bomb lnm Jodolnhad culled for an emergency session Par mm to cnnsldar the govern minlx rugteethphhgklauom Cummontlnz In 0mm on Mr Halls remarks Mr Jodaln said dont want 10 waste any words or llma In mmmendng on and ridiculous mlements panyl mm artful gatek Nvu Hail Iéld the whim deleci lives have complain new gny xhlpl but the SIU 1m PHILIP ESCAPES BRIXHAM England AP Prlnce Philip escaped Inlury mesduï¬ night made precau Mary navy heflcopur whose 31 plenum wu running law He was mm from this Devomhlre pen to Och plane back to Scotland naval ooflege spokesman said It was pmuflonary land lnu mum lhan forced me PAUL HALL Sui Amolmm 1m 95 390 during Illa livenmnth pcrlod mdlnx May requuled and Ral Henderson of hmnlo pres ent of the company told shareholders at the annual meetinl hem Monday the pom pnny needs the services of 13 experienced miners to operate equipment now standing id at the Bissett Mam mlno llti mile mrthenst of hate Naw that the prwinciai ioan has 000 through our pmblom has been reduced to manmar we can find bakerl dozen worth of miners we can turn the Mime of the San Anlanin mine he said mum nunmm wanna man ma WINNIPEG CHslum hurd llnz ï¬nancial difficulties earlier WI year San Antanlo Gnld Mina now gees mlnmver shaman ManPawerShortage Forges Manitoba Mine To Stand Idle Mr Henderson said hen II shortage experienced mm labor and nabth he can panyn labor situation it new starting to build housing pm 1ch at the Inwnslle nyuBlfllll or law would become ghost town the mine closed Molumtobeuudlnorn exploration be paid wilhln two year and mayahle In Ivail Interest In nixpeme In nun my $530 summon was granted 3140000 provin lclul lovommcntdioan Mgr ormer company motor sap pnmd with lame pm 01 1M companyl warklnz capital The pmvlnda Iovernment Ip pmvcd the loan when laced wllh the posslblllly the commu yllth populauon 11001 mm