Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1963, p. 1

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lieailh Minister Judy La Mush who presided said many ideas wers raised and discussed but no quick decision could he made since she 1nd Ciiilenship liiinislcr Favrcnu iii only other iedcrai cabinet minisier allend fling could not speak or the whole gnvcnuncnl OTTAWA CF Tne brewan Industry won malnr vldory Tuuduy In light In pul hccr pramollnn on rndlo and mm Inn an more cqunl oollnz wlllh ndvcrllalng other vmd uc Tha Board nroadcnsl GaV mum Innnunccd Um mm mm Jan it will pmnil lull mlnula cl beer Ind wnl hard SuggcsLImu lo be commend Include OTTAWA CPILower Initial cash and improved fringe bene liu In Um federal Kovermncnla Canada Penson Plan may re sult lrom dismissims at Mr day federal pmvincini conlcr enm whim ended lain Tuesday mu Away mm or Irlmll In cw Ymk Hy uvml day nun The unly an llner Quern MM rum whlrh Mur mlu mm In vaenlmunur Id Marguer Hu mlI of Wm Pm thy Ill Hull In Mmhmpdm land today whnlIlnflgd We are not looking or bar gnin prices the premier said In gcncrnl campaign speech In the ccnlré of Cansarvatlvb held Elgin riding or the Sept election Mr arts addresslng aboul 00 persnn In high school nud ilurlum said the lubacm dele xallon will consist in Georg Demeyere chairman the On Iarin FIueCund Tobacco Grow By JOHN LEBLANC ST THOMAS Onl CHOn larin will attempt la break Into flu European and United King dom markets to dispose at 30 000000 pounds of surplus to hacco 1n slnmze In the prnv luce Premlar Rnbérls nnA uognced Tugsday Iljghl larlos tobacwgrowlng country he said delegation will leave shortly or nverscas in he hope of opening up the new market for the hardpressed tobacco in dustry ln cooperalion with Ill ledeijal guvernmynl Reducing he initial rate contributions In the eamingy zoned portable retirement pension plan since they will not now have to bear um and $10 lncmnse in basic old we pensions which Prime lilinlslcr Pearson annaunced Monday will he paid out al higher Iaxu Brewers Win Battle For Full RadioTV Ads FederalProvincial Meet May Result In Lower Pension Costs In Europe WillaAattempt Sell TObcho Fm Yur Nam For Exanunon Wlnl Ada Tele phonu FAHAM Tm lelevhona number to call for the Business or wtorm Dept PA W1 Our Telephqnes THE PHRTYS OVER It promullan In radio and TV commercials The decisinn fallow um reg lnlory bodys scrapping of an earlier yrumsal lo llmil ludl mmmcrclnh to so Iccondl In duration At prescnl only IM and hardsell advertisan II nllowad In whkh Ihc product ldcnllflcd by brandAnnme and the nmnining 4a uconds con Not directly unnamed with Canada Pension Plan was discussion in the conference of lncmam in he assisunce NY menls by which Vlhe Vizderai rcasury mlrihutesio lhe ml of provincial pension Io ha blind lo disabled nd to per sons in financial need between use AS and me 70 when the basic old age pension is paid Mk Marsh ald mesa uslnnco plymenl am under revluw but an provincial dele xnlu lo Ike lwodny pension mnlmnce did not have immun lions Irom lhdr gavcmmenu to stale ddinilu views The stored surplus tobacco cnnslsla 7000000 pounds from the I961 crop and 23000000 pounds from last yearn was bought by the labacco market ing hoard whm marketing dil llcullles arosewilh the help of lhm¢cenrsapnund levy on growers from tobacco they sold and loan guarantee from Ihe ledcral government in 1961 and the Ontario government in 1962 SOLD AT AUCTION enmin lnhhm nnrmuv Ontario lobacco nnrmally ls said at auction in the fimwing tr Hum 01de Ind Ill lull mm when um Iner nllui Her pumi uhled an In Mr or Ilnnlo th Mlllufl commrnl mlvul Imply She am In The tobacco board and the On lrala and redernl govnrnmenls nro joint awners of the surplus lobacco which was purchased from last years crops alter marketing diflicullles Part of the purchase price came from thrceccmwaund levy on Ihe growers against the tobacco sald era Marketlnl Baard and Guam McCagne chairman In Ontario Farm Product Marketing Bagrd Rnlsinx or modjlying the scope supplementary bene fits ta be available The Canada Penstm Plan now includes benefits or aged survivor Miss LaMursh mentioned that modern wellare thinktng tend towards rupplemenu based on living costs or retired per Mi wflphml CUlllTlM llrull Mll firm Hrs loduy rnvuni dnm pluunl nrnnu nlaln or llflh Ilullm day lrnv In lawnMp rutd ll 1m pan drum 1000 Injurrd Illl 0000 lumnlu hnmtlrll llnlnrlouvln blew armI lha louUIrrn polllrm III Hm nml llmlmlrlth Mule Imlul In HIM hum nn fllllvlmmll dnmzhl llnl In wonlun Nan lnnnn InI Ilium IIy nlrunl dry Ilmh lulllnl In lhI rluuuinllnn Mml at he vldlmu um Mml at he vldlmu mm mm who Med In HIM lhc lumu wllh nrlmlllva In mm And lhm lounll Hum vu lnpuped ROW nuthln um um upllnl lmm hundmh 1mm Inmlllu Ink mm of hodlu It In mmmm mum and Irnru v4 Mum rrlulm unwdlnl mun Mlplllll Another new tcnlun in lhc nquIllanl II rnvlalon ol lo Icconds an lrlnv lion and I5 sec ond an mdlu lnr idenullcuunn of me producl ur nponsor II tho openlnx nr dun prxrnm prtunl Hm nnnunwmnll me Mme Illollcd or tommaro clnll PY0VDF8 IO HECONDS nlxl or nonldvcrllslnz llllln mn lurlnl Carlyla Mllson nBG vice rhnlrman commenlcd In our View that lrnlxhl nomm mun Id In prtrmhle The bonrdl purposu lo Inks the hypocritical up math ul of brcwary advcrllu tuxo do may with lha uqutnccl In which ynung men and wnmcn pldurr In happy mm plrlivr lo flu brcwnry commer cL murder charges were laid Against nepante school leather and hla wife hxesday live hours after taxi driver staggered wnunded from their home 1c an Wurtz 35 stabbed and bludgeanad was ro nounced dad on nrrlvll al 01 pita Howevnr doctors revived him or 30 mlnulu with hem masale He ater dlcd Wile The world ll lull ol rascals This morning the milk mnn gave me counterfeit lull dollar Where In my Wila Oh Ivn already at lid ll luckily the bulchcr look IL John Gamum and his wife Mary 21 wet durznd with uplm murder The premier said the aaie delegation will igave im Europa in ii next few days He de scribed th mission as pm cal step in lid line when in dnsiry In an address devoted mainly in agriculture Mr Ruben said the provincial government has been making determined at art In incles export oi agri cu product generally We are just as interested 1n deveioping export or agricul tural products as or our man ulmurcd guedl he said We are determined that ngrlcullure will gain strength and remain full partner with Industry in the general advance of lhe cw nomlc 111 of our province areas Nine has been sold recl to an UK and conlinentnl maxkm Premier Rnbnru uld allu lhe meeting that the surylns 1w bacco of grades um should be acceptable on the oveneas market 130 Die Trapped In Fire Charge Couple With Murdér HERES ONE NEW DELHI Heuch An Indlnn Mrhnn Vumunl nrrylnl pnamxm andlhe mw mmhm rushed and Imnm mum New Drlhl Imlny An nlrlml Awkumnn MM lhcrn was nn poul blnly nunlvm Train Wreck Injures 35 TMIEI Formosa Ml Typlmon 110m luvlnl ll km 13 perm dud In Iho IMllpplnu rum mm Fnrmnu lodny Ind lnxk Tahwl wllh wlmll loo mlhl nn Imur um drmIlm lhmmndn hum Hood Awrpl mldenllnl mat Wlmh up mlml lrm lhmulhmfl th My pl 1000000 Inhnhilnnu VIFNTMNE Lam Illnllml An Mr Amuiu um plans cumin Khm Amrknn nml lwr Lulu rm member wu shot dawn Km Ivy pmfimlmunln lnhd 1mm lulhet Luz India uld lady Thu plane on minIon lot Du Iollnn umnnmanl wu MI by null nlmvfl In at um led mr Trlwopom 11th Lu unmhold lllll he Noflh Vkmlm bum nmrmmu cm punclumd by mml Mom dumva lam ham Ind morn motor Md on lhc mm Dmmu mum um mm humor1 mly lmIy sewl plmlm NNIM al Ihe mum at Mm which mum be an mu muwwumuummmmmm Only abnut 150 while pupil flayed In West End nncr tho Nnxro xlrh wcnl lnsldc Hun dred while pupils Jnlncd hy mllllnnt ndulls Jcercd lha No mm and policemen Sculllu ensucd Pollccmcn cnllcd In lhe rial mund nrmcd yllh malzuns Ind turbines DONCASTEH anlnml lleulerx The lllrcLLycnreld ml mm an uldwn Ivorian won lho St Leger rnclnu clmulc hm today Arm photo finish or mend plum Slur Mnu wnn lam find and Fixhunx SM lhin Mrrrhunl lemrr was HUDSON NY Al Nun Ymk Cenlrnl mucnflr rain umnId wmk lrnln near her finmlny ninhl anuylnx 15 permu The trmh aldlnz drullul lwo can and lwounlt dlml Iaconwllva oi lhe pnwngrr lulu Um trainmnn mu in cmkul mmlIUon wllh lhmnl Injury Wallace called up llm Nu llonal Gum to block the gmu Prelldenl Kennedy placed lhe oldlcr under lat eral central and prahlbllcd them gram carrying an Wallnce or CH heavy lore of clly pulicc men and counly olllcm quellcd disturbance by pupils and an gry ndulu West End lllxh School Sn Blrmlnghnm nflcr wn chm Kirk entered tho whoa Tuesday inurlh The guardsmcn some called up three months Bio In More Integration at tho University of Alabama were not needed as an Negroes unlered while schoallaydbroke new dend lock human Governor George Wallnccland lhé federal overn man cant Ilghl baynncu with my bare hands said Wallace He pledng In continua his rtgnllnn fight In Um ovum DENT M35 BIRMINGHAM Ma AP National Guardsmen placed un der federal conlrol were on slandhy today in this racially tense ally the only lrouhle spot publlc school segrcgmon engcd in knee Alabama cities Integratlnn cum peaccully Tuesday in Mobile llstczce and at Birmingham schoois But disorders broke out lhlrd Blnniqgham school Explosions Fire Destroy Barn Philippine Typhoon Kills 15 American Plane Shot Down Blrrlc 0mm gundwdnuy Sophmlur 1933 Ragusa Wins St Leger Classic 18 Die In Air Crash POLICE DRAG of whlta man from West End High in Birmingham yesterday nIlnw National Guard Put On Standby NEWS BRIEFS Anolhcr occupant he car Acorn 19 also Ambrose was An air candillon In hospllnl nearby TllLsonhuri wllh lrnclund hm dlllncnled hlp nml hand cull mmhne In Wu Brnnllnrd OHERVILLE Onl CF Two men were killed early nmsdny when Mr car went on or cnnlml and alrutk on nghway 59 abaut one mile north of here Kilch wnro Grant Arthur HR Ollcrvilln Ind Noah Snycr 20 lobuccn worker ram Ambrm Gm Police In Mobile made three arrests as awhile high school was dungranted but Negru puplhmt an orderly mapllun Clubs were used to prodlhe crowds Nina mm were ar rested same swirling with nr Iiccn and some or disobeying orders lo move In mkcgec 13 Negroes nl tended classes at while school for llelrst time Then was no trouble Reception at two Blrmlnp ham schonla alm were orderly The days events lei Missi ssippi the only sink without loktn integration or prbcnlleza public lchmls ll ATTEND CLASSES News outnumber whllc res Idcnll la 1n Tuskegee Men Die In Accident inn demonstration which be gan uflcr two Negroes werex admillc¢ AP Wltephola mllu mulll The In rhlefl ll uan mm lbs ucnllr In Canadian MmlIlun do mm comma min by Lurem Cutrlmn firm Clly nlmkul In or II Ir mm in In MEEAJu Mr Coxmm nld many plo lnmnmunludq In mrov nn an mun ll onlcr lhn day In nvnllnn ol lhe mmunl rnnrrr mu llw Cnnmllnn hunch lion Chiell lollu hm TJfldflfi 1m uullan at public lmua ml bit1Han unnnlmmu vol hy ha 300 drkulu In liver mm Ilmr who lml Ic tuud pol plycholnnlul and phynlul MIMIgm mrIh mlh Io provlda lptdllt unm Cl wrck are wlm Mr Ila mru was up Port Arthur he nnnnuncrd that xpvxiul provin clnl lcglalnllon would be qulrcd alter nll Um Liberal Ieudrr Mild The premier Md Announced would comma Ipcdnl lexlllnlum umlm won an pomMe Iller Ihc elec on In pan Ih leginlnllon In ullnw Onlnno mmmunlllu lnlm mlvnmuu pus lpnm Metal provincial conlcr mce the end 01 July to cm Ihler lmplemculnflm ol um momma lund Omnrlol slim nlxul mommaMd ended lucmslully Ind Promler Hobart lhm had said he dill rm ml any pmvlndnl lrulalnlion lo mnke lho nanme work single worker de prived Job this winter be cause of Tory delay and lndbd lion on this nutter Id him blame Premier John hurts Mr WlMcrmeytr mid tmwd nl I0 400 who turned out or rnlly pmde by nun molarch In by hand and lmupo of malnmlu Al Cohourk West Colltxlnu The Social Credit party with only lnur clndldnlu known to have bun nomhaldv by The day nlxhl were nulnumbcred by lplintcr gnup he party known Social Ocdll Acunn COBOURG Ont CFYLib end header John Winlmneycr Malay nigh Imused the Pro xreulv Conscrvnllve govern mcnl ol bungling by lnadlon Ontnrlol chances of sharing In lhe Moralmunicipal lonn lund this wlnlcr known candida nominnlcd by Tuesday evcning Earlier pre dlclions was that the pany which held live nan dissolu Uori would runm candidates ngrcs llves held of the 93 seat when the lealslnlure was dis solved Aug 16 the Liberals held lhe NDP llve and were vacant Hilly our PC membm of the 35 House at Ieeklnz reelccllan along will all lhe Llhcrll Ind NDP mcm hem TORONTO CMK record hr la 01 almnslm candldnlc is expected In be In the field or the Sept 25 Ontario election alter nominations close his alh emoon The deadlln for mm was set at pm EDT throughout the province except In the num western riding Kenon and Rainy River where dlflerencc In 01 time lone attend the degdline by anAhourn 0n the eve nnmlnalion day 337 candidam were known to be competing with the possibil lly 1315 starters Both Premier Hobart Pro mum Conservnlives and John Wfinlermeyeru Liberal fielded candidates In all sell at stake In the voting two weeks 1mm today redistrihuflon in Metropolilln Toronto added In Hal he 93 In the old House 01qu last month SOCIAL CREDIT SPHT Police Worry About Image Tories Bungled Liberal Says Thm 1m 8minth Owen HAMILTON CMA duln 340 To Vie For Seats 599 Record AM when to maxod In making do on Buddhlm Ind other mOommmln manila III mumm hlvm 10H MINIAer Imt Iul Thurmy lulu hul nnl llprnilhod him on hr In Js No lmmedlnl mrllnn hum nu Furled hul UJI nlllrlnll Irv Imd lhe mum would In uer down I1 Dlun um 1qu ml mm huh yp ynugh mm wily 00 MPH Vlmm Inmllon In lgnu mdmu or lwnnlgulh III Wm Im punfiylmym er Cl mm MJleulan SMGON US Amlmundur Hrnry film Lodge hn ukrd Iruhlenl Nun nlnh Illrm tn null MI brnuur mm he luv ummnl um llll rm mum lhlp hllh anclu umrro Id Imlny Sound the prcmlcr had said lha Hednral loans may be on Mr lwny lo some munlcipnliuoe In Olllll0 below the leaves In 11w leeul lender nlm pluurd or hlucr gavcm mm hand In um mummy will leernl monument In On llrla would on lhv day allot lhc election IuLhorlm lhe ed ornlmunlrlpal loan board OlA lawn lo mnke lb loans dlrcdly ma muddyjun In om WINNIPEG CF Cannda was mpoflod today on the verse making his new when ml to Rush other Communls mmtrlesmayalmbelnoalhl deal In buyeu he Conservum were re cleclcd it would be almost prndlcnl impossibility to com vent lha legislulure below Oct 25 Wlnlcpncyuryld And even Kl exblnlion wen pHSM In day the mt era loam Wnuld not be not In the munlclpalldca In lime In or der la perm than to lay an pmjm Mulch will dxnfllcundy 11112le umnplaymmt HI wlrler which nominated elghl candl dnles 1n Metropolitan Taronln Thu regular Sncal Credit candl dute were runnan In Cochrnna North Grey South Llncnln and Renlrew North Six Communist candidates were nomln an lncludlng Eruce Magnusson the Ontario leader who running In Port Arthur Four are running In Metropolitan Toranla and an alller In llnmilmn Centra There are six known Indepen dent candidates Including ono member the last House Gar dan Lavergne who won Russel Inr the Conservative In the In election In 1959 or the aecnnd time lhls year Premierv Rn hnrts and the partys central exeruIIve lawyer Lawrence as the PC candldnle In Russell Other Independent are run ning In rHrantIordf Cochrane North NIckeI Bell LIncaln Ind Tomato SL Andrew Andmritatlve urns hm Laid tho dell II under discus slml It current Ottawa talk or new CmdIInfluxslln lnde unattan It would be far blggor than US Ambassador Requests Removal Of Ngo Dinh Nhu Thln Ottawa Reports Giant Wheat Sale No M6 Than Far Copy22 Pad Sunny with cloudy Intervals In dayClaudy with shower Thur day 110w tonight 51 High lo momw 70 Summary pl two Local Weather Enrllcr TumlnyV¢lnum mnylnn wm awn by htllcnp lrr lnlo Hum Dul wnl Cll Nuuc Iml rnxnxrd Commu nIKl um nunrkiux lhn mm The nmrlnn lullldnl huvy gumllln low In mm and murmnrnl lhu mum HIM The mulrnop Imp vlf Cal Nuoc loan H000 wrun llon 70 MIN noulh ol SI inn followed cuncrnlrnled Com munhl lllnlk The mnln mun made gruel llng lrck In An undilclnscd llll duvmu an the southern com 01 Cuba milllnry Imfrcu rgmylnl Tho rduxm lald hmlxm and Iulfcrlnx In Hm town mgchlng Merldnn An urmnxilrhylrha torrnrmd on nl lhu newspuptr Dluo Yujnlan lold lhln nlnq Thu muss mane man an wnmen mi 21 childrm wn led by lonncr Cuban lhlVll officer flnlntl Rodrlnuu MERIDAN Yuulfln MP Mexican aulhnrilic Have 096 Ind medicine lodny to tmn clnlcd perms who stole on of Flch Caslml naval vessels and made pcrilom livedny ny nge la ha Islnnd Column near hcrc In the mo election total candidales vied for the 93 seats This was below 1119 pre vious racnrd of ms when 517 ran for the 90 seal in the leg islaluro nun lime The 1955 election with was the only other llme the number candi date has exceeded 300 least 14 wumen urn com peting in this eleclinn including Mrs Alice Kaloal NDP candi date in Welland who has run unsuccessfully twice before Some nl lira aihnr nre promi nent in municipal politics in cluding Mrs Aria Prilhcard Hamilton conlrolier and vice mayor PC candidaie in Hamli ton Cenirelilr Jean Newman inrmer anonlo controller mn ning or he Liberals in Tornnio Eglinlnn and Mrs Camernn Momma Windsur alderman running PC candidate in WindsurWaikerviiie line best estimate here placed the lize line new sale 60001000 bushels worth 100 000909 mare Whatever the nmnurl of In ale one trader snldl would he very Mary ignilicanl would dwarf anything Russi hu purchased Mon mm Cam Ida it it goes through dam mazmIssm In buying market In big way 0M reliable Import mid Eu Iln had bought or wan on the verge of buying 5000000 bum eh cl wheat mm Australia ll WOMEN RUNNING Ihe 11310000 budml sale In Russia worth 2000000 an nuuncod Ncsday by lha Cana dlan Wheat Board 91 Cubans Safe After Escape 15qu ugld here was no

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