muhlu om ml NDMII ol hll vlc lwry our Communlnl uerrlllu III ll HIM Monday IHJ Elm Vlelnnmm armored hull mum lhruunh rm luddln In Ina Mellon Delt Ind HIM on nulllln us ndvlmu Hod maul nlulllcuzl vlclm mu mlhlrrn wm unl huma nllhnunh pull wm mmrlcd In Imvu aim nwny nix In Hulknth Mara Hum 1000 pupil 1mm ruled Ilnta smunlny ucmrdlnn lo hularmul mumm ï¬aml nra lwlnl Md Iur nun unnlnl ul Ihe flalxm pour hwhumm Moll on nu purlrd lo haw hem In nul at own melody was added by Pre mier Hobart Onlnrln an nouncing his provincial pariah human nlan ahadrlnm ha 51mm boqu and to come Inlu flccl next year viill be amended in remove conflicts mwllh the federal govcmmenlx Canada Pension Plan MIGON Snulh Vlelnnmm mam Ind huvlly nde com but pollm Indy timed punlln on nl Iavml hm Huh Idmolu In Enigma mllvnuvornmrnl unrm raq€lmrd Iqpchmh AntiGovt Unrest Continues Viet Nam Troops Raid Schools rrlmo Mlnlmr Pcaraon mfd Mummy mt luflinmenl will be nkud In nmumvu lmlh lhu in cromupud Hm rnlninu ol nddl tinnnl rcvmuén ImuInd by lhé tund or the higher mnllnnl qu mpcmun Arurmkumnn for he prlmu minim Inld It had no hccn Lm year they nmduccd In eslimnlcdiaamwmo mm the old my pension ml an all mnltd 3713155138 Thu dork vml mndn good hy lompnmry lonnl lo um fund out of gcnml lax rownun The pmscnt $65 monthly pom Ilam pnid la cveryona at no 70 are drawn mm special mnlury ncwunl lhu old nxo murlly und This made up old age sccuru luxc on per Innnllncumcs carpomllon pro flh Ind mnnulnclurm lulu 01MWA CPI Where will the avernmnnl ml the 16 000000 says wlll col pay or Ihc proposcd HI ln crease 1n old age pcnxluns lhls All The only discordant note In the symphony ol complete lod crnl pmvlnclnl collaborallon was Quebecs determlnnllon Introduce ll own rcllremenl pension plan But Quebec sold Ihls would not obslmct lhe ledA anal plum and the lcdcrnl gov The main chord was muck Monday when Prime Minister Pearson announced an lcdérai government will mnve in Pnr Human to sum slorinuensa in the basic old age pension three months earlier than It had planned Need $116 Million ToQover Cost Of Old Age Pension Rise OTTAWA CWThe federal pruvlncial pensions conference psume may in almost com plete harmony YOUNG SCHOOL girl with an arm load of book urns FederalProvincial Conference Resumes 99m Ynhr No 211 For Enme WantAd No phona PA HAM Tho telpphnna number In all for Ibo Business or Whom Dept 15 PA 66531 Oiir Téfephoï¬esf Bevonl Irhoull Im oc ruplod 11 hm hm mu 1m Ilmw led Dun Snlunlny and Monday when no lite Ilurmnl nth and ruled pup all by hundnd In Hum nn cltya prlmlrnl erlmlrnl mile wu ncnlp ed curly In dny yy about 400 unrnllmml whu ul mum In rlunrwmn and um playground IMII lhl myq Ifulpuvlllï¬nmr TurhnlulTrhool mimi MI mnnldcrld Inmnl lh mml mll IM lhe GII Lon lnrnll alll hluh hm In Balm le lhnulnl Imuflml um lunuwl duh In In huur denwmlrnllon whllu mm gm Imlllldl Tiny 311 mm llnully ml Mme Sewn wrm rrmrlul IHIIINL nvrr 01c Vk Cm In mnnlM Dlllurhmm hmkn aul lmull hluh Ichoula lhll morn nm mm ll 1m ulblv to calcuan pmlwly una perconlnxepolnl momma In the nld an murfly In on muml lnwmu would produre In tho uppllcnllon lhv lhue maul In an rwnnl Irv camel lhcro in lmllnllon that no Inxpnytr pnyl more Hun yuar award lhn old Innnrcurlly fund This wan 1m lhnn hull lhn umnunl ulna lhn lhmpu uni levy on pmonnlylnwmu Inn year171000000 Thu llghlnl burden In the nld no Incurily turn was borne by lhu lhrewcmml carpornllnn lax whlrh ylcldcd $115300000 Thu ules Inx bum he htuv Inst burden flux old up pen Ilom Insl ycnr nmnunlln lo $302200000 ho 51100000 decided Just how within the lrnmcwnrk tho In In creased revenues wnuld be ob lnlncd Health Mlnlslcr Judy Lanh Iald howcver lhnl Um txlrn money would come rum designated taxes ll was originally Intended that ho no increase wnuld be paid am your mu mnkrlbullum lo lhe Canada Pension Plan which the government hopes lo slut Jan Mr Pearsons annmncemcnl timed attire npenlng hour oi meeting said lbs in basic pension increase to $75 munllr or everyone at age 70 will he paid ior by increasing laxexi The old security taxes now are three per cent levies on per ronallncnmesup in $90 mar and on cnrparnlion prom and manuiaclurels nlnm PAID FROM CHANGE Haulflrluinhm Judy Lu Blunt raid ihe pulslon boosi will be paid irom change in his so called HG iarmuin Hizher tales of old age recur lly tax on personal incomes and corporation pmiiia appeared likely emmcnl said the two can work Ingether away in tears alter Negroes High In Birmingham min were admiued to West End AP Wkephnm at ml Mm mm mmlllod In mun my not man but all um nl major mum II lam nviuvmlu mum 11ml I00 perm lu haul 1111mm Mr IM number at lhm mmlzh mmlnn nlor flying Irvm Dunnhm and In nrnrhy lull Md Irw Innho nutruled wllllmmw la mupomla In nulloml mom lmlury oldnuu mmlan uhmw In unpluudud Hull unll Du Winmu cl Onlulo Mfr In to hm Ipwdm lhu pm mm Iluck almost uduxivtly mum lho submlulon mmh at man Maw or mum In lol lan penIon home ml wlll wmk ho um pm maltr rnce durn munwd cmpnlam In In mul wwrm Duluthv Il Ier makan brim appearance litom he 01lan mwunu var llrr In Um IIay KITCIHHNTIH CP Im mlcr Rolmru ulld Hominy nlshl ha hope llll swamM on old no pennlun la luknlpnr vlnclul penIon Nahrem nl Ob lawn hm cllmlMltd the nut llm polldcnl lune In On nrwrnlelccllon ho mnlcrcncu for about CL He unld lho Ontario pm lnhlc pension vlnn and HI Iod crnl contribulory rcllrcmM pcnalons cnn be made oomph mpplfury and cumpnuble Ind Mnrllobnrh lnlermpliiz hls camanlfning In the current On lyrlo Mellon gnnlcsl mended Todays agenda Included In her ntudy or lhu nclunrlnl port by lho pollllcnl heads of the dclcgntlom and hair zcnlor ad minislraflvn ndvlsm Then the conlercnte plan lo dLscuss he lmcgrntlon provinclnl plan with Ihc lcdcralpmpoux Mondays conference session were spurt examining page deiailed report on the Conadn Pension Plan cost and benefits prepared by federal government octonries it coniained comii cnled formula which will up ply lo contributors who did not mnko full payment to ihe fund either because oi on abbreviat ed period of contribution or be cause of lower than overuse in comes Basically the mliribufor viii gy one perceg ova ncome no to localisedllelvuol end iris employer will pay like nmount into in paynayouzo pensions fund The starting maximum level of pensionable income will be $4000 year but this may rise in $5500 by 1m person who has made ton iributions at the full rate will drnw an annual pension of 30 per cent of the blue lovel at no 70 after minimum 10 yenre of contributions Pcnsiuo on can elect to draw at reduced rntc of ago 65 the benefit will be paid to the surviving spouse at one 65 when pen sioner dies STUDY REPORT Just Want Plan That Will Work lrlhlnk in unume mm Mmfln Add In um ha no And added ml mom had been mam elm It mthfll muddy onn mwlulnlflm had munhw Bpenklnl emf11y 0n lnrlol dullnun wllh Iha Mm luvemmml he uld he hu ml how hr 0er man My In Mm 11er on mm mm vanilla itch All ouhln mankuda unmny pup mud not rmuflidfl mulrlnl Ilma Ilmllnllon lot IL 1km Iny Omnrla on mom Mr Robert nhl he cannot Irapl penllun plan on ha llannl lull helmbowl wlUmul clomt oxnmlmllm Whllo ho wu qnlla minln Um nylon wk lound lo Ne aha uld lilo prawn mvlnclpl ggnenl Hmlon cam llv Inld 0m mlmepflonl mornan the Ontario nlnnd hlva bun lnlhemi by 1mm powqu Mllemmu Ho dld not Mme Um Author of lhl Ilnlo MI limo bu Muller ha Ill um hem lo Llborll Ada WlntmnoyLr In who Waterloo North cvmlllucncy In manna Handy nllhl Slcelworkerl clalm that lh two yardl lmva had lcsl ban Mr nnd reasonable sham imminent contract Ind govtmmcnl sumldlzcd ahlp cannmcllanï¬Nano ol Ibo $151 mllllan wl nnval vessels under construction lsbclnz bull In Gm leu yan and only 157 pet can ll Ihlp bulld lnx nululdlzcd by the mom menl ha been plum In Inch yards Purl Arthur employ men hu decllnod slncu 1961 In about hutho level cl ms and It Colllnwood 1h yck nl 98 hourly paid workm wlll draw to loo by January unlcu now contract In oblnlncd Member Mondays flelb gallon wan hudtd by United Sleelworken ofï¬cial Senon und Hm Wlhxlm mm Tonnlo tnd included John Beauclle president at Local 5055 Port Arthur Armand Groulx rump steward rum Pan Arum Oliver nregnn rum Port Arthur John Brom kl presi dent of Local 6320 alllnlwood And Ed Hursumm Calllnzwood um 1mm 1mm It wu th second deputatlnn to meet lavemment omen an IM Calllnzwood Shlyyan pro lam In the put manlh Early In Am human delenuon nanmuting the Calllnzwood Shpylnl Ind lheTown Col Iluwmwmdmmmmh Mo to pair out the mica el mm to Colllnzwood if more dllphufldlnx order not soon forthcominz Concerned over the status at the Iwa Great Laku yardxthe deputation presented brie which outlined the problem and urged um the government do what It can to channel more shipbuilding work into the two yards The brlel suggested that past policy has been to mm the yard in thevaince of Quebec along the St Lawrean River BESOND DEPUMTION the meeting whlnh lasted or and hour and hall was also at tended by Gm MTAWAA ravenman de putation repriseth the em ployee the Port Arthur and Collinsz uhlpynrda met her Monday with Labor Minister Allan MaulIndian and Tram port Minister George Mellraith repr€senlitive Max317 ductlan By FARMER llSSINOION olum Burqu BunIa Examiner rrlo OMIIIIID fillings ihoudgy Ship Contrabt IS Urged JFK 13 Inn added my mum been mam Mm nu ledten 1m Pnlhmml nonlllldon lnd Ind IN cm mem loan um Mummm bdmfl mmmnflmurnsuklawt rt mumlu on aqu hm Wuldncton ml MA mlou mum The mum mid In CAIdill mIrIumu unlau Im mummyer uutaLNofmmuMm We hm let them In Amer lcam lgmw Vln menla Imm Um um Adlon In 5mm weft Camlu mm can thaw mmmr mom mommtnl mum Iummon Ml lo OlanI or In umerzcncy Inn ul lnrllm mm In nun um conlrovenlnl lngluuhlp Illllllllall Prlmu Mlnlmr ImInn Ind MI cnblnel have declded nl MI mnmnnl Inlywuyla luvs Ibo lealxlnllun or Parllnmrnl on Ill narmnl mum llon dnlo 5m Thrro ha been Mr Penon said My lhul um uman um lelllllll ll mummn 01 my ukzn by lhu Unllul Stale Moment lo from amnunu lived and lhlpl Amoricnn wulm but may to call Pullman helm Ila chdfllfd Brut nu lo pm lrglnlnllm to dim wllh Cnmullmled ol Il pub Inlormnnll lndInled lhnlMr Illcinema may hrlu Mr Win on tho Cunndlhn govern mcnll proposed lulllallon lo dnmr runeeahlp umwrnrl 9n Iyu mnrlnc qnlym high In the Scalnrcn Inlnmnllcnll Unlon Cnnudl llnd and lho Cnnndln Unlun cm in coming hem to dlamu problch lhul have doveloped In the maritime lndnllry on the DIXan Lulu lha apolumnn Ipokumnn In Mr Muc EflChEnl omco uld the us labor lecrcury would probably mend lhu dayIn dlscuulon wilhnnlor labor department aflldnll hm hm fly lmmcdl ll back anhlnglarh OTTAWA CPJUniled Stile Labor Secretary wumd wm wlll fly la 0mm Wednesdly for countenm with Labor Mlnlxkcr MacEachcn on the Great Lakes marine dispute it was mnnunmd today Eirqx Prcltov is bridh pllél The coup wax Ruffled Inez aflre she ave blth Sqlv figutmnggglfl gunï¬ght urday lo qulnlruplel mu the babies In common use Maracaibo Unlverplly my AP wirephoto Labor Ministers Discuss Lake War mu aim In nor um hug moVunlon pklmd nn Uwor Ihlp In Trollnlvlcm cu lrlwu mu Iho mapn had 06 um luau to summon unlml ulckfllnl ulchlu Mu Ind himHm my Anal um lllm polIA Mn Med It notï¬lflm 11 till Wfl my 11 0115 nu Ia Mr lullch Alum Bnbaurhl ol Quaint nuxmlm 0mm rulqd Alondny lhlt Du burly unlon pmldem hld llllvd Io do all he could to In slUr viola flan of naplcluunl luhmdlan Lidu gm MONTREAL CW Hal Banks pmldml flu SellI lnumldannl Union und wu unlencnd In mm In in Mandly lnr mnlempl nl tour bul wont lam uninu pcndln Imp Innun lm SIU mnnlnl loud vllh Up Lam Shlwlu mun Mania 11w Shn ownm Upper Lam ShlppInz Umllcd un noumcd In 1mm lhnl the with no HM ur nlnco lnu April 21 wl Iran in Chlcfllo until The explosion produced d1pr luau tremors In Otlawa and Washington where External lnln Mlnhlnr Murdn mlscd ll uilh Us State Secrunry Donn Rusk Mr Mnnln then mumcd hero and nllawlng Sunday nlxhl oonlcrmm with Mr Pear nnnnd Labor Mlnlsler Mac Ennhm lhu cublnu dluumd tho lilumlon US Juatlca dc pnan and the FBI no in Moanwhllo v5 Labor 5cm lnry WM and Mr MCEachm were In mm hm Sept to dlggul £19 Emblem In the latest flnmu the Can ndlnn vessel flown Shlw tied up at 01103120 all summer In hugdnrcmm refused to loud her wax damaged by dyna mllo blast emy Sammy Hal BanksTo Appeal Months Term In Jail cnnJiKIBy II In connec nbmm mid mm lll which mlumt mud mu Im Igflyggruwï¬muu The loitxmm mnrkcd by the Salurdny bombing at UN Cnnndinn vmcl Howard Siuw Muck in Chicago liMfl April bccnum American aiiiu the Scalmn international Union oi Canada ilnd wont hundio the nhip Innmcd by UN CLCmiliiinled Cnnndinn Man limo Union Mr Jodoin urged visamul intervention and nppmprlnic nc lion by iho AFMJO i0 halt member CLO wired acorn Many pmhknl Han Ameri can Federation ol Labor Con mu Industrial omnln flog AFLCIO OHAWA CF 11m Cuna dlnn Lubm Comma Monday qudAthUnfllgd Stale counter pnn to launch vigorous Inter vcnuan 1n the lnlm outbreak of violence unlnst Canndhm Ahlpl and tailor In American pom Folloqu up shan Canadian delomnue uh President ctauqe Jodon of 1950000 Helmc dlractlng that the rum he put under ledml con trol Kannedy suedvnqtnxdu éamdt mien Wu acu to com Ind dam from his manoeui ml to thwm cdunl mart d1 mum for uhml Integration Ilmllar mave preceded dent mutton the Unlvmlty of Alabama In Jun over Wallace opgoxltlpn fiuurdirilen had muvcd on lo the round high lchool at Wallace whu early today uxed zuardamen and stale trooper In chm Metal mar shal out of tha caplwl bulld lna Mnnlzamery decllned Immediate commanl on In Whlla House mum brlnzlnz ha Alabama lchoal crlall to Ahowrluwn 11311 TDVDESIBT Wallace cnllod lhe guard Inla servlcerlzortly alter mldnlaht lo keep Negroes on of whllo rcbools at Blrmlnghnm Moblle and makes Pruldenl Ken nedy promptly plnced the guard under lederal lurlsdlcllon re mava control from the Rev 99 No New l1yeamld boy Ind In yen old KllL walked lnln Murphy ngh School at Mnblle or classes just balma 730 am In become the ï¬rst high school pupils or lhelrrace to ducalante the Alabama pulgllc acloal swam National Guardsmen who had been drawn up around lha lchool at Wallaces ardu de parted few minutes berma the 99 entered Iodoin Asks American Union To Help End Lake Violence By DON MCKEE BIRMINGHAM All AP The federnl ovemment Innk over control the Alabam anlonal Guard by presldenllal nrder today in anionca public xchnal Integration desplta defl lauce of Gavarnor George Wu ace Nationalized Guard Forces Integration Of High School II ML BANKS Nb Maro 7E Pbr CopxN Plan ufgmry Iowpm two Cloudyjntervnla today Cook tomorrow Low mm 43 III tumqrrow 63 For full ME mm mZErdM IA tinmum Mrfnmllflmud Immediat ely IMHW ml min IM mum prnl ndblo or me Ill ul um if lumber in aan ma anhlnl mm lhnl lw drin uled hl power In nnvna 1n tawny or Illrhmml dul aul to exclude hll mil lo Mk1 Juan flnlmurln mlul flu mm runnruul lhm nllm EIU vl lam In Trol Rlvlml dld n01 dwrm ho pmldanl hi lulhurlly and MI Inllln 0n HM runlvnry nll In Ihnw lhnt evurhody wnl In pcrlm mmucnl Inoth II II any lo Imulno tho llsnrpolnl mcnl cl Ibo mmndcnl ml Ila lunn fluI local poll had mad In and mum Mr llnnh hnd cnnlrndtd 1w lnnumlnrd llm cnuvll onlrr In Trulpluvlrm lhrmlah unlun nfljcen Aï¬urinli mu yin fun Local Weather The AFerIO murIUmc trades dcpnnmem mm 19 union In tho Unllmi sum HKIndJnK lho Sealmm lnlemntlnnul Unlon tho iï¬brtrhwnislon Ind comlag of Um guilty ol lhll ntrnclou Incident Mennwhlle Labor Mlnhler MncEnchen received telegram mm um Imrmmu trades do Mmmt flu AFLCIO my nu It was shocked nl lhn dy ggxmfllnz ol the own Ho dmrlbni tho dynnmfllnu 01 ha Howmd Shaw dlrec hm to tho 11ch mcmbcn at our omnnlzauon Mr Judo Hem me Mr Meany or his cxccuthn committee on this my Import nnl matter which In creating bad rcpcmuslons In my coun try Tbera word on whether our Negroes would llaln be permltted to attend Idlwls It lluutsvllle when no trooper showed up Wallace told reporters Monday that Huntsville had nnt been Ignored and that he was galng by timetable lle dldnt explain GUARD GOVEbIEINOR Gun at mvnl Elrmlmm within hours Alter th lrlmlnccd Wallace Itnlked from hlsCnpllal olllce In Manic znmcry underflhcnvy gnayrl Ulla campaign bcfaro live an sacriï¬ced For more than eight hours he ind been cinselnd with key advise in ieit the Wired 110 after ordering guards men and am alien in clear tho area mnnhnis However olncial lame close to Wallace said emler Iml was ho purpose calm utlherzuardsmcn Harmon relulod Mondxy nlght In say whether he had hem directed to carry out Ihc governors executive order bar gng Integration in the lhm lei Ilenhld Viihcr lunrd units would be on federal aler hasls and remain on their civil Inn jobs unless ordered Into no lion State AdjulnmGrncrn Allred Harrison hnd called about 300 guardsmen ta duty replacing Ilnle trooper who Iurnud away 10 Negro pupil while school mulhree clues Mgndny Harrison said the gunrdamea activated by Waiiaca and done livaied stale unit by the president would report to arm nries in Birmingham Mobile an mam Mablln under order of Wnllace before Issuance of tho nresldcn llal direcllvu whlch removed Wnllnce as thelrjammanderw They were withdrawn quiéidy After the Kennedy order was In nounccd It 0ch 000 rownrd or thug In pnlon