COLUMBUS Ohio AHSe em servicemen have muted down and out printer whu ind decided la make some money the easy wayon his own press Agents conï¬scated some 00 000 in linkhcd and partially completed counterfeit no bill in raid Sunday ni the combing Allan hum and printing shop of Richard Rnwinnds 34 west nenrby Delnwnre He was charged with mnmdncturinx cannlerieil Mia and held on 325000 bolld The Blitth wnl SL Plul In In um lnr Illl pmtn In lhu thurrh lllmy duh wn xlvtn In Memory Mary llnnd and June and Eleanor Booth by Mrl Kmntlh Foul Thu emu donnlkm 01 ll roulroullon MVARD aunanmEs TORONTO CP The On uric Antomollve Transport An mlnllons educational lonndl uOn announced Sundny It MI awarded 815775 in university bursaries la Ontario high school and univarsfly studemn na award lindudg university 91y To ronto Dlocm mtnklnl In St Pnull church Innlsnl Sundly uld lhe worldl population would douva by ms unltn Clurhllnnl ndorpttd mm blrlh tom Sam ha oUm nunlonl nve planned Iyllem and he Chrhllnn rellllon will hm In Idwpt mmothlnm th llln um bcln lrnxlhencd AM new mulde lnl mod la llm dlmle In Um pant wm out the vol of Ihouundl min which krpl lhu populnllun down FOURTH PLACE The um Mulhullnnd lnmily uma Ihrouxh wilh prlu which cued 0mm 60 ll mu Coohlown Jnmbom In week Thll was one In hardul mn lull lhty huva been In or nom llmhg Mr Mulhnlllnd lmcd The lumen with couple Iubaliluie tame lhraugh with win Th Bunlnm lcnm In dudcd Harris Robcrlmn Shaman Swmie Fish cr Sulheriand Lee Small Barber and Martin Conch il Siuwm Fisher Following in ve inning nme homahoc nmu wen I4 y¢d lilci which the purly wcnl Mr Fixherl home in wind up the cvtnlnl with wienm Ind coilee WINNER CANNES IIIVAL AWAM COMEDY By 303 Thu Slroud Emma blll tum thch ï¬nished the team at flue lap of lhc lcnzuc wllhaul being beaten lost In unlu Ind um game Friday nlzhL INNISFIL NOTES Thu bureau laid Canada Ind 177 policemrn at Ihe end 1961 The RCMP had mum of 5812 Ontario valnclal Po Hce 2069 and the Quebec va Inan Force 1562 Municipal po lice forces numbered 16162 and the remainder wm dlvlded among the CNR CPR and the National harbors board forces Pollce dealt with 901853 of 95 not counting trafï¬c In UnAWA CPOflm1nll Hon look the lives of lzClnl dlln policemen In 1962 oom Ind wllh only two such dell 1991 the bureau of slatlsllcl reported Another Iivu on duly police alflcm died Itddentally on war than In ml Prints Money Mari Arrested Funual union will be held to day for Bryce Hyslop 73 president of Tip lhp Cmnen Limited of Gmensvllle mm 1928 um last May Mr Hyalop died Friday In hospital In nearby Hamilton He was pas prgshjen the Ontario nod Pmducera Assodlflon FOUR BOYS HURT inflame cm Four Tor pntn boy were injuredSunday NI trance bursaries ta high school graduate and 20 conun ulng bursaries to Iludenk alded by th foundation during the last our years 12 Policemen Died In 1962 iiWORID NEWS IN BRIEF Fathers Defeat Sons In Ball Game Gmnsvgtw J9 uwmu WW II Ii Althth council had lï¬md Um len wu Imbu plctd nur ha romtr In lllh llnn Ind 10 Ildo rald wnnlnl ul Idml bul lumlnï¬ Goodm law mo school board said Ill Ile nol becqemmi The Inlme hul mm turn lhm hnvlnl In hark Anlo lhl lldv mud Thu cmurond mar Um ml of undo and no vlalhla In nonh bound vchlclu Hund rhulrmln Cling bell urmj mu lho III was nudod Ind he nltl ha would Ihql ll wu plated car n1 brim ha Onlurln Munlcipal Bond lo permll nb mum Io In htnrd la lhu lcvy nl rnlll on portion of tho lawmhlp whkh to be part of the Slniud Community Im in will be hcld on Tuuday ll mm It Slwud ll though Ina here Are no lcrloun objec Ilonl In lho pmcni reudluurd um whlrh wlll be asked to pm vlda Duo ncccmry Itvy lo ulu the moon noth lo provide bulldlnl to In mad rlnk nn dtbmluu wllh In lnlmu mo of 11 per tcnl 11qu 5le szmm The home of John Sutton In Hell Ewm wax dtclartd pub lic plncu lollnwlnu Mn convlcllon on the nle of liquor which hnd conslsled hnmomndo brew The trial which took place mm dlyl no wn llnllly xlvcn Judu mm by MagiIrate Gordon For lcr who 15le line 825 ln cludlnl lhu mu nmnma an given In memory Jamel and Allce Sh Inn by Mrs Dummy Flluimm The rcrcdo was am 1mm Mn Ind Mn Simpkln to be memorlll an heir behall PEIng PLACE new ullprbook was COMMUNIEIS AT MASS GENZANO Italy AHPope PM VI celebrated man Sun day In Trinity Church In this Communlsl vulage the munici Pl council all Communists hr dudlnl Mayor Glustppe dc Saw Attended her crew were rescued Police said the tugboat went down alter bursa she was lowing Pulled ahead the lug by the Ede FOUR MISSING NEW YORK CWThe My lain and three deckhands are missing and pmsumcd drowned followan the sinking Saturday he 5310 lugboal Flushing in the tmachemu Hell Gale ma ol the East River Sb lhreeduy visit whldl Polish ol lids hope will lomshadow in mased Canadian piuchaslnl ol Polish gmds He Is scheduled to continue chnesday to Czecho slnvakla and Belgrade ST JOHNS Nfld CHA tom of 66 death from In epl demlc simmeer have been reported In Newfoundland this year valndll Health Wm gmeg MQGrpLh isaid m9 All in dean in been al Infant undgr one year ON TRADE VISIT WARSAW AHJ Rab at Qanadn qeguimehdster FREIGHT SETS RECORD OTTAWA CPFrglzht rmv In lhrough Canudlnn canals In June reached noordtoul of 10150045 tons the bureau of statistics reported The henvy trafï¬c was alldbuwd mainly lg Increased movemenls 01 iron The June mm was 85 per cent over lhapmviwl high 3354525 on set In May this warm 10 per cent higher than last June Lion has been Ivan math luv Menu to nerve public admlnlsuulon adviser for ma United Nations In Mnb dad and Tobago Mr Nicholson who joined Hydmx some branch ln will cave for ho Caribbean later this month Héwmbevan Idvlsarho Ihe mlnlsler of ï¬nance WRONTO GP Montreal born Ralph Nicholson per We Irecaro magnum whéu they warn awn nu flu Air by an explosion In Lest hole nr Tomntu gutweal wh way now unï¬e construction mm vinlolherfoot hole when th blu named Thraxplmlon HWJhQï¬HIW awnbar coveflIQHI hole baszfom he REPORT 50 DEATHS GIVEN LEAVE Farmer In he Unncd sum alch produce enough food or 27 pernonl while Canadian axmen average enough far as petum IIEIVIVllfl llundud lnlu NEIUM of lgu 1mg grlndx 1m collnu model Anna Kessclaar look at all her clothes during demonstra llon ol nclloa Ihealra by United Stale dlraclar Chnrlca Mamwilz Her appearance an high balcony In lho hail lollawcd prearranged dlapule hu lwcan member the aud him and Marnwilx AI am ml Mlsl Kcuclanr appeared 1mm Deputies said the Dsbnm fam ily managed lo gel Osborn to let them out ol the house when patrol car pulled up Osborn tired two shots and he gunbal lle hum EDINBURGH Reuters lhnpely 19yearold girl stripped nude lhe Edin burgh Fcallval Drama Con rrence here Saturday night while lnlcllcclunls and Inn audiunce debated The 1th lra the future AulhnrRIe anld Mrs Linda Osborn the vlcllms sistern law called the sham 0mm and said Osborn had lhraatened lo klll his family and everyone In the hour GIRL smps AT FESTIVAL The Muskhlzum County sher ulflce ldenllfled lhn vIcllm 29yearold Waylnn Osborn Hopewell nbou 10 miles west of here Mmklngum County man anthnr flies said parcnlly went ber serk was at and killed late Sunday nae gun battle with mar Ihan dozen policemen Berserk Man Shot In Gun Battle DuiierinSimme Prawns ive Canservaiivu elected provincial riding assaciailon Ii the nomination meeting in Alilsian Part oi the execu live for the ionhcomlng icnn zgmvutw Ohlo AmA FARM YIELDS DUFFEBINSIMCOE pc RIDING assocmhéii We also wnnl nomclhlnx dam nbnul the levels of work mcnl mmpcnsallon and nboul lhu utnlmcnl rchabllilnllon and cmplnymtnl of Injured work he added maid the warklnz condi llons or lnbmn and radw mm In Onlnrlo csncdnlly My measures need most rloux attention TORONTO CPIOntnrlo Lib eral Leader John Wintermcyer said Saturday Liberal swam mcnl would an up commillce oi the legislature to Inquire lnln all Aspect of the Workman Compensnllon ML Several lhmunnd Chincsa cl vlllam have been rcponed build 1112 mailer fortification In Ihc Would Examine Compensation Act Says Wintenneyex The mlqmnce lo tralnlnx Runs underlined the deepening gravity of the SovleIChlncso struggle since the chines d15 closcd last week that Ultra had been Incident on the border be tween the Soviet Union and Chin5L Muck on the main bulwark of the world Soviet system and training gum on the vanguazd at the world Communist mova mant on any pretext cannot be resumed as other than break lng up of the unity of the social ist camp fllo Soviet Communlsl party newspapcrxepmduced resolu tion adopted recently by the Communist party of Costa Rica The resolution said MOSCOW APPnsshg he propaganda war against Red um vadn reached to Gen lkmezjgaSundny go an gt cusamn that he emunTE Chlnese am mining guns an Soviet Communism Costa Bican Communists Join Verbal Attack OnVRed China are pictured here Back row from left Reid Mans field third vice president Delmar Gallaughcr pas pres Idem Erlc White Orangr ville ch vlcepmsldvnt PA 94391 Tho Orlnlmrl DrlvnIn BARRIE WIHI Oh Cholco of flu Plcluru Lmln Road In Mu CHy beiwun Hwy 400 In Gomulka speaklng the an4 ma harvest lestlval was ruler rlng to mum disagreement with the Sovch Unions policy of pepcclul mxislence He said appear Clunas leaders do not helluva he secur ily ol lhcir nation 15 Mncd hr other with he fraternal a111 nnce socialist Milan IS ONE OF SEVERAL The Cosh Rlcan statement was one several slmllar al tacks on ha Chlnese appearing day In the Soviet grog ton Thevnowspaper Prud Labor renewed charges racism and nannallsm against Peking lead era In Warsaw Polnnd Comma rust Party Loader Windyalaw Gomulkn said Sunday Commu anl Chinas leaders blinded by ï¬le dcslre to have Ihelr own nu clear weapons would destroy the ally of erd Communist mgvemcnl central Axlan Chinese province of Slnklnng Unconfirmed re ports here have said the So vlu Union has beefed up ll mll ilnry slrcnzlh on he Chinese border Fred Steele Creemore reas urer rant row from Icft Norman Bush Calling £011th vicepresident Mu LHHI Colllngwaod auflu vicepresident Frank lel on In Iha CHy beiwun Hwy 400 and MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THE INTERNATIUNMLY ABBLAIMEI HIT JUST AS IT WAS SHOW IN THE MAJUR CAPITALS OF THE WORLD HUROfflA DRIVEIN THEATRE Comparison of traffic from the United Slate that of olher years puts estimates us spending In tho pravincu about 2350mm In August The ï¬gure will prn My uctnd $500000000 by the and of the your TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mu More than 1000000 camper used pmvlnclal park aniline berm Aux 25 mpercent more lhan last year Dally vehicle poxml sales were up 13 prr cent Ind unnunl permit me per cent Until August the number cars entering Canada from he Uniled Stakes totalled 4179067 Onmrlos share wns 3181311 and 11 Increase over Inst year 242775 was greater than he na tional Increase rncyunl dale ram tourlst resorts cnmp grounds and border crossing points lndlcate Ontario attracted more haltdayers who spent mare moneythts summer lhlll ever helm Suinmer Season Tourist Dollars Set Record Higginsan Angus president and Donald Patterson Oran ville treasurer Not In ha photo Lallmer Am can ï¬rst vlccpmldcnl Ex aminer Photo lLOIRONAQ QMqum tn FIRST DRIVEIN SHOWING Soulh TODAY and TUES The Canadian health depart ment reported in Auguxt that nveraxe ievei oi iang lived radioactive iaiioui reached rec ord heights in Cpnada during June but said Ihey were rliii within acceptable limits uvuauluv The report said the increase would result largely from nu clear weapons telling In 1861 and 1962 heallh service lpokumnn said In aervlce luwalchm with great Interest in see whelhu here will be Inntlapal lowering of he llmnflumW count In Iuhsequen months since Jun was the mi 1961 mpnlh wnuhlh Thu councll sald last May lllll the lnlloul levels lhla year would probably be aubslnnually ln creased over those ln I961 bul wauld still be In relatlvn terms for short ol gum whlch would cause concern or justlly counter measureEx cuslveamounu of slrontlumW ln food could causa hone can LII wonfnngume ll upwwunnln day Thin was nearly double the nallanal level l7 plcocurles recorded In June 1962 the high ell for any monthlasl year okesman for the servlce lald llzuree bore out estimate made earlier In year by the legit radlnllarmncll WASHINGTON AP The milk lupply oi the United Slate during June contained record high national daily level oi picycuriea ui radiancliv siren tium so per Hire the Public Eieallh Service reportedjalur Rféï¬iiéys TEE BARR HAWK MONDAY SEPTEMBER mm Strgntiulmll Léirél Reaches Record In US Milk WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11 REGULAR ROUNDs SHARE THE WEALTH SPECIAL ROUNDS $240 JACKPOT lEGION HAll 71 COlllER 5T STARTS WEDNESDAY BINGO LEGION PLUS BIG HITI NcrvrShI lhe reporl also naldlhal levels of short lived rafllwac Ive maler dropped sharply some at them so much they could hardly be measured TRY EXAMINER WANT ADE PHONE PA All Sm uunllm mpxm null Wm tauer rm KIM mqu Inn Wed lilm to to ynur altoIlia truly lmpuy madam InventM um ml warty 711mm and IIIfly It Hills camMien KIWIEN WINSMI REVIEst ll 7011 And CHARTER II only If