ONE TOPIC OF DISCUSSION will be whether or no the league will sztch IoScnlorB Thisrwould mean unlimited Imports and Its no secret local hockey of ficials are not in favor this Pnlnw who had bun In much we mum Inhlnd wu nvnn Nirklnun Ifltr 1mm Ilul the nrAluur HUI ht ml MI drlvo nln Im right mush run lnln lmuhlr and Unok In nm dmpprd hlm mm imku behind Nlck luul who pu MI MM on Hun mu And Hun awfullrd mm ll loot or hll MI Ilnflu mgAnn norm Jnck Hod down In par all Immudlhewny IMR AlaId Jullm noun United Hula 0pm dumpkm hlrdiod wt lb In lDIKI an mh hula WM lho bll dillemm Mid Nlcklnul hldnl lllrwuy ulna the ma ho And In 1mm In AKRON Ohio ANWeary und upset Jack Nlcklnus lho Illum and Pmlcsslaml Gal Amelnllon champion lull Ind enouzh Lcnm ldl Sunday to turn back an Amold Palmer dullmze ml npenl or his lop priu 01 $50000 In Ibo Wadd So in cl Golf 1110 nyumld bcllrr 1mm Columbux Ohlo Icvm llmu bluw Kood load In lha lwodni playofl Dul ho tune up wll he nousury than on crucan ole to turn back IIJ challeng By Rick FRASER Exnmlnor Spam Editor This Is 6118 of tnose Mondays when theres lo the things to note so ratherthsn spend the whole cqlnngn on one item well breeze around zm in the National Hockey League veterans and rook Ies are trying for berths with training camps now un derwaz The cning of training camps means it wont long be on well be digging iho winter clothes out of hiding and frankly Its not such hot thought The local club ma try for 40game schedule Thls would give them our more home games over the year Ilaere should be plenty hockey news following to morrow nlghls session Mlcr league matters are ï¬nalized the local loam can start to work In hockey meeting of the Georgian Bay inter mediate Hockey League is slated for the Barrie Arena tomorrow night Therell be several important items on the agenda Consumers wound up In first place over the reg ular schedule but they were taken to the full ï¬ve games before getting by Simcoe C0401 tn the sam finals Thls should be good series Lakevitiv is Cinderella team if ever there was one thless in their first eight starts they came back to land playoff berth and knocked off secondpiace Smiths Dairy in three straight games Consumers will pin their hopes on the right arm of Gord Madge Hes their ace and nine of the top pil chers in the circuit Game time is slated for 830 pm and aflei the hum of ball displayed in the last two games huge crowd is expected to be on hand tonight THEyINTERMEDIATE SOFTBALL LEAGUE ï¬nals will open lomorrowevenlng at seven oclock at Queens Consumers Gas and Lakeview Dairy clash in besta even series and if Lakeview has pitchers Jake Jacob son and Ed Lulz on hand Consumers are in trouble Nicklaus Takes Golf Tournament Butch Boyd and Wen Downey will probably tie the opposingpitchers tonight Boyd lost to anney in the third game and Wen was hotter than threbdollar billy Boyd hasnt been zi ping emin lately the way he had been all season ut he can he lenty tough and when hes right theres not better pltcher in tho league Swltching to the local ball scene Stewarts Garage and Barrie Plaza me tonight 1n the ï¬fth game of thelr beatofseven Senior Softball League final series Its all tied up at 22 and Plaza ls hot Stewarts waltz ed through the ï¬rs two games um nu WI II In our IIIIV BARRIE BOWLING III pump ll 1m If the Yankees dont showup for their remaining games in the American Lea theyll still winithe ennani there They can ta it easy from now on he bench strengih this club showed all season They should be top faverites in the series this year DODGERS AT THIS TlMEare probably remem herlng last year when they blew greatleadend wound up sitting on the sidelines while the Ghana JmeHhe Yankees in the Worldserles Those Cards are hot Theyve won llof their last 12 gamesnnd their etc could be decided when they meet the Dudg ere next week First eyeopener at the sports desk this morning ward the National League results over the weekend when Los Angeles Dodgers had their lead cllpped to Wee and onehalf game ovqr St Louis Cardinals IARRIE XAMINER MONDAY WIDE In Allenon or Kvnlnl Inna llvém Anlllbll to Go Bowllngl NEW SNACK BAR mu mo In mm lg nu LADIES MENS and Mvisn All lEAGUES NOW FORMING SPORT AT GymNC1 Cards Movingi In On NL Leaders Huh Wurrrn Rmhn nrnvrl Mal lhllndcl llld hmmo mum nmr lar 1th limo lying Chrlnly Mulb twrml Nnxlonul Lulua he on luluOrlando Ccpcdl Il lnln Ml lhmnm homer In Irvrnlh hullw lor vtlnry aver 1m Amqu thl Irlmmcd Dudlrrl Nullonnl lunun Itml lo umu over Imfldvpllfl 6L Mull fly THE MLHOCMTED PRES Palmer was third with 71 And In total and New Zenhmd lcflhnndcr Bob 0min whn wed hula Ulo Locmd Mud ed for mu with Nicklnul had 11 lot 141 him and Charla 0416 won $5000 much Ilap uld Nicklaus mlyho um hmm was uill urmt over what hmde Saturday slumd MUM Ind About Mrrnlh halo nnd will hang lnu Um ball out to Um fllhl Juu Illdnl cm In hll the map usually have for closing 69 and In one stroke behind Nicklmu Ind plcku up second plm money ol 515000 BALI STARS Wu cry mun to ob uln Hunkn Irrvlm or lhll unum Inld tlub presidenl Jhll llrnmll on In but ma lnulnm Partrldau lrnlnor wllh the Barrie Flym More um Junlor hockny Iuh moved to Niunnrl Fnlh Ho still ï¬rmly nrmlrd In he Flym Ind olntd mm for Ihclr Momarinl Oup ï¬nal mlu lml bprlrgm Thl nummrr ImMu mu minor with Tmelova min nlor BaIIbAI Lem Hank Pmrldxc rlnrnn lhr rln hockey lrnlner was nnmzd In week the rnlncr 11 Burrie Inlmmdlnla hockey duh lhlx Mon Bath have perfect rec ordsal home For he Ala was lhelr third sumssiva win In Montreal They lost two game on the road to open the season The Ticlls have won Ihreo nl home and now have last hm in Vopposillan enl my Montreal has picked up ï¬x points in only ï¬ve games while Hamilton hu If Combining am wm over the Iiied Winnipeg Blue Bmmben ai Montreal Sunday with Oiuwa Rough Riders um upset vic Iury over Hamilton Tigercau Saturday in Al lied Hlmiilon for up 5130 Hockey Club To Have Hank Partridge Montreal Aloueues mask pop ulnr ptMenson chulce lo lead the Canadian Foolle Leagues Eastern Conference this year ï¬nally made Mn In place during the weekendwith help ram gmexpcgled spurts with lowcost termplan loan Fm ScrvlouConvmiml pamnuLlrblnwred THE CANADIAN PRESS Als Moxied Into First Place Tie With Cats For the best car deal FINANCE IN ADVANCE Jack Nicklaus disphy his $50000 cheque for winning the World Sal Golf II Akron HANK PARTMDGE Rom BANK NICKLAUS HOLDS $50000 CHEQUE nu IN umlm Mann lenld Gmmw munnl 55 Thllllnd flamed Curio lay Alma 12m ll lpplnu Ann nnm Adar mm in Philippines Imochd out lei Sill its Guam and IfrmlmWnym Thum lnn mu anu Cnlll vul poimd Jan Manna lmllm 10 Mlhn uIySlndm Maulm lhl 1H llnly knockrd nu llnlyh Dupu 151 New Dr ltnnl II THE ASSOCIATED IREM They ltd It thy qulrlar Ind PM It the hull In lhu faunh ulnar with Dltk nmrn Ion rcllevlng Kenny Plotn ll qumuhnck Whlnlpel icked up must 01 Ill leven flnl own But lhe AI added their ml in point In lh me qumcr Moimiuilnuhcd wlu um downs nllhauxh Murrlall Ind Intqumer remcement Ran Amman had two touchdown from halibut Tummy Grunt one Inch from end Hal Puller Inn Ind quarterback chla Fl Ioney Ind lhm convert by Diva Vlll The Mount completely dominated the Bombers llrcd nner lcarlnx win ovcr lhe lubrlco Argonuull In Tor onlo Fr day They mshed or 121 ynrds ta Winnipeul n3 wllh Cluk mam up In and Dixon 100 All aroma WIImIiiu Icared Its Ibnc point on Geoer Hemmlnxl widu my 105 alternle The Ottawa maxin wu led by lineman Mae Rncluc who booted Held ca 28 Ind 11 yards hm convert Ind lln gIe llnlmukl Emlo White In Ron Slewart and end Georg helu l50led lhp touchdown Clnrk neared lwo Iauchduwm or Mantras one on Mud run and the olher on dryrd pass ylly with qumuback Frank Bubbl MAIMott Gama Dixon Ind Dave Hopp mann nch neared WII Ind Bobby Jnck 01m and Gina Beret each kicked llnlle The ï¬nal point cum an The Grey 01 champion mm Bomber muld no movn lho bill or tingle in down In the flnl lull Ind manned beh only point on wldu ï¬eld and attempt Irm recovering lum ble deep 11 Manuel territory For Illa Ala halfback Dan Clark and GeorgaDlxon led the album parade but the slum Manual delence was rally the nary the lame Montreal broh nub IlnlllcM llruk Thu victory ovu he Bomber wan the ï¬rst win for Eul In lnlerlocklnn Hume with teams at by West ern Conference FIGHT RESULTS yesterday He won 1m year serlu loo Nicklaus Hnlshcd with no at the so bola It Ann Kenmy llrzd llvehll er lor ha wlnncra She had twohlller golnl into the MV enlh tramz Lamb and Baal Iva Kearney the mast lmuble nah plgkln up pglrrol hlls Camch and Irena Rnwn uch wflh Lhm hlts paced llhh muck by Monlrchs on St Thomas plkhar WM Burris Hillch Monarch rubbed land In their In lcrmcdlnle Prnvlnclnl Wo mens Sonbnll Union bestu lhreo lulu wen Ihny ham mered St Thomas IN In name playad At St Thnmu Sal urday night The Twin wllh Faloney mos 01th way and Frank Cox enuno In the ï¬nal quartcr flew through the air for 30 yuds with 14 pass completion on mempu Fnloney lhrew lo Pat teron or yard launhdnwn pl nd Grnnll recand Vlouch down time on s7yardwpm ply ram Connuno Oleu quarterback Rusl Jackson completed ulna 10 nu or yards Otlnwn roiled up ï¬rst down most of these an Iho lmund lo Hlmlllons must In the Air Slewnn picked up on the RIdux no rushan ynrdx almost cqunlflnl Hnmll lo on 39 Haddock completed only three nine passes or 74 yards Plaen and Thornton compleud Ievennqg 19 0176 yard In Ottawa the Rough Rider new trailed they moved to within two poll the mm lead using superior ground ltlfick Ind kggtlgr ball conlmL Monarchs Cop Opening Tilt 0f Series the Fireilone Country Club me stroke ahead of Julius Bows AP Wirupholol than Equipped 7c Hang CENIRAL TAXI Uh lruumm IraMb In gm uln Ian Mount mm hum Need backtoschool cash Got an Shoppers Loan 5th new to Ihu bu clothing valual Ply lav booku luillon luppllu Bovvowconl onllyhomlho com ny hackld by 85 BHELTEIIS YACHT The Italian 5th villus ol Porlonna Ion lhu hlven of ï¬shing ham now Im mnra luxury ylchLI lhln worklnl crnll Wilson Ind Brown luv clawed uch other In rinu arm Clllldl and the United States Wnuon ll believed would ralher have nothan to do wifll Brawer It Isnt that 111i bout headllnu the leml inn The Mukedjeuroyor lfld Tony Pulsl and the opener Ilia Dle10 and Mike VIIen mmTI be no llmo 11mm xvi anle¢o he ï¬nish Paruclpnnh In chk Bull dog Brown and Whipper Bllly Wauon lwu lanxdma en emles line Theyve thrown out most the stops for tonights maln evcnt mum on the pmleulonnl Emmi gald jingle Arena You um Baflle To Finish In Main Event Mat Card Tonight Corby Adam wn ullndout for Plan Ha Imuhed three Ilngle In our trips icored run on nhmy bl has nu ninz Alter Junllnl the Vulr not only worked his wiy out or couple tight spot but he dualch with two on In the filth Innlnu drlvlnl In one mnmnd thn other runner cored on the nma phy mu mgywmzlorgpn For Stewarts Jlm Annxlronx It was his ï¬rst playofl lass He scored two decision over True love Healing In the semlHnn sexlea and blanked Plua 120 in this act He wls clipped or nine hlu all lune AgAMs suns Stow won the In two name and 110 and huha prom picked up 19 hits Wan Downy Iluwed thorn down with ï¬x hmer Ind vlc to In tho third nmo Ind Jack Va flopped hem with In naghit parlormnncn Saturdly nu anca handnomo 14 lead cl Sleww Gm In thclr besta1 uvgn Senior Soltbnll League ï¬nal Jule 1mm BM rle Plan Iona mum at theyfll bah ml trouble tonight If they cant reth toms of the Mltlnm powerthey showed 1st v19 lung n1 le cvened thc mm Selma night 10min PIIk Mm may and declsion Filth lune L1 not for mum Plaza Eveï¬s séries Fifth Game Tonight OIL DO HAD SMALL ADS YOU ARI WHIPPER BILLY WATSON he eels chk luck ouzh customer but nther um the Bulldog hu never been known to nuke evan HHng Mend Action mm It Armslronz was In trouble again In he sixth Wlth one awly Corby belted his third ulnale Martha war are on am error to second bmman Bill Berlrnrn and bath ldVlMed on passed bull Wln Duwney hit grounder the Inï¬eld Ind Adams made the move Inward home Catcher Art Martin hnd Ihn lull Ind Lried to run Corby down between third and home Jlm Edward look cm um by dimming but emp homer to right ï¬eld In tha top Uh IIXUL Adlrm Lwn Jingle ware the only hi or Armstrong am he ï¬rst our Innllm Ken drm aimed the rally wm on out who mm He Angled rlaht and Glen Admfoll owed with sinxluo left his brouth up Valr and he mushl or Ilna drivelu Cantu Im scored on the plly And centre fielder Geoer Falwnor um fielding the ball mraw wide to third and Adnms mod home lxpnrfln wmuma nun The SARJEANT Vur wunl loo sharp mm He was Had or con 19 llnzles In the nm In at And double play took him but the Jam saw11 noted the urn run the mm in 115 second when Bill Benraml doublc drovt Ln Pom Mcglgxkey uni munch hll to him he in on men other piny wglhqut mucum unu cal yuu ï¬emembor Nissan tho ammbla mum or sub THIS SYMBOL MEANS CASH WHEN YOU NEED IT Yes this symbol repreunu calh up to $3000 cvon mm for any worthwhfln purpose Niagara has over 235 oflicea from com to was andduna gnu pear yum no WW7 mum cnmu ll Plum um omlm ll comm IL lhnll wanna nunum ll nm llu 2lMory Sm lonln Phon PA BZ46l NM FINANCE COMPANY llMIIEfl Spmd your lunl all myran manly over many mmxlhl wllhaul lumen Avnld heavy mldwlnkr mlymcnll whrn Incl canunwllnn II put Deliver made nulnmnllcnllv bolero yuu run law You nanr hm all or Sunhcnt Ihr bllmltd hub lnl With lo bunhul mind now HOME HEAT SERVICE SARJEANTS BUDGET PLAN Tlllfl mnwca INCLUDE PM llumer 5min Ind Cmdlllmlnl Hum Emcrunucy MM bulnlly Yw pay only or uplmmml mm Contd llulunta Full IMAM SUNHEAT PAYMENTS Thu Luau AILhumn Contumll lam Camnlny Hunting Oll AVERAGE AGE KINHENER CPIAver ol Canadlml veterans of tho and World War 19 year com pared to 71 year or those who med In the First World Wu nyl Robert Kohaly ol Estevan Sash membershlp chairman the Royal Canadian Legion HI said the last census hl Juno 1961 showed 1066000 warm In Camdn Fnd 9min doublzd and mu Bertram wal Info on In error to put two runners on wllh one out Armstrong forced Culling third or the second out and pinch hitter Bnlch Boyd popped out to undnlhajnnlnx and my Little 3111 Bertram wn tho only Slewnrlt butler to tuck anr or two lull whlle Ken Tm and Glen Adams allowed Corby Adam Plans bnl ting hmon each wlth lwa hm Plazan Insurance nln came in the dumb Win Downey dou blcd with one away and utter Tran grounded out Gian Ad nml alngled to let cgnm learn Downey In thi previous nip Stewarts threatened In the Inme Tnczlollnwed wlth linxln to mre Adam wllh whatprov ed to be the winning run Arm uroni at tho next two batten lo luvs the bases loaded butCarby not back In nine ind mg hue yer Ioadedk Replln nud lo 11 mm cm Ind truth WHITE ROS Opcn mm to 10 pm DIIIY an Blylleld Sized PA 330 Tmm Can Amnuld On All Ropaln Ormistons