Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1963, p. 10

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Last evening sevcra memA her of the family were scaled In he living room and our three year old grandsnn sud denly asked Mommy whet was before was burn Mary Ellen shocked all by replying You were right un der my heartwarm and safe The boy lhcn asked hnw he get there In mnlhur answered God wished you In he lherc so be planted lime seed and you grew Ihcrc nu Ann Lnndm This lnuchy Iume htcnuso Ive hotn mnrrled nnly lhm mnnlhs but dnnl know where rise to lurn My wlla mom worse Ihnn any guy ever And Iurtharmom when your grandsun grow older Ila will learn lhnl hs molher was lull lng the truthand the truth It menu to me has aomdhlnz commend IL Inc suggest you no bark to your crochclinx and leave ha young molhm alnne syazmss Dur D4 Im sorry but llary Ellann vminn an more beauulul than that ball hum leather about lho slats Isnt It nunsense in tell threeAycawld such things Thu star slory is so much more beautiful Children have plenty lime to learn what life really like Plum commcm on filmLDC Dear Ann Landon Im at adds with my daughterlnlaw hccauso ll way she is tell ing nur grandson about sex It has always been the cuslnm in our lamily to tell the children they were stars hclart thcy were born The other daugh tersdnlaw have gone slung with this lovely story but Mary El lcn insists she is thing to do things her way ANN LANDERS Rutpflon or Lllmnl Candid90 Funk Todd will In hold IN to wing MRS RUSSEL DAVEY kinks women should be proud of their age and above Ill ruthrul about It wo man 35 year old and luck 25 years old so much the he ler think its wonderful to look younger than your years but It damnl mean ymr shnuld he dlshoncst about your age Mrs Davey believes that poise and sellconfidence come with manuily THURS 830 pm ST JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM Mme REPORTER ASKS Twinkle Away From Whole Truth AT THE BIG LIBERAL REEL PRESIDENT ONTARIO lIBERAI ASSOCIATION BOB NIXON MP MEET HEAR DYNAMIC Should WomengTéll Agé IINIIM b1 llama ulrv lien Moodlb Dur Annvlmnden work In line oflica successlul cor porallon Our bookkeeper has In the mtanhmn lum her head gently to the sldc when she slam la snore Somellmes lhls helpsor whlle rgmnnma Your wile xhnuld go to doc lar and lunrn If her snnring is caused by an obstmction In th nnsal passaxc lhats tho Eyeglcm can be easily reme ll cant gn on much longer withoutslccp work job that requires steady nerves and Im gelling shaky from urban Ilnn Please tell me if yau know of cure or snarcrs so can suggest something Instead just mum ur wilh the corn plaintBLOODSIIOI EYES nur Eyu Sleepless mm can hatch whole set serious prnblcms so yaud boner speak up mate baned with when was tin lhe navy To look at her youd nnvnr think such dalnly little thing could make so much noise In her sleep but Is lhu living truth that unless all nslecp first Im dead duck BARRIE PLAZA mm of years youve lived but what you have done wflh them you have used them wisely hey subtract 1mm your age but It vnu hnvellved lhem unwise ly then they detract MRS JEAN GABle tam menls that she thinks its fool Jsh or woman to He about her age What dmerence could it posslbly make or has womans use become an important Issue Mrs Gable asked fer oplpion is that VENUS calrruiiE SEPTEMBER TO OCTOBER Teenagers SOFT EASY TO MANAGE MODERN STYLES PERM SPECIAL Dur lumpy Go to Ihe pll em tomorrow Ind show hlm Loopy tha letter whlch you shnuld wrlle to he inanclal vice prcsldcnl today Tell ha plllerer the lellcr la zalng lhln lh mnil In so day ll the books are not precisely they would be Thls will give him ample lime In to lhinxa quarcd away And um you to keep your ward GHANA AS MOST Ghana now lead all nlher caunlrlcs In production 01 own causng me cansldcrable concem and now tool must do lamethlnz about Should no In his minister wile or the hon Or should keep my menu shut and hope or he bcslfJUMPY Ive told he gullly person know what he doing and Im urged him to llnp Ive threat ened Io report him but he can tlnues hq 5am aldway Am raid that one day III will be discovered and may be lmpllcalcdy our own an up in such way Ihal this prac tice could not an on without my quwledg been plllenng laIrIy lnr sum money always lug it back inlnslalmenls This has hccn loin on or three yem that knqw oI are very lltlle to be galned by being dlshon eat nbout your age and this ls partlcularly true It at some tlme woman lalslllcs her age on legal document Mrs Smlth has heard several lnstanccs Where woman has put her age back couple of years when she was young and it has causal problems when she was older especial ly ll it was necessary at aome time to prove her true one There ls no harm In woman puttlng her age back or pub llc consumpllon but never when deallnz with legal mat ters dont belleve wom an la dishonest it she Is our sive about harry3e Mrs Smith sald Examiner Pho Mns nannismnn be 00 PA complain was 0000 can vol nmmn ovensus MRWMS CORPORATION Tmnlu My Tishd WM frfiolarvlco 107 Dunlapjpkliul Burl DUNLOP sf His homestyle education be gan six years ago when Mrs Richard Smith believed sha could do hellu lob nl leach 1911mm itfiillfiino The husky Impounder has passed grads through with his mother his teacher the kitchen his classroom and the kl tabla Ml sphno desk My Inslead Myeamld Marcus has hememade education qn the family am In Cape Law three milesfrom this Vancw we Islpnd awn COMOX EC CWMarcus Smllh doesnt an to school be cause his mother links puhllc schnolx turn out children lih in usaqg lnclnry 14YearOld Vancouver Boy Gets HomeStyle Education le about your age of coma she beflem womans an her own minus but woman should neverbe d15 hnnest than it espedllly In matter dealing with legal procedure Women who lle about their 30 are really only lelzlz themselves say the Barrie woman llvo SHOWS YOU THE WAY In Inn mo when you fly by DDAO HalliRoy 707 or TCA DCl jut Iron Clmdl nrlLIn Ind Eumpc 11Day Emmy Swarm am In ywu Hull bl nvlnl our nn roudep Jul enemy um Your trip can long III dun you In nlurn any llmc human and twentynut dun You nn In nun month flu yinham adobe Apr am ron THE LOWEHT llDAY ICONOMY EXCUIL MON ARES lo Hrluln Ind Ennpe ill by HOAO human flrlunnil Blv Iuvlhu 110 on 1d ucutllan ml lhown Ibo 8N your Trlnl AnnL Alhlnlfi 11 10 of nonsens 11 nqncuuzau BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE HOME 3552 MgAlgflamullon Ind Ruomvlom For Your Rmmvlom Gull Now Save 6150 with BOAC STARTING OCT 15 21DAY excunsugm FARES T0 BRITAIN AND EUROPE ALL OVER THE WORLD PA 525 Mum III hm ll She relic an textbooks pre scribed by the education de parlment generally try lo follow the curriculum laid down by the dnparlmenl sh lays Mrs Smith was taken In court by the Camox school board but the magistrate ruled her son could baeducalzd at home cumula Im isfled with studying athnme says Mar ws have the usual tendency study the subjects such math and sclence in which amymost lhlercslcd but my mother usually makes sure donl lgnonitha others san thapl Illka ghouls My teen axe daughter calms 1m und less In an enclosed plum one zlrllookn as though she could lose law pounds the middle one right but my zlrl looks like haggard 40year old woman Sing 19 Wénfyou warn these teem aglewglrrls ngt lo pike nu Ms mm um reducing advice Ino seriously Teen and pre teens lets talk about your nutritional sla tul Girls you an Sharichang lng yamsell nutritionally trying Mbellllnuastrlnxbean take of your dark zlasxel Really look Do you lmaglnn hat plucked chlcken emaan appearance help you to be may mother Mly concerned about her daughter and with good reason sent alonz pl uffiol three glrla She wrltes KEEP IN THE TRIM Bo may Idlers from un derwrth hlu been re neivrdgurxln medal to flu unwellhum III In Jun KIn flurweekdh Main column tothll argueminimum ll km of min T9115 TéehagérsTo Eat Wisely Brle ism PA 66474 The young woman In todayl story undermurished and poorly nourished and at has 50 pounds below her right anxious feeling about being accepied With so much alien lion given in ulimness these youngsters will go in ianlasiic extremes 11 underlying ma son back oi this foolish altitude is alien 0119 mix the proiem Some adolescent girls have an anxiety nhou lhdr looks Lacking sellesteem lhey have anxious feeling about being cceplgd With 59 much amm nlo lyoung Indy In todays column should be dlbckutd over by the fnmlly physlclan wllh out delay 1fher leannesl ls uncomplicated than nourlsh Ing program will Ilberalpro loin and wlth food at frequent lntervals wlIl be mcdbm If the lamlly physl an thlnh ll necessary he wlll suggest psyahlurlc conmllallon Mydaughler ls 5a¢all and weighs 74 pounds She eat an little now that her slumnch can no longer accommodate much food He halr doesn spukle the way It used too and she la lacking In energy but goes at new pace Cant you help such £er to hit happy me dium on this weight question Well shall most certainly try Girls In your teen and pro lecn year your nutriuon re qulremem are unusually blah To slight good nutrition durlnz your formative years is utter ollyl Them In no beauty Wilh out health and good health ll not possible will malnulrlllon NEEDS CHECKUP en panama Excellent ladllue or prlvala 701 termprivate Hot and cold water In room Reglslcr ed Nun ln attendance STAYNER NURSING HOME AYNER ONT For eld land 9mm MARSHALL Rog PHONE 124 ANNIVEBARY PERM SPECIALS 000 Penn 01250 rum 500 Firm In lum Mlu Karon Molnard Mr John Glovannl HAIR STYLISTS oI DISTINCTION I43 Dunlap $0 In PA 87443 SEPTEMBER TOSEFiEMBER 02000 Penn 1150 Inm 12100 lrrm mm lrnn School Girl Special necessary to use emergency MESHIEL He will certainlyl advise easlly digested small meals eaten at lraquent regu lar Intervals with booslcr nu trients In concenuatcd arm between meals Undernulrljlnn of Hch uflan tend losfimulnle activin and TneJrlodur may find it 10 BARRIEIEXAMINER 4B DUNLOP ST WEST 88 DUNLOP 5T EAST When Your Clothes Are Dry Cleaned YouvNol Ohly look Batter YoullFeel Bener Tool FOR PICKUP AND DELIVERY CALL WRIGHTCLEANERSLTD Youll léok Your 395 Georg Glhlun Mr Ron Parrl BUILT 10 LAST year old Human Alcanura Spaln ll keep the thin girl going at feverishapace Lying down or 30 mlnulos berm themldday and evenlng men relaxing can he unexpectedly helpluk MONDAY SEPTEMBER no PA 8553 00 00 11W 00 E93

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